02-986��ca�v��.a.�.— 0��. 3�,2�ooa� RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA r���t�a Referred To Council File # _ O 4 — �l$'(� Green Sheet # 1 D�-}5� Committee Date 1 WfiEREA5, the Saint Paul City Council held a policy session on July 18, 2001 on homelessness at which the Council 2 heard from experts and community members that homelessness has become an issue of crirical importance in our 3 conununity, as 4• rents increased 34% in the 1990s, while median renter income grew only 9%; 5• vacancy rates for rental housing have dipped to near record lows, hovering at 0.2% vacancy for the region's rental 6 housing; 7• the number of newly constructed housing units in the metro azea have failed to keep pace with the azea's - 8 population; 9• melro area homeless shelters have gone from having 1,325 people in one night in 1987 to 4,724 in 2000 — a 357% 10 increase; and I1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Emergency Sheker Grant (ESG) Program was established'm 1988 with $115,000 in funds 12 from the U.5. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HLiD) and with nearly $45,000 from the State of 13 Minnesota; and 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Za 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the Ovemight Sheker Boazd has acted in an advisory capacity on the appropciate disbursemeart of these funds, operating under the general direction given in CF #92-529 which indicated a preference for propasals which provided for the 1) prevention of homelessness; 2) assistance to homeless people in attauung self sufficiency; 3) partnership with other nonprofits and governuiental agencies; 4) assistance to victuns of domestic abuse; 5) consistency with the most recent recommendations of the Overnight Shelter Board; and 6) provision of funds for program and facility eacpenses not covered by other sources of funds; and WHEREAS, these funding priorities have not been ro-evaluated in the past ten years, in spite of the fact that the comple�cion of homelessness in Saint Paul has changed cansiderably, as the Council heard at its 3uly 18 policy session on the issue that: 26 • While the state general population incteased from 1989 to 1999 by 12 %, the number of inen r�eiving shelter 27 services grew (from 1991 to 2000) by 58 %, the number of women grew by 157 % and the number of ctuldren in 28 emergency and transitional housing grew by 250 %. 29 • Although shelter capacity F�as increased from 1991 to 2000, the number of homeless people turned away for lack of 30 capacity grew faster than shelter capacity. 31 • 41 % of homeless adults were released from an institution, homeless program, or treahnent center in the past year, 32 and 49 % of those had no where to go; and 33 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County aze now two years into their Five Year Housing and Homeless 34' Services Report and Plan and a recent status report on this plan presented at the CounciPs policy session indicated that 35 very little progress had been made on the development of needed transitional and supportive housing units, as well as 36 emergency shelter space and beds; and 37 WHEREAS, the City Council and Mayor have been committed to increasing affordable housing opportunitles in our 38 community across the income spectnim as defined in the City's adopted housing plans; and 3� , Oa - ��'L 1 WHEREAS, it is consistent with the City's strategy of constructing and rehabilitating affordable housing that the City's 2 involvement in homelessness should involve capital �penditures for new emergency shelter construction; now therefore 3 be it 4 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council allocated in 2001 $200,000 new , previously unallocated to housing 5 Commm�ity Development Block Crrant (CDBG) unspecified contingency funds, and $50,000 Community Development 6 Block Grant (CDBG) fund balance to be used for development of new ar addirional emergency shelter space and beds; 7 for new or additional units of transitional housing, or for the operational support of these new spaces, beds or units; and 8 be it fiurther 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council gratefully aclmowledges the commitment of the Family Housing Fund to 10 allocate $200,000 to this special Fund, as a match for the City's additional allocation of $20Q000 in CDBG funds to be 11 eacpended on these housing needs; and be it finally 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby provides the following funding priorities to staff and the 13 Overnight Shelter Board for funding through the federal Emergency Shelter Crrant (ESG) Program for 2003: ESG 14 Program funds shall be for the ESG Program's traditional azeas of focus enumerated in CF #92-529; and be it 15 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby provides the following funding priorities to staff and the 16 Overnight Shelter Board for funding through the federal Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program for 2003: 17 • $50,000 of the estimated ESG Program funds for 2003 shall be for development of new or additional emergency 18 sheher space and beds; for new or additional units of transitional housing; or for the operational support of those 19 new spaces, beds ar units constructed using the aforementioned funds; 20 • the balance of ESG Program funds shall be for the ESG Program's h�aditional areas of focus enumerated in CF 21 #92-529;and of 22 • at least $So . ��a/�fhe estnnated ESG Program funds in subsequent years be allotted in the same manner; and 23 • applications for operating funds must clearly demonstrate those funds would be used to support the added capital 24 capacity of the organizations; and be it � SoO, o00 25 RESOLVED, ttiat the City allocate al] the above monies, $338;86� to create a Saint Paul Emergency Housing Fund, 26 and that this fund serve as a resource in the City's Planning and Economic Development Department that is dedicated 27 and allocated for capital construction and the operational support of these new spaces, beds or units, through an annual 28 request for proposals (RFP) process to shelter and other housing providers. Requested by Depariment oE Sy. Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date O e�_}3 �?� a�, Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary ��_ 4 R-t_ DEPARTMEP1TfOFFiCE1COUNCIL DA�EIN1'MYcD � -' _- _ Cmmcilmember Hams 9125l2002 GREEN SHEET No 1 L f� � 0 9 �azcia�o rmind�66-8570 ��� M � oEr�un�rowccroR ancou+u. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATq � IaJa3JD� � xur�eeeroa ��•rwnoac�r arvmuc aoonxc � ❑n�vcc�uamnccsoac wuxry�mnn�ccro ❑wrwelae�smsuxr� ❑ T07AL # OF StGNATURE PAGES {CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTFD Appmval ofresolution creating the Saiet Paul Emergency Housing Fund and establishing revised guidelines for the use of Emergency Shelter Gran[ (ESG) fimds w6ich enco�•e more use of ESG fimds fo-r capital projec[s. ECA ME D TION Approve (A) w RejeU (R) VERS�NAlSERKGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWTNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfrm ever warked uMet a confract for Nis department9 PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO q6 COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis peisor�firm evx been a city employeeT CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION VES NO , ' 3. Does this DeisaJfinn P� a skill nd namallYPOSees'•ed bY anY curtent citY emPbYee? " YES NO 4. Is Mis pelsoNfirm a tarpeted veMoR YES NO F�mlain ell yes arm�vers on aeperate Sheet and etqch to D� eheet INfTiATING PROBI.EM ISSUE. OPPORlUNITY (WYw. What. When. Where. Why) ApVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS COSTIREVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONk7 VEE NO FUNDIN630URCE - ACTNITYNUMBER FINPNCIPL INFORMATION (EI�WNJ