253007 � 25���� OR16IN/�..TA CITY CLBRK . � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �, PRESENTED BY __ � •. � � � COMMISSIONE � ' ' �L� DATF �� � — +v ����, �� v In the Matter of hazardous 6uildtngs being that wood frame duplex dweTlfing and garage knoam and described as 464 Marshall �n the City of Saint Pau1 and situated upon thase premises tegatly described as Lot 7, B1ock 1, . Seiby McCiung and Van Meter's Additfcn to Saint PauT, according to the pTat on file � and of record in the offtce of the Regtster � of Deeds in and for the Coanty of Ramsey; State of Minnesota. !'HE�:EAS, Pursuant to resolutio��, C. F. P!o. 2516�0 , annro��ed December 22, 1970 , a �ut�1 i r, hear�i nc� 1MdS �ul y ,�e c�"`an Tuesdav _ , �,jainu�__�arv 5. t971 , hefare the Cour,ci 1 of �:iae Ci t� of Sai nt ►'au1 ,.`� sa�d r��ai�ir�-a ner�ai�ina to t�ie condit;on �f i:�� structures located at --464 Ma� sr h�ll , Saint F'aul , '�linnesota; ar7d " l���if�nEi;Sg Un�n �I�e facts nr�sent.cd a± thc s�id hearinc� c�nsistina :�;: , �� �,7:�to�ra?,;�s, ir�s::��ction r°cr�orts ac�d t�ie recar�r��`ndations of tne Cit� �1"C�11�E?C1,9 1� 1; ��Unci c�tl� t����Y`�tl il;.s:� ,`3y t'il(: �i t`,� �,�U}1C1� t�l:tt c�CC01"�1�l7 . to the r�ca�^cis an� fii 1 es i n the c�i fi c� of t9�e r,eri sz�r of Deeds, the last recor�; �!/lyqk�/�t;�ner�s o� the ab�ve-;�escrtbec� !?;^G!��'1^�V ��/ar� Anthony M. and Rosa Lee Stone; Communfity. �eveiopment Corp. is the mortgagee; Kohn Electric Corp, is a lien hold�r and Equipment Supp�y Corp. has an unknown .finterest; �.�!lE�����S, It i� f«rth�r �r�crr:�in�c� that �:he al�o�,jn_�escrihecl � --.�1�,�.1-lin�nd 9 t,�9�.� cons�i ;,u�es !�azar�d��t; b�ji 1 cfi r,n, ���i thi n tkie defi- nition o 1inr;f�s��a Statuips S�:ctio�i ^�Ei3.15 �or° ttle folTarrin� rc�asors: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler � Carlson Approve� 19—. ` Levine _�n Favor Meredith � C 111g Mayor Sprafka • A gainst Tedesco q P V Mr. President, McCarty - Asst. Corporation Co n el �� � '• �'c�--. . ,�,. � -„ �'�.£":c- ^-q . ��`:�'�:' �t.' `"ds .;. ..,: Page 2. a. The dwelling and garage are standing vacant, abandoned and are subject to being entered by unauthorized �ersons; b. The exterior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the dwelling is becomtng deteriorated and dilapidated due to lack of upkeep and vandaltsm; the trim, doors, windows and aorches are rotted; the chimney is loose and dangerous; c. The dwelling in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; d. The dwelling is unfit for human habita�ion in its present condition and the above corrections must be made �n compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Safnt Paul in order to make the same habitable; e. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and wetfare because of its phys�cal damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; f. There is an 18 x 20 foot garage which fis in a dangerous conditton as the roof sags considerably; � ON�Y6INAL,TO,C�TY CLBRK . ������ � . , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Pdq� 3. COMMISSIONER DATF not�t, therefore, be i t P.ESOLVED, That in accordance ��ith Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 throuc�h 463.26, and based u�on the foreqoinc� findinc�s of the Cit�� Council , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby r�ake the� folloti�dinq Order: OP,DER 1 . The q�j�fg��/o��rners of t;le above-descri bed ���� shall make the same safe and not detrimental to tFe n�eace, health, safety and 4�rr lfare bv havinc� t'ie said ��1�{�a a� ���9� razed and the materi al s therefrom �^enoved fron t�i—Te nremi ses �a�t�i n thirty (30) da,ys fror� t}�e date of the service of this Order; 2. Unl ess such correcti ve acti on i s taE:en to comnl.y !�ri t�� thi s Order or an ans��er served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Cl erR: of th� Di stri ct Court of ?arzsey CountY, l�1i nnesota, ti•ai thi n twenty (20) davs from the date of the service c�f this Order, a �1ation for Sum►nary Enforce:�ent of this Order to raze a7d remove the said d�� and q,�trage a�aill be made to the Ramsey County District Court; � 3. In tl�e event that the _ �Iin�_�a d aaraa� are to be razed bv the Cit�.� c,f Saint f'au? n�,:rs:�ant t� ju�c�i�nt c th� .),strict Court, zll parsonal oro7ertv or fixtures a�hich mav unreasonabl!i interf�re ���ith the raz i nc� an� re:nov��l af thi s dwel l in�_and �araae shal l be re��oved �.�;�i t;�i n ten (10) c�avs fron the entrv of jud�r.zent; a�ot s� rer�oved, the Ci ty of Saint �aul shall re�ove and dis�ose or such nerson�l nropertv and fixtui^es as provided I�y 1a4��; 4. If the Cit�� of Saint Paul is co�pelled to take any corrective action herein, all nec�ssar,y costs �xpended b,y the Cit�� �rill be assessed against the above-uescribed real estate and collected as other taxes; anu be i t FU�TNC(; R�S�Lv'��, 7hat a certified cop�� of this resolution and incorpora�ed Order herein be scrved upon the last record Q�fr�f`�lrf/ovrners of tn� a�ove-described ,�ronertv in th� r�ann�r nrovid�d bti� lati��. �� 1 a �97� - COUNCILMEN Ac�opted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MAR 12 191�1 Butler Caxlson �.- Approve� 9� c Levine �n Favor ? 1, �. Sprafka Cl ACtlt1�; MaYor A gainst �eci�3'C6--" °^r. Vice President Meredith � , , �����Y����� MAR 2 0 1971 �� f � � ' �Area Code 612 . � c'Tr ��c..i. � 22:i5121 ,O%��.`'\�"..y��. • �/�� :\�.� ���!�P�� (HOMAS J.STEAFNS u'� ��' ����� ARTHUR M.NCLSON THOMAS h1.MOONCY � PAUL F.McCLOSKEV,JR. � �R.SCOTI DAVIL'S KENNETH J.FITZPATRICK � ���� �� ������p ���� DAN EL L.f C F1R� First Azsistant KENNETHA.SKRIEN JEROME J.SEGAI 6���� ��pQ�'�'����' JOHN C.McLAUGHLIN Special Assistant ROE3ERl"C.HOENE 316 City Kcnll, Sf. PaaF; t�irn�sota 55102 Assistants TERRV F.SULLIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS �nvesti�ator Corporation Counsel March 11, 1971 " Ptr. Albert a. Olsan Cauncil Rec�rder C7ty Clerk`s Office Buildinc� Re; Fi1e No. 2119 464 Marshall Dear P1r. O1 son: Att�ched hereto is resolution/'o�der nertaininq to the above ttazardou� building. Upar� nassage of the same by the City Council , pl ease for�rard ten 1,0,�,,,_„_,, cprti f 1 ed copi es to me, Yours very t ly � -� � PI�UL F. r�ic SK�Y, �7R. ' Assistar�t Cor�oration unsel PFP�/klm � ��,�, � Enco ��` � � � /� `��� � � � ✓k � . � ��� .-,� . � � � �� ,�-�� ` w�� `r � �. �� 253a�1'7 �r���,►�.,�.���R PAIJL COONCIL � CITY OF ST. p� NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBiNTED 6Y COMIr115510NEQ DAT� In the Matter of hazardous buildings betng that wood fra�e duplex dwilling and garage krio�m and de:crib�d a�s 464 Fwrshall 1n the C1ty of Saint Pa�u1 and sttuatad upon tho:e � pre�nises' teg�1ly described •a Lot 7, Block 1, Se1b,+ McClang and Van MeLer's Addltlon to Sa1nt Pdul, +�ccording to the plat on file . a�d of record in th� office of the Reglster � of Deeda in and fcr the Coun�y of Ra�nsey; - Sta�te of Mi nnesota. ���FE�rEA�.� P,'u�r��uant to resQiution, C. F. P�la. 251610 , anproved ZZ , a nubl i c nearing was duly T-eT�'on - , Y . , before the Council of the Citv of Saint Pau , sai hearin nertain�ng to the condition of tne structures located at 464 Mar�ha�l' , Saint Pau1 , �Jtinnesota; and " IdH�REAS, Upon the facts �resented at the said hearinc� consisting of phatographs, insnection renc�rts and the recartim�ndations of the Citv Archi tect, i t i s �'ound and deterr�i ned 5y thP Ci t�r Counci 1 t}iat accordi n� _ to the records and files in the office of ti�e Register of Deeds, t�e J last record��v�r(��f/ot�rners of thc above-described nronerty �t�5/are Anthon M. and Rosa' Lee Stone; Cannunity Development Corp, is the �ortgage�; a u Kofin E ectrlc Corp. is a 1i�sn holder and Equipm�nt Supply Corp. has an unknorm tnterest= ldHEREf�5, It is further determinPd that the abov�-described ���i�'�9 ��d 9�raQe constitutes hazardous buiidincta ti��ithin tt�e defi- nitian o ��iinnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the follot•,�in� reasons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�il 19._. Yeaa ATays Butler � Carlson APA��� 19� - Lev�ne Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka . �� A vs►inat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty � �� f : �5���"� Page 2. a. The dvrelling and garage are standing vacant, abandoned and are subject to being entered by unauthorized persons; � b. 7he exteri or condi ti on of the dt�rel l i ng i s as fol l o�vs: the dwelling is becoming deteriorated and dila�idated due to lack of upkeen and vandalism; the trim, doors, 4+lindot�fs and oorches are rotted; the chimney is loose and dangerous; c. The dwelling in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; d. The d��elling is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and the above carrections must be made in compliance ��rith the Quilding Code and the Nousing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; e. ?he dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the �ublic health, safety and ��elfare because of its �hysical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; f. There is an 18 x 20 foot garage which is in a dangerous condition as the roof sags considerabiy; . . ��,�,TS.,��,� 253G��'� � . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCi� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM rRes�c sr � Page 3. COMMISSIONEQ DATE now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance a�ith Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foregoinc� findings of the � City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul° does hereby make • the followin� arder: ORDER 1 . The d����/o1•rners of the above-described dr�111nq a�d 9araqe shall make the same safe and not detrimental to t e pu ic peace, health, safety and welfare by having the said d�+�elltAg aqd t•s t razed and the materials therefrom rer.ioved fro� t eTi pre ses witTiin thirtv (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; Z. Unless such corrective action is taken to comnly �,ritt� this Order . or an answer served upon the Cit� of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the 6istrict Court of Ramse,y County, �4innesota, within twenty (20) da,ys from the date of the ser�ice af this Order, a P1otion for Summary Enforcement of this Order to raze a-s�d remove the said datl111Rg •� 9��9! will be made to the Ramsey County District Court; 3. In the event that the d�!+�111ng a�c1 ara�e _ are to be razed hv the City af Saint Paul pursuan� t-o,7ucTqment o the�Uistrict Court, �11 personal pro;�erty or fixtures which may unreasonabl�� interfere i•�ith the razing and removal of this +�elling and yarag� shall be removed rrithin ten (10) days from the entry o�-,iu�gr�ent;anrTi�not so rer�oved, the Ci tv of Saint Paul shall remove and disposn of such �ersona] property and fixtures as provided by lava; 4. If the Cit�! of Saint Paul is compelled to take any correctivQ action herein, all necessary costs expended b,y the City will be assessed against the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be i t FUItTHCR RESOLVED, That a certified copy of t�is resolution and - incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record d�rl��/owners of the a�aove-described pro�erty in the manner nrovided by law. ,�►,�c 1 a t�1► COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Na�s + II�AR 1 'L 197� Butler � _ Carlson �, APProvP� . 19� : Levine � Favor Sprafka . �� `�,� A$'A1118t . ��� Mr. Vice President Meredith �� „ _ ,,, . ;:;. � � �� � � ����� � ��� a ,��r��� � �� � �� '�� �� �j t. ' �� ' � �� .�. ,.,, ��� �� , � ����� � �� � _ � �� � �r � � �r�t�ll"�d� C>�;�t�'1[i@St�1'�"8 � � � �` b _ � �� �, x, , �� � ��, ���.� ��. �,�; a r i. �,e3� f ��°. � E ��•� � '�•!'�nr�` +� - ` 1�i`,t'z"=''`"b���' w`�- ,_ r: , ,' . ' ° �. : -� . " ,: -., ; ,. . . � � i f t �;,,y.��-�. . .. gr,*� . . � a_: � ,i „ r , ,��y _ . m � p -... � � �i �.�; ��. i r . Y � r, '� u�: �Y t" � �:� a. ,,�a ,:.s ;.�' e ,. �' � � v� � I �,`i y��° µ'�'"',�rt . � �� . .�,,,, ; I _ , . _ : ,a � A s , , � � ' . - —.�.. � ., . � � � � ��+��tt � � � ���tt�,y,-; � �°� ° '.a,����ty, r _ BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 January 5, 1971 � S �' Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2119--464 Marshall Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record is Anthony Stone and the legal description of the property is Lot 7, Block 1, Selby McClurg and Van Meter's Addition. The building is classified as a wood frame duplex. A recent inspection indicates the following: Exterior: The building is becoming deteriorated and dilapidated due to lack of upkeep and vandalism. The trim, d.00rs, windows and porches are rotted and the chimney is dangerous. Basement: Concrete block; could be repaired. First Floor: Unable to gain entry for interior inspection. Garage: Size 18x20 ft, at rear is in very d,angerous condition. The roof sags considerably. The subject property was secured by the city on December 22, 1970. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard, and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal throug District Court proceedings. tr o , ,; '1 obert L. s �� � ` /; ; � City Architect ��"'�` RLA/mfs ���,���� � � � 3 /� � � o�,�,n.�.�,� �. 25���0 • CITY OF ST. PAUL � F,�UNCII. N� �� • ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PR�r�+r�o er Yfctor J. TedesCO s ,F D�cemb�r 22 iQ7� COMMISSIONEQ A • WHERE.AS the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings , said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: Address Legal Description Type of Structure 464 Marshall Awenw Lot T, Bloclt 1. 3elby Duple�c �►nd Qarage. McClurg �C Yan Metsrs Addn. WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: Anthony and Ro�a I.ee Stone THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court Hous e in s aid city at 10:00 a. m. on to consider the advisability and necessity o ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record , of the date and time of the hearing. PEC 2 2 1970 covrrc�x � aaoptea by t�e co���� 19— Y� Na�B DEC Z � 1970 Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine in Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A oninat � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � �� � ' ITY OF SAII�IT ��AU ! . ��F� � � , , ;. � � � _. � f .�� Gapital of Mint�esoi�a �� ��, , } . 3� � •4 � 1. ' I � -.�; , . . -. , �,D�� '�� � f � � � ,4� � � � . �` ' +fi L.-'{- "�:.� ,U` ..+}r � � , '7�' "f e�si e x 'ri i� '.il � ��i � �. %°�"-.` ��'iy�.4'a.-'��i'�. i �,/�J }:,.w��.�£nn+uv� �� wYit' ` � � 4 nn�`` �,. ' 't-,�,�,,,.P, � � �r�- ..�a t�`v. , � :e�; BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 March 5, 1971 Honorable Charles P. McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2119--464 Marshall Avenue Gentlemen: The public hearing on the above matter was held on January 5, 1971 and laid over 60 days until today. On March 3, 1971 our Build.ing Inspector checked the site and reports that the build.ing had 12 openings d.espite our warning to the owner d,ated February 19, 1971. Therefore, on March 3 we requested that the openings be res.ecured by contract labor. There were no signs of repairs in process on the site, Very truly yours, Robert L. Ames City Architect RLA/mfs Jan. 5 f 19?1 Mr. Robert I,. �zne� Ci+y �rchitect I3u.ilr�in� 1:)e�.r Sir: `.L'he City Council today laid over to March 5, 1977. the matter of the condemnation of tYae duplex and garage at �6�+ a�-snail aVe. Very truly yours„ City Cierk ng N1��ch �, 3.;�'.� �::x. Tl�a �:].t�s, �.:1a7";�C�?�t.+�.,011 �:'OUY29C�_, � 7.�+G��.�7C' '��.�': 'y'3�c v�t� �:muarci? requ���s "�l�,t ycau �ax•���...r� � ::��^�o?�?taara �rs?,�s�.rAs� t�i� correc'�l.r�� ar *.,rx�ck�i�.� �a.�ac� x��Y�ov�.?. ��� the bui�.c�..�.s� �.�t ����, Z�.x��.a�. ���v'�r�.�. V�ry txlxl,y your�y Ci�� C�.er�s �