253050 ORIGII�L TO CITY CLS"K � � ' ��`'�►1� � 4 � � ITY OF ST. PAUL F ENCIL NO. � `� • FF E CITY CLERK � U N. —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pT • �/ �Q � l��-�.��- WHEREAS, Question has been raised in the minds of St. Paul Taxpayers as to the propriety of our government's travel policy because of recent actions by city officials; and WI�REAS, No clear travel policy now exists; now, therefore be it RESOZVED, That any attendance at a conference, a convention, a school of instruction or other meeting by any City Commissioner, or other city official or by any city employee, must first be approved by the St. Paul City Council; and be it further RESOZVED, That any City Commissioner or official or employee of the city attending any conference, convention or school of instruction on behalf of the city is required to file a brief written report on the nature and scope of such affair. MAR 16197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays 1g.�1 Butler Mp,R 'i 6 Carlson e-� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ yor Tedesco AS'�inst Mr. President, McCarty MAR 2 0 197� ������i�n - - �� i ' ' 1 . . � , , ����'�,�,� .� WHEREAS Question has been raised in the minds of St. Paul Taxpayers as to the propriety of our government's travel policy because of recent actions by e�1�d officials, and ���t� WHEREASINo clear travel policy now exists, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED That any attendance at a conference, a convention, a school of instruction or other meeting by any City Commissioner, or other city official or by any city employee, must first be approved by the St. Paul City Council, and Be It Further RESOLVED That any City Commissioner or official or employee of the city attending any conference, convention or school of instruction on behalf of the city is required to file a brief written report on the nature and scope of such affair, -�� � D _ �, . . .._ _ � T.. ` '70 F'HE COMPTROLLHR • � �i;l_,, `f���,�`�� � ' � ' �6� �F ST. ���L FOENCIL NC3. ��4`�`�-�"-��� C?F���.� OF Tl�� ��� CL�f�IZ COUI�C[!. ��SCJ�.UI�IC.�i�-�--���NE�.�i� F�Rlvl PP�serar�� ev CO M h11 SS!Q3�t ER DA7F �,:��:'?'s?�..�f �.il::.'.i,t:'�:;: t;�.6 �t�r.C'_i:i. 1"<lt:'�€:T ;.?Z �''cr�w 1;2�21C43 t?ir :��.:. i�utX.� �'�:S:J'c`I��I.S LEfi �C.i t�i"lf' �3Z'C!a�Y�Es��� �5� Cy&l� �rJVE:xT2Yfi:�Ti�`�€w ��?'U'�.=E;� �"sO�j.i�..'�' �}GaCt.�itf.^. Ot: il�CCt2� c C1.`:z.CI'.: i3�' !.'7.�3' Uri�CJ.��f"•� 2Tl,C� rt��•., ,c. 7 ) .y Y r � .*...;�;�r• n,s '�n.-n;' tn. . 7 !.l.ti.:a:8 '1'i�}- �i��� �.�[alT�'.s�. �}�.L.f�.'.� �C�� :....� �i� � .Y.� f. _. n,.'. bt� �t < <. , ,� . _ !'�� :;( �'�'?'- �r" ' 1� i"�'".'.c.,zsi`'.:�`�',. �tr C' ?Ti`'^. „CrC.'� � CE�:iJf'.'t� ry:" .r._^,,. . �. . _ ,. . :� . . ,� . , . � fi�.C2l���J'. �%J_ �.2Y.�'i�..`i_tTC:€...��!C)`LX C):` ���:..�c"`; l�l.�'��T� �''�:e � T i:'i';�' �. 'r �, �,.••'�•"2��ii_....:�'.':.�� ('t*• r�1_iI'.:-;. �._���' ��..ri:�.._ , �Y �5� i.f.x�i,� t:.i.�j ;t�:?[ � .. - -"y '"-'Y���.� - _.!',:�" �)^ .:'..?}. � ;�':+� 43`;r L.��t::. .. '�", �.i11.i. l.._!.� [.r�v.i�Tl=.�.:L .r i??u �)(� �� �L 1.i.t`.�''s..l ..,.��'i,�._.Pi�i ;:�"1i�F: liS:'a'y ����T ��.�u:'���:,i. •:�_- ;)1: �. !..':i..C:i.�:>.{. r' . E�T''.'?1<�?]��' {7�. �.�';`"0 Ci4�j" Li�::f�i'SC �tif� c�Fl`y' C'.i2'?:.E'•::E:?'ilf:G'� F, :r??tjC'a�a:f.f�T: !r`.' r��..:�C�� �?r: "i. .,, :'t C . i.'%;l t>.' �":°�t`7.�... L�fi �12� E.!_.:'y 3,:.i� x:�'ti1T�.::'C�`.Cl �(?:..:s1..�.F.". F� �rY:r`�`,'� Cis:�.�:�_�?"2 ' �� .'.%ii .�ii^ - . T . "�' ` T.�2c'1L`:L��'<"" i.l�'t:.�.� F.�C:C:yiC:. ..?rl. :t:iCil �e 'ci7�� �.i � � °.,f i,w l. �- ��`? � t � . � �a:j��?'ti�� : COUNCILMEId �do��ted by the Counci' 19� Yeas Naya r Butler �,�;';, �� � +� ���.t �. Carlson �t�PpQO� 19_ Levine In F'avor iVlex edith �I$3'OT Sprafka b g�zinst Tedesco li2r. Px•esident, 1�TcCarty ,:��,`w -���� . . � - � 3 �� � OFFICE OF TH Y COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 I LL LOU McKENNA Ci+y Comptroll�r "• ••• TRAVEL PROCBDURE� Ccsut�ii Pile I�o. 23305Q (copq +�ttsched� establiahed a city policy to trav�l at +�ity e�tas� for etteadict� any canf�axe�tc�, cc�nventiaa or achool of inatruction. 1. Thie resolution ie aot inteaded for �chc�l� a� i�as�ruction as outlined in p�attragraph "V" o� sectioa III of Ordic►ance 6�46 as amended. For yauz informatioa tbis provisiaa pravides far r�i�bur�em�eat ta �mplay�e�as of tuition e►acp�ase who receive a passiag grad� 3a a echool coureea xppxov�d bq th+e Civil Servico Bux�eu. 2, A r�quest for approval af travml e�eng� �af1l be prapaxed on Ccxngtroller'e Far� "Travel Claias", T�l,s claim muse b� approved by t6e appropziate elect�d r�fficisl ae indicc�e�tt�d ia Couocil File l�o. 2509E►5. This reeoiu�ian ie included ia the 1471 Budget. The aatian of the Cou�i1 oa this request shouid b� ap�rovea by motion. The Citq Clerlc will indi�cate on tha "Travel Form" "approved" or "aot approved•' and l�s�dicc��►►ta �he date o� the aouncil actioa. 3. Th�s "Travtl Claim" shouid then be �raa�rmittsd to the City CompCroller far pracee�ing in the usual a�sans�er. If ao advance is requestsd, Chas Camptroller aft�r appropriste actioa wi,ll r�turn th+� Clatm ta the prap�r de�part�ae�t os buraau ead will be ueed hy the a�uChc�ri�ce8 persenael ia a�e�iag his f i,nal report. 4. Ths fin�l report of actual expen�sts iacurre�d must iaclude "a brief �ritt�c� rsport oa the r�ture aad aco�re o� euch affairs". Thie re�porC should be ia two copies, A� wi11 be attached tv the expec�ae re�port and one will be transmitted ta the Citp Ci�rk. 5. Itt the raxe av�ent af �mergency travel on dsys when ther� ase ao �ouncil sea�tioaa� the authorized �lect�d official saay approve such request and �raasmit �he claim Co the Ccmaptroil.er. The pereon who auth�ri�ed euch travel ahsll report hia or her act3.on to the� Couneil at ita next �etiag �Qr ratifi�atioa. `,".r �.._ _ �` E:,� . U 22 . ..l , � . � �- 3 � �-p _ , �= ' , ' t � OFF6�E OF .TI-i��`�i`�"Y C�Qf'vIF'TROLLEF� � , . �L{�� ` �� 3 . SAiNT PAUL �� �;�� � MINNESOTA 55102 f� � � �'�� � 1q , GTY`, NALL ���R� � E a. f s � .� �i ��jma�(� ,��1 �� �I����,';�I�� LOU McK�NNA --�--��t'�-=- C. THOMAS OSTHOFF City Comptrolier Deputy City Comptroller April 14, 1971 Honorable Mayor, Charles P. McCarty and Members of the City Council Under the date of March 23, 1971, I presented to you a proposed "Travel Procedure" to implement the intent of your resolution, Council File 253050. You requested the City Clerk to prepare copies of the conununication and procedure foz each member of the Council to make possible a review of this procedure by you and your staff, As of this date, no comment on the procedure or any indication of any pro- posed revisions, deletions of additions has been received. � My staff is constantly receiving inquiries as to the procedure to be followed as it relates to travel; therefore your directive in this matter is urgently needed. Ir� reviewing the procedure I have recommended, you may wish to consider cJhether or not it is your intention to include or exclude the judges and/or employees of the Municipal Court from the provisions of your resolution and the proposed procedure for implementing the same, Sincerely, �� �,; . ' , . . :!��� �� u McKe a C�ty Comptroller � � v ` " G� � ` .�--_ ���:,� � �.�.�. >��; � � ; r + 'e.t � �r !"� .� .. . ,.., .;r ;�J k--. �d�;�^.� a + - . .t^^Lt^:��. ":t "N .c.OFftt�'€'EtOL.L.fiF.i � t �..yt, E. , . �y�cn:��'s�'' L)�.,�-..�1-- . � � �1� �� ��. 6"6-i�.�P.a C��Lt'�!�Et. �`.�4w�.�......r.�.__._ r . �.f6�f�� �si° ��� �i� ft �a.�.:El� : �ry _ -. � ���lNf�IL RESOLEJTt�N-�E���L.' F�F.� _ pNE''E;�T*D� ° , . : CONn:lSS1:"si�"� nqTF, ` `�, ' ;' ;:. . , � ,, : < . ���t�I'.i.�Ss S��fieient �uaa�ioza I�s 1�ec�n .r�i.�r�d �� Ca ��ie hrc��r�,��y {3ir." .�tl:lwf3 �':a.'7�'T4C�Gt]� �x'nI`:1 f;i1£3 ��4�,OY.'4f7 C:Oi2f.`�Tlt�"t11a �iCCOLIXi� �:�Or �t���^�k7�p �Lli� � t�JIFwT�!t�, �yccotznt�n; p��.ocedur.e:� ��p��svr;�� t�;� t.h� ;�t�;tv� ;�'�.�'u�.�,� _ �3;�a.;n�r^� �ar f:��i� f�n.d �:.� dee�^ed 3.n�adequ��a t�y �Ch2c cc;u�c;�1: r��;a t;t�nr�.��"r�r� `j�� a.L � _ ��,�J�,'lt.;:�g 7't��t the St. ��ul C3ty G�u�.c�f�. c���� t�ureby d�:_�c� �r,h ns�.��,-,r. �c� n��L;.Q �tri ei:���.c�.� �nd c1A��,iZed r�ccoun4int;, 3r.��ue�ir� �-�ceip€:c�, rzi � €�x��t;c�:xy ��xsafi, o� �.�I e�en��r i"res:n ��C� tf�yc�z`� t;�n��.ra�;ar�'�'�c�c�t,.r��. . �!��� � � ���� CO�IC�I.PJ.LE�I - � Adop$ed by tho C�unci� 19� �"e�� Na�s � . . �. . . . � . � � ... - p�� „� �� ���� . �'tl�l£T �:_iYa �. �' �:r1Qon ���?��v��� 4:�a i�vi�e ,, . ' ...s�� F3aa�r T���ec�ith ��p;�afk� � ���yror /��€;��.st , �'el�sco ` �Tr. Prr�:���i�i1t, NfeCarty � , ;. .. . . .. . . ... � �`�3�� . , �j� oJ�. , +� ' ' . OF�ICE OF TF-�� !C:f'�f�"� C;�.��J�F�TROLLE� ��V c� 'j( �.,: 3 SAIP�1" FAUL i;:` ;' 4 VIINfJESOT�t 5510'L i: s� 1Q9 C!1'Y HALL i!' �t ' - � ��� � -:: ���j �:. , L.JU i1�c,:�l�;NA - _____- __ .:_..�,�_.� C. THOMAS OS7HOFF C��',' Gomptroller , . Deputy City Comptrolier April 27, 1971 Honorable Mayor, Charles P, McCarty and riembers of the City Council Enclosed are copies of my letter to your body dated April 14 and page two of my let�er of March 23 and also your reply dated April 15, My letters ��ere concerning the proposed establishment of travel procedures, specifi- cally part two on page two of my March 23rd letter, A review of the minutes in the City Cl.erk's of.fice has failed to reveal � ar.y advance towards a system establishing procedures, Commissioner Meredith's comments notwithstanding. Since you have r��a appro�imately one month �o review the simple �"lOCE?Cllll'� of my Ietter of March 23rd, I feel that it is now time for action. Sincerely, � ;� . ou McKenna City Comptroller Encl. (3) i °'�'. �<, . � � .� , �Fe I�� C�F �'�� �f4��° ��j�W��`��Z�!_L�P. � SAINT PAUL MlNNESOTA 55102 I Q9 CITY F;ALL i.OU McI�ENPlA City Comptroller ;.,,rf.l. �.�3, r.�7� ilo:�a��fa?� ;S�.yaz°, t:;i,;�Y?.�s �>. .icCar�y ���,L�1 ���u�L-�s o:' t'r.� i:ii:y �otc�neil �Trr.c'�:r �::YC ��;�� �� t;axctz '��� ?37I, � p.�s��t�d ta ynu a �ropvsed "TravQl I=rc�c;�3:,r�" �o i���emcnC t5�� xnt�nt o� your resoluCi.on, Counci3. Fi1a 253U5�. '�c�� r.�c��.�:ri;ed t�i� Ci!�y !:?.�.r:, 6:0 �re;�as� copie:r :a� t�iQ c�.:�ii�i��xt3.on a:�d p.:::;�`�itia_-c� �or ryuch ne�:b::r c�i' �i�e� Council ua m�Ice, pnsaible a revic�w c�� thi� p~�ce;Iur.� b� ;�-�,u �:�� yo:�r. sw�.if. ',u� n�` �'rsi.,> �s�{�, no cc:�zc.�t a?z �h:: ��c�cecl�re ar ar�y indicnGian of ttn� �ia.� �� pusv;J ���visit�z�N, ��Ze�.i�.�� o:� adc�i.r�.f;.�.;� lia:, t��:e� r�ca�ived. --�1 x:�� :.zs:��d£ x� ��nsi,ar:4,.v r�c�itiin:; x:��+sir�.�d3 �ts �n th� nrac�dz�r.� fi� �e �`��.��,�aE�r� 3f; :lt Ys:}.:li`::S �O '�i�'7!v: � �.:Z;?i�':OZ� STOG� Ll].7"i?.C�t,'.�Vr.: �.I! �:ill& Y:13��:�Y' 7.;3 L1�'a�`1:!'t.'�C� t Y7C."i G�C�c::.. - Iki ��:�l,�.e-�T��� thc paocec�ztxe ± ha�*e rccar�cnder3f y<<��� raay t��#.��� �c �;�nc��r�*r F:n:^�:i�e� �r noL• �C* �s g*�4x� i�:wc�.�►L-iar� Co i.icl��cle :,r +��cJ.uc�e t:ac ���n�� �rxi/��r ���':l�i=t:��'�t?f,i O1: t:�i.'� :.{ll:?1C%�+c'11 (�`OC?i.� f:Z`7r;i ��2C �1"t1L*i,si�x`t.`S .O� �Qi.l�' 7:vaGR'�'4i.C)'2 Li,`'�'.°. • f.�"4s? ��;0;�0'�!.'.� r-`':?VC3ti1;}v^La �:p:^ i r,.:�>��i;t^ij�:"L.?� t:i1�3 GS3X:??• �?;i,4'1+��"'��.j f T,QI! :li;":�.3.17, �,'l.t�" C:?Y!12:'':1tl.E_`�' �'L."s f:� �'���xl�G"Cm'',. ' - 2 - ' , � . �; - � � C��riC� O� Th�E CIT�' �:Q�viPTRC�LLER 5AINT PAUL hAiNNESOTA 55�02 f 09 CITY MALL LOU McKENNA Gi'ry ComFi�roller Ma.rch 23, 1971 T2'�A.V�7.. FIiQCED�.�r Cnuncil �'ile Ato. 2�3f}30 (cn�sy a�t�tet�ed) eetabliBhed a city polfey to ��evex a►t city expec�s� f�r �t�e�ciin�; �ny Conferenc�, cQnventian or ach�ol o� in�txucti.vQ. 1. Tt�S.� zesaY��i�n �.� nc�t in�caded far echool� �� fc��trczctfon a�g outlin�d itt pAr��esph 'h3" of secC.ion II;� c�.f Ordinaace &446 �� �menc��d. For your i.nfarmation tha.s previs�.or� pxovici�a for r�iu:bureemere� �o employ��s of �ui�3.acs �xp4n�� �ha reec�fve a �asing grade �in a echool cae�ra� �gg�a�aed by tt�e Civl1 Service Bureau. 2. A r�:�u�sL- for �pprc�v�g af �ravel �xp�c�se wi.11 b� pr8gared �rn C�:;�t�•ol�.�x'r Fc�rna "Travel Claf�r". Tl�ia claim �u�t be a�r��roved ' b� �I�c� �g��opri,a�:.� el�e�c:c! of�ic��al a� in.dicat�:d �n Couacil Fil� �ta. 250945. Thib resolutioA ia 1��2.uded i,n thc 1473 Bud�;�t. QThe �c�fan of �h� Counc�l a� this reque�t ahould be ��praved by �tior�. �.`t�� Gi�y Cl.erk w�.�.l ic�dicste vn tha "Trav�l Fort�" "�Fpraved" vz, r`not �ppxeved" AA(� �LtC��CA�@ the da�+� ca� th� couacfl . BG��.QQ• 3. Th� "�ravel Clain�" ahould then be Crr�n�rnitC�d to thg City Gomptraller �or proc�seticg� i.n th� use�2 r�aa�a�x. Zf ca�► c�dv�ncQ f� �cc�ue�ted, �t��� Co�p�raller �ft�r �pprop�ic�t� actia� wl�.1 �aturn th� C�sf.m ta the proger �e�rtraeQt or burenu at�d �u3.11 be u��d by ttic� authc�rizeci persoz�rcel i�a r�akin� hi� firr�l r�po�rt. G�. �.� fina� regoxt 4� ac�:ual c.;per►�e� incurred sncesC incXuc3e '0a br£c�� writLer► repar� on thd n[�Cur� and ecQpc� of such a�fairs". Thi� rspart ohauld be ia ��ra copi��. Oxte �aill .�e attachnd Cv the expens� �eporC and ona will be tran��it��d to Ch� City Clerk. 5. Ic� th� rr��e event o� emer�;sn�y trevel on c�ys �ri�en� t�ti�re are na co�ncfl e�rsslans�, tik:� �tutht�ri��d �Xec�eci of:f�.cial �:y approve €«cti zeque�t �ud tr�.r���it tt�� cl.�i.aa ta t�i� Crnnptrall.er. The p�rx�an who aut:�ori��� euch trav�l ���€+2�. report hi� or �ier action ta the Coun�i2 at its ne..t �?ae��.:�.� t�sr ��ti�f�.ca[S.ar�. �za Massy E. l�arsF�c�t ' �'•T'_,�<. Atbcrt D. OIsoR � �` � ', �" �ii�i Clerk aaul F Council Recorder . ,. ' Gf»n.yr��ssr'��rr.er of FZeqistration �' � ^ . �s.,.. • - , %�-;_�_;; t� WF1 � E f3P T�9G CtT1' CLEP. K ��'�� �� ��,.Il�I� �A.�TL BUR@1! U OF REC � RDS 886 City Hall St.Paul,Min�aesota 55102 April 15� 1971 � Hon. Lou McKenna City ComptroLl.er Bui.l.ding - "ear Sir: Be: Gbuncil File 253450 Your letter of April l�+�h9 1971 was read at the April 15th - Council mee�cing. It was noted by Commissioner Meredith that the Council has already adop�ted a system of procedures to implement the 3.ntent of the resolutian. Mr. President I�cCarty observed tha,t he does not fsel the Judges should be e�mpted from the provisioris of tY� reso- lution. Yery truly yours, �Z��, f' �t<<,,���� City Clerk �. � M5�ng �,��-;,'i J �. � . :RYf t.iCAl'E 5'O TH�CO{yC�TROLLHR ' • � `-.,}^'�L u.`� �1 CITY OF ST. P�UL � c�E,ra��� � � .��,� .� ��� � ,' � � • _ OFFICE OF T!°�IE CITY CLERK ���` ��. ►y - GOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEF�.AL F0�9v1 FRF,SC•!•aTCD DY CC}h^!hh 1551 ON ER DATE 13�?;�:;Elt�, t?ti�t�t{o-. 1�s ',��er� r:�i�cd in ti�� t�i�?c�� nf :t. ]'aul �axn�yars ar� �o C�tc� nr�priety of ot.�r ,�ov�xnm�n�'a �r�tvnl �*��.�.ey b�c^u�� oM reccnt zc�fcans i�y �3.r.y officiAl�; and i�3��+�t�:�1�, I�10 ct.ear �Cravai po�.icy noFV e:s:Ls�s; r�.nt�, t;'hAr.c�nr�s � bn C� �.F;S�}L�l;7?, l�t�1� m.�.� ��;�����nca �t rt c�n'�a.•Gr�ca, a ao�trentian, a sch�e+� of i.�zs�z-�acCic;n o.- a�her tI2n!'�ri.,_c�' T�q nny CiL-�> Cc�^�a�r�s:���::er, r�z� f3��3'"��: C:�.�:gT �ar�:�.t��%1�. rvr F);:r £111V C:l�� ��rR2}�_�'1yf"_�3� Tli��� ��.F'fa� �7^ f:y^!�l�'C1VL'C� �)'� ;'.'.','*. C. 's:'�lLl�. �;'�'�;' Cf>t:t1C'�3.' t3:'tCj �f3 ir_ ar;ti��:�:;{�7: i.."s�C�L�i:I), �.'ht�t any Ci�y Cc�a�u�lins�.c-,nar or �f£'�cit�], c�r eri�loyce o�: Cta� ci�y �t.Mendin� a�iy cor�,Qre�zcQ, co�venr�!.nn .nr r�.��n� c?i' 3nst�a,.c�ioo► c�t�. t�e�ta�r o.f. �h� �ity is rcc�uired Co �f,l� a ��z3Q� wrx.vt-�n r;�t��r� rrn t:?zr,. na�ur� n�ad �ca�,e c�f �ucl� �°��.�nix�. _ 1 � � , i I '� � � � � ���� � � iq71 � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— � Yeas Naya a Butler ;,,;i��i� ; � ���� 4 Carlson Approve+�i 19— � �°� Levine _�n Favor `� Meredith } Sprafka Mayor 4� Tedesco A�ainat �; Mr. Preaident, McCarty �; , � ;; �� � � �, � .. : _ r •� , � � � � '' �� • ,�ra,��� ; � . OF�iCE OF TH� �� ��,Y COMPTl�OLLER � � � . , : �,; SAINT PAUL '��'` � MINNESOTA 55102 ' � 109 ClT.�, !-�ALL � LOU McKENNA `"'' �� '� ; L.s.. City Comptroller "1'r.'.,;;�� TRAVEL PROCEDURES Council File No, 253050 (copy attached) established a city policy to travel at city expense for attending any conference, convention or school of instruction. 1. This resolution is not intended for schools of instruction as outlined in paragraph "V" of section III of Ordinance 6446 as amended, For your information this provision provides for reimbursement to employees of tuition expense who receive a passing grade in a school course approved by the Civil Service Bureau. 2. A request for approval of travel expense will be prepared on Comptroller's Form "Travel Claim", This claim must be approved by the appropriate elected official as indicated in Council File No. 250945. This resolution is included in the 1971 Budget. The action of the Council on this request should be approved by motion. The City Clerk will indicate on the "Travel Form" "approved" or "not approved" and indicate the date of the council acti_on. 3. The "Travel Claim" should then be transmitted to the City Comptroller for processing in the usual manner, If no advance is requested, the Comptroller after appropriate action will return the Claim to the proper department or bureau and will be used by the authorized personnel in making his final report. 4. The final report of actual expenses incurred must include "a brief written report on the nature and scope of such affairs". This report should be in two c.opies. One will be attached to the expense report � and one will be transmitted to the City Clerk, r 5. In the rare event of emergency travel on days when there are no council sessions, the authori2ed elected official may approve such request and transmit the claim to the Comptroller. The person who authorized such travel shall report his or her action to the Council ' at its next meeting for ratification. ;i �; �I �2�2� � � _ ,r ` " ����� ' ' ` � OFFICE OF TH k �r I ,��Y COMPTROLLER . �, `�, SAINT PAUL �' �����i���? �; MINNESOTA 55102 , , ;; , , I qQ �����, �1ALL ., � , �_ LOU McKENNA ",�; '��'''�� � � ''�b�� i; Ci4y Comptrcrller � I;��= o �� ,t�-'j;� �v � I'�I� ��j��il�.,� L::_'.. .�_ ...:.�':._.::�.::�.a.e.:_:_:.:'J Marcli 23, 1971 Honorable Mayor, Charles P, McCarty and Members of the City Council In order to properly and effectively implement the provisions of the Council File 253050, Travel Expense, I am attac.hing a proposed procedure f_or your review and approval. As you are aware, by your previous action Council File 247009 (copy attached) the Model Neighborhood Planning Committee has been given broad authority for travel. If it is your intention to include their travel under these revised regulations, action should be taken to rescind Council File 247009. As this resolution is now in effect, an immediate reply is urgently requested. Respectfully submitted, Lou McKenna ,: City Comptroller � Encl. (3) j� °�2� li -, ...: '�:!':\T" 7'S T�HL COh�FfTF:OLLE'R . . . . ' . . CITY O� ST. P.+41��. ���,�,:,. � ` .' ` I tF � ' ' ,' OFFICE OF TI—!F G!T'Y GL�!;t� ,,��- �-��3 � � � , . COUNCfL RESOLUTfC�t�l--C��l�d��L �C��,�a F'.ES�NTED RY � � C011M15510tJER � � � DA7F ����:,,�-��,��n �rA�3 ��.P�t O� .�x�.. �':kt1� t't ,� :,�..s,� �. c�* '� �'nr•r^!r'`t'�t+ ��Z .^, C� � _ .__ "`.f.�Yt'! �''�"Q,?.Y'a'IT.3 .. �V i.t'�..���4'JXi��r'i a7 ri��bYw��� '�}� i.T�.�. 4iL�� $::�u�i'r�� �'� lr�.l� s� ,-P.i� {*�'�,4 ry m14�..yy�.. ' �yy��a . i ,.'.. . _» .� iii..r+.A ta�:.`�.,..�,�t* i�t,^. C�t�a a.**1�1 C�'_(3 �l. t'a. Z?,�'j!�t�'C��<iw_ td'�' �'Y;°� �;�-- 1r'tl?� �t°�.+�xl L�c-:- 5ii3�t.:,�„�:::::�s� �t::�:�.3 C:a;�i`�?:�=t� ]���'�Y .� CfJ2?�}."c3C� Gt����d����'h.�`�f:;f t� i.?y��'..°� L�.:,C9€ 13�''.+'�"..< �G3.'��3 a�.a-,��.CS c�t a.:a:�.:�� t�r� L� �row�.d�s: L�r �i.;� �'��;� t±t�� t�t;<: L£. ;�. � :� �xa:r � . � , �t. �'"�.�T�E3 .� Q�t� ��.'��:3 �'T.,+lF?Ef»3�:i"��E3�: Z-i„°�.E� '�.'�Etf� �U�.i i3_•�G3 ��€�a q��2�.Cy1 �1�Q l='"�.de s":� C""","'� �' FiS3�.'`'.!?�.� @Ltt; :�_�,Qa�_°r�SR tar� r�� ��ie �����c,€�rt ��� ty�f�Ea ���t-:�y r��� F.�: c?��n� f.� ��a��l, �t?c! Y �'�'i..":'�;, �I�� 1'y� �::�.��.€a��.�L�'�^.f.f.tr�3 �SCt����.�� e�� p:y�'�.^"'�,>�v�^� ��C� �t���k� ��xide..Iittm� �c�m �t���:;�b�fl r�tavr�l c.�z,-zz�;�3 et�Yi�:ra xr:w&c�r�Q ��n.�,���:4� t�eFn�oyecs �nd �ahich �.Ltt�et l�a��.� ��B.i�$e� c��d �r�s�c'.�:._;�� �y ta� €c�,tr�rl irt '9�.3� �'�������..;c!�:I., :�.�?x I`s69, i3�'.v► �I�`�.,`��, �:i2��,��� f4s ..�'xa?��iaa� �^�3", n'@t•l, ��'s�3r��Cd�, bc� !� I:=.a�:iliVL�y a�1t;Y� L§�?4?� ze�+>r�M[s:F�i� CJi ��t43 Lt�xec�c�� a�ac2 C'��.��?� �iE F:£X�E'� Ci�ima, i+�.*�,,", ��eb�r�, ��g��es��s vr c��tz�r ��eseo�s c��s�.�r���� i�� ��ta� t�?� ta trGvel on 6��fl� t�� �_� tsrci�l C��ies �:.:;���:� r,a,�y l'� ��i�u�ur�d t+ur t��t+ol. e�c�n�e� in- cu��d ��i�le r��ic3t�Q��.�a; 9.n► e���z�.ts�Q F�d��i Citi�as� a�tivi�ic�. « N r JA(� 14 197� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays , .��d� � � 1��� ' Carlson , Dalglish � � Approved lg_ Meredith Peterson Tn Favor Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst DZr. President, Byrne � 1:� �U . ' • L.�?t=�'�=sa;�. G``� `f�� �:, r..:,s_,A_``� 1����1�c t�cC�LL�� S :' ''r. � : s�iNT ��ut_ '' � � r,ntr!�+��5f���a �3��oz � I� � � `l\� ��� C;..'�/ :�n,� L 3 OV 1�,� 1, i� - 1' -: ; ' . ;.7 f, Y �s,►.1 rv�t:�;�_;���;-'�, - --� -.�_. _ ��.�., C. �TFiOMP.s c�-ri���_r: ,.;�<� Co�r�i?,o11e; . Deputy City Comptroller A'i2y 12, 7.9 7 i iionorable Nia,::�r, Charles P. McCarty _ and Mc:�.bers of the City Council Tlzank yau for your_ very fine cooperation ir_ e�tablishing a neW system for travel procedure as outlined in nry enclosures. This is 3nother wonderful. ex.anple of the decision making process under tr�e democYatic fonn of_ govern- m�nt. . T�.is epi.socie further ciem��r�strates tlle e�fectiveness of Iocal government and aaas a ne� cha;�ter to the old adage that "TFiat Gove,:nm�nt gaverns best thai. governs l.e+ast". By this I mean th��t any t�iatter.• tha� comes beiore the govern- r�.ent s"t�ould m^st w�.sely be settl�d at the very lowest Ievel of bureaucr�tic process because it has �ecome more and more ciear that there is a log j�.m at t�P very L'op. A�ain, tl-iank S�ou for Che fine cocperation in this matter and I wz11 look �orward to your continued coo�erai:ion in these ma�i_�:s and the continued flo�,r of cormnunication by fih� various of=ices of our Govern:�Gnt. �incerely, �` 8�<� ��k� �� r��rn� �,��r�' iy ���" u �• . �°,� i�4cK�nr�a�� City Comptrol_ler Encl. (R) . � .y�� � � � .. M1 ` OFFICE OF TH��'�I}� {. COMPTROLLER t� � ; � � �, � SAINT PAUL f,a' � '��'�9'� MINNESOTA 55102 ��.ao � ��'�: . � °d 1��8�� �;I �'AlL ���y# � � �!I�� '�`i��+ � �, ay��r, l�.���x�a� � �����l�_ F F LOU McKENNA ° ' - - C. THOMAS OSTHO (:iry f:nmphnllnr Deputy City Comptrollor May 6, 1971 T0: All Department Heads FROM: Lou McKenna, City Comptroller The office of the City Comptroller has now established a Travel Procedure which is to be used by anyone who is going to travel at the expense of the City of St, Paul to attend any conference, convention or school of instruction. The procedure which is to be followed is as follows: 1. A request for approval of travel expense will be prepared on Comptrol- ler's Form "Travel Claim". This claim must be approved by the appro- priate elected official as indicated in Council File No, 250945. The action of the Council on this request should be approved by motion, The City Clerk will indicate on the "Travel Form" "approved" or "not approved" and indicate the date of the council action. Z. The "Travel Claim" should then be transmitted to the City Comptroller for processing in the usual manner. If no advance is requested, the Comptroller, after appropriate action, will return the Claim to the proper department or bureau and will be used by the authorized personnel in making his final report. 3. The final report of actual expenses incurred must include "a brief written report on the nature and scope of such affairs". This report should be in two copies. One will be attached to the expense report and one will be transmitted to the City Clerk. 4. In the rare event of emergency travel on days when there are no council sessions, the authorized elected official may approve such request and transmit the claim to the Comptroller. The person who authorized such travel shall report his or her action to the Council at its next meeting for ratification. The above procedure is effective immediately. Si erely, �.."°""°�`.,. enna City Comptroller .Harry �. Marshail c„' �, AfbAr� II. Cison � CitL Clerk ard �� � �': Gbu�t.;,ii i:£:ua•aer /,�— ;,. , 'l�"017t.9iUiSSi09t�Y of kegist�atio�t . :.�;� YS. ` r' OFF.I �° s��rYF 'fif�:: dlT�LERK F? � c� � C�.�i � l��' w�.�o ,���, ����. �: ,�� � / �` B �1°: E� %` O��cCORDS ' � ,; � 6 Gid�y Hall . St.Pau n.',3��zesota 5510 �� � a � �f � A .�� ,; � �}� � � - ; � ', �� _ � + pra.a 3 s 1971 i � a � . I,ou cKenna � ty Comptroller Building `�' Ueax Sir: �� Mayor McCarty9 with the eonserit of the Council� said he would '� meet with you or: the subject of travel procedures and repor� back to the Council on the resu].ts of such a meeting. Very truly yc�urs� t� � � ���,��� -��� � t��� ����„ 1�'� City C�erk Ms/ng C.����4� � � l . �:� , . . . , • � P , � . . . . .. ,. � r. � � . i � f"a ' i. {'_'-` . y� Q�FfCE �Jr Tl--�� G!'rY CO�v1�TROLL�R � sanvY PAUL ` , I� _, Pr1lNN�SOTA 55102 �� 1G9 C'TY NALL ;� � i i� .:,; �—: ;r . . .! LOU Mci<CNNA `--- ----- �-.--� �-, C. THOMAS OSTFiO�F City Ccmptroller . Deputy City Comptroller April 27, 197I Honorable Tlayor, Charles P, McCari:y and Members of the City Council - Enclosed are copies of my letter to your body dated April 14 and page two of my letter of March 23 and also your reply dated April 15. My letters were concerning the proposed establishment o£ travel procedures, specifi- cally part two on page two of my March 23rd letter. A review ef the minutes in the City Clerk's qffice has failed to reveal any advance towards a system establishing procedures, Commissioner Meredith's ' comments notwithstanding, Since you hat=e had appro�imately one month to review the simple procedure of my letter of March 23rd, I feel that it is now time for action. Sincerely, .:-� ou McKenna. City Comptroller Encl. (3) , �lierry E. Marshall c�T' �< Albert B. Olsea Cit.�{Cierk and �` E� `' Council Rccorder • Con�missir�ner of Registr¢tio�t . �: � ` � ,f,�:... )`' , OFFICE O � THE CITY ClE �iK CIT�.' �� �Ai101�'� P�►.UL BUREAU OF REC6RD5 , ' 886 Cit�HaIZ St. .Paul,Minnesota 551.0� . April 15� 1971 1 Hon. Lou McKenna City Comptroller " Bui].d ing '�ear Sir: Be: Council Fai.le 253050 Your letter of April .l�thg 197? was read at the April 15th Counci.l meeting. It was noted by Cor�issioner Meredith that the Council has alre�,d5* adopted a system of procedures to implement the intent oY the resolutian. Mr. President McCarty observad tha,t he does not feel the Judges should be exempted from the prov3sions of the reso- lution. Yery truly yours, � � ��Z2� �" ���.�,P� City Clerk � � AqS�ng .a,�:v�;� � • .�,` • �-� . � . OFFICE O� -��-E� �C�TY CC)I'�PTROLLER � � S�,lfVT PAUt_ � ' ' � MINR'ESJTA 55102 ;t' ? i(l9 CI�TY liAi� ,, ,. �: (��.�. -£ : k. LGU fV�cKENNA — --= -•�= �� C. THOMAS OSTHOFF City Cort}ptroller � Deputy City Comptroller April 14, I971 Honorable Mayor, Charles P, McCarty _ and Members of the Citq Councii Under the date of March 23, 1971, I presented to you a proposed "Travel Procedure" to implement the intent of your resolution, Council File 253050. You requested the City Clerk to prepare copies of the communication and procedure for each member of the Council to make possible a review of this , procedure by you and your staff. As of this date, no comment on the procedure or any indication of any pro- posed revisions, deletions of additions has been received. My staff is consLantly receiviiig inquiries as to the procedure to be followed as it relates to travel; therefore your directive in this matter is urgently needed. � In reviewing the procedure I have recommended, you may wish to consider whether or not it is your intention to include or exclude the judges and/or employees of the Municipal Court from the provisions of your resolution and the proposed procedure for implementing the same. � Sincerely, g-' ou McKe a City Comptroller r i-�; OFFIGE �� �'i�� �ITY C��PTR�}LLER � SAINT P�JL Ea11hf�E5QTA 55102 !09 CITY HALL LOU McKENNA City Comptroller March 23, 1971 Aonorab�e M�yor, Charlea P. �ScC�xty � and �mber� of the City Gounci2. In arder to proper4.y �nd e�feetively implement the provisians o£ the Cr�uncil File Z53050, Travel �xpens�, Y am attAChin�; a pr�po�ed . procedure for youx seview a�zd a�sgrovr�l. 1 A� you are awa:re, by �t�ur �Sre�riou� acrion Council File 247(�09 (copy attached) the Mod�I hei.�hbarhoad Pl�arcnia�* Corarnittee h�s been D given hroad authori�y for tradel. If it is yaur intenCion [o inciude tl�efr tr�.vel uauer ti��se revised x��ulatiunsE actian ei�auld b� taken tG resciad Council File 2470Q9. ,�s this rasolution is no� in �ffect, �n f.mmediate rcply is urgenClg r�queseed. Re�pec�£ully submitted, Lc>ei MeKenn� . City Coc�ptraller Enclo �3� .���z� ' . S���.J� ,'�`. !'e:i. ' 7RIPL'�'^i�:CE TO TN?.COMP7ROLLER �.,;,,y ; �.' '�t;1 �«�t` �7i S�'. �,�.Gw coutsCi� �`�._ ' ,���`l . � � �- � ir_ r� � r� �r;rP FlLC �F�=1C� CC;- 1 r��. �..�`t'� �:,_�.:.��. CGL���;G;L R�Si:�..�..�'i iC?f�!--�C��:;i'�t�:�;_�`,�� �C)��v� PP.ESENFFD CY . CGIdIdISS10�EP.---- — —.DATE—� - ��:i ��S..rl? G �.: T � �` ��.�.• r i � t•'� 3:- t v" '1 n �'. ..�! y .Tlf_� �. $�t Gl�i. �:t�;a H' :eL _.:, t`: , .i�;['�i.. �.Y). .'1 i:.Cs'ul'i7,.C:l:.6;.itS�.�,.' t.�."C�„1"u1l� ( .,. a . r' ( ( { T T, t��. . i4t,, ( .�� y--, �trg l-�'/ }�v54�:.4�a.����� � i:4-i�+.(...L�Tr�. �?s. C.�:� 4Je.l..�j. .�?3.��h'iEY %�:f .'.l": i'i.: . �. 4:�:.i.%C. �? 4•�� �__..0 E} -- y�- n f r.-.,. t; '� C':.� . r�,. „ n � �. � r ��t�. ,:•.�4 �t • !n P.. �t:.rfif.jl;.►y �L:C: l.`].��;!` i".?i� t.:.c. L.a :ss :•� i��,t._:�. _.ef7:, f`.t. ..i•.Jis.>�:.�y� ia._,�.t� r.t; l. �' ' � ' � JL L t'�.3.�f��,`:i:aV�t: �?>;t::: CS1�..(::.�C? Y.t:.:f', t� CY(�T!`t_"L'<3i�i: (:E'.=2!���..,�.,r. f � �i t.`:' ,. �!. .._.... ;1 �,._..:i ... �. x _ '.r•�^ ,[�� i+r�^. a-r�•h -. �. . r. Z � , y.,`e4� ' t. � .1..) 7 j � 11•� •13 r �.t:. S'� t+ F:'::tJL17]i: > C)� ir�`�`;:'.�� {»E3 �e`... i�e:fJ`�, tf'C� �i�" �.":i.'. ���_s.� r �`.i�i£;. �r _5're •.s.��. °'t (L �Yi?.,l 't,;�l'i � ::: �i�7 C 'W :."..+1 n .� � „�,, �" -. ��� �� Rv� c�... ,i��. L?I:(� �f:`,3 il �.vGL }i"�.i.�l. ta l;i2L ��L'."is.)>.a. � :{�u t?_..,...:1 �. _...t�,c.,, ii'�.:jt r. �:,:°1i;., �.._«G� �.�-z,,a fa f�C a 4 �,• .=�;��y ;: .i- .� ai. �y ..T ;J t'Z.'. ` ��.• ��ix:.....�;:;�1 x$ tii1:J k. E:�1C. Z t1_�: . �''..C;b C:..:t, c t�,.;},"L`-.�+ r;. J � t3� d"tt: e.:.* �i.�_ •c?�t.8 ..,. '�.;-:' C•.if'��>.•�.Jy ��E£? i:._'f1 �C:.37.i.f.?..i.e.<af�..".`�Ci S�L f Cl'.:.E�;S �sl::°... � .?�.�'.�Sil��ti�� c.C.�f. Z.fl1:41t ' �o E;f`:.1fEC:-��.'�'.i[a,^-s i.C��' G��.F.C�i�i:)z;�C, i:Y'iRt���. 4' . at.;:����a tJi2'.��.C%� <<?t ��I:ia.E' I�" I�.-�G:s_1:�0+" C::?j:i,-7y'�:;r �c1iC) �iti'_.C.i�. t `.. 7 �4.} : ya .e..he• ���5° t^ ..� 4.. t r t-�ti 4t.�.� q2 .�;4. k?,e�p (`�t'1 &s��:t3.�4: S:.L�L�i:22 [?Cr t.�.�..4'::i ii61C� �1 CJ<.:��1.,il.,y 1.�..<� �+� i...t.t_'I:.. 1. ! I. �... 1. a,(i�R_.0 t.8 �1SJ �.si.✓p r� �� � FF iT f `'£+aL°�� .7�.T�:1et.�lp �`si:i�si:G.£'-� k:p �tG.CE.l.t7i �.i;C y t:�i.' �:.'.'t.�:!.G«'t'y .,��'s.�: . +�`:;..�• ". � � � 3.i�fit}��'4r�:�ry w�2'�i L�i`3;'to°.� i::�?S::Gf'���y�.L Ct:. i..[i: !7.`'_i`i:FGt:E'� ��':`; �:iac�-i�.�'_:%.:FC: Fi� i'>`�7:i'.`�-_:. � � 1I;, tr< T.an � r. , 9 °t 3 "T �:n i.. i.` L�.�::.�uf lY..:?�`E [�;!t3J�'.3�p i.'f_"f i:.+{?1`I�3r C)�' �G��siy3: �,�..iS:"�lti E.c_..:.Z.� .w�.is �+rr T.1L- ..4.�'".� [.�` �.:Yi:� ,� - � .'1i Sf.` �. 1�14 7 t n s -t yt v s 1�;�� t"+.s y+y� t}i t ...� �a ..�� i.�:�� 1N' tt.�t��.9 �lk" tJ:1 ti�':.� '��� �.e_ L, is' . jCC�d. 11Y.t.:-C.3 �?i'��,._�.i:F �.,� t..L. , } �t�:�� i, i. �z. . � 't��i� ^�e�. .�. C:'r.l�ku`�� F7�'1��G };i11i:4L`:»�}z:s+�3.:."s�r l.il C.'�,�.S�.k✓rc� d.�.�i(�6:�. ��..:�.i:r.C:3 t'>� ;ss5;�ro�',�','�.E:a• � 4 " �'�;�.'� • ., � -r..y.;.� � ' r.�Y;�:`.u� } '•'d,:;'�t�lM. c� .. `" '* "' . . . 4! ,`� �'?., �'r �+.• s� . � �.-+� .'�,... �.�7,`L[Y: � ��� �`'�E` . COUNCIL?1TTN AcT�����ed by* tii� C'ouncit 7.S__ �.'�as I�Tays ' �• � - •� .-e c�' ? . ..�?.:��"� C�rlsun D�lylislY �.: � . ApProver3 ].J__._ Ti7ei•edii�h .�_�tit X+'n�c��� Pef,ex•son ...�_______�. _�--z- -------- � ti • „�.:ty<?T Si;x a.f lc�: � _ __�`�:�;;�1.;,; � `�'ecic;±e.�� ----. _. .f..,.. :�Sr. Prc:;<<�ci;i, l��-:•�:�-, ' - 2 - . , QFFICE C,�� T�-iE CIT`� ��ba���TROLLER � S�ilNT Pr�UL M4�S�E;OTA 55102 109 CiT'Y !-!ALL LQU McKENN{\ City ComphoU�r Ma.rch 23, I97-1 �,VEI. PktOC�DU1t�S Councf.I File No. 253G5a (copy c�E;Lsched) �sc�bli�t�ed a city �alicy �a travcl at �3.ty e�en�w f�z c3�t�ndi�zs; u�y eonf�:r�rtcr, conveat�.on or echcrc�l o� in�tzuc�.ioa. �.. Tt�is x�sc�Yutio�. �.s not intended �ar ��:�aocsl�€ caf irtaC�tsction �s c�utliaed ics paru�;z�.ph "V" rs� sec�ian t�� o� O�Qinan��z b446 �ts er�ended. k'ar yo�.r �.nfQa�tf.on �lzi� grovisics�x �rovid�g fe�r x�f�abuxe��affinx to �mplerycee of tuitiou �xpeaua �ha r�cQiva e gassin� �r�de iss g echool caurse spproved bp �hc� �iv�.l S�rvfc€� �ureau. 2. �s reQue�t for �ppz�v�I ai tr�v�l �:��czse will be �.epared orc . Comptroll�r's �'nrrn "�ra�ve;1 C�.�im"� Th3.� cla�xct tuu�t h� appsaved �y �he �ppropria�t�: e1Lct�d o£fici.Al �a� inc�icated fn Cauncil FiI� � �Iv. �5US4�5. Tt�i� ���o�.u�fan i� ir�c�.ud�d ia th� I971 }�ud��t. QTh+� �ction a� eh� Counc�.l Qs� this r�quest should '�� ��rp�aved by �otia�. T�� C�.ty Cl.�rk will irzdtcr�t� an �he 'rTrsv�2 S�orm" "€�Pg�cvedt9 �r �'ffiat e�p�xroved" and i.ud�c�te 4he cz�t� �s�E th� cot��eeil act f.oa. , 3. The ''Txav�1 Cla�m" s�.�ulc� Chen bc� tr���ml��ed to th�s Gity Ccnt,pE:rvll�r far proces�in� �.n �txe use�al manner, If ao �d�unce i� �:e�;ue�ted, th� Com��ra3ler a.fec�r a�pp'r�priate rz��i��. w�1.�.I rc�turn ChQ C�sl.*a to tha pxvger c��g.�r��x��t �r �iu�:ec�u and c�ii�. b� used by tt�� �esChaz�.�ed per�o�r►�1 �t� ���Cing �ie Fin�l repor�.. �. Th� fivai z�pvrC o� �cea�atl exp+��r���ffi tr�e�arr�c� mua� includ� "� bri�f �r!tter� regort on ti��e r��ture and scop� a£ su�h affair�". Thi� �egort �hou18 b� ia �r�a c��i��, Oru: will l��s u�t��l�a�d �� �he �?.g�r�noe ��pc>rC and ona .wil� bc� txunsmi.�ted te �h� CR�y C2erk. 5. :.�z th� zrtre mver�� o� emcr�;enc�r tr����I on c�ays �ahea ther� are nn council �e�sioee�s' Ct�� �u�h�i•i��d e�.ect-�d o£f icial ck�.y �t�p�av� �c.��h � z�cpu��t �rid tr�x���smi.c .=t�� clu9.�s to t�� Cr�rz���n�.1ex. �h� garson c�rh� suthorizaet sucf� truv��. sh���. ��gorG t!i� e�n c�ar ac��.on xo the Ctie�cacil at �.t8 n�xt cae��i�a, �crr x���fic��ianR a�»�z� RIPLr�AT,[ 7D 'f"HE CO)4PTROLI,F.R � ° s ! ��i.-ti`` l, �•�`� ` �t��� �`,i" �i f. ���i��E., GOl1PFCIL IV�'._.. �:�.i'`'�. ._ ... ':� ' .� � t !"•T" �., `�'- I t°: �! �! C_`��f FILE '__�.__..._...._.__.. . . �l=r`€,.<w G� �:'��. �E� t C,.;.:...:z'•, A �:CJI)4'`���:-. �;.;_..���:.�1�.�.:i�:.::`�---�r-.,..-�il�:i:,^�_ C�3�i� fr.tS�'•�i::�: (;1 CO;r,i"�SIGi2Ek,— —� DATF � ��i�a.,.`.�>> ��' :1>�:w`� f:.^.E' 7:��!i',C""t li�Zrn�� i.i1 r:il� i'l{.i'Ci�: (�r :(:� i�IiU.� �`'.,�.=• n ^s�^r• n C. ` � . .. . e.q`; ft ��Y �r.r�'1 i+�rYr �1` 1. ° �� Yr 1n.� 3.�, .?c.�L.. _. i;t't 'E.�1_ Ai%C•:4)=�-_.'t... Ua. �?. �;r,;J•� .�.t:�•�_.t f-.r.��aG i �5C1 ,2C� ��:Cc:i.. . 7�:• aC.�:C�TI�:. :'f�i::lC5i7:.' �)�j C3.S;V (:j:i'tG7_�.J_.�.'�j ciTi�'. �'. , f�.i�,.. . � ,sT^ ;,^ v't� �.n'�{ '�*.T rs,.:..� . '. �e� t.�?nv.e�r�"�. !ii'':,'t<.,. �, i�c: c::�.e . � t�° 1 1. ... cy ti �: :t>, n-;, , .. . �.•� :.t: s .... !��`. .'�i�..3 r��. _._ .o :Sf iii.�.:_`.i!t �X.i.:ry �it. ��. l��:ilr,.'.w�:di(�..'� �s Cr)�(?�{::i�i..:_:? :� : C� _;� .i, , �,s,�.,. ,�..>.,` ., ;:.��, �,�, • -�;jr�::v ���;- a �li�c5�. { . i:;.'�I�._ .,.. J_" f,:.t.. _ i^'. _.-- ji, tE:;'7 i , .,,),.'.:.�.k. . . ^r 1 � /,n J.. ^J"• • S. 'i :.1 t�.-[ I -!._il1 4. f � . . � ... � 1 �4.1:'�i 4•��,� ��`_.. .{,. . ., ^r . �Y it:i�T r._�.�;y. (lt ,(.,°."} . .:{.i� ....1 i�l. } 'L�.. ...l t%=, i:�t.:i t:��• _. �ii.'._ l.�_L�' ��.:::Fl::._._ t�?1{4 t)G j i. 1�ii:f�S:.t:� ' :._::�..'.�,`.�1�`?y �1'f"i�� �iti';T �;�.w's f�;',:.D':l?S:J.'"�;":€',. Ul !_'r_'"�C;.�?1. Cl:" �T"'�J.c`j�n `}� ;�: t' `2 C` .� �fi.�t,. ! - t t7 ri {r. r ` �E �1� �{";` ; 1 _ �.i . Ci�:� c . ._i�Ti.fi iJi , :�� 4:� i'�Eiy l ''C , C:G_1 C f: ._P_ C:'_ Ci;^..CC C.., i,3't�� ._i � ._ .O? • •� 1�.���„ r '�',. ' ti ' t � ^a y^ • n,. r.^." i1 �'" nii �.+?�c .,. i_i �._.... C,_ 4�:_. Ci.�j ..� 7:CC` ,:!..°C_Ci wt>, �;1.�.ti. �. �7..:i.C'_ k:=':ti:i� .� �� _ . :�::��:l.li.`C� i.`.??tii �iet,:)}��.n. l):. �iLiC:li '-..�:...�.t''.J.�• .Yr • , , • � � � .. -.. .. . . � .. ' , ' - � " .. ' � �_y f � _ .-�e •� _ _r t . .� - �sii' - . � . . . ..a �_. •'` g��. . •X\'Y_� _ M . ��.:yd 4 .i_S�-2 �._a • � �,j ��� r - ,1,. . � - - .... ..R . . . . .��,._ ' 7 _ `s-��x { . ''YS . .�� t . � � � ��x���:� � x i . . . ' . . ' . .. •)��r_ �`�hy.;'.t<.� ._ � . .. ' ., � - � nt r . ' �. . _ ,:`e. ; ..r, p`.�. ^ # 5j f� f..; _ '•i;.;.".iL . �,.. C�Uit�C;ll��:Yl+il� .�CZGj>�l.�GI }�',�' �;�1° �.i<J?3%;('1� �;)____._ �E,'3.9 �tlq� . • ; t . , • .:q 7 � i-, i�!i, s Bu�1er �:,;;,. .: �: Carlson �.��p.�or�e,� _ .—Z9_ � . .Le�inc. � �.�n I`�.tTor T�re�•c�itli _ .�___.,._._ �a Sp��:<,f l;�� �s t�yur �.�..Y.!-5.�;,�;n si. �., , � . z e:_;;�sco � :,fr. I'resi:�c���i:, I�'[cL:l.t.y � • a ` i / `"`.y_�, �JF�=�:�� C.�F �W�-ie�"{�.i`; `� C;C)��TF�;C)LL�=..IR `' S!a!N�- P,'-tUL i�ifNfvE;OTA 5�102 ;,' � 3�9�C:TY� �l,�LL . ji ; . � 1= I� �1 - � �:' s L_l�v IVEC��i�i�;rL��, _ - -_,..�,..,...,.... �.. 1 11�1VIr:i �S 1 }i�J�"�= City Coin�;�r,li�r . � Deputy City Comp;roller Ma}� 12, I97Z Hon�r.able T�ia;or, Cha�-�ES P, TicGarty an�� tiiemb�rs of the City Cauncil Thank you for your very �i.ne cooperaticn in estabi�_shing a nek* system for tra��el procedure as ou�7�ine�. in my enclosu�es, ;'l:is i_s another wonderful exa:np]_e of the decisa.on roak.a.ng pioc.ess under th� demccra�a.c form of govern- II1G'?]�. . This episode further C�E?i110TISt?"F3.tE'u the effectivaness of local governr.eent an3 adus a new chapter to �ha ol.d adag�� that "1'hat Go��ernment governs hcst tha� ;overns least", By this I mean that any r��atter �ha�: cames beforc Che gov�rn- menz should mcst wisel.y b� settled at the very iowesL le�ei of burca��craric p?-ocess because it has become more and mere cI�?:r that there i_s a ?og jam ac th� veYy �cp. � A�ain, thank y:�u far �h.e fine coopera.�zon in thi.s r.atter and I will laok farttiard to your continued coaperati.on in these m�tters and th� continued flow of ccm�nunication by the various offices of ou.r Gov�rnme:zt, Sincerely, "�,��� ,.��. � -`s� McKenna Citi}* Com�trol).er �n�1. (9) . ' � :±a OFFICE OF TH��'�I;° �.� COMPTROLLER � M 5 � tY �v. � � . SAINT PAUL a,��� � �°���' MINNESOTA 55102 � � � � �i :4a " �, ��v� . 1������'�ALL � �; � �� ���� ff n�v�r. ,� ��f; �� � �• � �.�����s ;.�.���,���i� l.nU McKENNA - � -•- .-, C. THOMAS OSTHOFF (:Iry (:��mpt�ull��r Deputy City Comptroller Ma.y 6, 1971 T0: All Department Heads FRC)M: Lou McKenna, City Comptroller The office of the City Comptroller has now established a Travel Procedure which is to be used by anyone who is going to travel at the expense of the City of St. Paul to attend any conference, convention or school of instruction, The procedure which is to be followed is as follows: 1. A request for approval of travel expense will be prepared on Comptrol- ler's Fonn "Travel Claim". This claim must be approved by the appro- priate elected official as indicated in Council File No, 250945. The action of the Council on this request should be approved by motion. The City Clerk will indicate on the "Travel Form" "approved" or "not approved" and indicate the date of the council action. 2. The "Travel Claim" should then be transmitted to the City Comptroller for processing in the usual manner. If no advance is requested, the Comptroller, after appropriate action, will return the Claim to the proper department or bureau and will be used by the authorized personnel in making his final report. 3. The final report of actual expenses incurred must include "a brief written report on the nature and scope of such affairs". This report should be in two copies. One will be attached to the expense report and one will be transmitted to the City Clerk. 4. In the rare event of emergency travel on days when there are no council sessions, the authorized elected official may approve such request and transmit the claim to the Comptroller. The person who authorized such travel shall report his or her action to the Council at its next meeting for ratification. The above procedure is effective immediately. Si erely, enna Citq Comptroller Ffurc� E. Marshall ��T, � Alberf Q. Ofs��sr , � Cit;�Clerl�ard `�_�T'.� Counc:l F2ecv;cicr Ca�nanissio�zer of Reqistratiun . � ' � UFCl � f��'F 7t;�: � 1�Y �: L � R. K r :; �����'a.�'�`��� ����� ��.�.� �1�.�� so��a ���``o��.,�'xfeo � � s � , ' ��'G G�y�Hall . 1 f S't.Po,u I����rtesotct 5510 � � ' • � . � � : �,? �� ,�, , �;� � :���� ��-�� �X�� ' � � pri�. �� 19'71. . � � } � � � � . Lou cKe.�na , �/ a,�' ,� ty Comptroll�r v�, Luilding �, Z,� Dear Sir. : ��, Mayor I+�cCart�= with the eonsel�� of the Council� said he would meet with you on the subject of` t•rwve2 procedur.es t�r�d report � r back to �he Council ar� the results of such a meetin�. Very truly yours' � ��t'�"�° 7., ,�/��s,,�f�lz""�f�" City C�erk M.S/ng C�'-� . 1 . . , � � � , " ' �h� . ' ` C�FFlCE CJF Th-l �'�;��"i Y Gt�rr/It�TF;OLLER � �_ : ; SAlfd7 PALi�. is � � { fr11(�!NESOTA 55102 i�?; 1{39 Cl;i"v' HALL ls` ; " l�� '• --x x ,�� �., � �; �- � t�.�. � . .,.r LOU McKENNA `� � ---- °---�--�'7 G. THOMAS OSTHOF�= City Com��troller . Deputy City Comptroller April 27, Z971 Honorable Mayor, Charles P. McCarty and Members of the City Council - Enclosed are copies of my leLter to your body dated April 14 and page two of my letter of March 23 and also your reply dated April 15. My Iei±ers were concerning the propased establishment of travel procedures, specifi- cally part two on fage two of m� March 23rd letter, A review of the minutes in the Citq Clerlc's office has f_ailed to reveal any advance to�oards a system establishing procedures, Commissioner Meredith's comments notwithstanding. Since you have had approximately one mo�th to revie�a the simple pr.ocedure of my letter of March 23rd, I feel that i.t is r.o�a tirne for ar_tion, Sincerely, � u McKenna City Comptroller Sncl. (3) - \,� flsrcy �. Mcrshall ��" „�. Albcrt B. Alson . Ci.iq/Clcrk and � �f�':� Cozcncil�ecorder Comn�issioner of Registration ( � -� _1�y � � �F.ICE aF TI# C CITY � LEItK �I��� O� �A.II�'�' P'��UL BUREAti OF ttEC6R � 5 _ ' 386 Citv Hall St.Paul,MinnesoEa 55102 . April 15, 197a- .,� Hon. Lou McKenna City Comptroller ' Building "eax sir: �e: Qouncil F`3.1e 25345� Yovx letter of Apri3. 1�+trs 1971 wa.s re�,d at the Apx3.l 15th Cot�ci]. �eeta.rag, .' It was noted by Co�mnissioner Meredith ichat the Council has already adopted a system of prccedures to imple�ent the intent of the resalution. Mr. P�^esident McC�,rty observed tha,t he does not feel the Judges should be ex��rpted from the provisions of the reso- lution. yery truly yours� �z�� � ��,2.�.� City Clerk �� � MS�ng .-.t;:�>�O .�" � ' ' /'y' C�FFlC� rJF TI-��� ��E i'Y C��,�PTROLLER ;: ;; ; ; �:iS SAINI� PAU� I�4 L � i NiINNESUiA 55107_ 109 CFTY HALL �� ; ',_ �, ; � R ; { .. � i. LOU McKENNA `�`"` -- � C. THnMAS OSTHOFF City Comptroiler � Deputy City Comptro�ler April 14, 1971 Honorable Mayor, Charles F. McCarty _ and Members of the City Council Under the date of March 23, 1971, I presented to you a proposed "Travel Procedure" to implement the intent of. your resolution, Council File 253050. . Yau requested the City Clerk to prepare copies of the communication and proce3ure for each member of the Council to make possible a review of this , procedure by you and your staff, As of this date, no comment on the procedure or any indication of any pro- posed revisions, deletions of additions has been received. My staff is constantly receiving inquiries as to the proced�±re to be followed as it relates to trav�l; �herefore your directive in this matter is urgently neeaed. ` In reviewing the pro�edure I have recommended, you may wish to consider whether or not it is your intention to include or exclude the judges and/or employees of the Municipal Court from the provisions of your resolution and the proposed procedure for implementing the same. Sincerely, �;..."' _ . , ,�'� ou McKe a City Comptroller ��; �. � C?FFI�E �F ��� �iT� �C��PTROLLER SAlNT F'AUI. Mlhf���SOTA 55102 t 44 �ITY HALL LOU McKEPdNA City Comptroll�r lrfarch 23, 1172 I�onoraL�le Atayor, Ch�r�.en P. k:cCarty � and 2Zetabera oi th� C�ty Cout�ci.R In o:der ro properly �nd ef£active.lp i.�pl�men� the provision� af the i.c�ur�cil �f.1e 25�05�, Tzav�l Eacpens�, I arn �tt�chin� a �xo�aeed . procnuuz�� for, your review aad agprov�zl. � .�s qou ar� �ware* by your previaus a�ctiott Council File 247�09 � (capy attached) the P".odeX Nei�;hbo�rhood �lann�.n� Coa�ittee h�s been , �iv�r� t�rat�d au�hority xor tra�el. Ic it is your ieitentiorti tv include �:Iieir Lrriv�l raczu�.z� t11Nti@ rev���d �:�gul.aCior►s= AC��OL� fs�lQi;lt'i b� take� t� �eacin3 Councf�l �`i�e 2�+?009. � As thie resolution i� now in effeet' � immediate xeply i� urgently requ���ed. Respectfully submitted, Lou McKenna Cit;� Comptr�Iler �?nc�.. (3) .,�;;�ro.�>�r '� ° � " E-`' � !'—',`}.(�i. - TR,IPIU^0.7E TC TH�GCMPTROLLER �^�+f;�. �y p,�� t ,a��-� � Y i,_,� � • l.ri t !' e,..�ir' ��. �f:�.+L. CoUnCIL t " �" "` ��•'.\t Lr . �} [.. �'+ {� {, (� t FII.E: ���.— .. �.A�1 ��4 l.�{� ��1. V[eM1I' `�:���ll\ ���.���"<<.,i{� 1\i�JV�.4J'��I�r""\.JL-��`.m.•��t.a'!� �V\I�il PRESENTFD C,Y' • � C01.41dIS510hEP. �---- —�_�DATE ----- [� �'i'�"(� [ (s `Y( �i �` �`� t-";' t _ ^ �`:: � 7..1': ...�f l' aI ' Q�x:' lY`•;�t <�t .".J.. Y.�c�s. C.�1 �1..4 ��1. �.}�.4 .< 'i�i. .J ..t_���\.; crl � l'Y:1....�.-1..1r.l��i i.: �/.G� .s..G2... t;Ca k�`�'X.e:,.1 X.i!"'C: � i:�.s.i::.C3Ik U�' f:�1{' �%��.�r T;:":{.5i�ji3 wtr � ::.ti ;,��e�4�-,�. +s:i:°��C:$ ['-i�-L,=1 p, �.52ti r� f t p � _.;.�.y�..t t � 't''.F �S� � r.y,�1 �Y � }''���y.s:.i_i:-.�Y��'. C}L . �:.S�ub.i,ij a-itCG Z�t.�:�'.l� J<�'� ��t-:i.at..lily �....C. l•.i...�y a' i(.f i...t.. ♦ �3• - •' t':?.f.`s)ta-�:S�I:�}: E... :i� Ci.�C,(:.e�:l�Ci t_t;..�:1� � C;��Y7i:�L'i::�`t� t..;('c.`�.�?3..�:et:�i�7�- i.2 1P-4 4'32: 'i:.il.(-i :.:_'::i �C�i:•°��> � .. ._. �� . . T=�:t:.3�.�)Z.t.N nF. i;r)a�:::�� l�-.f� :J�. i:: .il�,t��tl;`� Zi�r �45�� Vx.f.�s �� -'.i �%.3.:::-s 4�0 ��e 11L'�`7:Z:.0 '��t.. :�i�' ��i} S-il: ..� . �?i.:� ���S�2il. �lut`�.�C?Z?i.`i.i..t�.. 45:?'tb �it:;? s?sTc7',����S:t;?s �.;Ji: lx ,...:?i F:.:.G . C�_„ �:n� �v� ti�::.e,�; `t,�.1 i" i:S� C'� � -� a -. rs:.._/-' f. �•� �a4 =' s ;.' ; �ai"n9 �t � a.u::.:=;r�1' Gili:. 1,�. �'3iE. 1;Li1.°t:C ..�..i ..{3� C....�r. _ `e .�'t'i._.� t.;"r �.3:.. E%� :Ilt. x v �:t at ng �. :s:;. 1:�r��� �r-iJ'� t.f-i� {...'� i:;�g.::2o.FL?:;i�3,<.'���?Si-l:� �>'�Sl........f..a_. 4i[4�..� :. ' .a,C��ii.�F:lr�r f'�'1. Zrfr'?:t.l� . T••� F':t�..i.t'%C:»�,3.�.1:.:7 `.C7ti I��.E.�.�.artF`�i: i.Y'�t���. E_:.c;'s.`;-�?3 [JZ2ff'�,) :LF.L:��i:+Zf? L?�__3—f��_i.s' C ��rJ.�t:�:;€. !__;3�i Ctet'�.:�??. f q., . - s rvtc 'ti t: ir,� Se. ,i� �` �• f <"Cj �.F;S�..�:s.i� i'..1',:.Si:`ls r�.i.S.i_C�:.�::i ii'_�li.t � :..•Cif.�.'Ci.LSik:-y F:xa� ....''� ..e�_' .t.-;E4£ai-.�: �f,�i+t, .:�:i� .t.ic�;� {t t �f � [-.. �� �al � � �'�t.l`'kt �.i:i��etir��i�; �siit l:t��'.2-'� �:� �iC..'�.L?.C�;2 �.�ic�.~.gt� t.'.`..(}�:., L?�.r}_`t,�r'�,)�'�;��, i:::`� :s.�: � . - . y � .. � 1l�.rt:..�i�.ibry-;:lY, ��t�:.i� �:.1)it� 4'.�r :��\T�U �6. t»;i��''- ��'. (:�L�f u�:�# l�e�ii__ _tA1.. ��r i`i4a:':ta-.�. . `l2.�.uY.�f.1' l.P�•��t.4 `�r���FJI�}.l;ta lwl...�"t..4L�t.i�(� ��� t,�'�s1Y44 6}1r.�.3.�7��:�[J 4.l:lC.�i�C. .:4L� [:f�r �tt4k 6-wT.tlt G!r {rh.l:VL�.l , a,.l �.ft.��w4Y}.�d. �f. 1.�1.... iL�}L.E�wd. liYk.2.C.�.�i �?I.d�Yy:�..�.� Z��i:.�Y ;l'.1.�.�."� <�c:�.�.��a:..?���.� t�CS}` 48.!1L��.Ei_ �'i�'j�-�iJa S �1�• f:i's1°�t:i�. Ci+'iY,tf..' �?ul'i..k.(..".°'.�isi:'s.1.t y 1.1a 4.}�1<: _F:i�'t,.' I`'4-::ti(:�. C`.'.�.i:�.'L'3 LTG;{+7i.":.L�.G'.�..`�o •3. �#�.lv � �'� °• '" C10�1i.•:CIL?1i:EN Adopted by tlie Council 19—. Yeas �a}�s ' J �•_:;:� , •if'-t(°.'. f '1 �.��� .. Carlsan � l)a1�;Ii;�li � Ap;�rove;L ]_9,_ ; _ . � r �ZE'YCCll{�Il rii J±�vu5� Pci.e��sort -- --- --- - ---- � i�Ta,yor S7,a.�;��k,: C . � ,,. ___,__^_.1r�.:aitia:. `1.'cciesco :1i�. l'i��,;icic.�i, i;�,- •t,c, , :. . , _ z _ ` O��iCE CaF �'�� �;�T� �cJ���TROLLER SAINT PAl3L (o�INNESOTA 55102 109 CITY hALl. LQU �vIcKENNA City Comptroll�r Ma.rch 23, 197�1 TRAV�L F'�'.00BDUitES CAUnCi2 File �3c�. 2�3t?:►n (cc�py r�t-tached) e�teblf�hed a city paliry �o �rc�v�l �t ciiy erp��ns� £'c4r �tte�tdica�; �ay eanfexence, cQnvention o� ��hoo3. a£ inet�vcti.on. �. `Tt:9.� x��alu�tasz �.� �c�� ica��ud�d fvr �ct�aoo�.� of irteGructio� t�e ou�l4.rs�c� #.� para�raph f�`t a� s�ctiac� �YI csf Ordinance 5446 �� a�nded. �'ax yoLr in�a�matic�r� �I�i� grovisic�n provid�� far r�i.m:bursement E:c� �c►plc�p��s � of �:uition �xp�r��� wha r�c�iv� a pr���;.ng gr�de �u �t sct�oal cc�r�e agprvved by tha Civt� Sexvice Bure�u. � 2. A rr.�,ue�t �oa• ap�Srt�vRl of tiravcl ex�nee c�ill t>e g�regs�ed cr�. • l Cottepti:•allcr's �`arrn "Trave�. Claim°t. Thi� clair� �u�t bE n�rr.-a���4 by tlia a�pzoprS.r�t� �lact�d official aa iadicst�d �.n CounCi"t �'i�e No. 2�d945e Thi.a re�c�Iu;.ion is inclu�ied in �he 1�71 �iud�:eCa aTh� �cctiou vf �t�r� �rsuuc£1 aci t�is rec�uc�� shou2d b� ��ro�ed }�y aAOti�n. The Cit}r C�.�rk c�fl�. f.adicaC� ort the ":������ Fbr��" �'g�gxa�€�d�' r��: "�et ���iO`'Md" an� �nc�icr�fe Cf�e c��� a� the cvtire�iZ actio�. �. Thc� "7Cs�v�1 Clr�ir�=' �hould th�n be trxt�s�ittad `a th� Ci�y Co�ptrol�.cr for prroces�fz�� ia th� usural manaer. Y£ �.a advarc�t� i� r�a��:c��ted, �ne Cc+�pstrol2�r �ft�r �pprAprfate ea�Cian . �iI2. t�atu�n Ch� ��aS.tt tn �h� proper deg�d�m�nC or `bureau c�aa�i wi��, De u�ect by ��*.� a�:Cta�xi.�ed p�rsflnn�l in �kin� Iiia �i.n�� ��port. 4. �e �3.c�al zeg�rt o� �tc�u�l Fx��c�sea �neur.r�d �us� ir�cxu�e r`a b�'��£ carititer� �c�par� on the �x��ux� ac�d sco�a of suciz a�f�ir�".,. Thi� ��por� �holsld be in ���ro eogi�:�. Ox� w�ll la� �tt�ch�d tc+ tha exp�a�� ��pcsx� ��xd o�►iA w�.11 f�a tr�n�mitced to ch� C�ty Clerk� 5. In the rare� ev�:rtt s�f �c�a-�ecicy trav�l. an ci�y� whc�r Cher� �re aa ccur,ciY t�ee+sicn�� Ctaa �u�hc�.°i�ed �lecCed of�icial c�y epysrave such � requ�st an� t����z���� i=t�� c2�eim Co th� Coc�gCroll�r. T�+� parran wha autr.ori�cd �uch �r�vc��. a�a�,� xepart hi� or lier actien eo the �oun�il et �t� n�::t �neG.Cin.:; �cr �•.:€�tifi.c�eti.on. ± '=:5�2� F.IPLL�ATE TO 7HE CONPTRULLF,R • + r^�$ �'i�- `^,�.'� n ' v �i�P�i � � �!. i�f;.t.�iv COUNCIL ^1(3 . f� �v ,� .. � ' � �`''a.:e::��`� � r-{.._,. � . ..�� �� F!!E 1\•.d.. - t r� [�y� Z {/' 4 e. ..A C � A t.,i as�1 {: \.!� 1 +\t'� 1 ��!'. Y �1-'�. -.�1 ! i"�e 'w i •� .. ��1�4 ..t�::. �.itt>4..'r..:� .i� .``:--�rt�:'�:%�.;;� ��%,��b� Pr?��•'.ii:�, Gl' CO;rt":i5>I��r�F;_ � �_� —_DAt� � 1�L::.,.1,`;� !` ...:i;ti`'? IL';E i'•'i?;-i 1:3L:..'_CS 3.:1 Lll� ."t:�i:f..:� c.�r :�".e i�Fi'J.�_ '�'.:t: i^c� ri r: _C .i n 7� .��^��,��tr �f' �r' c. -y ..y- �t, .i. � 'i �� + :3 ... J?c^.:yC ._. . 'i 7 �3... . }-t'. - -G, C__ C3:. }�C�V�.. l:i.: !'l. %Yce 7!'.� i C'):.1�� �) f`c-��'^- !7:� :"f_'.C:G`T1L. i.f:i:J.'�ii�� f7�' C1,1.�• C!!.i:�.G`7.c`}� .'j i:lliu ��ii;:ii.-y� t �':(_i i..,�.�i'I• i..�..1:_'��5�� n(15,3 y:T i�r�'.T n;,.��;..5 y i�'..`��� �i?nrn�:r��. ... � 1?i� ?4:. `--` •)',5, .•:i1, f' _ .. ';' �..�.t...�.i(i:';I:��.ti L'si: ._ :i1=... ,..,;_, . ._ CJ...Ti:,:� _ .:, �t 4C:l10n�. ?� �:,ii:.:'tSC.�l.'.�71 O�. t_�:t�_... . . .... _ !`'', �'1_� . °7 �i.,�.�;' :;7::.'i..:� 3_c:'.a... p r-.�- �,r.7.�, .. -.r.+ �.4. .��• i',•7 2T'�r n:°. .ty � �� .�. n ,.�.. t s'. .. �_1.:i: C:: �,.; :1=_..... .. , . . �..i C;.L. .._ �_( �i p. .:S-;l. .._..T �.t: ;7: "'�_. _ .,{_� at:�? �;',:_ c:L• . �.il� .�:._l:v' �;!;:stl:`..?. :3ltG �]G �.`� r11.Y.'���:.C� ' �r,: - r� �� �3- . '.�a ...�y :':�� tt<i'�J t;3.i:�' �::i".g,;i�r:trt.:!�": v7' t �.0 :j. r?� �r�; n�;��, .__ l:�:u Cir��' �:s . �a1� �ii<; .�:i�' C"-C'zl�:::f'�i��i' - C.GII��C?t:�e_rn rs',' �;-t,C;'�'..4 .i' �l- --_'i'^ __i�i ..,:�. ��t�I�.�:a... c_�`_ �i��, ci.i,� _ ._ ;-c• . :�i'C:Li f_��:w 1.�..�' i U.".3.f'�_ 1::` � r=� �I�i?� ;. '�ii E� �.n ;`;, . � `a ; '✓`"' ` r " `' ': . ' ".�71*r'":-.+ , . ..ct.11'��G .�� :;t- i.'`- ')_. 'L[i.)i . _.�.c._?.3�s . ,"��r . � $:�,r. . . �� .. .- . . �;..,�:.,. „ .t��; ..�''4is.Y'y� � . �� 7 �r ' t• A � '���`� . . .. � . . . . ����. , .'� . =�` . �Y-'a r j oE9� . . -- ����• .�1�u�Q_ '.+,✓I . i��':Y��• �. " '-��-�,v�4 9.• , ,� e,' 9 ' + +€��'� �' '.�}".�JA. �`�+�.. .. q�y� •. �[ Y +�1. �:"�� s � '.;}i } .,: �� { � ,���� . ... ;,�. � .� ' �'= COU�\r�..i�.��:±��� ��.il�jlt;£;ra �,7jT i;1t.I;'. C051;lCIj_.. ,���.___ , �'eas I�TaS•� . , � : , B<<�ler ' ;`;;,'V'tt g, 4. f t,�� : C%a;')„t)12 .�.j7�I'44`�•t�_� �_��9.^ �.L\'171f: . , , �._.—�._�%2 Z��L\'U� I�'Iet'ciii th .;._N�__.... __.. ���:r�}�or Spx;a:i i;�� , . .�__�h�:�.�Ji�{: �.�'G t�C:iCQ ' TriC. �:�:'C`S!ti::{}.1,� �1i.C�i:1i{,`' � OFFiCE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 109 CITY HALL LOU McKENNA Ci1y Comphoibr March 23, 197i Honorable Mayor, Charles P. McCarty and Members of the City Council _ In order to properly �nd eff�etively implement �he provisions of the Council File 253050, Travel Exp�n�e, I �tm aet�chin�; a propoaed procedure for your r�view and approval. As you are aw�re, by your previous action Council I'ile 247009 (copy attached) the Mod�l. Neighborhood Planning CommiCtee has been D given bro�d authority for travel. If it is your intentfon to include their travel under these revis�d regulat2ons, action should be taken to rescind Gouncil File 247009. As this resalution is nour in etfect, sn immediate xeply is uagentlq xequested. Respectfuliy �ubmitted, Lou MeKenna City Camptroller �ncl. (3) za �- 3�- 7C April 3Q, �-97]. Hon, Lou McKenna City Comptroller Building Dear Sir: . A3ayor McCtir�y� with the coneen� of th� Cauneila said h� wo�lc� me�t with you on the aub�ect c�' travel groceduree and repprt back to the Counci2 on the reeults of such a meeting. Very truly yc�rs� City Clerk MS/ng !!pril 15a 1�77- Han. Lou MeKe.*�na Cit� Comptroll�r Buildin� '�c�az° ::�it: :�: (bunc�.l i�.�.� 2��054� �.'oux 2etter caf April 14*h� 1�71 �rt.� reaa a; the �'l�r:il :L;th CtattzilC�.l rrleetiria• 1:t �,aN notec� ��r Co.,�m�ia�i�ne:r I�S�rec3.i�h th�,t -�he �unc��1 }.�u.0 �..xeac�y adopte� �. s�,�stem of procedures to :�m�lenQn� �hc3 in�;ezit o�' th� rescaltt�ia�2. �i�. Presi�en'� �ic:C�r�y observed that n.e does no� :!'eel t?�� Jud�;es �hould '�� ��mp�ed f`rom the pravisior� o:C ttae re��r� ].utiox�. Very truly ya��r s a Cit,�r Gl�:r's I�:�f ng