02-974Council File # �.Z' q� y Green Sheet # � 33 �{ (� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To i�� �a� � � _ 1 ��Y Committee: Date �a WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, on 5eptember 27, 2002, recei ed a Notice of License Revocation from the State of Minnesota stating that Wilebski os, Inc.Blues Saloon, Inc., d/b/a Blues Saloon/Lucy's Bar, owes delinquent ta�ces to the Sta,t of Minnesota; and WF3EREAS, Blues Saloon, Inc., dlbla Lucy's has Liquor licenses for the premises located at 601 Western A #: 49441); and WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. §270.72, subd. 1 requ conduct of a profession, occupation, trade, or business $500.00 in delinquent taxes or has not filed returns; an uor and Sunday On-Sale in Saint Pau] (License ID ie revocation of any license for the by an applicant who owes more than WHEREAS, under said statute the State of innesota must notify the applicant of the intent to require revocation of such license, and o their right to a hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing under this statu zs expressly provided to be in lieu of any other hearings or other proceedings required by la ' which would include the hearing provisions of Saint Paul I.egislative Code §310.05; and � WHEREAS, the City has < "revoke" as used in the statue is p� Paul for a license suspension; and WIlEREAS, the license receipt of the Notice of TaJC Lia clearance certificate; and � the Department of Revenue that the definition of the same as the process used by the City of Saint �nsion must be implemented within thirty (30) days of , and is in effect until the Commissioner issues a taJc WHEREAS, no ta� clearance certificate has been forwarded to the City of Saint Paul, Office of LIEP, by eithe the applicant or the Commissioner of the Minnesota Depazrtment of Revenue; now therefo , be it 1 0 �. 91y 2 RESOLVED, that the On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses held by Blues 3 Saloon, Inc., d!b/a Lucy's for the premises located at 601 Western Avenue North in Saint Paul, 4 be and hereby are suspended effective at 12:01 a.m. on 47 , 2002, and will not be 5 reinstated until such time as the City of Saint Paul has received a taY clearance certificate from 6 the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, and has given written notice to the 7 licensee of the lifting of his suspension. . �h� V , .o\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director october �, 2ooz 266-9013 No . 403346 03-°�'�`� 1 EPARTMSNT DIRHCII�R 4 ITY COUNCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNSY ITY CLERK •r�wn ust be On Council Agenda: � LiMiET DIREC7l�R IN. 6 MGT. SVC. DIR. ctober 23, 20�2 (consent) 3 xox cox ass�sruar> OTAI, # OF SIGA7ATURE PAGES 1 (CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses held by Blues Saloon Inc., d/b/a Lucy's for the premises located at 601 Western ' venue North in Saint Paul, be suspended effective at 12:01 a.m. on October '24, 2002 and not be reinstated until such time as the City of Saint Paul has - received a tax clearance certificate from the Commissioner of the Minnesota epartment of Revenue, and has given written notice to the licensee of the lifting of said suspension. ECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR R6JECT m) SRSONAL S$RVICS CONTRACTS MQST ANSWSR THS lOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS61ON 1. Has the person/fix'm ever worked under a coniract for this depantment? .. CIH COMMITPEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Yas this person/fism ever been a City employee? , DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO � 3. Does this peraon/firm possesa a Skill not nosmally poasessed by any � UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE?' ,_ Current City employee? � Y65 NO � lain all YBS answera on a separaYe aheet aad attach. - INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he City of Saint Paul, on September 27, 2002, received a Notice of License evocation from the State of Minnesota stating that Wilebski Bros., Inc./Blues Saloon, Inc., d/b/a Blues Saloon/Lucy's Bar, owes delinquent taxes to the State of Minnesota. Minnesota law requires the revocation of any license for the conduct of a profession, occupation, trade, or business held by an applicant ho owes more than.$500.00 in delinquent taxes or for an entity which has not ''filed returns. VANTAGE$ IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: " ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOI3NT OF TR}1NSACTION S COST/REVENUE BL3DGETED YES NO ,FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) t^9.,...n�enafv i�"CV"g�•�'' .. � � 1 ,.����' T z 4 .�'%�..�.. __....._., ,.. .