253029 ._ , . ; ..,, .-,,.: :. ,. , _. _ - -_
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" FINAL ORDER . co�NC�L �� N� ,., _
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�� No. '��r
In the Matter of �+M�IIMttsw�tt� dN ��+t�1t � !'!� rMi1t l�+�li �L" �M�Ri�t �t�cr�! ,
.� � lhe�t �� !� �t ��rr�w �r a�! w tMt �rrrat �i+�r �►!' �il+� i� lx�wr
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s under Preliminary 4rd�r ��! approv� �11� �. 1!"�
;� Interm
� ediary Order approeed .
A public hearing ha.ving been had upon the above improvement upon due noti�e;-and the Council .
having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having ftt�ly�cot�sider�l
R the same; therefore, be it �
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na�ure, extent and kind of im- �
praven�ent to be made by the �aid City is
� �r_��t #f� s#�e�1c re �wt �t sLM �E 11�i1�t i� l+t+�t l��.��
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a,nd is hereby instructed and
directed to prepaxe plans and sprecifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
coUxcir�x MAR 161�
Adopted by the Cot�ncil
Yeas BUTLER Nay� �►R 1 6 �g71
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, ,_ / �n Favor ,
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TED�,. � ayor
MCCAR�[Y :Ao-nA.ingt �►((� `Z O �9��
6-86-ZM �� x.i PUBLiSHED
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' t E.S. Matilda St. _ Front Ave, to W. Lawson Ave. �+V s,C�(��
� W.S. Matilda St. Front Ave. to Hatch Ave. /
�'�� � �
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January 15, 19 71
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paulo
The Couasiissioner of Public Works, having had uncler consideration the preliminary
order of the Council knovm as Council File Noo 251892 approved
January 8, 19 71 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the east
side of Ma.tilda St. from Front .Ave. to ' . Lawson Ave, and on the west side of
Matilda St, from Front Ave, to Hatch Ave. and by doing alt other work which is
�ecessarv and incidental to complete said improvement.
and having investigated the rnatter� and things referred to therein, hereby reportsa
l. The estimated cost thereof is $4e40 per lino fta for standard sidewalk
5 ft. wide and $5.30 per lin, fto for standard sidewalk 6 ft, wicleo ,._
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached �nd
made a part thereof<
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
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J�� Commissioner of Public Works