02-984Council File k �� � 1�y �_ � hoor u 202360 Presented By Re�erred To RESOLUTION f C�`�F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �, ;� aa. Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 RESOLU'PI0I3 ACCEPTING GRANTS FROM TFIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR THE WE57'NIIVSTER JUNCTION BUSINESS CENTER R'I3EREAS, the Saint Paul CiTy Council by Resolution 99-180 approved the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Phalen Boulevard, and WHEREAS, the CiTy Council on March 3, 1999 by Resolution 98-I 133 adopted the Land Use Plan Chopter of Comprehensive Ptan which called for redeveloping the Phalen Corridor in par[nership with [he Port AuthoriTy of the CiTy of Saint Pau1, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council by Final Order 02-234 approved the public improvements for Phase I of Phalen Boulevazd between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue, and WfIEREAS, on April 11, 2002, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) of the United States Department of Commerce invited the City to apply for a Community and Regional Economic Developmen[ Consiruction Grant on behalf of its co-applioants the Saint Pau] Port Authoriry and the Saint Pau] Regional Water Services, and WHEREAS, on September 30, 2002, the EDA approved a$2,OOQ000 grant to the City and its co-applicants for roadway conshvction and reconstruc[ion and the installarion of water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines to serve the 24-acte Westrninster Juncrion Business Center, to be owned by the Saint Paul Port AuthoriTy, and WAEREAS, the improvements wil7 be constructed as part of the Phalen Boulevazd Phase I project to be administered by the Departmeni of Public Works, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to SecSon 10.07.1 of the Chartzr of the City of Saint Paul, does herby ceRify that $2,OOQ000 in funds aze available for appropriation in excess of those esfimated in the 2002 budget and recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget: C�ttent Budget FINANCING PLAN Phalen Blvd: I35E-Johnson Pkwy CO2-2S144 Amended Change Sudget Federal Graats 17,80q000.00 2,000,000.00 19,800,000.00 Municipal State Aid 1,422,000.00 1,422,000.00 State Highway Grants 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 20,722,000.00 2,OOQ000.00 22,722,000.00 6 a�-a�y 45 SPEIVDING PLAN 46 Phalen Blvd: I3�E-Joh[ison Pkvry 47 CO2-2S144 A8 49 �0 Construction 20,722,000.00 2.00Q000.00 22,722,000.00 51 2Q722,000.00 2,000,000.00 22,722,000.00 52 53 54 55 56 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Counci] of Saint Paul hereby accepts the EDA Grarit; and 57 approves the amendment w the 2002 budget. Yeas Na'.� Absent Requested by Department of: Benan v ✓ Public Works Bl¢� ✓ ' Rnctrnm __�� �� �{ i C.'oLezna� � B y : , 73nrri� --.�— Approval commended by Office of � Lantr� Financial Services I}irector: j Reiter ✓' 0 Adopted 6y Gouncil: Date _��____�_� BY� — Adoption Certified hy Council Secretary � Approv Mayor:� Date By: jit�-� Form Approved by City tto ey: By: �!I il�c, � �—�2 By: Mayor foP Public Works CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE Paul St. Martin 266-b1 IS MUST BE ON GOUNQL AGENDA BY (DAT� October23,2002 SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ioisizooa � GREEN SHEET G No. 202360 InniaVDate CITY COUNQL �.7 �(.= ASSIGN � C�� � � CRYCLERK NUMBERFOR Rp�nN6 ❑FINANCIALSERVICES�IR ❑FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG OH�Efl ❑ ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTAIJn ❑ ❑ 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approve resolution accepting grants from the U. S. Economic Developmen[ Administration for the Westminster Iunction Business Center. RECOMMENDATIONS:ApP�'e (A) or Reject (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION _ CfBCOMMITTEE �_ CIVIISERVICECOMMISSION A STAFF ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, Has ih'¢ persoNfirtn eve� worketl un0er a roniract tor Ynis EepartmenY? VES NO Has this persoNtirtn evet been a city empoyee? x YES NO �n.�.�-. ,r P ?�:E��� 4�5. .. '. .. ° Does this persoNfirm possess a skili not nortnaily possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO ; t;�F:^�'� IsthtspersoNh`matargeteUVentlor? $��'I{ � ' ,�,�m�� YES NO `�+°' ° ' ' �lain all yes enswers on seperoca sh¢et antl attacM to green sheet EDA tequires that the City accept grant by Council Resolution. \DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Funds will be added to budgec. Construction will proceed DiSADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: � ' . 1.T DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Project will not proceed. fOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ 2,000,000.00 COS7/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � No FUNDING SOURCE Federal EDA Grant ACTNITY NUMBER CO2-2S144 FINANCIAL 1NFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � � C t i"�