253076 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLlRK � ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � '�'� � • �,�E NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE • ATF RESOLVED, Upon the pertinent appeal of Virgil A. Doerfler, under the Zoning Code, to relax the setback line on pzop�arty lo�ated on the northwe�t corner of L�orth Hazel Street and Wilson Avenue, more p�rticnlarly described as Lots 1-5 inclnsive, except the north 4� feet oE Lot 1, all in Block 3, Hudaon i�oad Gasden Lot�= that the provisions of ssid Zoning �ode hereby s=e determined and varied in the application, as a�d to th� extent necessary tlierefor, to allow a setb�ck from North Hazel Street of 30 feet; be it FtJxTHER RS�OL`TED, Th�.t Virgil A. Doerfler be and hereby is g=anted a permit to in�tall a 166-car p�rking lot to be gsed in conjunetion with an apartment dev�lopment on property located on the northwest corner of North Hazel Street and Wilso� Avenu�, more particnlarly d�scribed as Lots 1-5, except the north 40 fe�t of Lot 1, Block 3, Hudson Road f�arden Lots= all in accor- dance with plans dated Received Febr�a�ry 3, 1971f subject to th� condition that said �pplieant-permittee, and his snccessors �nd assigns, shall make due coeapliance with all ,applieable pro- visions of m�ni�ipal ordin�nces, state stat�tes and r�les and regulationa of pwblic authorities haviAg cognizance. a� N C �qqq � � \ Q .� t0 � a. �a a- o d c.� N �pR �? �97t N o a � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya �1� � 'J ]91�a Butler Carlson Ap rove� 19_ Levine �ln Favor Meredith Sprafka qor Tedesco ��inst Mr. President, McCarty ru�L�s��D �AR 2 0 1971 �� � • t S ; BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 ����:�`7� February 23, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Ha11 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of Virgil A. Doerfler to relax the setback requirements on property located on the northwest corner of North Hazel Street and Wilson Avenue. This property is further described as: Lots 1-5 inclusive, except the north 40 feet of Lot 1, all in Block 3, Hudson Road Garden Lots. This matter was considered at the public hearing before the Board of Zoning on February 4, 1971. The staff explained that the appellant is requesting a setback of 30 feet from North Hazel Street, which is 29 feet or 49% less than the required setback of 59 feet. The staff noted that the setback is great on this block because it is a double block with unusually deep lots and that the setback on an average city block would be only 30 feet. In considering this matter, the Board noted the fact that this is a double block because streets aren't platted at the normal intervals at this location. The unusual depth of the lot was noted as a motion to recommend approval was made. This motion was seconded and passed by a 5-0 vote. Very truly yours, . �/� . � , .��'��i..ti" ` , PETER J. �IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:ga f PLR Z. F. ��7112 �' �. _ � O � � ' � � � � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 23, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Virgil A. Doerfler for a permit to install a 166-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with an apartment development on property located on the northwest corner of North Hazel Street and Wilson Avenue. This property is further described as: Lots 1-5, except the north 40 feet of Lot 1, Block 3, Hudson Road Garden Lots. This matter was heard at the February 4, 1971, Board of Zoning meeting, at which time the staff noted that North Hazel Street not being developed caused the unfortunate arrangement of a long driveway running along the building to the parking 1ot on the north. The staff suggested that the applicant could be required to develop North Haze1 Street as far as the parking lot. The staff reported that the plans do indicate that this long driveway would be removed when North Hazel Street is developed. The parking lot itself ineets design standards. Mr. Doerfler, the applicant, explained that developing North Hazel Street would be pretty costly. He said that the driveway wi11 be removed and replaced by sod when North Hazel Street is developed. The Board discussed alternate possibilities for access to the parking lot, and noted the proposed driveway changes according to the future development of Wilson Avenue and North Hazel Streets. A motion to recommend approval was heard, seconded, and passed by a 5-0 vote. Ver truly yo s, ,' i�'�' "Z'"(�� � ��� • ( PETER J. TTA PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR Cj z. F. �k71o4 � , ' 'Harry E..MarshaU w��''`' �,.� Albert B.Olson � G�ity Clerk and �° � s. Council Recorder Commissioner of Registration �"`� � � _ ___-�-�'' i . `,-�s - - ^p OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OR RECORDS :188 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5610� Jannary 20, 1971 Zoning Board, Commaerce Bldg. Gentlem�n: The City Council referred to you for recom- �endation the attached zoning app�al of Virgil Dcerfler to relax the setback reqvirements on Lots 1 - 5 incl., exeept the north �0 feet of Lot l, all in Bloek 3, Hudson Road Garden Lots, aleo knoWn as the norths�est corner of Wilson Ave. and Hazel St. — � Very t y y�ur� � ity erk ` hP , � -_.__"'-,. ------_ �� "ti � � �r � ,�,� �� "'--- `�rr c �t i �$;; � '"� '� « 7 g � �s��s �.._'�L� �' � I� '� � I� � C�- � �( C . ; ,J AN 2 (� 1911 ,��i 2 ``�� ��ti CITY FLA►�i�1�� f��ARD ��� � � �� � , � -��.��:� � ' Saint P��.�:> �':�;; �� ������ �� � � 2 � � � � 0 �. � s 4 � � • , . . � � U o�b `— ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ -- � � � � �� _- - _ ___ _ , _ _ _ _ .�-�� �� _ _ _ >�.,.�,� -�� � _� _ _ � __ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -- _ _ _ _ - --- D � C�iJ��- � .��6 c� ,�,�-� _ _ .s-�!�a..�P, �� �.�,.�. 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Commis$ioner of Reqistration �y�; -� , ; °`�' `�'j: .1C OFFICE OF TNE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Iiall St.Paul,Minnesota 55108 Dec. 30, �970 Zo�.ing Board Commerce Bld.g. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City (buncil referred to you for recommendation the attached application of Virgil Doerfler, 812 University Ave,, for permit for 166-car paxking lot at Wilson and Hazel, on Lots 1-5 exc. N. �+0 ft. of Lot l, Block 3, Hudson Road Gardens. ° Very truly yours� , �D� City C rk � ng �� � � �° Q��` � �o� � � ��� r�`� S� � �� �� . � '�� � ������ ��L� _� � 0 _;� . .. ,. City of Saint Paul, l�innesota , � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE F�1�RABLE MAYOR. ANll CITY COUNCIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of i s lands ai�d pumps : � � No. of tanks and apacity: � PARKINGr LOT for (c stomers) (employees) („����� (public use) (other) - � �(indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot To be used in connection with: �� � MISCELi�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in ltef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaniag Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : ��NM � � Legal Descriptioa : Lo����r. �, �'�� B1Qck ��A�dd��Oa� i Applicant's Name : �„ ��, ,� 8ome or Office Address: ' � �,�,� ` ,%,; f Phone Number . �� , FO T� AP , r;_, � - „ � i,' ,,r : �,� � +� � �,'� it ;� .,, Signature � (date .���Y,���� . Address . �` Phoae No.: 1h�hen completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Sainti Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of I�ain �t. and First St. 2. 3outb side oY Main St. between First and Seconfl St. �� ���� ���� �� B�7A1tD 0� ZONING REPORT AND ACTION Febru.�ry 4, 1971 . �at :1,-, ��42 . Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 TM ~ �_ _� ' passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. � 71.12 ; � 7104s� ' Virgil Doerfler 6990 ". � �� � . �� . � . , � F��enr.,me�:t X ' ,��,�eal ❑ -�er.mit � )th�er X�1004 _� , „ Relax the setback requirements , , ,,. . Northwest corner of North Hazel Street r3nd Wilson Avenue �� ;�. , " � ��,:1 . Lots 1-5 inclusive, except the north 40 feet of Lot 1, all in Block 3, Hudson Road Garden Lots ` � '' �- ��'��� � � � +-��� ��- "C-1" Residence � �- ,�._'. �.�n.in�� C:r,�ci� C��ap��:rs 62 Seczi�n: .O1 P��rsn,ran'�: , .,.. , � '�, ti��"1 ��i�TI��'1 & 2�':'�'�RT. �ate, 1/27J71 I3y; ATB A. HISTORY: This property was rezoned in two separate actions from "A" Residence to "C-1" Residenc.e. The northerly part was rezoned in September, 1969, and the southerly portion in September, 1970. L. PKOPOSAI,: The appellant proposes to develop the site with two structures--one with 50 units and one with 48 units. C. NEED FOR APPFAL: The appellant is requesting a setback from North Hazel Street of 30 feet. D. PRES�NT STANDARDS : Where a "C" or "C-1" Residence District occupies a block with an "A" Residence District, the required setback is that required in the "A" Residen�e District. The north 40 feet of this block is zoned "A" Residence and the south 555 feet is zoned "C-1" Residence, and the required setback for the entire l�lock is 59 feet from North Hazel Street. E. VARIANCI?: The requested setback is 29 feet less than the Code requirement, or a 49% variance. F. AREA ZONING: The area to the north is zoned "A" Residence; east is zoned "A" and "C-] " Residence; to the sou':h the area is zoned "A" Resi.dence; ar�d to the west the zoning is "A" and "C-1" Residence. G. SITE COrvDITIONS: The site = s vacant, partially wooded, and low. Considerable fill will be required in some lo�r areas to meet the finished grade of North Hazel Street as 9ndicated by the exposed sewer manholes in the street. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and Hazel, and flazel between Wilson ��nd Conway, are unimproved. A new apartment is on the northeast corner �f Hazel �treer and Wilson Avenue. 9e B�ARD ACTION: To Recommend X� Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated : rioved by ; Maietta Yeas Nays 2/23/71 x Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Mansur x Cochrane Hearing: x McPartlin Secretary's remarks: x Maietta 2/25/71 x Mansur Council Action: Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel BOARD OF 7,ONING REPORT AND ACTION February 4, 197] Plat Map �k �F2 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 • passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. File No. 7104 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Virgil A. Doerfler 6990 Also 2 . CLASSIFICA�I'ION : D Amendment Q Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE [nstall a 166-car parking lc�t to be used in X- 1004 �.onjunction with �n apartme�it devclo�ment /+, LOCATION Northwest corner of North Iiazel Street and Wilsor Avenue 5o IEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1-5, except the north 40 feet of Lot 1, Bl�ck 3, Hudson Road Garden Lots b. PRESENT ZONING . "C-1" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4, 2 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Date: 1/28/71 By: ATB A. HIS7'ORY: This property was rezonecl in two separate actions front "A" to "C-l" ReSidence. 'Che northerly part was rezoned �n September, 1969, an<1 the souti�erly portion in September, 1970, B. AREA ZONING: The area to the north is zoned "A" Residence; east is zoned "A" and "C-1" Residence; to the south the area is zoned "A" Residence; and to the west the zoning is "A" and "C-1" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The plan meets the design standards for parking facilitie ;. The proposed parking ratio is 1.6��-1. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 555 feet along Hazel Street and 297.31 feet along Wilson Avenue, resulting in an area of 165,015 square feet. Building coverage is approximately 18%. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer has apProved the plan. T', STT1i CONDTTIONS: The site is vacant, partially wooded, and low. Considerable fill will be r���uired in some low areas to meet the finished �;rade of Hazel Street as indi.cated hy the exposed sewer manholes in the street. G. AREA CONDIrIONS: Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and Hazel, and Hazel Street between Wilson and Conway are unimproved, A new apartment is on the northeast corner of Hazel Street and Wilson Avenue. 90 BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated : Moved b�� , McPartlin Yeas Nays 2/23/71 x Ames - Ch. Date o1 Seconded by: Maic�tta x Cochrane Hearins;: x McPartlin Secretary's remarks: x Maietta 2/"'S/71 x Mansur Council Action: Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel # � � . � . r' � x.I .. :r � r. �{ . . � � ' � . . '\. y p' �� . . . , y# . „}'f �w " � _ r� (1 4 . M..� ...,�. _ ...� � . � .°"'1 �..,. �.,,q�,.,�.4 1.. Kw r L ... Y� i . r. , `� � ` uY �, � _ '�. .; 4. ' . 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Doerfler ������ ' --- PI I��Ct,�� a) Relax the sett ack. requirements; � v �f b) install a 166-..�ar parking ].ot ���� ���. to !�e used in �onjunction with FREdERI�'' ZQl1IIN�'i ati `'��artment ��;�veLoPmE:nc_ �� Ofd�—F,�,,6"�lLY "t�-I" Residence -� ��3��"�'��t`;i�.�� �J TFt��_�' F,�.1L�ILY PETbi"ION SiG���RS -C��;_ F�l��'�—����;seLY z � � � � � � � � � �� �(�,) �N9U�.�I°° �t�����.°�' FIL� Nt�. �10�� ana �Z�� ,�//� '� sr.�G�."�1�����F�Ci�i�. ��o(��H � �_� ��s�us�r�a�aL V VACAt�T St. Pc�u! Planning Board, Date� 1t27/�1 prc�pertv unsler cn���i�r,�t«.� . �. MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THv BQARD Q� ZONING on Thursday, February 4, 197I, at 2:00 p�M� PRESEN'i': rirso C�chrane, Messrs, Ames, McPartlin, Ma:ietta� and rlatis�r of. the Board, and Messrse $rown and Rosetter, �1rs, Frant�,en, and Miss Peskins of the staff. VIRGIL A� AOERFLER: An appeal and permi,t to: 1) relax L•tie setback requ3rements, and 2) inatall a 166�ea�c par�si:�g lot to bp �sed in con�unction with an apertment develnpment on pxoperty lncated on tine northwest corner of North Ha�el Street and Wilso�n Avenue. Airo Ros�:tter suumtiarized the staff reportg �a part of the file, stat�.ng that on �he appeal, ie is requested that th� setback from Idokth Hazel Street be 30 feet, Where a "C" or "C-1" Residence District oc�up3.�s a block with an "A" Resiclence District, the required setback �.s that rec{�sired in the P1A" Residence District. The north 40 feet af this bLo�k is zoned "A" Residence and the south S55 feet is zoned "C-I" Res;.deace, and t�he required �etback for the entire block is 59 feet fr�m North Hazel Street, Therefore, the requested setback is 29 feet less �haa th� Code re�±uirement, o,� a 497m vaxiancea In regard to the application for a parking lot pei7nit, Mro Rc+s�tter noted that Wilson Avenue and North HazeZ Streex are not improvesl. The applicant has indicat�d � driveway running from the soathwest corx�.er along the setb�cic area ta the rear parking lat. He noCed that aesttaetically this is rather unfortunate sir►ce th� �ri�veway wt�uld be sa close to the building, The pl�ns indicate �he drivewsys would be altered according to which streets are developed, �1x•, Ames agreed that a long dr�v�way on r�sidential �a�o�er.ty does seem bads aad wondered i.f s drfveway covld nat be develog�d frozr► Camway Street whi.ch is nor�th of the siteo Mr�, Brown of the staff �xoted �'n�t Conw�y S�reet �s not developed either, The apPlicant, Mro Doerfler, explained that to finish Hazel Str�et cao�ld b� pretty cos�lye Mro 2�icPartlin asked why stxeets haven't been £inished out tttere� Mro Maietta �a�d it isn't feasibYe to build single-family ttomes aut �here, and that is wtay the property was rezoned in the first pla��, Mro Rosetter pointed out that half of the sit� c�a�not stand by �.�self on density and would become il3egal if ft were ev�r sold se�az�at�e�,y, �le sa�,d the plan meets de�ign stanciards and h�s enough �rea crhen l�oth �z�rce�.s ar� co�.siclered togethers Mrso Cochrane requested clarificaticsn of the 49% veriazzaer And i�xo Arnes s��d these iots run from Hazel Street a�.l the way through to �i��1 Dyl<:.� �txeet� but there is no street in �here. He s�id the se�back is �iaub�.� cah�t f.t woul�3 be if ther� was a platted street therev -Sy City Clerk - �, - CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 Februaxy 12, 1971 File X1004, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hause in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on February 25, 1971 on the applfcation of ,Virgil A. Doerfler for a permit to 1) fnstall a 166-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with an apartment development, and 2) relax the setback requirements on the property described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, except the North 40 feet of Lot 1, Block 3, Hudson Road Gardens. The property is located on the West side of Hazel Street between Conway Street and Wilson Avenue. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Co�aerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has been sent out from the Department of Finance in campliance with the City Charter. RpSALIE L. BUTLER Com�nissioner of Finance O � ~ � � ���30 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) �'� TO THE Ii�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUDFCIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAFtKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot lfi�i 3tall8 To be used in connection with: Apts. � MISCEI.I�ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : Wilson & Hazel Legal Description : Lot$ 1�5 bce. N. �Of't. Block Addition of Lot 1 3 Hw�son Rc�ad Gaxdens Applicant's Name : I�r. Yirgil Doerfler Home or Office Address: 812 University Phone Number . 222-2537 FO Y THE APP , � s � w �1. � 70 (Signature) (date Address . Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe prelimiaary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. j -.�_ . , � �---��' � ; � _t_ _ , �. \ � ���.�� � � � r - �f __ , � � � � � � . _: __f .__ � �� ��. � � � �� :�� � - _ ` E � •' � ` . , , I �' � e � ... . .,,... . . .. .,. . _ ..._ _ _. .. . ... ... . . . ... ... . . . . . .._ ...._ . . . . ... ..__�.:_ ,.. �___..-� . . . `,.. . ..--,. . .. . . ,... . . _..:_,� _ �� 1 . . .--^�.. � � � � t 3 �� . f r- . � � .. . ��� i �.� . 1 , . . . � ��� - ` . . . � � �.i � . • • � f � � .. .. . i — '3. . . . . . . . . . �.i f �..\,�� � � � �-Ut� : � � ; � ,�•s� �r�+ ;' ;; � � �c'. 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