253045 QR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 25 3�4 5 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESO UTI —GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF In the matter of improving CONCORD TERRACE - 19?0 (Yaxious Alleys) City Pro�ect P-0517B urider Preliminary Order, C.F. No.s 250913, 25091�, 250915, approved October 23, 1g70, and Fina7. Order C.F. No.s 252621, 252623, 252625, 252627, 252629, 252631, 252633, 252635, approv�ed February 2�+, 1971, and F3nal Order C. F. No. 252945 approv�d March 10, 1971. Resolved, that the pla�s and specifications for the above named improve- m�ent, as subani.ttecl by the Coonmissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby appro`red, and be it ftxrther Resolved, tha.t the Purchasing Ageirt be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this 3.mprovement. ��,ki� ,t-:�=��-:. F _,..�, f J��� ' t �,,v� riL;U,+ MAR 161-� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er MAR 1619T�� Caxlson Approverl - 19� Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A 8ainat Mr. President, McCarty n�,TBLIS�n. MAR,�,0 1971 �� ,� ;- ;����,}a,�.�,N,� . 253�45 : ��,,,,,. CITY OF ST. PAUL , FI�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF i tb �h! aat�rt ot i�qa�a�'in� t�'�b 'l�µ7i '� 3�0 �''i►���op�s ,117.��r� ; Ci'�jr' l+r��at P-a317� ! rird�t h�l�iaar�r c�r�s, �.r. ]k>+• 8�C�9�3, �09�► �49�5, � Octobrr 23, 19�14• �ad Maat Q�r�r C.l. �v.s 5��6�.• �3,r �6g3� ��'l,� ; 23�b89, �31 PS�633. �633� �a l�b,�"� 24, 19'Tl: a�►td 13a�1 0��s ; �• �'• �• ��5 � 1tr�"�t 1C�� 19�1• ` 1 Aitsol�ntd, tDat t1M Fl�s eo�d s�tai!'icat►it�as lbtr t� abe�rr�r a�d ��• ' aat�, ae s�ii�rd 1� i�r �a�dssi�er o�' �ia Ma�lt�, tirr +�ud 1�s s�a� ar�t , lMS�+�b�' ��, � tit 4� t�rt�er ��l�ntd� �la� tl�t lqrc�s� /l� b� awd hl� i�t �r di�+lrs�d �u � a�d�ao 11oa�►► l�a ant �his l�+�r�t#. ' r �� �..._,: l� :2 � w W � � ��ti= � 3 'a '�,a= ' ^� �a.— �- M � W= ; ,,,o _ i� ? -�-z :r�,� :J ZQ � F , ! t��� '-�Qi-- �.J � s.._� C= �....V �.' � �;� �. I�AR i 6 lsii COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Y� xa� G �R 16197� Buta� Carlson Approved 19—. �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor `J nat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��