253015 c ORIGIN�L TO CITY Cl.[RK � ? �415 • � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GE RA OR C MMISSIONE wi i � B F � WHEREAS, certain areas of the City of Saint Paul a�re sub�ect to periodic flooding fron� stre�ms and other vater courses cauaiag +serious damages to r�sidential pr�perties withi� theae areas; and WHEREAS� reli�f is available in th� form of floo� iasurance aa authori�sd by the Natioaal li`lood Inattrance A�t or i968 a+a amended; aad WHEREAS, it ia the intent of thi: Cc>uncil to co�ply rrith land u�e and ■�sag�n�eat eriteri� r�gn7.atioa� aa requi�'ed ia eaid act; and W�R$AS, it is also the intent of this Council to recognize and duly evaluate flood hazard�s in all official actions relatisg to laad uae in the � flood plain areas having speeial flood hazards; and �, WHEREAS, the Code Citation (s) of aqy State enabling legislation and of any resulting county, city� town or village ordinance that authorize� thi+a City, to adopt land use and control meaiaures is, Minae�ota Statutes 3eation 10�t.01, et. seq.; NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council, hereby assures the �'ederal Insurance Ads�i.nistration that it will tak� legislative action as .f,olloWSs F�, �.____�..----- , "'.'► �',!'n"""'"'" _. r;. C. � _ (1) Ehact by December 31, 1971, and maintain in force for thoee areas, ;�, adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions � aon,si�tent with the criteria set forth in St�bpart A of Section 1910 of the National Flood Iasurance Regulations; and �?� � (2) If necessary, seek State enabling legislation conferring authority � to enact land use and control measures designed to redu�e the exposur� of - property b� flood los�; aad � , (3) Take +�uch other cfficial action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the ob�ectives of the program. Such actions will include but aot be Iimited to: (a) Assisting the Federal Insurance Administrator, at hi� reque�t, in daliaeating the limits of the flood plain havin� special flood hazard on avail- able local maps of sufficien� scal� to identify the locatioa of the building sites. COUNCILMEN �'�'�nt. on neict pa.ge) Adopted by'the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _1n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty � � ORI6t►�AL TO CITY CL6RK �`. �¢ � ; . � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. ����``�`� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMls ONErt W?1 l;am E_ rlson* Ccmmiseioner of Pnblic Worls� o�rF Page 2 (b) After flood in�eurance is made avai.lable, furnishiug representatives of appropriate Fsderal or State agencies or of the National F1ood Insurance Association information, as re�uested, concerniag new or subetantial].y improved structures within the area of special flood hazard. This information will include flood elevations and, if there is a basement, the distance between the first floor and the bottom of the lowest opening where water flowing on the ground will enter. (c) Cooperating with Federal, State and local agencies which �adertake to stuc�y, survey, map and identify flood-prone areas a,� ws21 as cooperatioa with neighboring jurisdictions with re+spect to adjoining flood plains in order to pr�v.nt aggravation oi th� llooding problem. B� IT FUATHER RESOLVED, that this Ccuricil, h�reb� appo3nts th� D�part���t of Public Worka xith the reapoasibility, authority aad m�a�s to implemoxat ths co�mitment made hereia. �IIp,R 12191� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��R � �' �97� Carlson Approv 19— Levine �� ' � ..., � n Favor i►1C1 GUl l�li'� Sprafka ACtitl MaYor m � A$'AlI13t -reaea�v-� Mr. Vice President Meredith MAR Z O �97� PUBLIS�IED �� � . �y�� Ayaq Code 612 c117 �� 9 �3(J/� 2Y3-5121 R� �i �� a '� o '� �e =� �� THOMAS J.STEARNS �� �c ARTHUR M.NELSON �•• PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. R.SCOTT DAVIES KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ANRELN. FEC EIRR First Assistant KENNETH A.SKRIEN JEROME J.SEGAL JOHN C. McLAUGHLIN Special Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT ROBERT C.HOENE 316 City Hall, Sfi. Paul, Minnesota 55102 A. KEITH HANZEL DANIEL A. KLAS Assistants Corporation Counzel TERRY F.SULLIVAN Investigator March 12, 1971 Commissioner William E. Carlson Department of Public Works City of Saint Paul Building Re: Resolution for City Council to Qualify for Federal Flood Insurance Program Dear Commissioner Carlson: In response to your letter of March 5, 1971, pertain- ing to the proposed resolution referred to above, you ask whether the City of Saint Paul may state that it will enact by December 31, 1971, adequa.te land use and control measures consistent with the National Flood Insurance Regulations . As you, no doubt, are aware the State of Minnesota has adopted a statute requiring cities to adopt flood plain ordinances and regulations. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is in the process of obtaining the necessary information to make it possible for the City of Saint Paul to enact such a flood management regula- tion. It is, in my opinion, conceivable tha.t the City Council will ha.ve sufficient data available to it to enact such a Flood Plain Mana.gement Ordinance, depending, of course, upon the ability of the State Department to supply the necessary information. I, therefore, am of the opinion that it would be feasible for the City Council to make the statement contained in the proposed resolution, tha.t it will take legislative action necessary to enact by December 31, 1 , i • Comm. William E. Carlson 2. Ma.rch 12, 1971 1971, such flood plain mana.gement regulations . Mr. Richard Schnarr, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, has been designa.ted by the City Council as the chairma.n of the Flood Plain Ma.nagement Com- mittee, and the committee has been and is actively pursuing the task of preparing such a flood plain management regulation for Council consideration. This resolution should be brought to the attention of Mr. Schnarr and his committee. I return to you the resolution, approved as to form, and recommend tha.t the City Council adopt the same. Yours very truly, OME . SEG L ecia Assistant rporation Counsel JJS :er Encl. cc:Richard Hawkins, Public Works Richard Manning, Civil Defense Bur. !_.��►�.�: �53�15 •� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c�.oM���oNr� Miillias �. Csrlaon� Commia�sianer ot Pubii� Werks.,� WHEREAS� tt�rtAin areas of the City of Saint Paul a�re aubJect to periodic tlooding lroa str�ame and other vater aouraee oaueing �erioua damag�e to resfd�ntial properti�e within these areaa; and WHEREA.4� r�li�! i,a available in th� lorr ot riood inauranoe as authorit�d by the �iational �'lood Insuranc� Aot ot 1968 eus au�nded; aad WHEREAS, it ia the intent of thi� Counoil to oompl�r nith land ust and aeis+�g�ment crit�ri� r�gulatfone aue required ia eaid act; e�ad �HC?'.TAS, it is alBO the int�nt of this Couaail to rtcognis�t and duly ��aluate tlood hazarrde in a11 oifiaiai7. actions r�lating to l�nd us� ia tlu iloo8 plain areas having special flood hazards; and � WHr:REAS� the Cod� Gitution (s) ot auy Stat. �na�bling l.gislation end of ntUr resu7.ting county, �ity, trnm or rillag� ardiaanc� tha�t authori$ea this City, to adopt land uss and oontrol measurea is, Minn��otai St�atut,�s Seoti�t 104.01� � �t. seq.; �� NOw, TH"REF+GRE, BE IT Rr.aGLYF.D� that thie Covnoil� hsreby w+�aurea ths Fid�ral I�uranae Ac�ainistration that it will taka l�gislati�� aatioa as tolloMS: (1) �act by D�cember 31. 19�I., and �aiatain fa forae for tho,se areaa� ad�quate land ua� and control �asuree with effectivt tnfora�ment provi�iosu oonaistant with the crit�ria eet iorth ia snbpart A of 3eatiaa 1910 oi th� Blaatioae►1 Flood Inaur�nce Rsgulations; aad (2) If nea�ssar�, seek S�ate enabling lagielation conferring authorit� to eaao� land ua� auad control measur�s deeigned to r�duce th� �xposur� oi prop�rty b tlood loea� �nd (3) Takf auah oth�r oiiicial aotioa �a ea�,y be r�asor�ab2y n�c.aa$ry to ca�rr� aut th� ob�ectivrea of th� progr�. s�h �ationa �rill includo but aot b� limited tos (a) A�sisting the Federal Ineurana� Adminiatrator, at his rrqwst� in d�lineating th� lf,ita of the tlood plain having epeciat flood hazard on a�ail- abl� looa�l �apa of r►utfioient ecal� to id�ntif�r the location o! th� buildiag sit�a. COUNCILMEN ��t• °� naxt page) Adopted by tbe Counc>> 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approv� 19._ Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Spr� ro���t Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� o�.���T���R,� 253C�15 -� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�AMMI�SSIONE�_w�7 t M E_ C�rl�en� 4;cm3asian�r oi I�ublia Works nA� Page 2 (b) Ait�r tlood insuranc� is sa� a�n�ilabl�, furni+�hing t�eprta�ntatina ai appropsiat� Fid�r�i or Stat� ag�naiee ar ot the National 1'lood Ia+s�are Asaooiation inior�atioa� as r�qwet�d, oonc3�rning n�M or subst�ntiall� ispro�nd structurea within th� ar�a oi ep�aial ilood ha�rd. This infor�atioa xill inolud�.tlood tl�tratioae aad, ii �hhera ie a bae�n�ent� th� distanc� b��t�r�►en th� firat lloor aad t�u botto� ot ths lox�st opuiing xh�ro �+ater ilowiag on the ground will sntsr. (c) Cooperating with Federal. State and looa]. agenei�a rrhi.oh u�rtak� to stttc�jr, survey, map and fdsntify flood-prone areae as wsll aa 000pera�tioa xith n�ighboring �uriadictione with resp�at to ad�oining flood plains in ord�r to pr���nt aggravation oi th� llooding probl�. HE IT F'UI�:iL�R R�OLY]�D, that thie Council, htraby appoints th� D�pas�lf�t oi I'ublio Mtorks vith th� rf�gonaibility� authoril� and m�aa� to ii■pl�m�at th� aoritmant w�d� hex�in. MAR ] 219�#� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coune� 19_ Yeaa Nays Butler MAR 1 '�i '.� Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine _�n Favor -��ered�r-- Sprafka (� �r �r �►g8�ri8t Mr. Vice President M�re(iitH �8