253109-,-� _-- _
- j f . 2531��
Resolution Approving Assessment By ---
and Fising Time of Hearing Thereon
File No.-- 1752.�.-�.
and F'miag Time of Hearing on the Award .
of Damages
In the matter of
_ . --- - —__ .__ .._ _
-- —-- - _
�Penf.F�,�� „ ., ,,;. ;� �.., F-:.�h:ena�n� tt�c nlley in Rlecic 7, C?:'�
the f',�t,E:�!c.<<€�: '; �,� ;;ec�:3.an 2G, Tc:��stifp 'L9, Rnr��;c 23, �:z:c .
�,y �r�t;in�; �?n.�l cr,n!�cr�nin�; for r�l?.c.y }�ur��ase� c�he tTc��:Gh f; f� . r. ` i , 1 � �,,, .
�az-t c�f I,�r� 1�. �nFd 12 ].yimg rlorrh of a la_ne �-un f�c� n �� �� , '. � .
l�, t3 £e�t� ;;�cif;t� o� Cl3e rdo��hc�ast carner L-hcxe�£ �� t� ��,Tr`: . . _ . � , . ' � i ` �''s
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].3 fee4: �c�ezfih of C}�e Ylort�ht�e�st cr,rner therec�f; nlne� �:he �� �' i, �;n, _ �>'�� , i " ":
4-I�� rOC1�I1 t3 fect o�- I,c�t3 21 thrc�ea�±h 2t3 z�nd t�nt �z�x� c�f �,'.�o ;.�) r ' ; . �: � c�" €�
].lne xcxn ��t;� � p4infi a�a� rtae [Ie3t line of_ s�i�i J,o� 19, 3 f.c.-^ t :. . . , , : ;� ,'� , �:° b:,nC cc��z�er
ti-kac�r��-�f �:o a r�c�in8: �-� f-he I'act lir�e of �rtid I.c�t ?_l�, £3 f'ce� i!T �;?,. �, �°;'." �' ,,.�,r;f� cc�,j-.,�^�
E}1ere�£, t�l�. �.n 33Jlcacl: 1, tli.n�er'r, L�dditia�s� t� Ste P���axe .�.?,��:�� ��,,'-; � ,,� ,, _:� ' . ,,.,�,� �-,�,,
� a11cy ��e,i��?o3e� �➢ae I1c,r�h �.6 ���t c�f th� :�aut� 167.5 Fecfi �'; r� . , r'r. ,;�, ,.,r ,� �'� ;,�. ,�,ar,�
� 2��, '�c-��fiai� ?.�iF7s , l�r!*��;� ?.3 ile , �rs�r� 4;tae t•)e:;r� line c�i I:�� 7.,'., ),"���.�;: •o'� E ; ;'��,°��:� t. , �.�t::?�-�t ��
t�o S�. Pra�3l. C�� V��tc>��.a S?`ree�. � �
/��:�� ccsndc:-�nin� nra�l e��?ei.sa�; c�� er�ser^.�nt i.n the l�nd n�eesn�ar-� �'c,-r t�t-�.,, ^�� ��c,�, rc��'n t�rR'i �i,
�i31�, i�ar_].ucl�.��; r.ig;h� c�� r.e��.�v�l �f ].�t:�ral �cx��orfi frc-:y �L:t7 a�cC 3 �-:�.,�1 c;;c f-�_��z�.r.-c'��r 'i
�.i.�e�c�e��, es�y�Z,,�..�z�cl ��y e�c��ie•n�i��� therc�nf c�r cr��tatrue�icn c�� r.l_c�..:�3 �Tn t�t�.e �;r���1,�n�� z�nc1 �
:tir.�n�iLn�; ���t'i� t��.�.r.�r�i,nots> ri�tex°ial r�se �A3.ev in Blc�ic 7, I•Jint'e�:�n f,i,,�A.i:icrx Co �f;, T.'zse�?. '
a�a�l t:he �oa�f'?�:te�c� ?; e��; �rei�icv� 2E�, i�z�asl�i� 29,� R�ra�;e 23 S�c��VfcC��;':�.�n :'rr.��� �:o L��c�-� �,
S�;-ce� (G-1✓u7) , .
._-- -----.. --:___._ - -- _ _
- -�-- -.. _ -
The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount
of damages awarded for the ta,king of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im-
provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to` property
from the making of said improvement, therefore be it
F.esolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.
Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con-
firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
�ramt�-�e��i da� •f _A�ril, 1971 _ _,--, at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of s�id hearing as prescribed by the Charter.
� Yeas al��LER Nays �� � ? �
LEViNE Adopted by the Councii—
MEREQITH AR 1 ? �97�
�;;�, ;f R Approve
T��-'�R` ��
�In Favoi _
' ^� G�
Aoainst 0 �97�
Form R-3 �o ��BLIS�D MAR 2
r ' +
' r' , �Y aF sT. PA� 253�.1� 2525�9
Regort of Completion of Ass�essment �e No. ���*�
In the matter af the asseasment of ��'�r � +1Mr! � �t � � MMl'�t#s�
� �� #�1f��+M� +M� � � � +� � M� �i � �
�r i� t+M► ��► ��� +�'L�r +M� M+� � � l�Si�l�M �►���'�►
under Preliminary Order #f� ,approve� �' �s �� ,
Intermediary Order � approv� 1� �r �'� ---,
Final arder � ,approv�ed � �� �'� .
To the Council of' the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a s�tatement o�the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz:
Total conatruction costs . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. ..... . .. . $ 7.332 90
Engineering . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . $ 1,086 77
��,�c pal.uation .and. Assessment, Services, , � 149 9A
Postalcards . . . .. .. . . . ... . . .. .. .... . .. . . .. .. .. .. . $ 6a
Publicationa . .. .. .. . . . ... .. . . .... .. . .... . . .. .. .. . $ 6 00
Collectioncoata . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . $ 12 00
Court costs for canfirmation . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . � 60
Caaptroller Costs 1.� 0�
TOTAL F�XPE�DI,TURE� . .... . . .. .. ...... .... ... $ 8,594 77
Chargeto . ...... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . $
Net Aasessmen.t . . . ...... .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . $ �.594 77
Said Commiasioner further.reports tl�at he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of � 8�g 9�•�� upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel o� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of eaeh lot,paxt or pareel of land in accorda,nce with
the benefita conferred thereon; that the said assessment h�as been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammisaioner, and made a part hereof, is the sa.id assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the ncil for uch action t eon as may be
considered proper.
Dateci Februar�► 17, 1971 Commiasioner of Fina_��
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�