253077 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK a� . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. "`��''�'� d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,e� GO CIL ESO ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire P�evention Codes pertaining to the following listed properties and as shown by the official minutes of said Board o£ Appeals dated February 10, 1971, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by referenee: Case No. Property Appellant 94-70-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando by Kurt G.O. Pinke 6-71-H 197 North Kent Mrs . Robert Moody 7-71-B 2040 Como Ave. Twin City Linnea Home Twin City Linnea c/o Board of Social Ministry Aome for the Aged of the Lutheran Church of America by Jack Geretz, Adkins-Jackels - � - Associates , Inc. ;- � 1�AR 1 ? 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays �R �, ? ,9,� Butler Carlson ved 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka v ayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ('�� �� \ MAR 2 0 197� Asst. Corp ration Counse p�J�LISHED.,_,_____—-�' - �� , 2/10/71 ? Meetinq No. 46 � �J���`� r MINUTES OF THE MEETING SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, February 10 , 1971 Room 210, Bureau of Health , 555 Cedar St. - 1 :30 p.m. Members present: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Raymond Grove Mitchel Kamin Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Others present: Glenn Erickson, Frank Staffenson, Henry Streich, Thomas Strohkirch, Kurt Pinke, Anthony Orlando, Donald Windish , Mrs. Robert Moody, William Hunt, Jack Geretz , Walter Scherek, Thomas Anderson. The minutes of the meeting of January 27, 1971 were approved as corrected. Arthur Tieso arrived. Mr. Wozniak said he would draft something for the next meeting concerning the possibi��ty of publicizing the fact that the Bureau of Health can provide '`��ree inspection services for one and two family dwellings and th�t a Certificate of Occupancy is required for three or more family dwellings. Mr. Voigt arrived. Moved by Tieso that all capital expenditures from the Board of Appeals budget be approved by the board. Seconded by Peake. Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . 94-70-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando � �b "r' rt G. 0. Pinke PRIOR HEARING : Meeting No. 42 , November 18, 1970 . � EXHIBIT "A" 2/10/71 R Meeting No. 46 SUBJECT: Letter dated October 1, 1970 from the St. Paul Bureau o£ Health to Anthony Orlando, 110 Charles , indicating Housing Code ; violations detected in a recent Housing Code survey. APPEARANCES : Anthony Orlando, Kurt Pinke. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Pinke is a personal friend of Mr. Orlando The inspection was initiated at the request of a vindictive tenant � who had pounded in the walls with a bat and had written on the walls with grease pencil. There are two dwelling units at 112 Charles. Mr. 0rlando has lived at 110 Charles for over 30 years . . The tenant was advised to move after three months . It cost Mr. Orlando approximately $200 to evict the tenant and move the furniture. Another couple has moved in and has not paid the rent since October. The downstairs tenant is now remiss for - this month 's rent. Mr. Orlando has done many of the requested items . . . He has no family . . They are requesting that these code deficiencies be set aside until decent tenants get in . . Mr. Tieso suggested the possibility of turning the matter over to a real estate agent to manage the property. An agent could evict the present tenants , make the necessary repairs and rerent the units at a higher cost . . . Mr. Staffenson said that items 3 and 6 under "General Structure" are very costly items . ACTION: Moved by Voigt to lay the matter over until the second meeting in August at which time Mr. Pinke reappear with a full report as to any progress made in acquiring a property manager or to any progress in making the repairs . Seconded by Sommerdorf. . THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . ACTION: Moved by Tieso to waive the filing fee. Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . 5-71-H 97 North Oxford Donald M. Windish SUBJECT: Bureau of Health inspection report dated November 18, 1970 . - 2 - 2/10/71 � Meeting No. 46 . APPEARANCES : Donald M. Windish PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Strohkirch said the premises had not been re- inspected as the matter was before the board. Mr. Windish said ai� estimate of cost to wire the building was about $2 ,003 . . . There have been 2 - 3 robbings or muggings per month so he in- stalled four flood lamps outside which are not enclosed. . . . It is a boarding home for retarded and mentally ill people. Eighty percent of the rents are provided by the Welfare Depart- ment. . . . There are presently 31 people living there. . . Average expenditures are $120 - 140 per day for food, utilities and help. There have been up to nine vacancies since May. Net income is down. . . . Board and room rates are about $115 per month per person. . . There are three private rooms renting for $195 per month. . . The basement occupancy was put in by the previous owner and done by contract. The ceiling is 7 '7-1/2" . The sill is 30-1/2" from the floor. The building is licensed by the state for 36 people. . . There is a° possibility of converting some closets to bathrooms . The operation is classified as a supervised boarding home. . . . The woman living in the basement is a cook and night supervisor there. Mr. Windish began operation in February , 1969 . . . The remodeling of the rooms he will do himself as soon as possible. . . . The electrical and plumbing work will have to be done by contract. . . He applied for a loan or grant but is in- eligible because he is buying on a contract for deed. . . . Security lights and porch lights are all that are needed now. He could do that work within 90 days . ACTION: Moved by Tieso to carry the matter over until th� next regular meeting to permit a reinspection of the premises and to allow Mr. Windish an opportunity to obtain estimates of cost for required improvements. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . 6-71-H 19:7 North Kent Mrs . Robert Moody SUBJECT: Letter dated January 19 , 1971 from the Bureau of Health to Mr. Robert Hickman, 197 Kent Street, setting forth Housing Code deficiencies discovered as the result of a survey on January 15 , 1971. - 3 - 2/10/71. Meeting No. 46 APPEARANCES : Mrs . Robert Moody. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Streich said there are no funds to improve the property but that it can't be licensed as a Boarding and Rooming House because of code violations . Mr. Erickson said that the Bureau of Public Buildings has a Certificate of Occupancy file on the property which indicates that most of the requirements have been met for that. . . . Mrs. Moody said the home is set up to meet the needs of young people in the area. The Union Gospel Mission provided support after the building was acquired. Money that was in the bank was used for staff, main- tenance and food. . . . Money to operate is now received from various loans and grants . . . . many facilities have been donated. . . . The building may be included in the land use plan to be ready April 30 , 1971. . . . There are presently seven youngsters at the home. . . . The Bremer Foundation provided a grant of $10 ,000 to purchase basic facilities and has asked that it be approached again for additional funds . ACTION : Moved by Tieso to grant an extension of time until April 30 , 1971 for compliance. • Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried s�ven (7) to zero (0) . 4-71-B 1521 Grand Ave. St. Paul's Church on the Hill by Karl Dedol h Jr. Karl Dedo ph Construction Co. SUBJECT: Building inspectors report dated December 7, 1970 in- dicating an illegal cellar occupancy at 1521 Grand Ave. APPEARANCES : Mr. William Hunt on behalf of Karl Dedolph Jr. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Hunt said they were requesting a variance to allow occupancy of the basement apartment. Mr. Erickson said , the unit is more than 1/2 below grade and has regular basement windows . It is usually occupied by Macalester College students . There is no problem with the four other apartments . Mr. Hunt said they would like the option to comply or else abandon the unit. . . There is a possibility of installing larger windows . . . . He said they would like an opportunity to reinspect the unit after the snow is gone so that an accurate estimate of what it would cost to comply could be obtained. - 4 - 2/10/71 � Meeting No. 46 ACTION: Moved by Grove to carry the matter over to the second meeting in May to allow the parties concerned to obtain an es- timate of what it would cost to upgrade the unit. Such waiver is granted on condition that the unit remain vacant until then. Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove , Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . Mr. Tieso left. 7-71-B 2040 Como Ave. Twin City Linnea Home Twin City Linnea Home c o Board of Social Ministry for the Aged of the Lutheran Church in America � Jack Geretz Adkins-Jackels Associates , Inc. SUBJECT: Letter dated February 9 , 1971 from Robert Ames , City Architect, to Tom Anderson, Board of Appeals , indicating that the preliminary plan for alterations to the Twin City Linnea Home shows a different method of enclosing the stairways than has been approved by the Bureau of Public Buildings. APPEARANCES : Jack Geretz , Walter Scherek. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Erickson said they intend to provide separation floor by floor with a smoke stop. It is Mr. Blue 's opinion that there is no real substitute for complete enclosure of stairways . Mr. Scherek of the State Fire Marshal's office said he would approve the plans . . . . The property is an ambulatory care facility consisting of three floors of ordinary construction. The building is sprinklered; is 1-1/2 hour rated "B" labeled construction; and has a smoke detection system. Fire doors are magnetically held open and are released upon detection of smoke or excessive heat. ACTION: Moved by Voigt to grant a variance to Chapter 6 .02-1C of the St. Paui Legislative Code in accordance with the plans submitted by Adkins-Jackels Associates , Inc. dated January 18, 1971 and which are on file in the office of the City Architect. Seconded by Sommerdorf. - 5 - 2/10/71 ; Meeting No. 46 .. THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak , Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes : none. Alistentions : none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . Meeting adjourned at 4 :15 p.m. �iw�'M...r-� � Thomas W. Anderson Recording 5ecretary - 6 - ✓ DYI*I.ICATt TO lRIN7�R F� �����' /• / -- � CITY OF ST. PAUL courrcrc�� < < OFFICE OF THE CIn CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEI�IERAL FORM ��s�� COMMISSION�� DA*F RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul �oard of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaininq to the following listad properties and aa shown by the oflicial minutes of aaid Board of Appeals dated February 10, 1971, a copy of which, marked EXHIHIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by referencp: Case No. PropertY Appellant 94-7�-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando by Rurt �.0. Pinke 6-71-H 197 North Kent Mr$. Robert Moody 7-71-B 2040 Como Ave. Twin City Linnea Home Twin City Linnea c/o Board of Social Ministry Home for the Aged of the Lutheran Church of America by Jack Geret�t, Adkina-Jackela Associates, Inc. COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Coun�'� �R i 7,1.97�9— Yeaa Nays Butler � 1 � 187� Carlaon Appr°o"� 19— ��e Favor �deredith� Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � A8'��at Mr. President, McCarty ��