02-97� �.-.� \ � l�J ! ��`� < F.� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA < Presented By Re*erred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is constructing the Como Park Education Resource Center - Phase I, and WHEREAS, the ERC Phase I project inchides certain project-related stonn se�ver improvements, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works concturently planned for stonn sewer improvements in the vicinity of the project area, and WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation agreed to provide and install storm sewer work for the Department of Public Works under its ERC Phase I construction contract, with Public Works to reimburse Parks and Recreation upon completion in the amount of $45,200.00, and 10 WHEREAS, said storm sewer work has been completed, necessitatin� a budget 11 amendment to add reimbursement received from Public Works to the ERC Phase I project 12 budget, 13 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 14 recommendation of the Mayor and positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 15 Budget Committee, that $45,200.00 is available for appropnation in the 1998 Capital 16 Improvement Budget, and said 1998 budget, as heretofare adopted and amended by the Council, 17 is hereby fizrther amended as follows: 18 19 20 Financme Plan 21 Como Park Educat�on 22 Resource Center - Phase I 23 (C98-3J110) 24 ?� 26 �� 28 State of Minnesota Como Zoo and Conservatory Society Department ofPublic Works Council Fi1e # Oa.-9q Green Sheet � \ 33�� a5 Current Budaet Chanee �3,900,000.00 $1,462,000.00 -0- �5,362,000.00 -0- -0- +$ 45.200.00 +$ 45,200.00 Amended Budaet $3,900,000.00 $1,462,000.00 $ 45,200.00 $5,407,200.00 � Pa�e 1 of 2 Council Fi1e � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet n oa-- 30 SpendinQ Plan 31 Como Park Education 32 Resource Center - Phase I 33 (C98-3J110) 34 Design, Engineering 35 and Construction 36 �5362.000.00 +$ 45.200.00 $5.407.200.00 $5,362,000.00 +$ 45,200.00 $5,407,200.00 a "r,',=.e. St. F�x:l Y,.a..;� . n:, �.; � �...,atsi �..,_,. _ .w�-�i( �n���� ` �o�;:.�iiCa:e:xca;;;':_ i�a?' . _ ,.. r��� ., s ��� t!� 2ds,y �_, ,.,�,-.:_,., .�.?a t:SF.iz; __, . .��:.:-.._, :.. -'_ f4R-� L' f�t%__.,_. ._..._ _.._< �' ��i� �� .Sfr9.�r� ' "gue3, , �" t:� �-.. . ' �-- — -��s >'>"�`... �.. Y �.r�:�> � 6� �� Yeas Nays Absent � �� senanav �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Blakey _ � II II II �� Bostrom �� Coleman_�� �� �� ✓ �� �� Harris �� ,� �� �� �� �� Lantry _�� ,� �� �� �� � Rei ter � I II I uu Adooted by Council : Date ��. (� a o � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved ayor: Date: By: �il.�/�-o Reque ted by: Div' ion of Parks a By Approval Recommended Serv'ces Di�ctor: i, � Form Approved by Cicy � By: lJX�C�o .�� By: Mayor 1 Page 2 of 2 - � DEPARTMENT/OFFIGFICOUNQL DATE INITIATE� G RE E N S H E ET N O. 113310 Parks and Recreation Dec 20, 2001 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAIJpAT !NITIAUDAT�� �� John Wirka 266-6411 _J � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �J GITVGOUNQL sicu UMBERFO 2 GITYATTORNEV B CINCLERK OI.TING t PdUSTBEONCOUNC:LAG'cNDABY(DATE) �Ocy 3 FINANCIAlSERVICcSDIR ! 7 RNANQALS'cRVICcSAGCOUNTIN6 January 23, 2002 4 M/+YOR(ORASSlSiANi) 8 AARHSAND REG.RF'TION TOTA��OfSIGNATUREPAGES �I (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ACTION REQLIESTED Approval of City Council Resolution to accept additional funding received from Department of Public Works 1�, � Como Park Education Resource Center - Phase I �a" REG6MMENDATIONS AGPmve (A) Or fte�ect (R) PERSONA� SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST AN54VER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS PLINNING CONIMISSION _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMI$$ICN � Has this persONfrm ever worketl untler a contract forlhis depaRment� �Cf8GO0ANtITTE=_ _ YES NO � STAFF _ 2 Has ihis persoNfrm ever heen a ciry emplcyee� YES NO DISTRICT COUNCIL — — 3 Does tM1is persoNfirm possess a skdl not normally possessetl by am currer.! ary employee� SUPPORTSWNIGHCOUNGLOBJECTIVE� YES NO - Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to 9reen sheet. INITIATING PROBLEW, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Wha�. When, Where. Why) During the Education Resource Center Phase I construction Parks and Recreatlon added storm sewer work to its construction contract at the request of the Department of Public Works. Public Works has reimbursed Parks and Recreation for this work, necessitating an amendment to the ERC Phase I budget. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Project budget will accurately reflect financing. Spending authority in place. pISAOVANTAGE$ IF APPROVED None DISAOVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVE� , Project financing and spending will not match. iOTALAMOUNTOFTR4NSAGTlON� 4S.ZOO.00 CDSTIREVENUESUDGEiEA(GRCIEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Public Warks ACTIVINNUMBER C98-3J110 FINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �..�4s�. ...� �-:_.,,.r. �-, .- _ �.. . � .. .l �VL�u