253131 ORfy�INAL TO CITY CL6RK �,���� a . .„ , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves application to the United States D�partment of Justice Law En- forcement Assistance A�.ministration and the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the Minnesota State Planning Agency, for a Grant for the City's Police Ordina.nce Disposal Equipment Program requesting Federal su�port in the amount of $12,680.00 for said program, and the City s contribution totaling the sum of $9,083.00; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Grant Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the Minnesota State Planning Agency, said Grant Agreement pertaining to the City�s Police Ordina.nce Disposal Equipment Program (Project goal is to equip a bomb disposal unit with the necessary equipment to safely and effectively carry out its mission); and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the Ma.yor, City Clerk, Comptroller and Commissioner of Public Safety are hereby directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul the said Agreement between the City and the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Minnesota State Planning Agency, a copy of said Grant Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. FORM PRO E . A t. r t n C ns MAR i 81971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �R 1 S �97� Butler Carlson � APA' 19� Levine ' Tn FAVOT Meredith � Sprafka A gainst �esCO_._- Mr. President, McCarty PU�3LISHED MAR 2 0 1971 �� � .i � ' • ' � � STATE PLANNING AGENCY • Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control ^. � , �„ GRANT AGREEMENT, TITLE I, SEC. 304 � '� �� � ,,.;M ..�.±� ,i' � OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968 �� Public Law 90-351 This AGREEMENT, made this day of , 19 , by and between the State of Minnesota acting by and through the Minnesota State Planning Agency, hereinafter called the Grantor, and . City of st. Paul , hereinafter called the G rantee, pursuant to the authority granted by Title I , Sec. 304, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351 , hereinafter called the Act, and Executive Order PJo. 28, December 13, 1968, State of Minnesota; and . WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by the United States Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for use in the State of Minnesota for the purposes set forth in the Act; and WHEREAS, the Grantee has made a�plication to the Grantor for a portion of such allocation for the purposes contained in, and the manner described in, Grantee's "Application for Grant," a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and the terms of which shall govern and control this grant except as otherwise specifically provided herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of an in reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto do covenant and agree, each for themselves and their respective successors and assigns, as follows: . The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as are specified herein and in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; �' � "ihe Grantor shall grant to the Grantee the total sum of ' Twelve thousand six hundred ei�hty Dolldrs ($ 12,680.00 ) , and the Grantee shall expend from other sources the � total sum of nine thousand eight,y-three Dollars ($ 9,083.00 ) , which sum shall be the total financial commitment of the respective parties hereto under this �greement, and which shall be distributed and expended in conformance with the policies , rules and regu- lations of the Governor's Commission on Crirne Prevention and Control ; The Grantee shall expend funds granted under this agreement only - for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhibit "A" and only according to the approved plan and budget contained in Exhibit "A" ; The Grantee shall be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in the "Applicant's Agreement" of the "Application for Grant," attached hereto as Exhibit "A", except as otherwise specifically provided herein; FURTHER, the parties hereto do specifically agree that the follow- ing covenants and conditions shall bind the parties hereto: ' l . Grantee shall abide by and comply with the Special Limitations and Special Conditions contained in the current Statement of Grant Award applicable to Grantee a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" , the terms and conditions of which shall take precedence over and control the terms and conditions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto, "Application for Grant. " 2. When required by the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee s shall attach hereto, prior to submission, certified copies of resolutions , or other authority, by the appropriate governing - body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this � agreement on behalf of the grantee. -2- , ' . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this agreement to � be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hereunto fixed and the Grantee has caused the same to be duly executed on its behalf this day of , 19 APPROUED: GRANTEE: Commissioner of Administration By By Date Title Approved as to form and execution � thas day of , 19 STATE OF MINNESOTA by and through the STATE PLANNING AGENCY BY ATTORNEY GENERAL Title • STATE OF MINNESOTA Date By CITY OF SAINT PAUL Title BY yor Approved as to form: ommissioner o Pu ic Attest: pecia ssistant ity er � ' Corporation Counsel Countersigned: Approved as to form and execution: lty omptro er pecia ssistant Corporation Counsel -3- � 't-1"�``�+ � I• �� ����� ,. � � ��� . ' 'S • . . � �x �1 l Y/ � / " . . Form LEAA-OLEF-5 (Reviscd) iEdition 12-?0-G9 ._^_.__ ------------�— — _--_----- -------- — ,;' � ;, U, S, nF_ rn �� ThiENT OF JUST I CE APPL I CAT I ON FOR GRANT : . '�'� :F:. � ��.':�^`•_; .; LAW ENFOFCEMENT ASS 1 STANCE D 1 SCRET I ONARY FUNDS �. ��..,: �a���=�''�,�`` ADhI I N 1 ST RAT I ON I PAGE 1 .� r t � - � �� ,� Application is hereby made for a grant ur�der Section 306 Application Number Program Division Assigned of the �minbus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1953 ��_ �1�_ � � p :/ (P� 90-351} in the amount and for the purposes set forth in Date Received Region ssigned this application. � Short Title o` ProjrcL:(Do not exceed onc typed line �� � POLICE ORDINANCE D(SPOSAL EQUfPMENT 2. Type of Appl ication:�herk One�-----------�-- _�_�__.. � Oric�inai U Revision L/ Continuation of Grant No._ 3. Discretionary Pr'ogra�n Under Wnich Application is Made: D - LARGE CIT`( POLICE GRANTS� . Project Duration: 5. LEAA. Support Sought: Totai �engtn_,1_z_months S-�_���"- �v2�:�C____._ 6. Applicant or Impi^menting f,qency or Governmental Unit: 7. P�oject QirectOr Ndmc, title, aGdress, and telephcne� (Name, address, ano Lelepl�one) p �� SGT, JOHN STURNER �TEMPo� . !'LANNiNG UNIT � CITY OF ST, PAUL, BUR. �F POLICE BUREAU OF POLtGG � � 101 E, lOTH STREET IO1 E, ZOTH STREET � ST, PAUL, M INN, L27—�521 .. ST, PAUL, M INNFSOTA ZL7-0521 8. Financial'Officer Ndmn, tiCle, address, and telephone 9. Official Authorized to Sign Application !Jame, tiile. Louis MCKENNA, CiOMPTRO�LER address, and tetepnone) � CITY HAI.L AND COURT HOUSE CHARLES P, ivICCARTY� MAYO� ST. PAUL, Iv11NN, � CITY OF ST, PAUL � C17Y HALL AND COURT HOi15E S-r, PnuL, MiNN. 223-4323 �0. Project Sur,mary- - -Summarize, in approximat.ely 200 words, the most important parts of the statement of project plan presented � in application item 22 (page 6), briefly co��ering project noals and pronram methods. impact, scope, and eva)uation. i -- ---i � THE PROJECI GOALS ARE TO EqUIP A BOMB DISPOSAL UNI� WtTFi THE NECESSARY ' , � I pt EQUIPMENT TO SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELV CARRY OUT ITS t.11SSlON. , I � � i • i 1 i � j � i � , ; ► -- - -.----- ---____------ --_---.-------___�----- ---__- --- ---_-- --_-___ , i ° � t " � � , Fci•m lG1.A-�.EP-5 (ReviscA) ' Edition 12-30-G9 - � :. U. S. ilf PARTtiF �� T OF J !IST I CF APPL i C /1T I ON FOR GRA �dT , ..��..'� a ���:,;,y,;;> LAW ENFORCEh+ FP� T ASS I STANCE D I SCRET l ONARY FUNDS �� '�`�"�°� �`� ADMINISTRATION ( PAGE 2 �\ .. — ----------�-- --- ---- ------ 1 1, D E T A 1 l E I1 P R O J E C T B U D G E T -- Include the esti�at�d cost or valur. oi all resources ��cessary to undertake the prn,j�ct. --- ------- -- ------------- ---- --r-----�----- � ;I_ F A A RANTC[�ATEf,ORY A. Personnel Fm lovers) �SUPPORT �0_�TRIi,UTION I TOTAL I L�1 �alarie 1'�-_e,irt� -` -`- --- - --1-- ------- �------ ___��__ , _�osition wit�;aln,v r_�te znA �:.,r,-�_;,;:��f tir:__.1,�_voted) � �----_____� 1' FOLICE 7ERGEANT - _ ANNUAL $l�j,_300___ i0% —�� � 1330 i . p7 -�---� � I PULICE PATROLMAN __ A.NNUAL �f12�i2O _ _IO/p __ � 121� � ^ � I I ___ __ '_ - � , ______ ' _'_�_- '- I "__ _'_-_-___ �-- � ___ FRINGE BENEFITS I OLG -- --------------------..---------------=-------- ----.—,_.—�.�{ . � f { - ---------"--------'�--------_..-----------..-----..-- - -- � + 2 FICA, Retiremer.t, etc. - --- - ---�—�-- — ------- --------- —. ► � 3168_^_ 3168 . ro essiona ervices�(Tir�niz� ---'-- ----- ''--- (--� 1 Ind'vidual Consultants list by individual er t e wi*h fe< � _ ___.__�__ _ _ y�___basis and -amount of time devoted - -- --I � --- ----- ---{- "_ , 1 . � -- — ----- -------- ----�----�------� � 2 Lcntrac`in or Service Ornanizations and Association��ist_each_l�t e rrith fee hasis and amount of tii�e devoted) -- — - --- -- - � ----- - -------- ------ -------------------- -- 'S -- y --i�- � - -- -�^ _ i I i Travrl-'"rans ortation andSubsistence Tltc�rize __ _ __ }-�_ { �--"-�—� ---�-�--., I �------------------- Tf2AN5PORTATION TO NEW YORK AND SUBSISTENCE � ' �rSJV ' -- ----------------------- ---- ----}-- - --- -------- - --+----- • ----- -- ----- � ----� f , � --------- -- --- - -- --- ------ ---� --- 596 � V D. Eq_iiLi__n� Ite�nire . - -------------1-----� ------... . . ----------- SFE CONTINUATION PAGES ZD-1 ZIISO � � � --'---�-�- —--------- -------__. .. __. ..._.-- --�----`--�--- ---- 1 BUCKY MODEL F5225 WITH PROTECTIVE SHIELD MODF_L B � 5225 � — --- ---__--- --- ; 16405 � E. Su��lies aiid Other Operating Expenses crnnmunication;_re�oduction,_indirect cost� Iteni�'z��--^_ i M ISCELLANEOUS O�r ICE �FST� ' � �— ZrJ � , VEHICLG MAINTENANCE __. 23 PER M{LE ___ _^ ! C)J � ------ --- - ----------- —�, ------�3 94_.�J �TOTAL PROJEfT COST � � y --�--- —' _ _ _ I1I180 ' 9083 20263� . i , � PAGE 2D_1 �, TRUCK, 3/4 ToN EqU1PPF_D WITH V—O ENGINE, 4 SPEF_D TRANSMiSS10N, 4—WHEEL DRIV[, POWER WINCH, CREW CAB, CONTRACTOR SIDES, ��S�C'r G� HEAVY DUTY ALTFRNATOR, F3ATTERY AND SPt2tNG5 ���v.� . II. BOMF3 AND EXPLOSIVES CONTAINER WITH A FOUR WHEEL TRAILER, LOCALLY DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURF_D - 3�500,00 I�I. MARK II _ 1000 W�RF�F ss BOMB DETECTOR, MANUFACTURED BY � THE WEST HILLS SYSTEMS CORPORA710N � � Z,325.00 .. IV, PORTABLE BOMB CARRIER, WIRE ROt'E CONSTRUCTION lOO.00 � 'V, TWO ARMORED VESTS AND HOODS �SO.00 VI. TRI—TONGS PACKAGE OPEhERS . JrO.00 - . VII, NON—SPARKING TOOL SET IJ,OG �III. GLASS KNiFE � ?J�.00 IX, BLASTING MATS �4� 300,00 - X. GENERAL PURPOSE TOOL K17 WITH ASSORTED HAND TOOL_S �L�JO.00 XI. GALVANOMETER _ ' 7Jr,OO s ( 1 Y � � � � ' . , � Forni LEAA-OLlp-5 (Revised) Edition 12-30-69) __ ( �'`' � ��`ti. U� S, DtPARTiiEN ? OF JUST 1 CE APPL I CAT I ON FOR GRANT :�;�.. ` �`-=�`'�• • ��� LAW ENFORCEt'IENT ASSISTANCr DISCRETIONARY FUNDS �=�;�' �"�"'•�;�°'`� �` ADNi ; NISTRATION PAGE 3 ..\ 12. EUDGET �JARP, ATIVE Begin below and add as many continuation pages (3a, 3b, etc.) as may be necessary to relate the items budgeted to oro,iect activitir�, and complete the reGuired justification and explanation of the project budget. A. A SERGEANT A ND A PATROLMAN WILL BE ASSIGNED TO THE BOMB DtSPOSAL UNtT. IT IS ESTIMATEO THAT LO,G OF THEIR TIME WILL E3E SPENT (N TRAINING � AND RESPONDING TO INCIDENTS, Ff21NGE BENEF�ITS WERE BASGD ON OUR CIVtL . - SERVIG[ BUREAU75 FIGURES WH(CH HAVG BEEN USED IN OTHER GRANT APPLICATIONS. . " B, NO FUNUS REqUESTEO, TRAiNING PROV(DEG A-f NO C�ST 8Y NEW YORK C.ITY - POLICE DEPARTMENT, � C. COSTS ARE FOR ROUND TRIP AIR FARE AT �lYU.�O, AND PER DIEM �OR SIX DAVS AT �LrJ,OO FOR TWO MEN, . � D, AFTER CONDUCTING A STUDY OF THE EQU�PMENT OTHER LARGE CITIES HAVE . SQUADS UTILIZE, WE ARRIVED AT THE LIST OF ITEMS NEEDED, E, •SELF EXPLA�VATORY. � ( � • � � � l . � f . t f � • ( • � •- � � 5 V r f � • '" � F . ' � . fom :E�•1-CL:�'.5 (ncv'.�•d} �E(�:_1(`n ii.-?1.�,��1•— I�, �, nt_ (� l1 �� T �1E: ^! T OF JUSTICE APPLICATION FOR GRANT � �. ! �1w� ;: 1; � i1Rf. ',: �; f. Nl- ASSISTANfE DISCRETIONARY FUNDS '°::::�� A ]) h� INISTfii� TIO �d PAGE 4 `':- • � �, ,;-;:,— --------- — -- - - — -------- �:—__:�.�:-'--_:�:�.._==-�-='�-------- - — - --- -- -- - --------f f'rior I'roject resent �ucci:ssive fc,i�.:�•[ Cat�,��cri��s Phases Phase Phases Total � Personnel (S.�larics and 6enefits) � 316H � r Protessinr3l Sorvices �inCividuals ----, � er.0 Consc?�i:�9 Grc;.jrizations anc N�SOCidLtr.ns �__'_—_�'_.—_�_ ' .i ETravel (Transpnrtat�an a;id Subsistence) +` 596 -------------- ---- -------- -----i C.yut�xr,ent ' ; --.__._. _ .._..__. ----___--.-----..___._._____- ------ -- -- —16405 ------------� � f ' Su��;+l ic> and Ilthrr O�,,rrdl.im� (,pcnsrs 94 -- - -- — —-- -- -- ----� - ----- --- - -- - - - -- --- -------------------------- --- � _ I i TOTAL --------------------------------- k--------- -__2D2G3--- -------� — --—---------..---------�----.-<-=__-- �� — ----, Ourattqn of Prn ort. I'h:iscs (in rionths _-� � 1 C�--.-- -- --�------ .-------�--�------- - z � - -----------► 14. Federal ;upport Will nthcr Federal support h vailable 15. Federal Suhmissions. Nave other FrAeral agercic for any part of this piro,ject? Yes No � been conta ded for assistance on this or sim,ilar If yes, idcntify and explain: projects? Yes No_�(_____ If Yes, �dentif� - and indicate status: --- �-- — ' ---J F----__---— - - - —-- " — ------ —------ - --- ! i i6. SL"diu;.Rf) fRAGT CQi7l)(TICiiS - - Applic,int understands and agrces that any 9rant received as a result of this application sh,,ll be ` . subje�;,. Lo end incorporate thr following grant conditions: ( . I (l.) R��r,ort.s. lho qr•,ntee shall suheiit., at si�ch times and in such form as may he prescribed, such reports as the Law Enforcercnn[ � A�.;istaru� i"i,nini>iralion may ri�asonably rcyuire, in;ludina quart:erly financial report5 dnd progress reports and fir:al .`in,�e- r.iai an;i n�ri,;'ive reports. (2.) Cer����:u:h's. 'r:here ac;.ivities sup;�m�ted by this grant F,roduce original hooks, manuals, films, or other copyrightabie mater•�al, ti�e grzntee m.iy copyright such, hut LFAA reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocablc license to reproduce, GuGlish, i and use such r„�terials, and to authorize others to do so. � (3.) �atents. if any discm•eiy or invei�tion arises or is developed in the course of or as a result of work perfcrmed unaer t!�i- ,rant, tl,�� �r;.^�e�� shall re`er Lhe discovery or invention to LEAA, wnich will determine whether or not patent protection will , be souni�t, h.w an; riahts therein, including patent rights, a•ill be disposed of and administered, and the necessity of ot.hcr� 1 act.i��n r�r,iiii-rd to nrotect tt,e puhlic interest in �•:urk supported with Federal funds, all in accordance with the Presi;i�r:t�a1 � "nri�i�,tn�fin-,� of Oci��hrr 10, 190?, nn Government Patent Policy. � � i (4.) Di;�•ricinatinn Pro',�hitc�d. �t�o person shail, on the 9rounds ef race, creed, color or national origin, be excluded fr�r: i p<ir;.icipatioi�in, be YCSeISP�I t!;e hei�e�its of, or be etheriaise subjected to discrimination under �rants awarded purwant to P. �. �0-751 or urder any project, proqram, or activity supported by this grant. The grantec must com.ply with the previsions � and rec,uireaier;s or Title Vf of the f.ivil Rights Fct of 1964 and re9ulation� issued by the Department of Justice ar.d the ; La.v Enforcerr.er„ lssistarce AC�ninistration thereunder as a cni�dition of award of Federal funds znd continued arant supCOrt• �ts ` required by Sccl.ion S18(b) o` P. L. 90-351 this graot cond�tion shall not be interpreted to require the imposition in i grant-su�por[�?d nrnjects of any �^rc�tnta9e'rat�o, quota syste^�, or other program to achieve racial Dalance or ei�.�:�nace rnciai ir.halan::c ii; .. ;a•; enfnrc.e�;cn; a�onr,. (5.) Tcrmi:�-�t.ion of Aici. This grant may be terminated or fund payments discontinued by LEAA where it finds a substan*.ial failure tu ccmply viitri the provisions of P. L. 90-351 or regulations promulgated thereunder, including these grant conditions or • aanlication ooli9ations, but only after notice and hearing and pursuant to all procedures set forth in Sections 510 and 511 of i. L. ?i)-351. (6.) In�pvrtio�� anri Audit. Thc Adn;inist.ration and the Cornptroller Gereral of the United St.ates, or any of their duly authoriza:d represenCatives, shall have dCCP55 for purpose of audit an�i examinations to any books, documents, papers, and records cf the r�rantr��, :�nd tn r��'.��vant. lroc>k•. ,,nd r��rnrds of wb9rantea�, anrl r.ontractors, as provided in Section 521 of p, l. 90-351. (7.) �taintr_nance ot Records. Al1 rr•Guired records shall be maintained until an audit is completed and all questions arisin9 t.��.��ri�fror� arr r�,�nived, or f.hrer ��ears after con�ptetion er a project, which�ver is sooner. (R.) litili:ati�,�� .��,:i �,�•,-•-�nt ct fur.r,. funds awar�ied r.rc ;o h�� ex�;r.nJed only for pruposes and activities covered by qrantee's apnroved pro�ecC pinn and hudqet. f'ro,ieci. funds mav be r.�ade available throu9h a letter of credit system pursuant to ri�les and .rocr�hn•es a�, to r.st;�hlisiirent, aiithdrawals, ett., issued by the Administration and with which grantees must comply. knere grant awards are cot sufficien;,ly lar�e to r�,quire this syst.em, payments will be made on the basis of periodic requests I � and estiisate:, uf tund nc�eds submilted by the grantce. Pa��,�ents will be adjusted to correct previous overpay�nents or undr.rpaym��nts and disallmxances resulting from audit. � , � � J � 16. � STnvi�nFO G�nr,7 r.o�+otit��•��--i�o�,��d1 r",. �; (9.) Allc��•ahlc f.ost:_ lho alln�.•abili'v rf :��;> ie-urr�,: �n•dr�- ;.,,y nran' �.h,�ll t,�, �1�•;nri��lilrrl in ict+�r�l�n�r wi�h tf;�• �rnrral principl�s �f' alina,iLility and St.in,t��ra�, for scli.i �ed roc, �,�m� ;��+ inr[ii in Rurt�au �f fudget Ctrcular No. A i{1, "Princi- �l�c for f� tcr�nn;rn f,�sts 1;�nlicr�lr tn Gr,int.s jn� .;nt c � i h .a�� vv1 incil Gi�VnY� �nls" a: furt.hcr dr.fin��i-�n�- � ------- ---- —__.� .--- - --- •-* _ _--- ' d�imit^if m rn�utition�l� and 11 below, and in �Ir i: _i:.�nc + i.i�l for f,dn_in�5tration of Planninc� an�t i,ctinn Grant:. 1 _ . (10.) �ense� "nt 1111c��ahle. f,rant funds �m�y not h� eznrnd,�,{ {pr (a1 itc^�c n�! p,ir+. nf the approved bud9rt or Sr.parr.tely approved ny IE�,A: i�/ P��r,;�•j�e �r �onstructin�� nf l.:nd a� ;,�+ : C�' lrq�''0��('�1^nic ,;,.,r��on, r�r pay'a��nt of rr.al estatr mnrT.���l�'� or • t.txes. ❑i�less �{�eci•`icall� prnvide: `n� in the � , a;r ���w��t; (c) du�� f� nrq�ni�atinn: nr federations; (d) entertai�r,;ent lncludino ltmihr;,nc, I�anqu�ts, qratuif.ic; or r'^:��r:;i.r:�: .(��) urci���,�� nf autcr�'�ohilc: nr ot.h��r autnnotivn vnhiclrs un1���5 providCd for in thc grdnt a�rec,_nt.; i�r ifl iniiircit (overhCad� Cn;t:, km•rr lhe qrant.rr does not havc an avAitCd indirrt.t eapense alloCat�on systrm and rate aicept.ahle to Lf@�, Cx,��nditure ni funA� in excrss of tho suhnitted total co�,t estinutr. fer a�,',' riaior hudacL cat�gory will h�• �rrr,ittrd nnly �.ith i.rnn ipprnval whrre this involvez an incrcase of nore tti,in 10 • p�ri^��t in thr. total c,itenrry r.o�t ��tiratr. ;uch incrr;zes �aill l�� �I�onv�d, in effect, Ler conztitute an .��'��n�trannt oi thr� nrant applic�tion an�1 at:arJ reGuirin�i �:�'.qntr,r �pnCUrr•Cn[C. (11.) kritten i��ro�_al_c�f Ci�.jn_es. fr•,v�itee�: rust nh[ain priur wri;.te�'� ap�?i•oval frn:n LEl1A for n,tjor project charr���;. fh��n i��r,lude �changc�s or c��hstanr�� in proj�ct ;��tivities, de�inns, m• �'asearcn plans set forth in the approved appli�ation; (b) ch���gc� in the projett dire�tor or key pro�ecsiunal personr,ci iden�ificu in ;i�e ap�roved application; and (c) �han���s ir� ih� a�oroved proie:t budnet as ��ecifird in the prcc:�ding conditicr�. (12.) Pro"�ct Inco�e. All interest. nr otP���r ir.come earne�i ��y tr,, yrante� wit:t7 res�ect. to gran', funds or as a result of cund�;.t of the grant pro,iect (sale of publications, reaistration fces, service'charges on fees, etc.) must be accounted for. int�r�st on r,rant funds must be returned tn I.FP.a hy ch?ck payahle to thc ilniteci Sta[es �reasury, and other income sh,oul�i �r a;:p'ied to Dro.lect purposes or in reduction o:` projecC costs; prov�ded. I101J%?Vftf, that it tne grantee is a unit of governn•r_nt, the grantee shr.il not be accountable ior interes*. earnrd on qrant fun�.�^ndina their clisburscnert o� actual aGPlication f�r ' DrO.ieCt purpoSPC. (13.) Title to Property. Titie to propirty acquired in a�hole or in part orith {arant funds in accordance �rith apprcved bud;e[s seall ----- - vest in the grantee, �uh,ject to divrstmenT, at the option of l.FN1 (to thn t±Xtnnt �,f (,Fr.t� cor.*_ribu*i^n to�,•!?rd *.�2 purchase thereof) exercisable only upon notice wittiir 120 days a`tcr the end o` thr. nrant prrl0d pi' tprminatiOn of thc� u�anL: �rdniECS • shall C%C1'C7SC c�UC CdYB 1�1 the USC, maintenance, D1'Ot�CCIOtI and DYCS�PV�ti�� nf CuCh nr(lnrYtv dUYinn tho ��r1pC n� ��rnin�t USC. (14.) PuUlications. -ihe g�•antee n�ay puhlish, at its ovm exprnse, the results of r,rant eciivity without prior revie�.� h; LLi�i, pro- vidr.d tnaC any publieation (written, visual, or ;ound?;,i�.r.tairs an arkno��iledyement or LE,4A qrant >uppor?. At least 25 copies of any such publication must be furnished to LEAA but oniy 10 copies of traininy materials (where used in yrant projectj ne�d be suppl ied, except: as ot.her�,�i5e requ��;ted or approv�ci Ly lF1�F. Puhl icatior ot documen±s or reports with grant funds beyond quantities required to m�et 5tandard report req�iirer�enr; must. be providr_�i for in approved project plars o� bvdnc•?" or o'ne�- wis� approvrd by LF1A an.i, for larqe quantity publitat�on, manuscripts must he submit:ted in advance to !EP,r (15.) Third Payty__Participation. t�o cortract or agreement r�,iy h�. en?ered into hy the grantee for execution of projecL act�viti?s or provision of sr.rvices to a grant project (other than purchase of su�plie; or st.andard commerciai ur mair.tenan�e servir.es) whieh is not incorporatrd in the approved prnposal or appreved in a;lvance I�y LEAA. Any.such arrangements snall provide t��zt the grantee �•+ill rr,tain ultimate control and responsibility for the 9rant project and that the contractor or subqrantre shaTl be bound by tLese crant conditions and any other ;-equiremenCs appl'icablc to the gran±ce in the conduct of the project. (16.) ubli�a_�on of Grant iunds. Grant funds may not, without adv�nce written at�Proval by LEA!'�, bc oblinated orier to the eff�r.tive daie or suhseyuent to the t.�rmination date of the 9rant per�od. Obli,ations outstandinq as of the tcr^iination date shall be liquidated within 90 davs. Such ohligations r.wst he related to goods or services provided and utilized within the ql'dnt. periori. (17,) Fiseal Reouiation;. The� fiscal anministration of m-ants shall br� c.uhject to such further rules, regu,latior.�, and peli-ies, � cerc�rninq accoi�ntinq �nr1 rrcords, pa,Nnent of fund�, cost. allo�•rahili(.�;, sul�micsion of financial reports, etc., as may be prescribed Ly LEi1A, including those set furth in the LEr+i< i:uide for iiiscretiuna�)� Grant Pro�iran:s and those sprciried � apolitahlr to discre*.innary grants in the LEAA Financial Guic�e tor i�„"ninisiralien ofi'-l`lanniny and Action Grants. 17. ASSUkAt±Cf. Or CC�'�PLI?';�E k';TH LIVIL BIGHTS AC� Or" 1°L4. The �pplicant hereby agrzes that it will comply rrith Title V; of th2 �ivii Riqhts Nct of 195�1 P, L. AS-352 and ali requiren�ents imposed by or pursuant to Fegulations of the Department of Justice Z28 CFR Part 42) and LEAA issued pursuant to that t�tle,to the rnd that no person sf-�all on the qrounGs of race.rnlnr,�r national oriqin he exctuded from participation in, be denied the brne`its of, or he otherwise subjected to discrininatinn under any program or acti��it,/ for ��;hic� the applicant rnceives Federal `inancial assistance from the Depart^ent; and gives further assurance.that it will promptly take ai�y measures necessary to effrctuate this cortnr.itment as more fully set forth in the standard qrant conditions set fnrth above. This assurance shall obTigate the applicant for the period durinq which FeAei•al financial assistance is ext�nded to it hy the Ueparb�ent arri is qiven in considcration of and for the purpcse or obtaininq the grant for n�hicii auplication fs hereby maAe, anci the U�,ited States sha;i have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. 8. Date: .Total Pages in 0. S`ate Planning Ager.cy Certi ication and pprova. E ecte i Application i %% Yes %% No (_/ Not Applicable i 1. Signatu of au ized 0 �•al item 6 of Applicationl � �..,;., ` �..;,��� � . _� i ��- W. t., . � . � _ . . s .. � ' I' . for� LEAA-OLEP-5 (Revisedl ' {Edition l�-?0-69) _ -- — — i �''��::��`,4 11, S, DtPARTh1ENT OF JUSTICE APPLICATION FOR GRANT ' �";'��: < LAW ENFORC � FIENT ASS ( STA �rCE DISCRFTIONARY FUNDS :. ai.,. : c `•� ti^�R^�'' �� ADM 1 td 1 STRAT I ON PAGE 6 zz• PROJECT PLAN AND SUPPORTIPJG DATA Please state clearly and in detail, within ten pag�s if possible, the aims of the project, precisely what will be done, who will be involved and what is expecied io result. Use the following major headings: D, I, f:oa15 P. Il. lapact and Results P. III. hlethods and Tiraetable P. IV. Evaluation • P. V. Resources. , Number subsequen� �ages consecutively, i_.e., Application Page 7, Application Page 8, etc. See paqe 6 instructfons for future guidance. GOA LS: �, THE GOAL IS TO DEVELOP THE CAPABILITY TO RESPOND TO INCIDENTS WITH A WELL EQUIPPF_D F30MB UNIT, CAPABLE Or HANDLING ANY CONTINGENGY. � II, IMPACT & RESULTS; THE IMPACT OF THIS PROJECT WILL BE REFLECTEO THROUGH THG ARILiT1E5 OF THE ST. Pl�UL POLICE DEPARTMENT TO RESPOND TO THESE COMMUNITY NEGDS E3Y THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW 60M6 DISPOSAL UNIT. THF_ QUANTITATIVE LEVEL � OF SERVICE WHICH WILL BE PROVIDED DOF_S NOT LEND ITSELF TO STANDARD � MEASUREMENT TEC:HNIqUES. HOWEVER, THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT THE - £STAF3LISHMENT OF THIS UNIT WILL HAVE ON THE TOTAL COMMUNITY CANNOT � �E UNDERESTIMATF_C. � M lll. f,/IETHODS£�� TIMETABLE � f � THE STAFFING OF THE UNIT WILL BE ACCOMP�.ISHED BY TRANSFFR OF PRF_SENT I . f PERSONNEL. THE ORIGINAL TRAINING lS OFFERED AT 1J0 EXPENSE BY THE NEW � . � YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, SUBSEqUENT 'YRAINING WILL �E SUPPORTED j i BY OUR BUREAU. � IV. EVALUATiON CACH TIME THIS UNIT RESPONDS TO AN INCIDENT AND SUCCESSFULLY r''ERFORMS - ITS M ISSION, IT IS, IN EFFECT, AN EVALUAT ION OF THE ENTIRE PROJECT, V. RESOURCES: �N A�DITION TO THE RESOURCES SET FORTH iN THIS DOCUMENT, THE BUREAU PLANS y ON DEVELOPING AN IN—SF_RVICE TF2AINING PFtOGRAM WHIC.H WIl_L PERMIT IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL PER50NNEL WHO ARE ADAPTABLE TO THE PROGRAM�9 GOALS. . - .�.� l � -------;._..��---- � � � ��� �� � � _. _ -- - F -- _ ; .� . ���,��.��.i�--�� � ..,�__._,._____ - - � . -;';<:. U1�'�'�'�� �`I'��;�,5 �h:�'.��n i�L1�1'T C:� �dJ�Tc'YC� w«nr Kus��vi.ro �i�',,i`��, � ;+1,,.�! I..A�V I:NFC�g:C;;t��1�d'�' Ia�SIS'�'fa�E� /�Di�:�1bI.�'-�aibA'I'ION ���`��;...:���1: . , �^.,,� `GIA'�'I�iAdGTd1V, LZ.�':. }1�3�0 . - � � I� � lI �� I!. � GJ I�! [� II `� TI QIl P�l � Grantce ((�ame of SPA) : Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and �Lrt�.i^�a�_=f�11�m��s��(:� Grant PEumber: 71-DF-G10 � I i� addi ti on �o the Gei��r�l Cc�..��i'�i ons anci Co,��'i ti ons ,�{�pl i cabl e to Fi scal Administration to �-;�+�ici� this ��i�����i`. 'ls su�,J�c�, 1� is �lso condit,oned upon � and sub j��ct 1;o cor�+;��1 i��ce ��ri�ci�, thc i ol 1���i r�, sp�ci�� condi ti on(s) : . . • 1 . Grantce agre�s to insure adhL�����c° by subr"Gs;�tee �o (i ) such repartiny requii°e;�i�::n�s us m<,y bc� �s�Cabiis���:i9 b,� LE�'�A, including . - the requirc_mcni: �iot�• c;!!�����:�rly f'ir,�>>c'ia) �.�nd b�he� progress , reports prescri��d i��r dis�r4�io��ar,y g�^���L l���o,�ects ; (11 ) finan- cial adi��irtiistr�+�:i�r� ��ca,�ir�mc����:s ror �7��cr-�,���ionary grants as set � forth in Appe�iclisc I �i t{�e LCI',A G:!�ic±: �`c?r C?�Iscpetion?r�rant Prog_rai�i, iJar�uary, 1s70) , and (�l�i�i j ci,,r�;���ys ec�fic��L ons a.nd , . � wier�e a�;�l i cabl e , ��.�ty sp�c�al r,�c;u�rcilt:nts ,:s�abl 1 si��d by tiie Guide fie�- �i�cr��i:io;s�;r�,,Y_ �Yrar�f. i'rac����ir��� �'o�� �h� par�'icular dis- �-------t:� —r �. �, � cmtion��y �rar����,��.��'�:;�n ��nc�er ��;��tc:i�his r��rr�rc� hns b..�n made. � 2. The grantee agrees to subgrant �;hese funds to the City of . St. Paul , hii nnesota for the pur�poses set forth i n the appl '�ca- tion dated �ctober 30, 1970 , and signed by CV�arles P. �1cCarty, Mayor, adopted by the grantee as co-applicart pursuant to its � application endorsement dated 3. The gt�an�:ee and subgrantee agree to the project period of Noven�ber 15, 1970 through t�over,�ber 14, 1971 (12 months ) . . � 4. Subgrantee agrees to coordinai;e proposed training program ��rith the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and Minnesota Governor's Commission on Crin,e Prevention and Control � . with the goal of eliminating duplication of traininy efforts . 5. Subgrantee agrees to make available the use of equipment purchased undei° tt�is project to other local la��r enforcement agencies toward the , goal of providing a coordinated and cooperative bomb disposal effort. . 6. Matching coni;ributions of $5,225 budge�:ed for equipm�nt shall be for th� pui°chase of netv equipment and will be assigned to the Police Ord�.nance Disposal Equipment Unit for the remainder of its useful life. 7. Approval of submitted budget and its cost estimate shall not •relieve � subgrantee from seeking to secure maximum savings on equipment through com�e-�ii:ive biddiny or other negotiations in accordance with applicable State and local law, regulations , and rules and have equipment well _ . . . .... . . . . . .. .. .F.... . � , ' , , �x �.�� � . � I . � ..L.�...._»L,y ...:.m,:�c..`.•.•>..__•,._,.,�:......_:..,.,,..,........,_.....��....._ ..... __ .._.. . _ .. _ . y;.,.._.��-. ._._..�.. . . r _ �+ � •)� U�Sl�lif.� w9r1'[-\�1,L�7 l.�t��.i.T17�Lr�,1f�1�1\� \.1�.7�.� ��J.7�i�'1�1�i � . IN REKY ffFASE RiFFR TU � ' ..,:_�°i`.�3r..;c� _ �.::. .= „ LA1v L�I�'U'..t(:I;III;\7.' AS�IS'f'flit(;1� �1.I2�IIN15'1'RATIO�i -•-=- � �VA�+IIItiG�ro�, i�.�:. Zo�so ° GR�f�T AWARD Gran�;ce: Governoi°'s Commission on Criine Prevention and Control-- t•1i nnesol;a � � Duration of Grant: t�ovember 15 , 1970 thru November 14, 1971 (12 n;onths ) - Grant An��ouni;: �12zG�0 Grant P�umber: 71-llF-G10 . � . Award is hereby mad� in the amo«nt and for the per�iod shoUrn above of a � '� grant und�r Ti tl e I of the Of11111 bUS Crin;e Control ar�d Safe Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351 , to the Governor's Commission on Crime Preven`tion and Control--hii nnesoi;a i n accor°dance ti,ri th the ��1 an set fiorth i n �he appl i ca- -� tion o�� ��he subgrantee City o� St. Paul , Minnesota, dated October 30, 1970 � - and s�!bject to �:�-�e Ac1!?!inist�,ation 's zt�:�chec current conditions governing �.::_.�� grants as 4ve11 as tl�e attachec! Speci al Condi_t�ioi�s . _ � %, ,. � 1 _� � /i'.'.l�•'_-�. �-���ti `��% !7 . RICH�I�U W. VELDE, Associate Admini.strator � < /`f� ��`��� . � Y� �,f ti ' �.''�iI`P'. � �� � . � �a�°V����Q',Z,Q�f (I f�rl� r , ( 7 � . P // � �_ _ CLARENCE M. CUSTER, Associate Administrator i . . � November 4, 1970 , � '�• ���