253085 ....s..i :".v....� S � - 25��85 • 4 i j INTERM�DIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na By File No. 17557 In the Matter of _, -- ---�-� �' ��n, wi�1�n :ind .�x��nd f�urn�-- -_ ___ _--- -�-- _ — ---- --- �, ' �, 11vc��,u� 7t Y,enn��rd- �t�r.et IClty �ra)�ct P^�505a) , hy c��nd�mnin� in�1 t�kinn f��r :.tr�et �urr�:��. th.it p�rt nf LOt 6, Auditars Subdiviston N��. 55 lyinry r�it.hin thr fnll�win� �i��scrihnd linr.s: Dc�inninc� �t th� northeask GornCf �f �;iid Lo[ (i ( Intrr;ccti�n �f t.hc nort.li lin� of ScC. 3'T.?.f3N-R.22W Et�d thC WC,t 11nC �f NE� � Nf1. , snicl S�G. 3) ; th�•ncc wrstcrly alonq the narth 1 (ne of S01d LOt 6 (north iine >cc. 3-T, 2�3�J-R. 22W) , di ;t�ncr. nf 11£i.; fcct ; thc�cc in a southc�sterly dtrcctton � dist.�ncr_ of 119. � fcet to a point �n thc cast linc of s.�td Lot 6 loca,tod 15.6 fcet ;outh of thc said northc�ist c�rncr of s.ild Lo[ 6; thencc northerly 810ng thC CF1St 11�e of sa(d Lot 6 to thc noint of b��innin�. 111so, that p�►rt of Lot 5, �udit�rs Subdivislon No. �5 1YIn9 within th� following dr_scribcd iincs: f�c�inning :►t thc northwesc corncr of said Lot 5 (Intcrs�etion of thc north linc of Scc. 3-T.1_£3tJ-R.22W and the west llne of NE�, NE� Sald SCC. 3) ; thcncc southcrly �long thc wrst linc of s:►id Lot 5 �West line of NE�r, NE� SeC 3� a distance of 15.6 fcet; thcncc southc.�stcrly a distance of 53.9 feet to s potnt in sald l.ot 5 locatcd 30 fect so�,th of and par.,ilcl to tho said noreh 1tnQ of See. 3, thence NH' ly a i dlstance of 60 fcet to thc point of bec�inning. Also that p��rt of thc SE� , SE�„ Sec. 3�►, T. 2gN, R, 22W, lytng wlthin the � followin� describcd lines: dcginnin� at the point of intersectton of a llno �0 feat �.:nQrth of and parallcl to thc south linc of said Set. 34 and a lina 154.2 faet east of ar�d parallel to thc west linc of thc SEJ;, SE�, Sec. 34, T. 29N� R. 22W; thence westeriy �'"��1�ong the said parailcl linc wh(ch is 30 feet north of the south lino af a�aid Sec. 34r a dist�nce of 102.2 feet; thencc deflecting to tha rlght at en angle of 30q in a northwesteriy dlrectlon a distance of 1$.2 feet; thence �southea�torly e dlstanGe of 118.3 feet to thc point of beginning, oit es shown on Opening Drawing No. 2119, In Drawer 4� on filc in thc Department of Pubiie Horks. � _ South ot thc Sa�d northcast corner ot sald Lot b; Lnence nvrrner �y a�v��y ..��c aoa� � �nc of said Lot 6 to thc point of beginning. , Also, that part of Lot 5, Auditors Subdivision No. 55 lying withln the following described lines: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot S (InterseCtl�On of the north line of Sec. 3-T.28N-R.22W and the west line of NE�, NE� said Sec. 3) � thence southcrly along the west line of said Lot 5 (west line of NE�, NE� Sec j) a distance of 15.6 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 53•9 feet to a po(nt In said Lot 5 located 30 feet south of and parallel to the said north line of Set. 3r thence NN' ly a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginning. , Also that part of the SE�, SE�, Sec. 34, T. 29N� R. 22W� lying wlthin the following described lines: Beginning at the point of interSeCtion of e llne �0 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Sec. 34 and a line 154.2 feet east of ' and parallel to the west line of the SE�, SE�� Sec. 34, T. 29N, R. 22W; th�ence westerly along the said parallel li�e whlch is 30 feet north of the south line of said SeC. 34, , a distance of 102.2 feet; thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 30° ln a northwesterly direction a distance of 18.2 feet; thence �southeasterly a dlstance of 118.3 feet to the point of beginning� all as shown on Opening Drewing No. 2119� In Drawer 4, on file In the Department of Publlc Works. .� __- > ___--. :_ , i�--- _— _ _ . _ _ _ -- Approved �_`:�. ,. �i.. ' :' +.�1TH � �. . �i='r<A ; �n Favor �� � „ or I :_.� _.J�O i ,. .: _ :;rY � ,�gs�.inst . ' MAR 2 0� 1971 �1 �UJ3i,ISHED <'�'-T-