02-980COLJNCI;. FILE #: O�, �. 9p0 QREEN SHEET#: 203311 Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date: 18' 1 WHEREAS, the Bicycle Advisory Board has applied for and received a STAR grant for the repair of 1.4 miles of trail know as Z"Fish Hatchery Trail" and further, has requested that Parks and Recreation manage and implement said repairs; and 4 WHEREAS, the STAR Board has allowed Pazks and Recreation to provide the required match for said STAR funds; a�d 5 6 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation is wilLing and able to provide the required match using currentty budgeted Citywide Path and 7 Trail (CO2-3T152) funds; and 8 9 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation is also willing to provide construction management and implementation services upon the ] 0 amendment of the 2002 Capital Improvement Budget; 11 12 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counci] of ihe City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, 13 that $13,b09 is available for appropriation in the 2002 capita] improvements budget, and said 2002 budget, as heretofore 14 adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby furthe� amended as follows: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 18 CO2 - Parks Capital Projects 19 3T152 - Citywide Path & Trail 20 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 21 22 SPENDING PLAN: 23 CO2 - Parks Capital Projects 24 3T152 - Cirywide Path & Trail 25 0279 - Other Repair & Maintenance 26 0 13,609 13,609 0 13,609 13,609 0 13,609 13,609 0 13,609 13,609 Requested by: � Division of Pazks and Recreation B Y' ,��� �Z�f� Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: Adopted by CounciL' Date: _��� � By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved l��yor: Date: by Ciry �' by NZayor for Su �/t���t�� V 1'h� 9t. Pent Itmg • Red�`C:apttat ]mprovevf�s &�dg9i C:ommittee recsived this requeat on IdeEsj 1 �% t o/t� t .�.. and recom:nanc= a�Prv:s� � Fish HatcheryT2d Resolut�on.xls �" ��� ` , ��`/O Z- '34"�„'g►—, --_.,�� , , , �. � �7 � � � ti .. DEPARTMEN7/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 2 3311 Parks and Rec reation 9119f2oo2 0 �' Q CONTAGT PERS�N AND PHONE ' M INITIAL/DATE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR l��/Af/ 5 C�7VCOUNGL Jason Wirka 266-6417 pRROIfrING ? Q7YATTORNEY '�� s CIT'CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(OATE): pgpE,q 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. � 7 OF.S.-ACCOUNTMG 4 MAYOF2 (OR ASSISTANn 8 OTHER. Parks antl Recreation ASAP TOTAL NUMBER OF S�GNATURE PAGES: � LLIP ALL LOLATIONS FOR SIGNATURE ACTION RE�UESTED. Approval of Gity Council Resolution amending 2002 Capital lmprovemeM budget to set up a spending and finanCing plan for a STAR Grant in the Citywide Path and Trail fund for the repair of the Fish Hatchery �Trail. RECOMMENDATIONS (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVIGECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGqUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMM7SSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. HasthepersoMfrtnevuvrortcetlunderc�tradforNisdepartment'� A qB COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No, A STAFF OTHER: 2. Hastheperson/firtneverbeenacityemployee° _DISTRICTCOUNCIL _OTHER' �yg ❑No 3. Does the personlfirm pOSSess a skitt not normal POSSESSED by a cutten[cily empWyee? ❑ Y25 ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where. Why): The STAR board has approved a grant for the repair of the Fish Hatchery Trail. �������� SEP � 3 2tiD2 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Citywide Path and Treit Activity will maintain sufficient spending authority at the budget control leve . "°z *`• G �r� iw="' �€w� ts; DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � �' � None. qp s$ � a���"� �� ° �' � � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� " Citywitle Path and Trail Activity will not maintain sufficient spending authority at the budget control IeveL— �...- ,.- � TOTALAMOUNTOF7RANSAGTION. $13,609 COSTBEVENUEBUDOETED(GheckOne) ❑1'es QNo FuNOiNCSOURCe: NeighborhoodStarProgram ACTIVITYNUMBEH: C.02-3T152 , FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) Fish Natchery Green Sheet xls Page: 1 of i � "���� �� �.- l= � � o� - Q 8�0 STAR PROJECT fNTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING In accordance with the STAR 2002 ad'opted budget for fhe Neighborhood Investment Initiative Program, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation wil� administer STAR Project, Fish Hatchery Traii Repair. Work on this project is expected to commence on July 1, 2002 and be completed on or about October 1, 2002. S7AR funds in the amount of $13,609.00 have been allocated for this project. As work progresses,,the Parks Department will bill the STAR Program using the City's ID billing system. The disbursement code is: P7-930-90306-0547-77641. Attached to the ID wifl be an accounting of actuai costs (time and materials) incurred which correspond to the reimbursement amount requested. When work has been comp{eted, the STAfZ manager wiN be notified that the project is finished. STAR PROJECT MANAGER: Signature: PROJECT MANAGER: Signature: ����+P1 ��e�Q.nSO�n ki.\STAR\FORMS\Interdepartmentai Memo of Understanding.wpd �oJ E