253129 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ��� � ,�-` CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nca NO. J OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK r COUNCI LUTION—G ERAL FORM C MMISSI NE ATE March 17� 1971 WHEREAS, Comptroller's Contract L-708b, Ashbach Construction Company, Con- tractor for Grading and paving MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD from Dayton Avenue to Pelham Boulevard and Bridge No. 62518, MARSAALL AVENUE at Mississippi River Blvd., City Project Nos. 68-P-0194A and 68-M-0290, has been substantially completed, and Wf�REAS, Safd Contractor reqeiests th�t a portion of the 10% retained under the contract from esti�ates for w�ork done be paid in adnance of the final completion of t the oontract, and 1 Wf�REAS, The Commissfoner and Chief Engineer of the Departfaent of Public Works approve the payaent at this ti.rae of $12,622.80 of the $22,622.80 re�ained; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby sutl�rized to pay an estimate in the amount of $12,622.80 from the retained percentage of $22,622.80 to said Contractor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall have no force or effect t�nless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto in writing and f ile such consent with the City Comptroller. r�;- �.�� <�,`��.'�:�:����-:� i1 i: f' .,_z�, ir1AR 181971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er �IIAR 1 � 1971 Carlson A 19— Levine � Tn FAVOT Meredith Sprafka �/ ayor � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty MAR 2 O 197� PUBLISHED �O o��,�,n,�.�,� 253�.2� CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMMI�SSION� Willlr 8• Cti'1soA ^�'� �I�LT.sh l7� Ln71 i1S6RBJ8. Co�ptroll�r's Contrsct L-7086. Aal�seb CoAatZVati,oA Ca�pary. �on- traator for Grading mid Paving M2�SI83I�RI AiVEA HOtTLEVA�1 ;Err,� Da�ton Mraa� to Pelha� Houls�rard and Bridg� 1b. 62518, MAR8�ALt. AV81�]8 at Misaissippi Riv�r Hlvd., City Pso��ct Nos. 68-P•0194�A and 68-M-0290� bas bMn snb�ta�ntiallq ceoeapletad, and i1�B1tSA8, Ssid C�ntraator s�quuta tLat a portie�n o# t!� lt1"� rrtain�d und� t� contraat ls+vs eatiase�s for Mork don� b� pal,d in adva�a� of t1t� tinai a�o�pl�ti�on ot th� cootract. �aad i�RBAS, T� Go�isai�aMr aacl Chi�f Bogiu��r o��tb� D�parts�r�t o� Publia ilorks spps+ar� tL� psy�ant at thi4 ti�e of $12.622.80 ot t.he ��t�622.�0 r�tain�d; �srfor� b� it �SOLVRD, That ttw prop�s Citp O!#iMais b� and th�y a�r�a b�raby autbosis�d Lo pay an �stias� in t.h� �uwunt of ;1Z.6Z2.8fl �ror tla x�tai�a�d p�re�etag� ot $Z3,6ZZ.�0 to aaid Contractors and b� it � xBSOLYED, That tbia sywlut3ar sball 1aav� ro fosa� oY �tfaat unl�as th� sar�ti�� on th� Co�t=aat�r's bond oosu�t therato in Mriting and fil� such aonstrt vith th� City Cc�wptrollar. MAR 18 19.7� COUNCII�EN � Adopted by the Co�mM� 19_. Yeas Naya � 1 8 �9��� ' Butler Caxlson Appr�v�1 19_ ��e in Favor Meredith sp� � � �� ���t Mr. President, McCarty ��