253172 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ��v�. • � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOLENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED That the Counc il of the City of Saint Pau 1 hereby takes cognizance of the pendency of certain proposed legislation now before the Min.nesota Legislature and embodied in House File No. 357, relating to the taxation and classifica- tion of property; providing as to Class 3B property, that is, homestead agricultural land, increasing the exemption from �4, 000 to �8, 000 of full and true value , and adding a pro- vision which increases the exemption for a person 65 years of age or older having an income of not more than �5, 000 to be taxed as though his property were Class 3B property; and RESOLVED FURTHE R� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves said proposed legislation and urges the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations to work towards its passage . FOR(v1 APPROVED ` . �J _ .� `e1.���r"�iwoQ.� Asst. Corporation Coul�se MAR 181971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays I�IAR 19 i97� Butler Carlson vP� 19_ Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor �Against T�� Mr. President, McCarty MqR 2 7 197' PUBLlS�i�;ll � . . ♦ - ��l���y� . ♦ C1 � A bill. re l�i t;ing �o �t;he tata.tion and classif icai; ion of proper. tS� ; providing as to Class 3B property, �th���t is, Ylomes�;ead a�ri_cu]_tul�a,l 7 a�zd , inci cas i.rl�; the eleinpt ion f�°om �"4, 000 Lo �8, 000 01' full ��nd t;i°ue value , arid �dc�i�1� a pro��isi_on which increases the e�emption for ��. person 65 years of age or ol_dei° h��ving an income of no�; more than �5 , 000 to be t�xed as thou�l�i his property were Cl�ss 313 property . ��, r, . � � r'`t _.., � r: _ � .� � ,� , ._ . , , __ . _ __ ._ _ .. ._ _ . , -�"`...�' g H �� , � �46a , , � • � Introduced by Vonto, F�ricy, Bolt�nd, � H.F�. No. 3'��J R. Jo:v��on, Solon Compani on 5.1� . Janu�.:y 27, 1971 Rcf. to S, Com. 12ef. to Com. on T�xa.; . Reprocluced by P'riILLIPS LLGTSLA'I'NE SL:lZl�1CL _ g A b411 �or en �ct " Q relm� { �� to taxstions classifies� ian of g p�oper�Yi increasing homes� oad a � axemptic�nj cre�tifir�g cl �ssi � ication for . g � e1de� 1 � S bm�ndine� Ninr�eso� �. S�atu� e� . � • g i969, S�ct $ or� ?.730 13o Subc�i v i s� ons 6 and r �s • ' . , �.p BE ZT ENACT�� BY TNE I��GTSIpATURE OF TNE 5TA7E dF. ,MYNN�SQY�t . 9 Sec� i.on ib Minr�esat � Statu� es � 96�� Section 273 , �;5� • � � iQ Subdfviston fa is amendc�d � o re�d� • . . � il 5ubde 6. CCLASS 3b• , R�P� CU � �UI"� 1 l �no, oxcept ns !Z provided by class � her�df � and k�hici� is uce� 4or tt�Q � 13 purposes afi a hon�est��dr sHat l car�stt t��c� cl �ss 3b and shat l � i4 � b� val �ed and �ssessed �t 20 p�rcenL of tl�� futi anc( � rue 15 v� 1ue thereof4 3h� pror�er� y � ax to be paid on cl �sv 3b 16 Proper�y as a� her�,�tise de� errr,fihed by lat� �a� �x��ed� �� �0 � �,�-. bcresf rec�ardless or w}�e� her or not the � ru� pr�d �� 11 value � 18 1s 1t1 eY.Cess ofw-Yu�'r���4-i�P �8eU00 v �o�' U11 pui`po3�:s eMG�pt Ch�. ....v.�..,�..:....� i9 paym�nt o� p.rinc � pal snd fir�fierest on bor�ded indebt�edness� . 20 sha11 be rflduc�d by 35 percen� o� the tax � pr^avided th�� the 21 amounx of sa� d reduct, ion shm11 no� eYCeed �2504 Va � uation 22 subJec� ta rel � ef sh�l � be lim� ��d to 80 ae �°es of landr most 23 con� � guaus surrou�ctin90 or borderinq Che houso occup{ ed by � 24 . fiha oarr��r as his dwel t ing placee andR such o� her. str�uctures � 26 � es may be fncluded thereor� util { �ed by tha owner in �n � 26 �gr � eul �urr� 1 pursuita T9` � he ��11 and true vr� l. ue fs i � . 27 a�coss afi tho � sum ofi�-���P ��► Ob0 r the amoun� � n excess q� . '26 of that sum ah� tl be v� l �ed and assessed es pr�ovqcied fior bY � 29 Cl �ss 3e Th� f { rsg--&w��4G� �8� OQ0 �ull c�nd tr�ts v� luo o� � ....� ..r...,. . 30 oach �� ract o� ra� 1 os� a� a �rhich is rurol in choract�;r cand 31 devofied t�r adt�q� �b10 to rVral but nati nQCess�r4ly � . i . � , �_ _ -. -_ _ _ - , h- ` � _ w\ . . _.._. ._.._. .. .. ... .. ___". .� . .. . ..,._._. .. . ......_. ._.. _..__.... . . .... .. .. ._.w..� .�...� ...�-. .�� .. . ... . ...._ �.� . . . . .,.... _- . • ' V�� �l 096k � , . . 1 �i71^ � CU1tU1^a1 us�r u.ed far � he purposc of u homcatecsd shall 2 be �xomp� i` POm ti �x�Cion for stete nurpas�sf oxcept r�s . � . . - 3 apac�it � cmlly provie�ed otherwise by la►�. � a Real estat � wh ; ch is used for purposes cf a homes� cad p,.�...�.�,�.�..�, �,.s,n....��., �,�...o.... � � 5 by a nerson �amicited in tihis statie bQSr�q 6� ye��rs o9 c�g� or . .�,, .-,.w�.s.�.d.��d.,.......s..,o...d...��..�....a...e.n...,..q.a--.......a..�.e.�:,..�.,..� 6 ovor � n � he cale�d�r year prc�c�ding tih� year in which � ..�.�.��.��.mar.o..�.�.....�..e.�.,�,:_.,,..*,�..�..�..�,�_�...m.�..,m.,.�.�..�......�� 7 property tia�;es w� ll be paid by or on berial �` or such person .a.�_....�.�.,.._...�...�.._..,..��_.�..�.....ti.�...�.r..,..,...�..�..�.�,.,�....�..�.�_.,.�..�......._...._.a,.�...,�. g and havtng an � ncor�e ( as defined ir� sec� � on 2�Oo06010 �...�.o...e.�.,,_......w...,�....�.��._,__,.��.�,.�.�.���...�..�...��.,.�.��.,� 9 subdsvision 2) ofi no� r�are tH�n �5sU00 �or such year also „�,,,.�.�...�...,.��...�..�.a�a...�.a�.�.. �,�.,.�..�.....,.�.r.�..,..�...�.o.m..��.� - �. AO sha11 constttu� e class 3b� � �...,�._�..,...�...�,...�, . 11 �srtct� l,�ural lsnd as used h�e� i ��F end ir� section !,2 124o03r shat t mear, c�nt � guous �cr^ea�e o� tei� �c �°e� or moreo 1�� pr � mari lY t���d d�ard �� � he precedinc� year fo� �4r� eultural t4 PUPpoSes�e �agP � �u1 � �tPa1 u�e rnay i �clude r��stiu�Qe t { �b� �� . � �i5• wasee, unt�sabl � w� I d 1 snd Nr�d 1 �nd i nc 1 uded � r� f�cler� i ferm " 16 ��ograms, � � : � � • i7 Rea1 estate of less than 10 acr�s �sed r�rincipatly �or i8 ratis � ng poultiry, l � ve��oc �:r fru� � o vegetebles or other 14 egricul �t�r� 1 �r°oc�ucts� shat l be cons� idered as �tir � c.uiturat . 20 l r�nd` i f i t { � no� used PP � ffli3P � } Y� S01° res i denf: � � l purposese 21 See . `. Mfinne��t � Sta�utes 1969d Sectfnn 27� 013, ' 22 3ub�� vision 7, { s amendod to reads � � 2� 3vbdp 7e� �CI��SS �cr 3cceJ Al t ather rQal est �t �r - • 24 except as provided by classas 1 �ncf 3cer which is usod t�or ' 25 � he purposas o¢ � homes� eod, sha11 constituta ciass 3cr mnd _ 26 sh� lt be valued enc� essessed t�t 25 '�ercent ofi the full and 2�' C �ue V� lt10 thereof � Tne pr°oparty � ar, to be payd on clt�ss 3c 28 �pPnporCy as othQr4�� sa doter�m� nad by 1 awr rQgord� ess o�` � � � � z . , ,. __ _ .. - � - : _ _ _ _ - _. _M _ _._ - _ , �- _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ _�. - � ' s � . - -- --------------- , . --------------- _ . _.._ __ __.�._._� ___ .____ __------- -- -- ' ' E3 R � ; ---,;`;.�e,�: - , , i �rhether or not the true end fult vol �ae � � in oxcoss of � . I 2 ���� �8, OQO a fot` al 1 Pu�pos�s excer�t tihe pc+Yment o� s ��.�� � pr°� n� i ��gl or � r°�� � r�st ar, bor�ciec� { ndobtednessr sh�ll be � . 4 . redueed b� 3� r�s�rce�� o� the amot�n� o � s�ch taxg prov { d�d ; . � 5 � hat t �i� �mo�e�� �� ��+id rodyct � or� shat t r�at e�ceed �250a X¢ � , . , . 6 th� f� � I �nd g ��� vc� l �ae � s in �„cea� ��f, th� ��m pfi�€��`�0�� � . � y �8Fa00 P � I�e anto���� fir-i �ur.c�:� or � het �um �h� ll be vc� lued . i - � .,...�.�,�.� � 8 and �sgess�d as �r6vfid�d f�r� by cl ��� 4o Tho first--��-���� � i g �II� a04 i'� 11 ar�d tiru� valta� �$ ���t� � ��c� ofi such reat es� o� e �� . YO uded 4nr fhe pur�ose�s of � hor�ic�ter�d sF�ai l be cxemp� � rom � . . � If � az;a� i �n '�nr s� ��e pu �Po7e� � �xcep� �4 �peci � ica111' �rovt �ed 12 oCher��� s� by la�o All �^e�l �s� �te «hfi �h � � u��� �ar Ch,� 13 p�r�pase� a� a homa����d by �ny bl 3 ��d (J�r�OP1e �� def � �ed bY 14 ��ct § an 25fi@12 ,° or by any porso� Ch��'ei ��4�ei� r��crred to a� � 1� vet'er�sna who ser�v�d fin the a�ti �� mt 1 sta�y or r�aval ser^v � �e - � 16 of Che Unfted St��es �nd whc� ts �nei � led �o co�p�r�satio� 17 und�r the laws �nd r�nulat � ans of th�s Unite� States for . 1� permanen� ar�d total service�conncsctad c�isabitity due to ti1�e �,g � pss,� or toss o� u�er by reaso� o� ar�put �tion� ��k� losis, 2b� pro9resaiva muscul � r dys� raph � esr ��° Par� lYs � se of bo�ch � 2i 1ow�r ex� r�`�� � Sea� such as to precludo matfi.on w� thout � �e 22 b4 d o� br�cese Erutchesr ct�nesF oP a wMeal ch+c�d ro and who � 23 w� th essfs� a��� �y CMQ admir�� strArton o� veterons af ¢� jrs � . 24 has acqu4ro� r� s�ec � al housin9 un5t Hfi � h SpL''�� F� � fi ��ur�es or Z5 movable f�ciiitiea m�do necess�rY by the nature o� the � . �26 veter�a� � a disabiti �y, �hc� ll constitu�o class 3ee �nd sh� ll � 2y be v� luQd �nd assessed ati � 4v� p�reent of tiho full and Cruo � 2a vmlu� the�eo4Q Th� properCy � ax �o b� p� id on class 3cc ; � . � ,. . a -n � _ � � ; f _ _._ ---_ .-- ________.__ __ _ ; , .. ..._..�_. ._ ._._ - -- ___ _. _.. _ . .. __.. ..._ - . . ._. _ . . . . 6R , 9f��; 096� � , . • � , . � _ ( � � ' � f } ' . . � . . f � � . . d b 1 at� ��fl��dl ess o r � �, p r a p e r^r y a s o t h e r�r� s a ��E e r m f n e Y r . � . 2 whothor or not tihQ true and 9`u1l. value fis in excess ofi 3 t�p�3� �8P000 � 'fa� �11 purpo�es QxcoP� th� paymont a� . . ���.� 4 . P�incipel ot° $ r`�� �res� an bor�cied �indebt�dness� sholl be • � � 5 �educ�d by �a P��'cent oi� � h� amoun� 04 such � axy pPOV $ ded � , _ ; 6 � ha� tl�� amo�r�� c� � sa$ d r�c,��c'c { pr� �h�� ll r+nt c�xc�ed �250o I � ! � Y the rtall �nc� Cr�Gac� valt�� � s i � �:�:�:c:�c o� tf�e �um of �8F006� , � � he am�ount in �xcess df � h�t s��ni ;�ha11 be valued �nd � 9 �sses�sed as Pr��' � de� i n c; l a�s � a • . f0 Se� a 3� Yh � s Act anp� { es or� � y �o re� t estate taxes .�:,,�.�..�.,�,.�.,_-.�.�,�.�_::���.�.�s���..�.�...�._.�. . 11 payab � e in I972 and aubs���an� �er.�r°� e • e�,,���.�.•��e�.o�.��.,�..a.�.w.�.��....��...��„�.u�a.-���� . . � , , a _ , . _ - _ _ � � . .