02-972Council File # � �� �7� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Resolution # ���'��M� '� Green Sheet # O��.Z�i�i�s ��. 01��, ��'�.� RESOLUTION �Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Resolution Adopting the FY2002 Large Neighborhood STAR Program WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1127; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Program is financed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Neighborhood STAR Program is to fund capital improvements to further residential, commercial and economic development in the neighborhoods of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Neighborhood STAR Board, and city staff have provided input into the review and selection process: now, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Neighborhood STAR Board, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves funding of the Eighth Cycfe Neighborhood STAR projects as identified below; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves the corresponding changes to the FY2002 budget as listed below; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that implementation of all projects and programs identified for funding in the Eighth Cycle Neighborhood STAR program shall conform to Part 6, Awards and fmpfementation of the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines as revised in May, 2001; and be it O�-9'1�. 30 FINALLY RESOLVED, that fhe Mayor and City Council wish to extend theic appreciation to alI 31 applicants, and especially to the Neighborhood STAR Board members for the commitment of their 32 time, talent, and efforts on behaif of the STAR program and the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Planning & Economic B� v�lq ient U By: Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director Adopted by Council: Date ��. o � aOQ �..� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Appro� By: L, Approved by y�'r: Date � . . By e�'� i�"' '� _ `� � i b} Nan � Anderson 02 Amended Large STAR Resolution xis _ . , .___.. ,_, _ ._.. . _ ._., . ._ ,,._... . . ,. _Page 1 ..�� .. � .r.......__.._._ �...�_�....._�.. _�.,_w_._..�._ .._ 90/23/02AmendedAttachmentA Resolution#02-972 �a"97.1 tNANCING PLAN - Neighborhood STAR Tau Revenue URRENT CHANGE PROPOSED UDGET BUDGET TAR Program - Interest on Investments 7-930-90305-6602-0000 555,000.00 0.00 555,000.00 7-930-90306-6602-0000 370,000.00 0.00 370,000.00 oan Program - Repayment of Loan 7-930-90305-6922-Q000 1,315,000.00 0.00 1,315,000.00 ransfer from HRA Debt Service Fund (Sales Tax) 7-930-90303-7304-00000 '10.837.209.92 0.00 10.837209.92 c�vvnvv rw��v - wvc ��c�yuuvn�vvv v� r..� vy�.ro v STAR # PROJECT NAME Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tau and Grant Closing Fees: �0-90305-0547-77000 106 110 114 Round STAR Projects: 30-90305-0547-77160 CURRENT I CHANGE I PROPOSED 0.00 599,932.87 326,132.77 enberg Fruit Company Rehabilitation 930-90305-0547-77648 paul Healing Center Visitor & Education Resource Center i-90306-0547-77651 � Center Renovation rmer's Indoor Market II -930-90306-0547-77533 iall Business Expansion Program -930-90305-0547-77655 dwest Special Services Capitai Improvements -930-90306-0547-77656 �mo-Front-Dale tmprovements Project -930-90306-0547-77657 -930-90305-0547-77657 eat Waters Srewing Company � �� � �� 53,515.00 53,815 207,057.00 207,057 8,526.00 8,526 26,907.00 26,907 103,529.00 103,529 4,263.00 4,263 65,831.75 665,764 326,132.77 0 � � . �. 0.00 � 150,000.00 elling Business Initiative -930-90306-0547-77135 1 100,000.00 (7,092.16) 92,907 veland Fix-up Fund iO306-0547-77209 Area Locker Rooms Playground 31 �nnesota Business Academy 7-930-90306-0547-77562 NIP - Ward 1 N1P - Ward 3 P7-930-90306-0547-77993 NIP - Ward 4 P7-930-90306-0547-77994 NIP - Ward 5 7-930-90306-0547-77995 {P - Ward 6 P7-93Q-90306-0547-77996 NIP - Ward 7 P7-930-90306-0547-77997 146 outh Athletic Equipment Fund P7-930-90306-0547-77553 146 t. MatYs Loaves & Fishes P7-93�-90306-0547-77451 ard 3 - Neighborhood Investm 11 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET N0.: 203666 PEA 10/4/02 �"q�� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � � W1TIn7.NaTE INi'rlai,/DaTE Michele Swanson, 6-6574 2 nEeniz�T nm. Martha _ inrmnxiGx�rs ANST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA SY (DATE) �TGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY _ CTTY CLERK October 23 � 20�2, < G�^S FN���R 4 FINANCIALSERV DIIL 1 ADMINSERV DIIL Hammer ROUT'ING 5 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ STAR ACCOUNTANT ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA'PORE PAGES I(CLIP AI.L LOCATTONS FOR SiGNAT[JRE) AcrTONn�QuES�n: Approval of the attached Council Resolution will adopt the 2002 Large Neighborhood STAR Loan and Grant Program RECOMMENDA170NS: Apprwe (A) or Reject �) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departrnenY? ' CIB COMMTTTEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMLSSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pecson(firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green Sheet INITIATIlYG PROBLEM, TSSUE, OPPORTIJNTTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Approval of the attached Council Resolution will allow 13 recommended Neighborhood STAR Projects and Programs to be impler��ted. ��� ��; � ���°, �� � �.��� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: .p COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FuNnsresouxcE: Neighborhood STAR Progrem ac�zY�rv�sEx P7 FINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��� p� p r/ tl�+ p 9 A� 5 B9 �m �r 1 i" � � �� � ;c., �, � ar : �lU 624 Sefby Avenue I Sairrt Paul I Minnesota 55104 651.222.7678 I 651.221.9831 faac www.eurekarecycling.org Reduce wasce today through innovadve resource management. Reach a waste-free tomorrow by demonstranng that waste is preventable not inevitable. October 22, 2002 Ciry Councilmembers City of Saint Paul Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmember; The council will vote on the STAR grants and loans at this week's ciry council meeting. Council President Dan Bostrom has been approached by BFI and Waste Management, two large nadonal corporaaons to postpone its decision on the STAR loan to Eureka Recycling £or the development of a MRF co serve Saint Pau1. Neither of these companies operates a MRF in Saint Paul; their faciliries aze located in Hennepin and Dakota counues. Eureka Recycling (formerly the recycling deparmlent of the Saint Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium) has been managing Saint Paul's community-based recycling program since iu inception in 198b and currendy holds a "contract with the city through 2013. Delaying the decision on the Saint Paul MRF will result in increased project costs and interim processing costs to Eureka Recycling, the ciry of Saint Paui and eventually to the residents of Saint Paul. If the project is delayed, Eureka will not be abie to complete the renovations and site improvements nee3ed in nme to be operating by the end ofJune. Interim processing arrangemenks have been made in order to handie materials from Apri123 through June 30`'' — any delays past this period create significant issues. Under the interim processing anreement there will be no revenues generated above operating cosu, therefore the ciry will lose the estimated $20,000/month that the Saint Paui MRF would provide. Addirionally, there will be an increase in costs of between $3,000 -$8,000 a month for additional interim processing that would be shared by the city and Eureka. Eureka would also incur an estimated $16,000/ month in increased collecuon costs to haul each load of materials to a ficiliry approximately 10 miles further than the Saint Paui MRF. The Saint Paul MRF will provide better service at a lower cost to the ciry, bring competition into the local recycling industry, and keep its roots and its profits in the communiry. Why does Waste Management want the council to delay the decision or even persuade the council to vote aa nst the Saint Paul MRF? Waste Mana�ement is the company that Eureka Recycling cunently contraca with (through Apri122, 2Q03) to pick up and process recyclables, They have indicated that if they condnue these services che price could increase as much as 30 percent in the short temi. This could result in a$3 million to $5 million program cost increase for the city over the next ten years. In contrast, Eureka Recycling has agreed to Euaka Recycling is a nonproffi organizaGOn, createtl by Me Saim Paul Neigh6urhoutl Energy Consartium, that specializes in recycling aml waste retlueti�on and manages Safm Paul's recycling program. � Prirrted with soy-basetl ink by a Minnesota Great Printe� on 700%postconsumer recycietl paper processed wilhou[ the use ot chlorine. hold current prices constant over the next ten years=unti12013—including no cost of living adjustment. In addition, working with Eureka Recycling to develop a Iv1It�, the city of SainL Paul will benefit from a more lucrative market share agreemenE, increasing its perceatage of proceeds from recyciing. Currendy, tke city could miss out on at least $2 u�illion in rQVenue over the aext ten qears if it continues with the present market shaze agreement with Waste Management. From Waste Management's perspective, they may see the city's savings of $5 -�7.million through the developmenc of rhe Saint Paul MRF as their loss. In parmexship wich Eureka Recyc2ing, the city has been able to keep the rerycling service chazge to the citizens the same ($22 a yeaz per household) since 1992. As a non piofit, EureIta Recycling is uniqueIy positioned to provide Saint Paul with the best recycling services at the most affordable price. In order to do this, Eureka Rerycling needs so develop a Saint Paul MRP. Sincerely Sincerely, c � ���� Susan Hubbard ��'��-/l// Tim BrowneIl Co-President & CEO Co-President & COO YNIYli11YlJ rLH1V � IYBI(�IlpVffIVVU A 1/ AR Program - interest on Investments Program - Repayment of Loan SO-90305-6922-0000 fer from HRA Debt Service Fund (Sales Tax) Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales T; P7-930-90398-0547-77999 Direct Project Costs: P7-930-90305-0299-77000 P7-930-90306-0299-77000 P7-930-90308-0299-77000 Loan and Grant Closing Fees: P7-930-90305-0547-77000 P7-930-90306-0547-77000 P7-93�-9Q308-�547-77000 Year Round STAR Projects: P7-930-90305-0547-77160 P7-930-9�306-0547-77160 -930-90305-0547-77648 Paul Heaiing Center -930-90306-0547-77649 urth Street Trail Link -930-90306-0547-77650 �mo Visitor 8 Educati -930-90306-0547-77 1 irian Center Reno tio� -930-903�5-�547 7652 -930-903 -0547-77654 rmer's I door Market II -930-9 306-0547-77533 iall siness Expansio -9 -90305-0547-77655 n esota Business Acac 30-90306-0547-77562 dwest Special Services -930-90306-0547-77656 1 -930-90305-0547-77658 555,000.00 1 CURRENT BUDGET Oi � �� BUDGET 0.00 555,000.00 0.00 37 000.00 0.00 1,315,000.00 0.00 53,815.00 0.00 207,057.00 0.00 8,526.00 0.00 26,907.00 0.00 103,529.00 0.00 4,263.00 599,932.57 65,831.75 326,132.77 (326,132.77 0.00 69,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.00 150, 000.00 0.00 100,000.00 �.00 3�O,�OQ.�O 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 nts 0.00 22,000.00 0.00 134,000.00 0.00 100, 000.00 0.00 75.000.00 BUDGET 475,000.00 53,515.00 207,057.00 26,907.00 103,529.00 665,764.62 0.00 150, 000.00 100,000.00 3�Q,000.00 1 100,000.00 22,000.00 134,000.00 100,000.00 oa.-���-