253141 . ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ������ 4� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � -'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVE , That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an aet relating to zoning in cities of the first class ; amending Minnesota Statutes sg6g, Section 462. 357, Subdivision 5. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. FORM APPROVED � ��„o o7L� �� Asst. Corporatron f ounsel MAR 16197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays �q� 1 g 1971 Butler Carlson / e .19— Levine b _1n Favor Meredith Sprafka � or A gainst m,.ao�--+ Mr. Preaident, McCarty �us�.rsx�D MAR 2 0 1971 � ` �' ., . � ��� ��� � A bill for an act; relati.ng �Lo zoriing in cit;ies of tlie first class ; amending Minnesota. St;atutes 1969, Sec�ion 1�62 . �5'7 , Subdi.vision � . BE IT ENACTED I3Y TI�L LEGISLATUR.I�� OF TI� STATE OF MII�?N�SOTA: Section 1 . Minnesota Si�atutes 196�, Section 462 . 35'7 , SuUdiviszon 5 , is amended to read : � Subd. 5 , r�1END1�IEN`1' t CERTAIN CI Tl ES OF THE FIRST CLASS_7 The provisions of. this subdivision apply to cities of the first class . In such ci�;ies amendi,ients to a zoning ordinance s}iall be made in conforrnance �aith t17is sect,ion bu i� only after there sh�ll have been filed in the of'fice of the city clerk a writl;en consent of the owners of two-thirds of tile several descriptions of ieal estai,e situ�,te saithin 100 feet of the real est,atc affec�;ed , and after the al:firma�Live vote in favor• �i;liereof by a rnajority of tYie r��emUers of �Lhe governing body of any such ci.ty . �Y�e-�a�e�����-�e��-e� ��e�-e���-�a�;-��-a-��ae-����c�s-�e�e-e�-���-t�en��e�s;-�f=�e� �iea���g-,-a.c�e��-�-�e�-�e���g-e�t���a�ee-�a�-�l�e��-s�e�-�����e� ee�se��-�a�e�e�e�-�l�e-��������-ear�r��s�te�-e�-}�������b-�e��c� e�-��e�i-e-�f�-sk���-���e-�ac�e-a-s���e�-e�-�;�e-��efe-a�ea e�-��e-e���-e�°-e�-a,r�-�,�ea-e�-�e�-�e�y-�k�t�-�8-�e�es;-�a��k�� �?��e�-�he-�e�-e����araee-e�-�t.ke-a,r�en�men�s-e�-��=�e�t��t�e�s ef-��e-e��:��f��-e�°��i3�nee �e��d--��3�e-e��ee�-�i�e�-�c�e��bed; ��c�-�ka+�-ka�e-ee���c�e�°ec�-��e��e�-�ke-��t�#�e�-e� �e:�e����te�s-e�-�e��-e��t�-�e-a��£eekec�-��-��e�-ek�.r��e�-a�c� ���e���;�e��-�e�c�e�e-��e-o��;������-e�-��teEi-���-��e�-ee�ye�-b �r�}���e�;�e��;-��c#-�ttek-�=l����fi��;-ee�t�-t���e�-e�-��t������ �ea�c�-;��a.+�-�e�c���-��-��=��-=t��-�.�-�e-��ie+�ae�-��-t#��-e�f��e�. 1 . r • �,y_ � • � ��e-��e�r�sa�s-e�-�i�c�-ht��H�°tt���-�er��-��-nr��-��s�-��� �erzse��.�i��-�e���e�--�c�--�i�e-e�e����-�ee��-ef-��e-ec���n���t�� �e-e�-�s���g-����-�ge,-s�-�a-t�-��t��-�e�-��#;tz�e-�t��c�-�s�e; a.�c�-��a��-�a�e-ee���e�e�l-�a-}����-�e-ke����h-e�-�txe�t-}��e�ese� e��f���ee;-e�a��e�-e�-�z�-�e�a�tei3�;-e�-�k�ek-kea���g }�����s�e�-�e��ee-�k��}�-���e-�ee�-g��e� -��-a-d�a��� �e�a����e�-e�-be�e�a�-et�e�t���te�-a�-�e���;-e�.ee-eae�-�vee� �a�-���ee-��eee�s��e-�ee��-���e�-�a-��et�-�ea�t��;-�a�tet� �.e��ee-9�a��-s���e-��e-��rne;-��a-ee-a�c�-���}�a�e-e�-��tet� �e�,����;-a�e�-�����-��t�e-�e�e��e�-#e-��e-ge�e�r����-�ae�� e�-��e-e���-���s-������b�-��c��-�eeem�aer�c�ak�e�s-��-�a������ .- 0 � . . . . . . f...: . I