02-982Council FSIe # Q� — 48a
Green Sheet # 203487
Presented By:
Referred To:
2 WH�REAS the U. S. Department of Justice has awarded a$126 825 Cops More 2002 grant to the City of
, �
Saint Paul, Police Department, for the period beginning August 1, 2002, and ending July 31, 2003; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this grant is to update equ9pment and technology that will allow officers to query
crime data, map crime data, and create reports for mapped crime data; and
WHEREAS, this grant requires a match of $42,275, which will be provided by the Saint Paul Police
Department's special investigations activity 34120; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council:Date: '�,� . � ��p"��,
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary:
tolo�I o�-
Approval Recommended By Services:
BY� ��O /VJ7)I N'��
For p roved by City orney:
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Cops More 2002
Police �o�z�oz ' GREEN ET No. 203487 �%'
C hl� vY11ll8n1F121I1�' 292-3588 � DEPARTMENTMRECTOR s CRYCWNCIL
� -e �maYOR(�RA5545TANf) �HUM4NWGXTS
Approval of the attached Council Resolution accepting a Cops More 2002 grant from the U. S. Department ;�„��,:., .
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1. Has this personffirm ever worked u�er a contract for this depdrtment?
CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employse? - �`'�
3. Does this person/firm passess a skill not no�mally possessed by any current cRy employee�
4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR
Fxplain all yes answers on separate sheet a�xl attach to green sFeet
The U. S. Departrnem of 3ustice has awarded a$126,825 Cops More 2002 grant to the City of Saint Paul,
Police Department, for the period beginning August 1, 2002, and ending 7uly 31, 2003.
The purpose of tlus grant is to update equipment and technology that will aliow officers to query
crime data, map crime data, and create reports for mapped crime data. This gant requires a
inatch of $42,275, which will be provided by the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs special invesrigations
activity 34120. (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd.)
Ability to accept grant funds from the U. S. Department of Justice to improve the crime mapping system.
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Inabiliry to use arani funds available tn update technology that will allow officer access and use
of the crime mapping system.
',,_ „ ,. Cops More 2002 graut accepance.cr.gs.2002
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U. S. Department of Justice
Offzce of Cos:munity Oriented Po[icing Services
Applicant Organization's Legal Name:
Crant #:
ORI #:
Vendor N:
Law Enforcement Executive Name:
C�ty, State, Zrp Code:
Executive Name:
�, S[ale, Zrp Code.
� Fax:
Award Start Date: 8/1/2002
Award Amount: � 126,82
Car .
By signing this award, the signatory officials are agn
�.—� , �,.� •
Signature of Law Enforceme
authority to accept this grant
Signature of Govemment Executiv with the authority
to accept this grant award `
to abide by
St. Paul, City of
Chief William K. Finney
100 East 11 th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 292-3588 /
Mayor Randy elly
390 City Ha
St. Paul, 55101
(651) 2 6-8510
(b51 292-3542
0 5 20Q2
/Witliam K. F
Typed Name and Title
aa -qF�
Award End Date: 7f31/2003
of Grant Award found o� the reverse side of this document
, Chief of Police
Enforcement Executive.
Randy C. Kelly, Nt;�yor�
"7yped Name and T�tle of Govemment
l �3 0`.(, i
Aw�rd ID: 70051
1 /00 { ermonr Avenve, NW
Wnshingron, DC:0530
U. S. Department of Justice
Offtce of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Grnnis Administration Division
To: WilliamFinney, Chief
Sf. Paul, City of
From: Robert A. Phillips, Assistant Director, Grants Administration
Raymond Reid, COPS Point of Contact, Grants Administration
Wendy Muse, Staff Accountant, Pinance Division
OZ- q3�a-
Re: COPS MORE02 Financial Clearance Memo
A financial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this aw�ard appear zzasonable,
allowable, and consisCent with existing guidelioes.
Vendor #: 416005521 ORI #: MN06209 Grant #: 2002CLWX0027
Consul tants/Confractors
Grand Total:
Repuested Disallowed A�proved Disallowed Reasons/ Comments
$90,000.00 $0.00 $90,000.00
$29,100.00 $0.00 $29,100.00
$50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00
Total $169,100.00
Federal Share:
Applicant Share:
$0.00 $169,100.00
$ 126,825.00
$ 42,275.00
Budget cleared by Wendy M1tuse on 8Bl2002.
Overall Connnents:
, �
� �� `.
1100 Yermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC20530
U. S. Department of Justice
Otfice of Co mmunity Oricnted Policing Sen ices (COPS)
Gran[s Administration Division p
�, r Q / �
August 30, 2002
Memorandum of COPS MORE 2002 Items Funded
St. Paul, City of
The following figures have been compiled by the COPS Office based on a review of your COPS MORE 20G2
application. Award amounts are based on financial review by the COPS Finance Division.
I Teclmology/Equipment:
Total federa] doilars awarded:
Items Funded:
$ 126,825.00
Crime Analysis Sofhvare
Mobile Computing
171aptops, crime analysis hardware/software, projectors.
* The official award date of your COPS MORE 2002 grant is 8/1)2002. You will be reimbursed for any approved expenses incurred
on or after 8(1/2002 under your COPS MORE 2002 granL If your deparhnent requested a waiver of the ]ocal matching funds,
information concerning this decision will be sent to you shortly under separate cover.
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O�ce of �he Direclor
1100 V¢rntorzt A�erzue. N4V
LVashirsgra�, OC 20530
Chief William K Finney
St. Paul, City of
100 East 11 th Street
SC. Paul, MN 55101
RE: COPS ORI # MN06209
COPS Grant # 2002CLV✓X0027
Dear Chief Finney:
U. S. Department of Justice
Office of Commm:ily Orienied Po(icing Services
August 30, 2002
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Congratulations. I am pleased to inform you that the COPS Office has approved your agency's request for
funding undcr the COPS MORE02 program. The official start date of your grant is 8/I/2002.
o�-- 9 �'�-
Enclosed in this packet is your Grant Award, which you must sign and retum to the COPS Oflice within 90 days
to officially accept your grant. Failure to remrn the signed award document within the 90-day penod could result in
wichdrawal of the fundmg without further notice from the COPS OCfice.
The MORE02 Award document provides the rotal award amount and a list of Conditions Ihat apply [o your
grant appcar on the reverse side of the Award document You should read and familiarize yourself with these Condmons.
Also enclosed in this packet are any special conditions that apply to your grant. 'Ihese must also 6e s�ened and retumed to
thc COPS Office in order to officially accept the granL You must comply with the requirements of any special
condrtion(s) before you witf be able to draw down grant funds. Also enclosed is your MORE02 Grant Owner s Manual
which summarizcs and explains your COPS MORE02 Grant.
You will also find materials relating to payment methods and procedures for receiving }�our grant funds. Yoi
should review the grant materials m your Grant Owners lvianual regarding ihe method of payment avaiiab{e to you.
Please also review the Federal procurement regulations ("Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements [o State and Local Governments") which cover important requirements rzlarin� to purchasing
technology and equipment and contracting for services. �
Once again, congsatulations on your award. Shoutd you have any questions regardine }our COPS MORE02
Award, please do not hesitate to contact the COPS Office or your Grant Program Specialist at 1-€00-421-6770.
(�� ���
Carl R Peed
U,S. Oepartme�t oflustice
O�ce of Community Oriented Po/icing Services (COPS)
MORE 2002
Supplementai Information Request
Sackground Information:
ORI: MN06209 Agency Name: St. Paul, City of
Law Enforcement 6cecutive's Name: wiiliam x. Finaey
TIt�2: � Chief of Police ,
Addr2ss: 100 E. llth Stree�, St
Telephone/Fax: 651-292-3588 / 651-292-3542
Pau1, MN 55101
Government Executive's Name Randy xe11y
TItl2: Mayo r
Address: 3eo City Ha11, St. Paul, MN SS�101
Telephone/Fax: 651-266-8510 f 651-266-8513
Point of Contact:
Emaii Address:
Amy Brown
651-292-3507 / 651-292-3542
Nopuiation 5ervea as or tuuu �ensus: �urrent �suagetea �worn rorce:
287,151 g7J
Are you requesting a waiver of the local match: ❑ Yes � No
(If yes, please provide a brief description of the extraordinary locai fiscal hardship upon which you are basing your
request for a waiver.)
Your ageacy submitted a Retention Plan with your original MORE 2001 application that induded
information on how you planned to retain the equipment/technology awarded and the resulting officer
redepioyment with state or local funds for at least one fuii local budget cycie foliowing the conclusion of
the MORE grant. Although the MORE 2002 program no longer requires grantees to track officer
redeployment, we still expect grantees to plan to retain the equipment/technology awarded (and the
resulting officer time savings) with state or local funds for a minimum of one full Iocal budget cycle
following the conclusion of the MORE grant. Does your agency agree to compiy with this retention
requirement? � Yes ❑ No
Executive Summary
Please provide a brief two-paragraph narrative description of any modifcations your agency
may be requesting to the original MORE application. If your agency is not requesting any
budget modifications or programmatic changes, please check this box. �
that the infoimation p�ouided on this fo�m is true and accv2te to the best ofmy know/edge.
Executive Signature & Date:
� �
Fa1se statemenGs or Uai�s made in connedion with COP��ants may resu/t in fines, impiisonment, debarment fiom participa[ing in
Federalg2ntr or cootracts, and/o� any other iemedy au ilable by law.
Executive Summary:
In addition to the original proposal, the department will utilize the funds to develop our interneC
website to give the community and other law enforcement agencies access to our crime data via
the intemet. We wi11 also utilize this new softcvaze to identify, map and plan for crifical incident
response in our city. In the wake of September 11, 2001, the identification and target
hardenin� of specific locations within our city has became a necessity. We did not have the
mapping capability at fhat fime to assist in our critical incident managemenf efforts.
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Communiry Orienfed Policing Services
_ �'� r
Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; D�ug-Free
Workpiace Requirements Coordination with Affected Agencies; Non-Supplanting; and Retention.
Althou� the Department of Susrice has made every effort to simplify the appiicarion process, other provisions o£Federal law require us
to seek your certification reguding certain matters. Applicants should read the regularions cited below and the instrucnons for certifica-
tion included in the re,gu]ations to understand the requirements and whether they apply to a particular applicant. Signature of this foan
provides for compliance with certification requicements under 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying" and 28 CFR Part 67,
"Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Govemment-wide Requirements for Drue-Free Workplace
(Grnnts)," and the coordination and non-supplanting requirements of the Public Safery Partnzrship and Community Policing Act of 1994.
The ceitifications shal] be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Depzrhnent of Justice
detennines to award�the covered grant. �
1. Lobbying
As required by Section 1352, "Iitle 31 of the U.S. Code, and imple-
mented at 28 CFA Pad 69, for persons entering into a grant or coop-
erative ao eement over $100,000, as defined at 28 CFR Pazt 69, the
applicani certi5es that:
A. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be
paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connec-
tion with the making of any Federal grant; the entering into of
any cooperahive agreement; and the extensio�, wntinuarion,
renewal, unendment or modificatior, of any Federal gran[ or
cooperative agreement;
B. If any fvnds other than Federal appropriated funds have been
paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting
to influence an officer or employee of any agencg a Member of
Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee
of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant
or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and
submit Standard Form — LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying
Aciivities," in accordance with its instructions;
state or Federal courc, or voluntarily excluded from covered
transactions by any Fzderal deparhnent or agency;
(ii) Have not within a three-yeaz period pceceding this applica-
tion been convlcted of or had a civil judgment rendered against
them for commission of fraud or a criminal oflense in connec-
tion with obtainiag, attempting to obtain, or pzrforming public
(Federal, state or ]ocal) transaction or conhact under a public
transaction; violation of Federal or state anti�rust statutes or
commission of embeulement, theft, forgery, bd6ery, falsifica-
tion or destruction of rzcords, making false statements, or receiv-
ing stolen property;
(iil) Ase not presentiy indicied for ox otherwise criminally or
cit�illy charged by a gocemmental entiry (Federal, state or local)
with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in pacagraph
(A)(ii) of this certificat:on; and
(iv) Have not within a three-year period preceding this applica-
fion had one or more public hansactions (Federal, state or local)
terminated for cause or default; and
B. W'here the applicant is unable ro certify to any of the state-
ments in this ceriificat:on, he or she shall attach an explanation
to this application.
C. The undersigned shall require that the language of this ceRi-
fication be included in the award documents for aii subawards
at all tiers (including subgrants, conhacts under grants and
cooperative agreements, and subeontracts) and that all sub-
recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
2. Debarment, Suspension and Other Aesponsibility Matters (Direct
As required by Executive Order ]2549, Debarment and Suspension,
and implemented zt 28 CFR Part 67, far prospective participar.ts in
primary covered trznsactions, as defined at 28 CFR PaR 67, Section
67.510 —
A. The applicant certifies that it and its principals
(i) Are not presenUy debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,
dedazed ine]igible, sentenced to a denia] of Pederal benefits by a
3. Dm� Free A'orkplace (Grantees Other "Ihan Individuals)
As tequired by [he Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and
implemented at 28 CFR Part 67, Subpart F, for grantees, as
defined at 28 CFR Part 67, Seclions 67.615 and 67.620 —
A. The applicant cerufies that it will, or will conHnue to,
provide a drug-free �sorkplace by:
(i) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the
unla�t�fu] manufactu:e, distribution, dispensing, posses-
sion or use of a convolled substance is prohibiced in the
grantee's workplace aad specifying the actions that wi11 be
taken against employ for violation of such prohibitlon;
(ii) Establishing an on-going drug-free a�careness pro-
gram to inform employees about —
(a) The dangers of d�g abuse in the workplace;
SecL'on PIII - You must return this page as part o£your appGcaUon 67
p� -qt�-
(b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free work-
(c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and
employee assistance programs: and
(d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for
drug-abuse violations occuzring in the workplace:
(iii) Making it a requirement that each employee to be
engaged in the performance of the grent be given a copy of
the statement required by paragraph (i); �
(iv) Notifying the employee in the statement required by
paragraph (i) that, as a condition of employment under the
grant, the employee �vill —
(a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and
(b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction
for a violation of a criminal drug statuTe occurring in the
workplace no later than five calendar days after such con-
(v) Noafying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar
days after receiving notice under subpazao aph (iv) (b)
from an employee or otheivvise receiving actual notice of
such convictlon. Empioyecs of convicted employees
must provide notice, including positlon fitle, to: CQPS
Office, 1100 Uermont Ave., NW, Washingron, DC 20530.
Nofice shzll include the iden�cadon number(sJ of each
affected grant;
(vi) Taking one of the following actlons, widiln 30 calen-
dar days of receiving noUCe under subpazagraph (iv)(b),
with resped to any employee who is so convicted —
(a) Taking appropriate personne] actlon against such an
employee, up to and including termination, consistent
�Oith the requirements of [he Rehabilitation Ac[ of 1973,
as amended; or
(b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily
in a dnig abuse assutance or rehabilitatlon program
approved for such purposes by a Federal, state or local
health, law enforcement or other appropciate agency;
(vri) Making a good Paith effort ro continue to maintain
a dcug-free workplace through'vnplementaHon of para-
graphs (i), (ll), (iri), (iv). (v) and (vi).
B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the
site(sJ for [he perfomtance of work done in connecfion with
the specific grant:
Grantee Name and
Applicalion No. and/or �.
Typed e and
As the du7y authorized rt
above certi&caGons, incf
tlons under ffiisgrailt.
Typed �iarne f {nd �fle of
Sia ature:
Place ofperformance (street address, city, county,
state,, p cod�
�� Qf��
Check O if there aze workplaces on file that are not
idendFied riere.
Sectlon 67.630 of the regulations provides that a
grantee that is a state may e]ect to make one cectifica-
tlon in each Federal fiscal year, a copy of wMch
should 6e inciuded �vith each app]ication for
Depaztrnent of Jusdce funding. States and stare agen-
cies may elect to use O)P Form 4061/7.
Check O ff the state has elected to complete OJP
Form 4061/7. ' ' � �
4. Coordina8on
The Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing
Act of 1994 requires applicants to cerafy that thece has
been appropriate coordinatlon with al1 agencies that
may be affected by the applicant's grant proposal if
approved A&'ected agencies may include, among oth-
ers, the Office of the United States Attorney, sta[e or
local prosecutors, or correcfional agencies. The applicant
certifies that thele has been appropriate coordinafion
�vith all affected agencies.
5. Non-Supplanting
The applicant hereby cen�fies that Federal funds will
not be used to replace or supplant state or local funds,
or funds supplied by the Bureau of Indian Affaus, that
would, in the absence of Federal aid, be made available
to or for law enforcement purposes.
6. Rete,�tion
The applicant hereby certlfies that it understands that it
must abide by its submitted plan to retain the additional
civilian positions and redeployment levels for at ]east
one locally sec badget cycle at the condusion of the `
grant pedod.
100 E. llth St.,S[. Paul, MN 55101
Name: COPS MORE 2002 Grantee IRS/ Uendor Number.
nentExecufive� Chief William K. Finae
�f thegoverning body, I hereby certify that the I am binding tlregovemingbody to the
r to mtain. E/ecGons of�ecv offrcials �vi11 not nlieve the oovemingbody ofits obGga-
Y ' � � /
Date: / `� 1
68 "
_ Section VIII - You mus! return l6is oaoe as part olrour appGcafion
ApplicantOrganizationLegalName: St. Paul Police De�artmeat O
ORI #: 1'1N06209
Section IV
Retention Plan
Please outline below your proposed retention plan if your agency receives an award under the MORE 2001
grant program. ,
The City of St. Pau1 Police Deparrment has a dedicated Research and Development
Unit, which has the expertise to maintain the equipment awarded under this
grant. We also have the funds within our budget to support any additional
costs which occur:
�f �� 07/
� /�- � ,,
Mayor�Randy Ke11y
Typed name and Gtle of Government Exttutive
Type of technology requested:
� Mobile computers
� Computer Aided Dispatch
� Records Mgmt System
� Automated booking
MORE 2002
� 169,100
may not be increased from
� 126,825 (75%� I � 42,275
�d �s�io I
requested in the original application.
Project Mar�agament Stratagy
(Al1 MORE 20D2 applicants must compfete this section)
The objective of this narrative is to provide additional information on how your agency intends
to enhance operations in response to five specific program areas. Due to the
competitiveness of this MORE initiative, further consideration will oniy be given to those
agencies that address ALL of the program prerequisites. Piease provide, within a total of two
pages or less (approximately 750 words) for a(I five questions, a co�cise project manageme�t
strategy that addresses each of the following five questions:
1. How wiil officers save time as a result of the requested equipment/technology?
P(ease provide detailed examples to support your response.
� How will the requested technology and resulting ofFicer time savings enhance your
agency's community policing efforts?
3, Wiii the requested technology be used to address Local Domestic Preparedness for
your agency, such as critical incident response/management, natural disasters or
homeland security? If so, how?
4. Will the awarded technology enhance your agency's informatio� sharing capabi(ities
with other law enforcement or government agencies as well as with the community?
If so, how?
5. Pfease expiain your agency's project implementation pian for this award (i.e.,
strategic planning, procurement, acquisition, training, timeline, etc.).
� Personaf computers
�. Video Arraignment
�Crime analysis hardware & sofiware
� Automated Fingerprint Identification
Federal Share*
oz -qr�
(25 %�
OMS approval 1103-0019
Fxpiration June 2002
Project Management Strategy:
C3 Z-q�Y
1. Aow ��ill officers save time as a result of the requested equipmentitechnolo�y? The Saint Paul Police
Department has made excellent progress with our current mapping initiatives. These initiatives include monthly
command staff ineetings where our mapping software is utilized to identify problems and hoid commanders
accountable for solving those identified problems. In addition, line officers have been inshucted on the use of our
current mappin� program. However, the demands of the department are exceedin� the capabilities of the current
program and limitations are evident. The addition of updated technology and new broadband capability gives the
department the capability to communicate at a superior level, which has led the department to expect information
more quickly then in the past.
This new mappin� solution will allow officers access to geographic information and report data by answering a few
simple questions through a desktop interface. Our current mapping program is very time consumin� and has been
difficult to teach. Officers are unable to access this information without making a request to an assi�ed trained
mapper. The updated program will allow any officer to query desired data immediately, map it, and create reports
of the mapped information. Currently, officers are discouraged from usin� the program due to its complexity and
extensive training necessary to learn and operate the program.
The introduction of a desktop interface will save time in the areas of data accuracy, geocodin�, map production,
and report research. Currently the department is nmrung a manual weekly data `dump' from the Oracle database,
which is time consuming and complicated. The data is not "real time". The new system will import data
automatically overnight and officers will always have access to cunent crime data.
Cunently, only the Research and Development unit and a handful of desi�nated mappers are able to manipulate the
data due to the extensive training one needs to use the GIS sofrivaze. The ne�i product will need 1it11e, if any
training and every officer on the force will have easy aecess to the information. The cunent system requires officers
who are not trained on the program to either request data from a trained mapper or gather and read reports for the
time period and area desired. With this new technology, time savin�s is estimated at approximately 1 hour per shift
far patrol officers as w�ell as the time saved by command staffpreparin� for the monthly command meeting.
Z. How will the requested technology and resulting oFficer time savings enhance your agency's conununity policing
efforts? With the newly proposed sofrivare, each officer wiil be able to query information and create maps, reports
and other detailed information that will be useful to their analysis. Simplified sofrivare will automate the process,
allowing the officers to quickly and efficiently sort though hours of reports in minutes, thus reducing the amount of
time officers will spend in the office. The additional time wi11 be spent enga�ed in community poticing activities.
While the additional time will enhance our community policing efforts, perhaps as important is the officer will be
aided in their identification of crime issues -- perhaps before they escalate. This tool ���ill help them in their
identification as well as application of policin� methods. Because crime data is updated on a daily basis, officers
will be more apt to use this mapping tool to identify potential crime hotspots before criminal activity escalates.
Officers will spend their time more efficiently in potential crime areas to sen e the community in a more effective
manner. Patrol efforts can be better distributed to areas of concern. Currently, our mapping software is used to
identify crimes that have occurred. Up-to-date information encoura�es more proactive prevention instead of
exclusive criminal apprehension efforts Usin� laptops officers will be able to carry their information with them to
community meetings, identify trends and track specific incidents. As the department moves to wireless
communications, the laptops will serve as a total communications packa�e for the officer including intraneUintemet
a i q��
3. Will the requested technology be used to address local domestic preparedness for your agency, such as critical
incident response/mana�ement, natural disasters or homeland security? If so, how? We �vill now include an
additional software to identify, map and plan for critical incident response in our city in this a ant. This softwaze
ideally would include topographic, plana metric ima�in�, public utility and other information. In the wake of
September 11, 2001, the identification and target hardening of specific locations witl�in our city became necessary.
We did not have the mapping capability at that time to assist in our critical incident mana�ement efforts. The neGv
soflware will meet the needs of our city emergency management operations and will be used immediately for
preplanning purposes and in the event of a minor or major critical incident.
4. Will'the awarded technology enhance your agency's information sfiaring capabilities with'other law enforcement
ar government agencies as weil as with the community? If so, how? Current department comprehensive crime
data is not available to the public or other la�v enforcement agencies without laborious crime analyst time to cull out
and summarize the information. This project will allow the depariment to automate the process and allow access to
our crime information via the intemet to all interested parties. Our critical incident response software will also be
available to aid other agencies responding to our city.
5. Please explain your agency's project implementation plan for this awazd.
Month i- Research department needs via survey for crime mapping and critical incident response
Month 2- Bid out purchase to sofiware consultants
Month 3- Choose consultant and award bid
Month 4 - Install equipment
Month 5- Review product and procedures needed
Month 6- Training for Rese�ch Analysts on maintenance of system
Month 7- Introduce to the department and begin training
Month 8- Product operation department wide
Month 9- Conduct program evaluation
Month 10 - Review program evaluation
Month ll- Make changes based upon evaluation
Month 12 - Fully operational
�,;�'' w-;_
:,�, „
: ���
U.S. Department of Justice
O�ce of Community Oriented Polacing Services (COPS)
Special Condition: O y� 9�T
Criminal Intelligence Systems/28 C.F.TL. Part 23 Compliance
This Special Condition must be signed and retumed with your MORE 2002
Supplemental Infonnation Request.
If your agency is receiving COPS grant funding for technology that will be used to
operate an interjurisdictional criminal intelligence system, you must agree to comply with the
operating principles found at 28 C.F.R. Part 23. An "interjurisdictional criminal intelligence ,
system" is generaily defined as a system which receives, stores, analyzes, and exchanges or
disseminates data regarding ongoing criminai activities (such activities may include, but are not
limited to, loan sharking, drug or stolen property trafficking, gambling, extortion, smuggling,
bribery, and public corruption) and shares this data with other law enforcement jurisdictions. 2E
C.F.R. Part 23 contains operating principles for these interjurisdictional criminal information
systems which protect individual privacy and constitutional rights.
If you are simply using the COP5 grant fiznds to operate a single agency database (or
other unrelated forms of technology) and will not share criminal intelligence data with other
jurisdictions, 28 C.F.R. Part 23 does not apply to this grant.
Please check one of the following lines, as applicah:e to yaur ageacy's use of t;�is grant,
and retum this signed Special Condition with your MORE 2002 Supplemental Information
�I3o, my agency will not use these COPS grant funds to operate an
inter,}urisdictional criminal intelligence system.
Yes, my agency will use these COPS grant funds to operate an
interjurisdictional criminal intelligence system. By signing below, we
assure that our agency will comply with the requirements of 28 C.F.R.
Law Enforcement
I� .�
�-��� �`FI �� �/
Agency Name
D �v
�,� �0�f lQ/
� d�
tnstructions far Completing the Budget Detail Worksheet Oa- `�
Waivers of the local matching requirenent are avai(able in
cases ot severe fucal distress. If you are requesting a wai��er,
piease indicate tl�is by checking 4�e appropriate 6ox in the
Background Informafion seclion and attach a detailed expla-
nation o[ your agency's current financial situation (Please
refex to �he Waiver Review Information section ot this appli-
In-Kind Matches
Non-Supplanting Requirement
In-I(ind Matches are not permitted under COPS M�RE 2001.
Tlie local match must be a cash ma�ch. For example, i[you
wish to purchase technology with a total project cost o[
$30,OOQ then the Fedenl share woald be $22,500 and ihe
locai share would be $7,500.
■ Ifyou are requestrng a waiver yoa must stil! com-
plefe Ihe worksheef as ifyou were providing the 25
percent lacalmatch.
By law, COPS Oltice grant funds may not be used to replace
state or local funds (or where-applicable, funds provided b}
the Bureau o[ Indian Af[airs} that would, in the absence of
Federal fwtdhtg, be available or fortl�coming for law en[orce-
meni. COPS h10RE 2001 grant fands must be used to increase
the total amount of such other funds that fvouid be used to
purchase equipment qr technology in ihe absence ot�he COPS
MORE 2001 grant. As part of this application, agencies must
sign a cerlificalion that no supplanting of state or local tunds
will take p(ace should a grant award be made.
■ Funds al�eady in your agerrcy's budget maynot be
used for the local malcb, unless ihey were inclnded
in your budget speci6cally for tLe purpose ofmaking
ApplicantOrganizationLegalName: SPPo
ORI#: MN06209
Section Vlf
Budget Detail Workshe�t
A. Equipment
L;st nonexpendable items that ue to be purchased. Nonexpendable equipment is tangible property having a use-
ful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Expendable items should be
included either in the "Supplies° category or in the "Other" category. Applicants should analyze the cost beneGts
of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially tor high-cost items and those subject to rapid technical
advances. Rented or leased equipment costs sho�ld be listed in the "Contractual° category. Explain how the
equipment is necessary for the success of the project. Attach a narrative describing the procurement method to
be used.
Item Compufafion Cosf
Laptops (12) 12x $5000 $60,000
Pro}ectors (6) 6x $5000 $30,000
Competitive bid wi11 be used to purchase these items.
See attached
Total: $ 9o,000
Section {4! - You must feturn [his page as part otyuur app/iration 5 �
. � , - --. - -
r'-�° �• �° C� G � - ; - --�.,�
�� I � i I I `' � 1 ��--
Purchasing Bulletin lsp: �}-q�'
City of Saint Paul Purchasing Guidelines
Under Chapter 5.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative
Code, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services
(CAS) is charged with handling nearly all of the
purchases made by City departments and Saint Paul
Regional Water Services. The Division is also charged
with approving all specifications and making sure that
language referencing all applicable laws and requirements
has been included.
The Purchasing Process
The purchasing process begins tiahen a department
identifies a need for equipment, supplies, services or
other commodities. An authorized department staff
person must then place a request for purchasing
assistance by filling out a data entry form to create a
requisition in the City's Finance system. The Activity
Manager or department accountant must sign the data
entry form to certify that funds are available in an
adopted budget to pay for the requisitioned item (s). The
departmenYs designated data entry person must then enter
the requisition in the Finance System.
New requisitions are printed out daily in the CAS office
and distributed to the buyer who has been assigned the
particular commodity. The buyer will review the
requisition and may consult with the department contact
person to verify timelines and requirements.
To initiate a purchase, a buyer must have a clear
description of the desired product or service, as well as
the performance requirements. This description is
commonly referred to as a specificatioa. A specification
may be very detailed or very brief, and may be
communicated in writing or verbally. If the department
has developed a specification, the buyer will review it for
clarity and completeness. if a specification does not
exist, at this point one will be developed and the buyer
will select a purchasing method. Specifications may be
written by department staff, buy a buyer, or developed
jointly. CAS buying staff regularly obfain specifications
from other jurisdictions and can modify them to meet
City needs. (See Purchasing Bulletin 2sp: Specifications)
Purchasing Methods
Buyers can use several different solicitation methods.
When choosing a method, the buyer will take into
consideration the estimated dotlar amount of the item (s)
or project, the number of vendors available to bid, past
experience purchasing the commodity, and the date when
the commodity is needed, amon� other factors.
. Adcertised Bids - Chapter 471345 of the
I of S 4/19/2001 830 AM
• �a��.�� iJ U�����.t��� �j
j. i[It.Ut U.GI.SI�.:UlJllll.11n. CUilua���, fu1llU, R CUJ}i 14.ItG❑
Mim�esota Statutes requires that contracts for goods,
services supplies, and construction having a value
of $50,000 or more be established using a sealed, d}-9,Y�'
competitive bidding process. The law also requires
that notice of such bids be published once a week for
hvo successive weeks in the official paper of the
jurisdicYion. The City's official paper is Tke Saiiit
Paul Legal Ledger. A wntten notice of a bid and
sometimes the bid docuinent are mailed to a list of
vendors who are likely to be qualified to submit
bids. Advertised bids are also distributed via the
intemet to individuals who subscribe to the Bid
Information System (BIS) offered by Contract and
Analysis Services. An advertised bid is required for
purchase over $50,000 but inay be used at any dollar
Quotes - Buyers solicit quotes from vendors for
goods and services of less than $50,000. These
requests for quotes are transmitted to vendors via
U.S. mail, via fax, or electronically via the Internet
through the Bid Information Service. Vendors may
return a response by fax or e-mail if the estimated
cost of the desired products or services is less than
$10,000. A minimu�n of t�vo quotes must be
obtained to meeC legal requirements.
5ma11 Purchases - Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul
Administrative Code permits some flexibi(ity in the
execution of small contracts. Small contracts are
defined as those agreements having a value of
$1,500 or less. Department staff may make small
purchases direcfly, without submitting a requisition
to Contract and Aualysis Services. Staff may contact
a single vendor or request pricing from more than.
There is no minimum number ofquotes required.
Tivo options are available for making small
purchases of goods, services and supplies.
Departments may obtain special forms known as
Pickup Orders from CAS and give these to vendors
in lieu of purchase orders. Deparfinent staff may
also make sma11 purchases with a Procurement Cazd
issued by the Accounting Section of the Financial
Services Office. Neither Pickup Orders nor
Procurement Cards may be used to purchase
professional services. A professiona] service
agreement is always required. (See Purchasing
Bulletin 6sp.)
Requests for Proposals - A Request For Proposal
(RFP) is a detailed specification issued most often to
purchase a professional service, such a s
architectural or engineering services. Sometimes an
RFP will be used to purchase equipment or systems
wliere a complex set of performance variables or
alternative configurations is possible, such as a
telephone system. For detailed information on RFPs
and purchasing professionalservices,see Purchasing
Bulletins ��and 6�
2 of 5 4/19/2001 8:30 AM
a� iuinm �g u �c � i>�.
1. f.., i �.U.C�.el�.iLLLtllll.u>.dJitld�u UtllLi� Cuaj7t-i.::tpl
Emergency Purchasing - The City's defiuition of an
emergency is a set-ious sitxation or occurrence that
develops suddenly mtd mtexpectedly ancl that �a.- Qta"�
deniai:cls immediate action, wJzere fc�ilure to act
ivould be detrimental to the best ir:terests of the City
or its operation. "
Department staff tivho believe they have a legitimate
emergency should contact 2 buyer in the Contract
and Analysis Services Office for assistance. The
buyer �vil1 evaluate the situation and execute the
emergency transaction, making sure there is
appropriate justification and documentation.
Completing the Process
Once the buyer receives all of the pricing and
performance information for a given solicitation, the
information will be carefully evaluated. Staff prepare
tabulations of advertised bids, and transmit them to
deparhnent contacts to facilitate the department review.
These contact persons are asked to send a letter of
recommendation to the buyer (see Purchasing Bulletin
4 _1�Z
The contract will then be awarded to the lo�vest bidder
who meets all of the requirements of the specification.
When there are bond and insurance requirements, the low
bidder will have a ten-day period within which to file the
appropriate documents. Only after all requirements are
met will the contract, generally in the form of a purchase
order, be written. The PO is then routed for signature in
accordance with City policies (see next section).
Special Requiremettts
Special requirements apply to certain kinds of contracts.
For example, Chapter 574.26 of the Minnesota Statutes
requires that performance and pay�nent bonds be
fumished on contracts for public works (e.g.
construction). Chapter 82.07 of the Saint Paul
Administrative Code requires that, on contracts of
$10,000 or more for public Gvorks or public
improvements, the vendor be required to pay the
prevailing wage (Same wage as a comparable City Civil
Service position.) Contracts that require individuals to
work on or with City property generally include a
requirement for vendors to carry various kinds of
insurance. And, all vendors who receive contracts from
the City haeing a value of $50,000 or more are required
to file an acceptable Affirmative Action Plan with the
City's Department of Human Rights before a contract is
3 of 5 4/19/2001 8:30 AM
1•t u�asu�g uw ci�u lap
t��ip � �u �i.nipdut.�nu.u�,cuuuaci� ioiuu,wcwpl-l.utni
---- --------- -- --- � -------- - ----
; Contract Signature Special
Amount ; Requirements Requirements � �„�q�'�
Generaily no bon or '
; iActivity Manager for :insurance .
;Under $1,5000 Pickup Orders or 'requirements; no
:Procurement Card -precailing «age :
' 'requirements '
�!� ,Performance and .
�Director, Financial �required; a bid bond _
Services `may be required at the
;$1,5�1 t0 :AssistantCityAttomey'discretionofthebuyer,
�$24 'Purchasing Manager or �and the deparhnent; ,
!�uith labOi Buyer ;prevailin� «�ages �
Plus General Manager ;requ�red for public
`for Water Uti]ity \corks and public '
� , IPurchase Orders �'vnpcovements; City
' ' •insurance � � � �� �
� ; tequirenxents
� :rertomiance anci
1 ;payment bonds not �
� � �typical; bid bond may ;
�$1,501 t0 {puzchasing Mana�er or �,be required at the '
�$24 goOdS 'Buyer (Same for ;discretion of the buyer ;
'yOnly �Watez Ufility) ;and department Ciry !
� , iinsurance
� �requirements may ,
; apply
.i ^ �Per ormance and
' �Director, Financial �Payment bonds are ,
iServices required �vhen labor is !
;Assistant City Attorney i bond o a5% o 0-Pay b�id ;
,$25,000 t0 �Purchasing Manager or , cost is required on '
:$$0,000 �Buyer :contracts of $50,000 .
�Plns Pcesident and for more; City
;Secretary of the Water :
lUtility Board foc Water ;�surance �
IPurchase Orders ;requireme�ts;
, �prevailing «�age i
; . requirements.
J � � ^ �Performance and ^
� 'D'uectoc of Human �Payment bonds are ;
�Rights irequued �vhen labor is ;
�Duector, Financial i��luded;o 60-day bid ;
;Services ;bond of 5 /o of project ;
i$50 000 and �Assistant City Attomey ;contracts of $ 0 000
' Purchasing Manager or ; �
;Above �Buyer or morz; C�q�
jPlus President and ��nsurance
�� re uirements;
Secretary of the Water �Preva�lin �va e
� :Utility Board on Water � g �
''Utility Purchase Orders iLequiremei�ts;
• ; Affirmative Action
� i jPlan to be fited.
nlaster Contracts
Sometimes more than one department will «�ant to
purchase the same item or a single department �i ill need
to purchase items repeatedly over time. To accommodate
such situations, buyers set up a special kind of contract
known as a Master Contract. These are structured so
that unit prices and terms will be fixed for the period of
the contract for a given set of supplies, goods, or
services. Department staffare then ab(e to place orders
9 of 5 4/19/2001 8:30 AM
ti :r,ao�u�u :. . �ap
n�ip.., cu u. .a g.�ui. n. a �o .� u.,u ,„, � w� >,. ,
directly with the vendor without submitting a requisition
to CAS. Master contracts are set up regularly for such b}�q}^�
things as office supplies, fax machines, and automobile
replacement parts. (Click here to access the current list of
master contracts.)
Joint Purchasing
The City has executed joint purchasing agreements with
more than 50 other Minnesota govemments pursuant to
the joint powers authority contained in Minnesota Statute
471.59. These agreements make it possible for the ity _-
to make purchases from any contracts established by the
other govemmenfs, provided the buying method used is
compatible with City contracting requirements.
Buyers regulazly review contracts from other
jurisdictions, particularly Master Contracts established by ..
the State of Minnesota. Acceptable ab eements are then
available for City depariments to use just as they would
City established contracts.
5 of S 4/19/2001 8:30 AM
Applicant Organization Legal Name: SPPD
ORI #: MNO6209
6a- 9rs-
B. Suppfies
List items by type (items cosfing less than $5,000) and show the basis Eor computation. Generaliy, supplies
i�ciude any matedals that are expendable or consumed during the course oE the project.,.
Snpply Items Computalion Cosf
Co1or Printer (7)
GIS Hardware (30)
7x $300 � 2,100
"30x $900 �27,000
TotaL• $ z9 , ioo
� "�
Seuion VI! - You mus[ �eturn [his page as par( ofyaur appGca(ion
Applicant OrganizationLegal Name: SPPn ��-� ����
ORI #: MN06209
C. Consultanis/Contracts
ConsultantFeer. For each consultant enter the name (if known) service ro be provided, houdy or daily fee
(8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees �n excess of $450 pQr day require additional
written justification.
Name of Consulfant Service Provided Computation Cost
Subfotal.• $
...................... ........................................................... ....................................
Consultanl �pense: List ail expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants in addition to their
fees (e.g., travel, meals, lodging).
I[em Loca6on Computation Cos[
SubtofaJ.• $
Contractr. Provide a description of the product or serrice to be procured by contract and an estin�ate of the
cost. Applicants ue encouraged to promote fcee and open competition in awarding contracts. A separate justifi-
cation must be provided for sole-soure contracts in excess of �10�,000.
See attached
SIILfOf8/.' $ 50 , 000
TotaL- $ so, o00
Sec6on VII - Yau must re[urn tl�is page as parl olyou�application 59
Contractor's role
o a - qs�--
The contractor(s) wili design, develop, and implement a user-friendiy software package
for the Saint Paul Police Department. The contractor(s) will develop a program that
abstracts accurate and appropriate information from the police departmenYs database,
ensure geocoding accuracy, and incorporate user-friendly features in a mapping software
that enables all officers to utilize its capabilities in a minimal time period. :..
The contractor(s) must begin the process by determining the desired features of the
program. The design must conforni to Saint Paul Police Department needs. The design
�vill incorporate all desired components while integrating features and directiuns that are
easy to.follow for the amateur user. L3pon approval of an appropriate design, development
will follow. Development will consist ofprogramniing, conforming soft�vare capabilities
with the Police Department's database, and creating a layout or test product. The product
will be tested by the Police Department. The Police Department will make
recommendations and improvements as necessary. The product will then go back into
development for modifications. Upon approval of the discussed modifications, the
contractor(s) will implement the program, allowing all police officers to utilize its
Oa-- qF�-
Applicant Or anization tegal Name: spPD
���, MN�6209
Q. Other Costs
List items which do not fall within the previous bndget categories and }ou wish to have e��2luated under the
Items Compufation Cost
Total.• $ o
60 Section VII - You must return �his page as part of your applicatioo
o�- ��-�—
Applicant Organization Legal Name: sPPD
ORI�: MNO62o9
Budget Summary
4Vhen you have compieted the budget worksheet, transfer the totals for each category to the spaces below.
Compute the total project costs. Indicate the amount of Federal funds requested.
Budget Category Cos1
A. Equipment
B. Supplies
C. Consultants/Contracts
D. Other
Total Projecf Cosfs
Federal Request
$ 169,1�0
$ iz6,szs ( �s /)
42,275 � 25 /�
Sertion V/I - Ymr must retarn this page as part ofyour appli�alion 61
Section VI 1 f
consiscs of
Disclosure ofLobbyingActivities
■ Please have your Iaw Enforcement Executive and the Govemment Executive sig�� and
date the three forms listed.
■ The COPS Office wili NOT be able to process your application without these ORTGINAL
T1.S. Deparhnent ofJustice
Office of Cmmnunity Oriented Policing Services
c;:�� n..
`�� S��:Z
�� ..'.., y
Assurances 8�- ° ►Y�
Seceral prouisions of Federal la�v and pohe} appty to atl gran[ programs. We (the Otlice of Communi[1' Uriented Yohcm� Sen�ims)
nced to secure your assurance that you (the appGcani) will compl�� ti�ith thesc pro� isions ICyou ���ould Lke (urther in(ormation about
any oCthe matters on �chich �e'e seek your assurance, please con[act us
By )'our au[horized representative's signature, you assure us and certify to us tha[ � ou will comply �cith all legal and admimstratiee
requirentents that govern [he appl:cant for acceptance and use of zederal grant funds. In parlicular, �ou assure us that:
L You liave been Icgall}• and otTiciaily authorized by the appro-
priate governing bod}' (for esample, ma}'ot or city councit) to
apply for this grant and that the persons signing the appLcation
and these assurances on your behalCare authorizcd to do so and
to act on yow� behalf «�ith respect to any issues that ma� arise
during processing of this application. .
2. You wilt comply ���ith the provisions of Federal law u�hich
limi[ certain politicat activities of your emplo}'ees whose prim
cipal employment is in connection with an aetivity financed in
whole or in part with this grant. These restrictions are set forth
in 5 U.S.C. § 1501, et seq
3 You wili comply with the minimum wage and maximum
hours pmvisions ot the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, if
thcy apply to you
4. You ���ill establish sateguards, if you have i�ot done so
already, to prohibit einployees trom using theic positmns for a
purpose [hat is, or gives lhe appearance of being, motivated by
a desire for private gain for tfiemselves or others, pariicuiarl}'
those �oitlt �rhom they have fantily, business or other ties.
�. You wiil gi�e [he Departinent o£Justice or [he Comptroller
Ueneral aecess to and the nght to examme records and docu-
ments rclated to the granl.
6. You wiil comply with all requirements imposed by the
Departmeni oCJustice as n condilio�i or administrative require-
ment o( the grant, with ihe program guidelines; with the
requirements of OMB Circulars A-87 (go��erning wst calcula-
tions) and A-128 or A-133 (govcrning audits); with the appli-
eable provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and SaCe
Streets Act of 1968, as amended; with 28 CFR Part 66
(Umform Administrative Requirements); with the provisions
oC the current ed�tion of the appropriate COPS grant owner's
mamtal; and «�ith ntl other apphcable law's, orders. regulations
or circulars.
Z You will, to the estent practicable and consistent with appli-
cablc law, seek, recruit and hire qualifed members of rncial
and ethnic minority groups and qualified ���omen in order to
further effecLce law enCorcement by increasing Iheir ranks
within ihe s�wrn positions in your agene}
8 You �riil not, on the ground of race co o, e(ieioq national
ongin, gender, d�sabihty orage, unla� ulh exclude any person
I hereb}�
fmm paRicipation in, deny [6e benefts of or employment to
any person. or subject any person [o discrimination in connec-
tion with an} programs or acticities funded in �.hole or f n part
o�iih Federal funds These cicd rights requirements are found
in the non-discrimit�ation procisions of thc Omnibus Cnme
Contml and Safa Streets Act of 1968, as amended (d? U.S.0 y
3789(d)), TiUe VI of the Cn•il Rights Act of 196M1, as amended
(42 0.S C. y 2000d); the Indian Ci��if Rights Act (2� U.S.C. §y
1301-1303); Section �04 of the Rehabilitation Act oY 1973, as
amended (29 U.S.C. § 794). Ltle II, Subtitle A of [he
Americans with DisabilitiesAc[ (ADA) (42 U.S C. § 12101, z[
seq.); the Age Discriminanon Act oC 1975 (43 U S C. � 6101,
et seq ), and Department of Justice Non-Discriinination
Regulations contained in Trtle 28, Parts 35 and d2 (subparts C
D, E and G) oC the Code of Federal Regulahons
A[n the ecent that any court or admmistrative aoenc� makzs
n findina of d�scriminalion on grounds of race, color, rel��ion,
national oriein, gender, disab�fity or a�e against youafter a duz
process hearing, you agree to forward a copy oE the findmg to
the ORice of Cicil Rights, Otlice ot Justice Pro,ixms, A10 7th
Street, NW, Washingtoq DC 20�31
B. If you are applying for a grant of $SOQ000 or more and
Depnrtment regulations (28 CFR 4?.301 e[ seq ) require gou to
submit an Equai Opporttmit}' Emplo}ntent Plan, you wiil do so
at the time of this applieation, if you have not done so in the
pas[ ICyou are applying for a grant of less than F�OQ000 and
the regulations require you to mamtain a Plan on tile m your
office, you �vill do so withm I?0 days of your graN a���ard.
9 You will insure that the facilities under ��our o��'neiship,
lease or superv'ision which shall be utilized in [he accomphsh-
ment of the project are not I�sted on ihe Emironmental
Prolection Agency's (EPA) list of Yolahng Facihties and that
you will notif} us if you nre adcised by the EPA indwating that
a Cacility to be used in this grant is under considzration lor list-
ing bv EpA.
10 If your s[ate has estabhshed a re�iew and comment pmce-
dure tmder Executive Order 12372 and has selec[ed this pro-
gram Cor reviaw, you have made this application avadablz [or
review b}' the state Single Point of Contact
11. You �eill de�ise a plan to ratain [he inereased hinne lecel
with state and loeal funds atter the conclusion oC��our grant
assurances tl�at govem the application and iise of Federal fimds
Sigiti�h�re. � I" ' ' Date: � � �
Sx(ion �!/ — You must ret�rn tGis page as part otyour app/icalion
U.S. Department of Justicc
Office of Conunu�uty Oriented Policing Secvices
�: ��'`=�
� i,�
ti �:
Certifications o�.-Rpa-
Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Drug-Free
Workpiace Requirements Coordination with Affected Agencies; Non-Supplanting; and Retention.
Although Ihe Department of Justice has made every effor[ [o simplif}'the application process, other pmv�sions of Federal la�� require us
to seek your ccrtification regarding certain matters. Applicants should read the regulatio��s c�ted belon• and the instructions tor certifica-
tion inctuded in the regulations to understand the requirements and whetl�er they appl} to a particutar applicant. Sionnture ol this form
provides for compliance �vi[h certitication requirements under 28 CFR Part 69, "Netc Restrictwns on Lobbying," and ?8 CFR Part 67,
"Govemmenbwide Debarmen[ and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Gocemment-�vide Requirements for Dru�-F�ee \O�orkplace
(Grants);' and the coordination and non-supplanling requirements ofthc Public Safe[y Par[nership and Community Policmg qct of 199�F.
The certifica[ions shall be Ircated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance witl bc placed when [he Uzpartmen[ of Justice
determines to a���ard the covered gran[.
As requiied by Section I352, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and imple-
mented at 28 CFR Part 69, for persons entering into a grant or coop-
erative a�reement over $IOQOOQ as defined at 28 CFR Part 69, the
applicant certit�es that
A. No Federa( appropriated funds have been paid or will be
paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person Cor
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Mcmber of Congress, an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Conoress in connec-
tion with the making of any Federal grnni, the entering into of
any cooperative agreement; and the estension, con[inua[ion,
renewal, amcndment or modification of any Federal grant or
coopera[ive agrczmcnt,
B Ifan}' funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been
paid or �cill be paid to xny person for in➢uencing or attempting
[o inlluence an oIlicer or employec ot any agency, a Member of
Congross, an oRiccr or employee oCCongress, or an employee
of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant
or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and
submit Stmtdard Form — LLL, "Disclosurc of Lobbying
Activities," m accordance with its instructions;
C. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certi-
fication be included in the award documents For all subawards
at afI tiers (including s�bgrants, contraets under grants and
cooperatiee lgreements, and subcontracts) and that all sub-
recipients shall certify and disclose accordmgly
2. Debarmen[, Suspension and Other Responsibility Maticrs (Direct
As required by Esecutive Order 12549, Ikbarment and Suspens�on,
and implemented at 28 CFR Part 67, for prospective participants in
primary� covered transacLons; as de6ned at 28 CFR Part 67, Section
67 510 —
A. The applicant certitics that it and its principals:
(Q Aro not presen[I}� debarred, suspended, proposad Cor debarment,
dcclared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Fedcral benefits by a
state or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from coverzd
Iransactions by any Federal department or agency.
(ii) Have not ��ithin a ihree-year period preceding t6is applica-
tion been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered a�ainst
them for commission of fraud or a criminal ot3ense in connec-
tion with obtainina, attempting to obtain, or perfonning public
(Federal, state or local) Iransaction or contract under n pubtic
transaction; violation oC Federal or state antihusl s[atutes or
commission of embezzlemenl, [heft, forgep�, bnbe�y, falsifica-
tion or destruction of records, making faise starements, or recei v-
ino stolen property;
(i�Q Are not przsently indicted for or o[hen�isz cnmmally or
crviify charged by a governmental entity (Fedeial, sta�e or Iocal)
�vi(h commission ofauy oi the oflenses cnumeratcd in paragraph
(A)(ii) ot this certif catioq a�id
(rc) Have not ��ithin n three-year period preceding this applica-
tion had one or more public Iransactions (Federal, statc or local)
terminated for cause or default, and
B. Where the appiicant is unable to certify to any of the statz-
ments i�� this certification, he or she shall a�[ach an esplanation
to this applwation.
3. Drug-Free WorAplace (Grantees OtherThan Individuals)
As required Uy the Drug-Free Workplace Ac[ of 1988, and
implemented at 28 CFR Part 67, Subpari F, for gran[ees, as
defined at 28 CFR Part 67, Sections 67.615 and 67.620 —
A. The applicant certifies that it tvilt, or will continue to,
provide a drug-free cvorkplace by:
(i) Publishing a statement notifying employees that [he
unlawful manufacture, dis[ribution, dispensing, posses-
sion or use of a controlled substance is prohihited in the
gran[ee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be
taken against employees for violation of such prohibition;
(ii) Establishing an omgoing drug-free awareness pro-
gram [o inform employees about —
(a) The dangers of drug abuse in the e��orkplace,
Section VVI - Yoa must rehern tGis page as part ofyoar applicalio� 67
(b) The gran[ee's policy of maintaining a dn�g-free work-
place; �
(c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and
employee assistance programs: and
(d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for
drug-abuse violations occurring in [he workplace:
(iii) Makinb it a requirement that each employee to be
eogaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of
the statement required by paragraph (i):
(iv) Notifying tlie etnployee in the state�nen[ required by
paragraph (i) that, as a condition of employment under the
grant, the employee will —
(a) Abide by the terms of the s[atement; avd
(b) Iv'otify the employer in writing of his or her conviction
for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurri�g in the
workplace no later than five calendar days after such con-
(v) IVotlfying the agency, in writing, �tirithin 10 calendar
days afrer receiving notice under sabparagraph (iv) (b)
from an employee or othervvise receiving actuat notice of
such conviction. Employers of convicted employees
m�st provide noGce, induding position title, to: COPS
Office, 110D Vermont Ave., NW, bVashington, DC 20530.
Notice shali iaclude the identification number(s} of eacfi
affected graa[;
(�9) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 caten-
dar days of receiving notice under subparagraph {iv) (b),
with respect to any employee who is so convided —
(a) Taking appropdate personnel action against sucfi an
employee, up to and including terminatinn, consistent
weth the requirements oCthe Rehabi2i[atlon Act of 1973,
as amended; or
(b) Requiriiig such employee to participate satisfactorily
in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program
approved for such purposes by a Federal, state or loc��l
heai[h, law enforcement or other appropriate agency;
(vii) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain
a&ug free workplace ihrough imptementation of para-
graphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi)
B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the
site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with
the specific grant:
Grantee Name and
Application IVo. and/or
Typed �ame and tIe��.
As tlre dulyauthorized repmse
alwve cert�cations, including
Yions under thisgrant.
Typed I�ame
Place of perfom�ance (street address, city, county,
stare, zip code) � �„ _qr�--�
City oL St. Pau1
Check Q i( [here are evorkplaces an fite that are not
idenflfied here.
Section 67.630 of the regulations provides [hat a
grantee that is a state may elect [o make one certifica-
tion in each Federal fiscal year, a copy of which
should be included �vith each application for
Department of justice funding. States and state agen-
cies may elec[ to use OJP Form 9061 /7.
Check O if the state has elected ro complete OJP
Form 4D61/7.
4. Coordina�on
The Publlc Safety Partriership and Comm�nity Poiicing
Act of 1994 requires applicants to certify that there has
been appropriate coordination with al] agencies that
may be affected by the applicant's grant proposal if
approved. Affected agencies may indude, among oth-
ers, the Office of the United Sta[es Atromey, state or
Ioca1 prosecutors, or correMional agencies. The appiicant
certifies that there has been appropriate coordination
with all aftec[ed agencies.
5. Non-Snpplanting
The applicant hereby certifies ffiat Federal funds wil(
not be used to replace or supplant s[ate or local funds,
or funds supplied by (he Bureau of Indian Affairs, that
would, in the absence of Federal aid, be made available
to or for law enforcement purposes.
6. Refentlon
The applicant hereby certifies that it unders[ands that i[
must abide by its submitted plan to retain the additional
civilian posiUOns and redeployment levels for at least
one ]ocally set 6udget cycle at the conclusion of the
grant period.
:t��ame: COPS MORE 2001 Grantee IRS/ Vendor Number: 41-600 552 1
EnforcementL'xecutive: William K. Finne , Chief of police
, {D �
nf fiveofthegoverningbody,Iherebycertifythatthel mbindirtgthegovemingbodytothe
tl plantoretain.Electionsofnewofficia/swilJnotreliecethegovemingbodyofitsobliga-
Executive: Norm B. Goleman
_ Section VI!( - you mrrs( return tGis paee as parl oI you� applira7ion
s '�ew
U.SDcpm�hnentoFJus[ice g ������
Office of Conmuurity Oriented Policing Sen�ices
Disclosure of Labbying Activities �i" ��
Instructions for Completion of SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lohbying Activides
This disdosure form shall be comp(etcd by tlie reporting entity, whcther subawardee or prime Federal recipicnt, at the inrtiation
or receipt of a covered Federal ac(ion, or a material change to a previous filing. pursuant to if8e 31 U.S.C, section 13�2. The fi6
ing of a form is required for each pa}•ment or agreement to maAe payment to any lobbying en[ity for influencing or a[[emp[ing to
iniluence an ofticer or employee of any agene}, a Member of Congress, an otticer or employee o� Congress, or an employee ota
Member of Congress in conncc[ion with a covered Federal action. Comple[e all items that apply for both the initiat filing and
material change report. Reler ro the implementing guidance publ�shed bc the O11ice of Managemei�t and Bud�et tor additional
I. Idenfif} the type of covered Federal action for �vlucl�
lobbying acuvit} is and/or has been secured to influence
tl�e outcome of a covered Federal action.
2. Identify the status of the covered Federal action.
3. Identify the appropriate classificaUOn of flns report. If
tlds is a follow-up report caused by a material change to
the informalion previously reported, enter Ihe year and
quaner in ���hicl� tl�e change occurred. Enter the date of
tl�e last previously subnutted report by this reporting
entity for tius covered Federal action.
8. Enter fl�e most appropriate Federal identif} ing nuAUber
available for the Federal action identified in item 1(e.g.,
Request for Proposal (RFP) number, Im•itation for Bid
(IFB) number, grant announcement number, [he con-
tract, grant, or loan award number, the apphcation/pro-
posal coniro2 number assigned by the Federal agency).
Include prefizes, e.g., "RFP-DE-90-001."
9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an
awud or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter
the Federal amount of Uie award/loan comnutment for
tl�e prime eniity identified in item 4 or 5.
4. Enter Uie fidl name, address, city, state and zip code of
the reporting en[ity. Include Congressio�Ual Districl
ruunber, if known. Clieck the appropdate classification
of the reporting entity U�at designates if it is, or expects
to be, a prime or subaward recipienL Identify the tier of
tlie subawardee, e.g., tl�e first subawardee of tlte prime is
tlie lst tier. Subawards include but are not linuted to
subcontracts, subgrants and contract awazds under
5. If tlic organi��uon filing Qie report in item 4 cliecks
"Subawudee," then enter the full name, address, city,
state and zip code of the prime Federal recipient.
Include Congressional District, if kno�vn.
6. Enter die name of the Federal agency making the
award or loan conuniuuent Include at least one organi-
zation�il lece] below agency name, if known. For eram-
ple, Deparunent of Trai�sportatioq United States Coas[
7. Enter tUe Federal program name or description for tls
covered Federa] action (i[em 1) If knorvn, enter [he full
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) nwn-
ber for grants, cooperau�e agieements, loans and loan
10, (a) Enter tlie full name, address, city, state and zip
code of U�e lobb� ing entity engaged by Uie repomng reg-
istrant identi5ed in item 4 ro influence the cocered
Federa] action
(b) Enter the full �tivne(s) of the individual(s) perfonning
services, and include full address if different from 10 (a).
Enter Last Nune. First Name, and Middle Initia( (MI)
il. The cer[ifying ofricial sliali sign and date tlie fom�,
print Iris/her nazne, title and telephone number.
Pieblic reporting be�rden jor d�rs collechon of injormn-
Gon is estin:ated to average 30 minutes per respa�se,
rnek�dorg trme jor revie�ring rnsfructrons, searehing
eristing dnta source,r, gnthering anct marnmrni�sg the
dntn neecled, and conzpletrng and revreu�rng the co!!ec-
hon of inforntnfion, Send comntents regnrding the bta-
�leia estrmate or any� other r+spee! of [h+s collectron of
i�vformntion, indudrng suggestions for reducing this bur-
den, to the OJfice oj �lanngement and Budget,
PapernorkReducnonProjec[(0348-00=16), IJashrngton,
D.C. 20530
__ Secfion VII! - You musf re(urn t7us pa�e as part ot your applicalion
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
Instructions for Completion of SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (cont`d}
Complete this fom� to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352
{See reverse for instructions and public burden disclosure) none
aa- aY�—
Approved bp O\q13
(as amended)
1. Type of Federai Action: _ 2. Status of Federal Action: _ 3. Re��ort Type: _
a. contract a. bid/offedapplicauon a. initial filing
b. grant b. initial a�� ard b. matedal change
c. cooperative agreement c. post-a«�azd I
d loan For iLlaterial Clmnge Only
e. loan guarantee y
f. loan insurance Quarter:
Date of ]ast ceport
4. Nnme and Address of Reportiug Entity: 5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Subawardee, Enter
O Prime O Subawardee Name and Address of Prime:
Tier _, if larown:
Congressional DisLict (number), if known: Congressional District (mimber), if known:
6. Fedcral Department/Agency: 7. Federal Program Name/Description:
CFDA Number, if applicable:
8. Federal Action Number, if known: 9. Ati�ard Amount, if known:
10. a. Name and Addmss of Lobbying Registrant 10. b. Indi��iduals Performing Senices
('Jindividzral, last name, first name, MI): (including address if different from No.lOa) I
(last name, fi�t MI):
11. Infortnation requested through this form is author- Signature:
ized by Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. This disdasure of
lobbying activities is a material representation of fact Wi 11iam K. F' nne
upon which reliance was placed by the tier above when Print Nanie: y
this transaction was made or entered into. This disclo-
sure is required pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352. This infor- Title� Ch ie f o f Po 1 ice
mation will be repated to the Congress semi-annually
and will be availabte for public inspection. My person
who fails to file the required disdosure shall be subject Telephone No.: 651-292-3588 Date: 17 /O 1
to a civil penalty of not Iess than $10,000 and not more
than $300,000 for eadi such failure.
P CUC! 41 we vnry: autuor¢ea tor Local Keproductwi�, Standard Fbrm - LLL
�� Section V!II -}bu mus! re(urn (his page as par( a£yoar applicalion
Section IX
Public Safety Need/lnability to Address
withaut Federal Assistance
In this section, the applicant must describe a spec'�fic public sa[ety need that this project will address and ttris section must
also describe your agency's iaability to address this need without Federal Assistance. Please do not exceed one page typed.
Applicant Organization Legal Name: SPPD
OR[ #: MN06209
Public Safety Need/lnability to Address without Federa/