253087 ... . . . - . � .J:..
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File No. � 17535
In the Matter o� �ro�riia st1�� A�dtt�i fr�a Johw,sou Parknay t• I�ite Bear Av��ane �
(Cit� Traject P-OSAS) as follwa:
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� Improve CONCORD TERRACE - 1971 (City Pro�ect P-0518) on:
WOOD STREET from Robert Street West approx3mately 800 feet to cul-de-sac;
COLORADO STREET from Robert Street East approximately 500 feet to cul-de�sac;
CLINTON AVENUE from Delos Street to Colorado 3treet; �
LNINGSTON AVENUE from Isabel Street to Delos Street;
ISABEL STREET from approximately 200 Peet West of Wabasha Street to Concord 3t;�
ISABEL STREET from Livingston Street to Robert Street;
CONGRESS STREET from approximate�y 100 feet West of Wabasha St. to Concord 3t;
ONEGA STREET from Congress Street to Isabel Street;.
WABASHA STREET Prom Congress Street to Concord Street;
ROBERT STREET from Concord Street to Wood Street;
GREENWOOD AVEM7E from Delos St. North approximately 130 feet;
Alley Block 20, West St. Paul Proper from Clinton Av+e. to Green�rood St•
as follows: grade and surface, pave; construct curb and gutter; construct
cut�b, construct street, alley and driveway returns; construct a bitwninous
, overlqy; construct storm aater drainage facilities; construct ser►er, r�ater !
and gas service connections; construct an ornaade�rtal lighting system; '
construct aad reconstruct 8iderralk; pleat trees; and do all other Mork '
which,ia necessary aud incideatal to camplete said improvement.
taaa.s��f o���_--- ----
o�er betpe�n Point D�nalas Eoad aad Claresas Stre�t n�rth ar s�nss svesas,-�e �o ��_
other work Mhiah is aeaeasary aad iaaidaxtal to ae�apl�te aaid i�prave�eat.
Clarasete Street to Nhite Eear A�asne • viden, srade sad pave; cosstruct cgr� aud
ggtter; cvaatract atraet, a11eJ► and dfiveMay xetnrss; constre�ct stmro Nater draiaa�e
facilities; plant tre�s; comstruct se�sr, �►ater aad sas sernice coaaectiona; recoa-
�truat a traffic control systea at T. H. 61; and do all other vrork Wbich is necessarp
aad incidantal to sw�t�i0� said iaprmv�eat,
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is � 411.8�O.�A
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1��� day of
_�pril,. 1971 , at the hour of 10 o'�lock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
I hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Council �
Yeas BUTLER Nays
CARLSON Approved R 17 �9l'`1
S�'R^.FKA Tn Favor
TL_D�SCO �� Q 197�
Mc;;ARTY ' A��,inat -� MAR a _ '
PU��.ISHED �.�--