253005 ORICfjlfAl�TO CITY CLFftK � ��q'��5 j•-� �" CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO N IL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS� The Council of the City of Saint Paul by its resolu- tion, C. F. 249480, approved June 25, 1970, did approve an application to the Governor' s Crime Commission of the State of Minnesota for a Grant in the amount of $10,989.00 for ma.jor androvements in the City of Saint Paul� s Arson Investigation Program; WHEREAS� Subsequent to the date of said resolution, the City �of Saint Paul deemed it necessary to amend the City' s application to extend the program and to request additional funds; now� there- fore, be it RESOLVED,` �Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the amended application to the Governor' s Crime - Commission for a request for Federal support in the total amount of $25,341.00; a�d be it � �y� r"��A . � FURTH�'t 1�SOLVED, That the � ncil of the City of Saint Paul does herehy approve Gr,a,�±� �� =� ,� t between the City and the State . ,..�. � of Minnesota� ��t�ix�.g 'b� and tl°�r- -h the Minnesota State Planning Agera.cy, sa.id Grant Agreement pertaining to the City' s Public � Safety Color�f� Photo Lab and Surveillance Vehicle, the Grant Award - -- -- being� in the amount of F,eder.al contribution of the sum of $22, 892.-00, . and the City's contribution in the amount of $39�337.00, a copy of said Grant Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and be it � FINALLY RESOLVED, Tha.t the Mayor, City Clerk, Comptroller and the Commissioner of Public Safety are hereby directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul tl�e said Gr�.x�t Agreern,�nt l�etween the City and the State of Minnesota, acting by and t rough the Minnesota State Planning Agency. �ORM � PRO E � A s rp C nsel MAR 11 ��71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ouncil 19—. Yeas Nays Butler �R 1 1 ��� Caxlson Approve 19� / Levine Favor lbfex��t}r Sprafka f 0 �C� � MaYor v A gainst �� MAR ;��71 �. ,. �� PUBLISH'ED �. ice resident Meredith � , ` • STRTE PLANNING AGENCY . Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control ������;. GRANT AGREEMENT, TITLE I , SEC. 304 OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968 Public Law 90-351 This AGREEMENT, made this day of , 19 , by and between the State of Minnesota acting by and through the Minnesota State Planning Agency, hereinafter called the Grantor, and Cit� of St. Paul , hereinafter called the Grantee, pursuant to the authority granted by Title I , Sec. 304 , Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351 , hereinafter called the Act, and Executive Order fdo. 28, December 13, 1968, State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by the United States Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for use in the State of Minnesota for the purposes set forth in the Act; and . WHEREAS, the Grantee has made application to the Grantor for a portion of such allocation for the purposes contained in, and the manner described in, Grantee's "Application for Grant," a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and the terms of which shall govern and control this grant except as otherwise specifically provided herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of an in reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein , the parties hereto do covenant and agree, each for themselves and their respective successors and assigns, as follows: The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as are specified herein and in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; , ` ', 'l�h� Gr�an t�r sna l�� grant to the Grantee the to�al sum of Twenty-tsro thousand, nin� Y:�.�n���� eight�T-tti,ro-�________________ Dol l ars ($ ?2,982.00 ) , and the Grantee shall expend from ather sources the total sum of Thirty nine thousand, three hundred thirty-seven---Dollars ($ 39,337.00 ) , which sum shall be the total financial commitment of the respective parties hereto under thic �greement, and which shall be distributed and expended in conformance with the policies , rules and regu- lations of the Governor's Commission on Crirne Prevention and Control9 The Grantee shall expend funds granted under this agreement only � for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhibit "A" and only according to the approved plan and budget contained in Exhibit "A" ; The Grantee shall be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in the "Applicant's Agreement" of the "Application for Grant," attached hereto as Exhibit "A", except as otherwise specifically provided h�rein; FURTHER, the parties hereto do specifically agree that the follow- ing covenants and conditions shall bind the parties hereto: � 1 . Grantee shall abide by and comply with the Special Limitations and Special Conditions contained in the current Statement of Grant Award applicable to Grantee a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" , the terms and conditions of which shall take precedence over and control the terms and conditions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto , "Application for Grant. " 2. When required by the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee ' shall attach hereto, prior to submission, certified copies of resolutions, or ather authority, by the appropriate governing body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this agreement on behalf of the grantee. -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this agreement to be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hereunto fixed and the Grantee has caused the same to be duly executed on its behalf this day of , 19 APPROVED: GRANTEE: Commissioner of Administration By By Date Title Approved as to form and execution t�is day of , 19 STATE OF MINNESOTA by and through the STATE PLANNING AGENCY BY ATTORNEY GENERAL Title � STATE OF MIN(�ESOTA Date �__ By CITY OF SAINT PAUL Title By Y�x Approved as to Form: �ommissioner o�°1TU�GTiTc Safety Attest : pecia Asslstant Zty er Corporation Counsel Appr_oved as to Form and Execution; l��omptro�Ler -----_- ---�-�_---�----- SpeclaT�Asss_stant Corporation Counsel -3- �� ,.. �,�, � � i, . .. . � �����i��' � � � STAT� OT MINNL;SOTA APPLICATION FOR GRANT � GOVERNOR'S COAZMISSION ON CFtIME Page 1 PREVENTION AND CONTROL APPL,ICATION NUMBER Application is hereby made for a grant under (Leave Blank) ;'^;' ' � �;"' the O��inibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 19GS (F.L. 90-351) in the amount and for the pur- DATE RI;CEIVED poses indicated. (Leave Bl�nk) 1. Title of Project: PUBLIC SAFETY COLORED PHOTO LAB & SURVEfLLANCE VLHICL� 2. Typc of Application: ❑ Original l.J Revision ❑ Continuation of Grant No. 3. Project Duratlors: 4. TotAl I,ederul Su�port�ought: $25,43� 5. Request for First Year: ONE YEAR $25,431 6. Applicant: 7. Project t7ireetor: � (T�tatne,address ar�d 2etephanej (Na;ne,�i41e,€�ddress and�;ele�hone� CITY OF ST, PAUL CITY HALL AND �OUK2T I"'IOUSE �ERGEAN-i" ._V, STURiV�.R �TEMPORARY' ST, PAUL� MINNESOT�4 . � �LANPJiNG �NiT — ST, PAU� E�UR. OF POL.iCt I01 E. LOl-H JTREET ST, �AUL, M INt�1ESOTA o 8. Financial O�cer: 9. Official Autliorized to Sign Application: � (Name,title,address and telephone) (Name,titie,address und telephonej ; � LOU MCICENNAo COMPTF20LLEF2 CHARLES P, I�ICCAR7Y, MAYOR , lO9 CiTY �AL�. AND �iOURT I"'IOUSE �+�TY OF ST. PAUL � ST. PAUL, MINN� 223-4118 C.1TY HALL AND COURT ST. PAUL., PVIINNESOTA � 10. I'ype of Agency or Institution: Il. Type off�GovernmentaZ L�nit: a Pubiic � Pravate I�Tor�}�rofit � State � City ❑ Coun4y ❑ Other 12. 01hcr Federul Suppc>r�: 93. Otkier�edernl Submissiaas: YdONE YVQ�f�EE �,�nd/ ; . . , � ,� i i � , � ii; '� � � !+ . I � ;' �. ' ' �� STATE Ob� MINNL,SOTA �I?pLICATION �QR GR�1.NT � i '± � GOVERNOR'S COMi1�fISSION ON CRIP�E � PREV�I�'TIDN AND CONTftOL Pg�e 2 ' � I4. Budget Summmry for Total Project: � Beyond 2 � Budget Cntegories (Federal Funds Only) lst Year 2nd Year � � Totals Personncl ConsuttanL Services ' Travel Ec�uipment Construction . Other (Supplies,tclephone,rental,etc.) ' Total�eder�l Funds I�equesteci � � � $ � °�'otal Gran4ee Cor.tribictio�a $ � � � . � 15. T'..�cplan;.taau o.�. Cara�tee Co��ria�'aon: THE GRANTEETS CONTRIBUTI�N WAS COMPUTED FOR 60TFi Tfi'G COLOR PHOTQ.ABORATORY AND FOR � THE SURVEILL.ANCG TRUCK. THE BUREAU IS�COMMITTED TO ASSIGNQNG TWO PATROLf�IEfJ FULI. TIME TO THE PHOTO LAB TO PROCEBS THE LARGE VOI..UME OF COLOR PtiOTOGRAPHY WE WIC.L BE UTiLIZ6NG. THIS iS NECESSITATED BY THE LAr�iGE VOLUMF_ Or� WORK RCQUIRE2J O�l' A L�-i-iOUR ' � BASfS, �FiE GRANiEEfS COtJ'f"RiBUTiON FOR THE SURVtfL4_.ANCE TRUCK WAS COMPUTED BY POLL�NG � � TFiE L�TEC'T'YV� �IViS10Np5 IiNIT COMMANDERS FOR THEIR PROJECTF_D USE NEEDS, THE VERY ��� Pvi1NiMAL NEEJ WOULD UT7LiZE AN iNVFSTSGAYOF2 FOR IFQR�Y HOl3RS PER WEEK ON VARiOUS CAS�S, _ ' `M1IG THEN GUT TH15 IN HALF TO BE�WELL WfTi�ilN MIPIii�A� NEEDS, THUS Ot�IE SERGcAN'T' JO/O � OF H1:� TIME. STORAGE, GAS, OIL AND MAfNTENANCF_ Wq5 COMPUTED FROM CURRENT OPE:RATING EXPENSES FOR THE TRUCK AND AMOUNTED TO� � STORAGE - HEATED GARAG[ �420.00 OPERATING EXr'�L-'NSES 1rJO.00 ��i xB. Explanationofnudge�: THE ST. PAUL BUR. OF POLICE ASSIGNF_D OFFICER JOE POLSKI OF OUR ' IDcNTIF7CAT10N I.JNtT f\ND WHO IS OUR PFiOTOGRAPNY SPEGIALISY TO STIiDY THE PROJECT AfJD � �� RECOMMEND WHAT EqU1PMENY WOULU�B� PJE.EDED, VFF, �OLSK4 CONSUL`(�EO WI7Fi EXPER�S FROM � 'I'HE EAS7'MAN �ODAK CO„ PAKO PHOTO C6F�P. AFID OLSdN GRAPHIC CO, FROM HIS OWhI EXTEf3— � SNE EXPERIENCE AhD FROM THESE CONSUi_TAT70N5 THE LIST OF EqUIPMENT NEGDED WAS FORM-- ALIZEO, THE PRICES LtSTEI� ARE C.URRENT PRICES F=ROM REPUTABLE VENDORS FOR THE LISTED ITEMS, TIiE BUILDING RENiODELING COST FOR A NEW COLOR PHOTO LA� WAS ESTIMATED A'1' CURRENT COS'YS 3Y MR, �+LETIIS .J�OHI1t�NA WHO iS YFiE �..USTODPAN ENGYNEER OF' 'PHE F�UBLIC �JAFETY BUILDINGS� AND VJHO 15 IN CHAFGE OF ALI. MAtNTF_NANC� CONS7RUGTYON AND RG— � MOD[LING OF THE PUBLtG SAFETY BUI4UING„ TNE PRICE OF THE PIGK�-UP TRUCeC AND CAMPER ARE COMPUTED FROP! CURRENT COSTS FROM REPUTABLE LOCAL VENDORS,. ! , . i . 1 STATE O� MINN�SOTA ' � ^ GOVF�2NOR'S COMMISSTOIV ON' CRI�F �PLICAT�ON FOR GR�,1�TT PREVENTION AND C�l�i'I'ROL � Page 3 17. Applic�nt's Af;mement: The undcrsi�;ncd represcnts, on belialf of tha applicant, that: (A) Any �rant ae�•arded pursuant to t}iis application siiali i�e subject 4o and will be administered , in conformih• ���ith concliiions applical�tc to thc Fiscal fldministraiion of �Grants undcr Part B, Titic r, of P.L. 90-351, General Corzditions Applicable to Administr�tion of Grants vnder T'art B, Titic I of P.L. 90-351 and other policics, rules and re�;ulations issued by the Deparfrnent of J'usEice o: the Governor`s Commission on Criine t'revention and Confro� for the administra- � tion of grant projects under the C�mnibt4s Crime Con2rui and Safe �treets Acti of 1.�i6S. (b} Any fuY�ds awarded pursuant to this application will be expended only for the purpases and activities �overed by 4}ie applicant's app:oved plan and pudget. (c) Any funds a�varded pursuant to fhis application will be used fo supp2ement and no�t to sup�- plant local funds otherwise available for Iaw enforcement programs and, 4o the exYent prac- tical, w•ili be used to increase such funcLs. �d) The applicani will have available and wilT expend frorn ncn-rec�eral sources, as needed, ade- ' quate resources fo defray that portior� of the total costs as set forth in 4.his apg�lic.:tiori as "Grantee Contribution" and as approved uy thc �C'.arn:nissio�t. (e} The Applicant tvill cotnply wifh anci wiJl insure compliance b5r its confzaetors wifh TitTe VI of r"" the Civil Rights Act of 13v�% (P.L. 88-352). arid all requirements imposed by or pursuant fo regulations of the Department of Justice issued pursuent ta that titie, t� the end t}zat no per.- son shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national oriLin, be e:ccluded iroin pariicipation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to disr.riminatio?t unler any pro�ram or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financ9al assistance; and gives further assur- ance tl�at it �vill pro�nptIy take �.�xy meas�ures necessary to effectuate this commitme:�t. � (f) The Applicant �vill assume the funding oi impro�veYnenfs fu�ded under tlze f�ct after a reason- able period of Federal assistance� � (g} Any grant awarded pursuan� to this application may 'r>e tierminated ira ��aI�ale or in par� by 4he Governar's �oznmi�,sioii on C:ime Prevention and Coni;ral or ats d��agnee at tz�y tiime. (h) This application consists of the following in additzan ta fr.sz., foa�n: � Detail Pxoject Budget For Firs� �'e� Project Plan and Sup��rtin� Dmta 18. Date: � 20. .� • af f4utho•rizeci Offic:al: NovennaER 20, I97C ..� 19. Totu�Pages in Application: �`�� `Q,,, � .� i� . ,���� �<�r � �� ___,., .�...�.�.._�.�...F._,,.....�... ^ _ _. _ .. .��,...� �y�...r�...�.�.� . .... ..._� . . .�._.L._ �.� _ _ _- � . .� � � � � � , . I � : � STAT� OI' MINN�SOTA APPLICATION FOR GRANT GOVLRNOR'S COMMISSION ON CRIME pAge 4 PREVENTION AND CONTROL Detail Project Budget for First Year: BUDGET ITENS Fcdcrat Statc/I.oc�l Project Sha�x�e Share Totnl A. Personnel: °fo of Annual Position Time �aalary Z PA7ROLMEN IOO/O �Z��Z4O � � 1 SERGEANT ��/O 6�552 � FRINGE BENEFtTS AT zrJ.9/O /.J75 � � 38 767 � 38 767 B. Consuitant Services: (List) NONE � � � C. Travel: (Itemize) � NONE � � � D. Ec�uipment: (Itemize) , � . �. SEE PAGE �-CI� � 19,982 � 570 � 20,552 E. Construc�ion: (Itemize} � REMODEL PHOTO LAB AREA TO INCLUDE PLUMBING MODIFICA'P'iONS SEE PAGE �-� � � s oac �� $ s o00 F. Other: (Ttemize) : � $ � G. Tot�il Fcderal Funds Requested $ 2�,9f32 H. Tot�l Grantee Contribution (Page 2, Itena 14) .$ 39,337 �✓ . PFtOJE�T TO'�'/9,Y� � g 2,319 . � . � ' , � T�AGE 4-D � �NE 3/4 ToN TRUCK. $3rj�O ONE CAMPER UNIT IOOO , I �NE PRINT PROCESSOR 4936 i OfYE ENLARGER W/DENSTOM6TER & NORMAL � LENSES . . 261Q � OtJE ROLL EASEL WITH ACCESSORIES 98�'j ONE CLUSTER LENS SET 66O . ONE AIR GOMPRESSOR 1H5 ' ` ONE TEMPERATURE CON7ROL SINK � 388 , ONE SPLASH BOARD 70 UfJE TRAY�TANK SUPPORT 80 ONE STAINLE55 STEE� SHELF' 16J � 32 GA��o� qUICK DUMI WASFi 6� 1J - 32 GALLON CHEMfCAL NtTRO BURSY TANK3 7L�1 3 - FLOATING LtDS FOK2 TANKS 1� � ONE GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR 68 ONE GAS MANIFOLD 12O ONE HOSE AND FITTiNGS . `[% � ONE GAS BURS7' TIMER irjO ONE TEMPERpTURF_ COPITROL },�� � ONE PR-2 REGULA'TOR $ � ONE CHtM iCAL M IXEr'2 � �7� ONE MUG SHOT CAMERA WYTH LiGFii^YhiG 6�]� ZO - REELS . 95 �L - REtL RACKS 75 ONE LA60FtATORY TiMER `�jCf �NE TRIt�MER �5 � VNE PAF'ER SAF'E 1� ONE FREEZER �9�, ONE DRVING CABINET �^14 , FQJR FILM HANGERS Q3 Z - BRUSHES 16 � THERMOMETEii i3 F.,_ i • . .. .I��r:�l 4XJr VIEW CiAMERA WYTH CASE 123 TRiPOa 54 - LENS FOR VIEW CAMEr"tA '1'L'� AlRCONDTIONER 44(� PRIlVT DRYEF7 1201 PAGE 4-E THE ST. PAUL BUREAU OF POLtCE IS HEADQUARTERED tN 7HE PUBLIC SAFETY BUiLDING AT 101 E, LOTFi STREET fN ST, PAUL. AT THE PRESENT TIME OUR PHOTO LAB �BLACK AND WHITE) IS LOCATED WtTHIN FOUR SMALL�ADJOIN[NG ROOMS, THE3E PRESENT ROOMS MUST F3E COMPL,ETELY REMODELEO QY TEARING OU7 THE WALLS� RESTRUCTURING THE ROOM SfZES TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEW COLOR PHOTO EQU(PMENT� AND MODIFlG1ATION OF PLUMBtNG AND WIRING AS NEEDED, . IT Y✓OULD BE lMPOSSIBLE TO SET UP TFlE NEW EqU(PMENT IN THE ROOMS AS THEY ARE NOW STRUCTURED, ' --•-.-.-....-,....��.�.,.,..,_.m.� .-n.....�.,,..._..�._� __.__q.:__.___...- , . � ,. ,. . � STATI; OF MINNI;SpT�1, APPLICA'TION FOR GRANT � GOVFRI�'OI't'S COyfi42TSSION ON CRIME PREVENTION AND CQNTROL Page 5 . � Project Plan nnd Supp�rting Dsta: ( THROUGH TI�E YEARS, PHOTOGRAPHY HAS PROVEp ITSELF AS ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE TOOLS ' IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, FROPvi THE DAYS 01' THE FIRST BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS, f'HOTOGRAPi-lY HAS PLAYED AN iMPOR7ANT F20Lt IN 'YHE YDLNTI'r ICA'fiGN OF 5USPEC75 'Y'HROUGH I�ENTIFiCAT{ON PHOTOS, THE CR1ME SCENE PHO"f"O, THE f'MiOTO OF THE ViCTSNi OF AN ASSAUL7', iV1UGGiNG, ROBBERY, RAPE OR HOMICIDE AND THE PREPARA'Y'ION Or= THESE SCENcS iN70 COURT EXHIBI'TS, BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPNY CAME iNTO WIDESPREf�D USE IN POLfGt DEPARTMEN'Y'S DUE TO THE TECHNiCAL PROBLENIS iN HANDLING AND PROCESSING OF THE MUCH PREF�RABLE GOi..OR . MATERfALS, IVIODERN Tt.CFiP10LOGY HAS 6ROl1GHT US TODAY TO THE POYh�T WHERE COLOR PHOTOS CAN BE EASILY F�ANDLED OUTSIDE OF THE CUMM�RCIAL PH070 FINtSHING LAF3 AND�HAVE BROUGhiT US TO THE POiN��' WHERE COLOR MATERIALS MAY BE HANDLED IN THE POLFCE QEPT,. PHOTO LAB, AT THE PRESENT TIME THE POLICE �EPARTMENf HAS A COMPLE;E BLACK AtJ� WHITE FACYLOTY FOR THE PROGESSING O� ALL OUR MUG SHO'YS, CRIME SGENE PHOTOS AND PHO'P'OS OF VICTiMS, • IHIS LAB HAS IN I.9lO PROCGSSED AND PRIi�TED TV}OOO MUG PHOTOS, Q�ZOO - �X1O ENLARGE- MENTS FOR COURT EX'r-If@Y7'S AND ILO ROLLS OF FlC..M OF CREME ANU ACCtDE'NY SCENES WHICH WERE "t�AKtN BY THE (NVESTIGATI NG SQUADS ON THE_ STRE�.TS, �IN Z9! T, FOR GUR GWN DEPAR i- MENT, WE ASSUME A 1V�p INCRCASE IN THk VJORKLOAD, �OMMENC(NG .,iANUARV 1� 197T OUi2 ^ tDENTIFtCNTION UN{T WILL, IN CONJUhtCT10N WIT!-1 THE CONSOL_IDATION OF OUR JA(L INTO TtiE � CENTRAL RECEIVING JAIL FOR RA�.�SEY COUNTY, ASSUME AN INCREASE OF' ZJr/p IN 'Y'iiE NUMEIER OF PRi50NERS BOOiCED AND PROCESSED. THIS WOULD BE A 35J INCREF�SE IN THE Mi1G PHOTOS . TAKEN AND PROGESSED FOR i97� OR A FfGURE OF ABOU7 ZI�CIOO PHOTOS. I_F-iE MUG PI-iOTO • � IS ONE OF THc PRIME AREAS WiitrZE GOLOF2 Pi�10TOGRAPIIY \:'OULD QE USErU�„ B�.ACK AN� WHITE . PH070S CAN BE MiADE LIGtiTE:R OR DARKER, f"LATTER OR CONTF2ASTY 6Y THE PERSON PRIN.TING l'HE PIiOTO, FOR tXAMPLt, A MUG P1tiOT0 Or A PERSON \VITH BLONDE i-iA1R. IN A BLACK ANU WHITL' PHO'T'O THE HAIR COMES OUT VcRY CLOSE TO BLHGK. �iOLOR WOUi_D GiVE H TRUE F2ENDi— TION, THIS BECOMES ESPECiALLY iNIPOR'TANT (N PHOTOGRAt'HaNG 7HE NEGRC, OUR CURRENT COLOR CAPABILiTY IS NIL, WE DO ?HOTOGRAPH OUi2 MC'iST SERIOUS HOMGtCIDES IN COLOR AND S'�ND THE F(LM OUT TO BE PROGESSED AT A COST OF NEARI,Y �IOOO PL'R YEAR ' 1 FOR 7HE RROCESSING, TH1� APPROACH� IN ADDIYION TO BG[tJG TINic CONiSUMING, 'rlAS F'ROVcD j I EXTREMELY COSTL_Y IN 7ERMS OF LOS'1" Fil_M, I.E, ONE COMPLETE ROLL OF FILM [N A RECENT MURDER CASE WAS LOST WI7'Fi A ROLL OF SOMEONE�S FAMiLY PiC7URE5 RGTURNED tNSTEAD, � THERE 15 AN ATTEt�1TIVIG LOSS OF SEGURII"Y /a5 M'F�NY F'ERSONS HAV� A CHAN�E TC VlEW WHAT � IS ULl'ifJ�AYE�.Y EVIOENCE rOR CvUR`t' PRESh_NTHT[ON, � BY VIRTUE OF THE JOINT SUL9MISSiON OF THIS GRANT APPLfCATlON, WL' WILL HANDLE AI.L COI.OR � PHOTOGRAPHY WORK FOR THF_ JT, PAUL FIRE DEPARTMBNl'. �tiE �tRE DEPARTMENT HAS # NO COLOR PHOTOGRAPHYC CAPABiLITY AT THIS 'T'IME AND FiAS A DEFIN{TE NEED h'OR SUCFi � � SERVIGES IN THE Af2EA OF ARSON iNVESTiGAT[ON, THE IVATURE: Or A F[RE AND YHE MATERIALS � DURNING CAN OFTEh7 Q� tDENTIFIED BY THE COLOR OF 7HE SMOKE GIVEN OM=h', �VARI6US �GGREES � � OF GHARRtNG AND BURNt NG CAN ADDITfOrlALLY BE SHOWN VERV GRAPH{CALLY tN COLOR gU7 �' - WOULD pE NEARLV WORYHL.ESS IN RLACK Ahl� WHf7Eo �_ i , �' � ; PAGE N O� �—AI A LARGE PART OF OUR WORK f5 PREPARING HXIO ENLARGEMF_IV7S FOR COURT EXHIBITS, THESE EXHIBITS ARE MADE FOR ALL TYPES OF COURT CASES. BtIT COLOR BECOMES ESPEC�ALLY iMPORTANT IN CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON� (,E, F{OMIGiDE� RAPE AND AS51?tULT, IN THF_SE GASES WE NAVE SCENES OF BLOODSTAINS, HAIRS, DtR'T', ETC, WHICH MAY BE PART OF THE EVIDENCE AND WHICH SHOWS UP VERY POORLY (N BLACK AND WHITE, AN ARGUMENT OFTGN HEARD BY DEFENSE ATTORhdEYS IS THAT THE USE OF COLOFd PHOTOGRAPHS IS INFLAMATORY AND PRE.IUDICPAL TO TI-iE DEFENUANT. WITHOUT A DOUST THEY ARE FOR WHAT COULO BE MORE FiEl..i'FUL iN 6UIL.DING A CAS`E AGAINST A DEFEPIDANT THAN A GOOD COLOR PHOTO OF THE CRIME SCENG AS IT EXISTED AT THE T(ME OF YHE OFFENSE, 1 O FURTHF_R AFF(RM THE POINT, AS STATEp IN SGOTTTS PHOTOGRAPHIC �VIDENCE, i969 EDiT10N, 9 Yv1YHOU7' EXCr_PT10N THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVG RECOGNIZED THE FACT THAY A COLOR PHOTOGrZAPH iS SUPEtZIOR TO A BLACK ANU WH ITE PfCTURL- FOR EVIDF_NTtA�. PURPOSES,TT THE COLOR EQUIPMEN`f TtiAT WE ARE APPLYING FOR [S NOT ONLY SLIFFICIENT TO HANDLE OUR r"'RESEN7 REQUIREMENTS BUT N!{LL 6E ADEQU,4T� FOi2 T"rIE FIJTURE P.LSO, p HE PAPER PROCESSOR WILL. HANDLE APPROXIMATELY lOO — HX1OT5 PER HOUR, OUR PROJECTGD WORSCLOAD FOft 1�7I WiLL BG AN . ESTIh1ATED JCO—�O PRINTS PER DAY. THE ENLARGER, WITH A F30LL PAPER EASEL WILL SIMILARLY HANDLE A LARGE VOLUME OF WORK. OF COURSE, THE PAPER PROGESSING [S ONLY ONE STEP IN THE COLOR PROCESS BUT IS THE CRIT(CAL STEP WHEN 7ALKtNG A60UT CAPAHILI7Y FOR THE FUTURE, THESE�FACILITIES W(LL E3ENrFIT R"HF_ VJ'riOLt OF E�AMStY �+OUPJTI. /�S PR�ViOIiSLY STA.TED, AFYER .IANUARY �, 1971, 'THE �JT. PAUL �FDF=NTiFPCA"i!ON �NfT W(LL HANDLE THE 6'ROCESS►NG Oe= ALL PRISONERS FOR RAh�iSEY COUNTY TO iNCLUDE MUG PHOTOS, WE ALSO Pv1A1NTAiN ��MUG B06KSpT FOR ViCTIMS � OF CRIME5 TO COME IN AND VfEW, t HESt WILL BE THE MUG BOOKS FOR ALL �1= �At'v15EY �OUtv'4'V AND WILL �E UTILIZEU E3Y ALL VICfIMS OF CRiME IN THE COUN7Y. C7UR CRIME LA6 PRESENTLY � PROCESSES ALL SERIOUS CRiME SEENE5 iN THE COUt�lYY AND THIS INCLUDES PiiOTOS OF THOSE , SCENES, A FURTFiER DIRECY BtNEFiT "f0 I.AW ENFORCEMGN7 IN THE WNOLE COUNTX, � ONE FYNAL POINT IN TH15 SECTION CONCERNS VICTiM5 pF' AN OFFEIVSE9 QUIY"c OtTEN OUR IiOF.QICI�L DIVtSION REqtiES75 PHOTGS OF HRU�SES, CUTS, SCRA'fCi-IES, ETC. �N 7F:E V6GTYM OF A HOMICIDE, RAPE OR ASSAULT, A BLACK ANp W!{�-{-E PHOYd OF A Br'2UISE SHOWS 11P A A GREY BLOTCFi, A BL/:Cf< AND Bi_UF_ f�Nd GRtF_NISH EYE �OOKS LIKE A GREY BLO�CH, WE t�OW TRY TO HANDI_E THIS PROBLEM �ABOUT FIVE CASES PER WEEK� WITH COLOR POLAROID WIYH VERY MGDIOCRE RESULTS, WE ALSO HAVE NO NEGATIVE WITH 'YHIS PROCESS AND HAVE NG CAPABIL{TY FOR REPRINTS. THE CASG FOR COLOR CAN BE SUMMARilED VERV BRIEPLY. IFtE ULTIMA'PE PURF'OSE Orr VtF2'P'UALLV ALL POLICE PHOTOGRAPtiY IS TO PROD'JCE A FAIFt AF1R ACCURA'3'E RECORD OF TIiE FAC75, WfTHOUT COLOR. THE rZECOFlD iS Ni=FTki�4Z F2CHt_e5'1'�G hSOFt COM4"'L�tiE. .�.�,.s�,�,.��..�.-�.....�.,.�.�..--���� ---m---�.,�,�.:.x.�=.:�r:..��_,��� ., - • P�,G� 5-�B �, GOALS 1, NATURE OF THE PR06LEM AND NEED TO BE MET. THE ST, PAUL. BUREAU OF' POLICE PRESENTLY HAS NO COLOR CAPASILITV, NOR � DOES TI{L-' COUNTY OF RAMSEY. THE NEED FOR SUCH A CAPABILITY HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEMONSTRATED. WITFiOUT FFDERAL SUPPORT THIS GOAL COULD NEVER BE MET AS THE ,�.[TY HfaS NO FINANCIAL RESUURCES 70 MAKE THE IN[TlAL iNVESTWIENT FOR THE EQUIPMENT. �L. TARGET GROUPS, � � ' ALI. OF THE POL(CE DEPARTMENTS WILL DIRECTLY E3ENEFIT FROM 7i1E GRANTING OF TIitS RE�UGST, THESE INCL.UDE RANfSEY �+OJNTY SfiERiFI"TS �EPARTMENT, MAPLEWO�D, WHITE BEAR LAKE� NORTH ST, PAU�, ARDEN F'IIL`5, P�OSEVtLLC, MOUND� t�IEW BRIGHTON AND ST. PAt1L POLiCE HND �iRE DEPART:M[NTS, �T WiLL FURTHER DYREC'T'LY AFF�"F_CT T'riE OPERAF701V OF YHE �tOENTiFGCf+.Ti6N UNI? Or YHE JT, PAU�. F�OLiCE C�EPARTMEFF7„ 3. �ROJGC'i' ACHtEVENiEN"f5 ' THE FIRST AND FOREM057 OOAL PiOi'F_D TO BE ACHIEVED THROUGH THIS PROGRAM IS THF. INCRC.ASED CLEAt=2ANC� OF �CrZlIvYES �'IiROIiGH THE �EYTER ➢DENYfFlCATIQhI OF THE PERPETRATOr.S OF CR9P�iE:3 �DY COLOT2 RlitSG PFi6YOS� A7vu I� BE'Y'TEit CONVYC4lO�V RATE BY F'RESF_P�ITZNG TriE BEST POSS[BL.E PHOYOGF2APHIG EVIDE7QCE POSSIBLE, Y,E. COLOR F'HO fS, IL ME'i'HODS ' �HE SEQUENCE OF' STAGES OF IMPLEMEtJ7fNG TH►5 PROGR.4M .4RE AS FOLLOWS; 1, STA6E � ; REMODtLLfIVG OF TNE PHOTO LAB A? THE F UBLIC JAFEYY BUILDIFYG. ESTIMATED 'F'IME; 'L IvfONTliS JTAGE �L; C~iONCURRENTLY WITH STA�E J�, BfDS WOLILD BE �'c.'f �OR ?}iE - SPECiFiED kG�U1PN9EPl1'. �.STIMA7 Eu t iNS� FOF: CON'iPL�TE dELi VERY; �L MGPI'YH5 STAGE 3; PROJECT IMPLEMEfVTA'P'IOf�i � [IE. RESU�T� �, �V`'ALUAi'iON, THIS PF20GRAM WiLi. BE BGSY HVALUA'➢'EU F3Y OUR tNCFYEASE[7 DE7GG"fiOIV AN6 APF'RIEHEPlSYQM1! OF OFFEt�iDF_RS AND TEiCfR SUBSc:QULI<'p' CdNV6CTtQN fN COURI', THE ULTIMATE TEST WfLL @G IN OUR OVGfZALt� CRIME STAT13TiC3, � � � '. PAGE 5-� ` ' 2, CONTtNUATION, THE PROJECT WILL E3E CONT(NUED BY THE CiTY OF S7. PAUL BEYONO THE FIRST � YEAR. IV. RESOURCES. OUR PHOIULA� WILL E3G HGADED VP BY 'OFFlCER JOSEPM POLSKI WHO HAS HAD ClU1TE EN.YENSIVE EXPERIENCE IN PHOTOGRAPHY. THlS EXPERIENCE iNCLUDES I�YEARS EXPERIENGE IN THE IDENTIFICATION UNf7 DOING PHOTOGRAPHY WORK FOR THE BUREAU OF POLICE� L YEARS F_XPERIENCE P�IOFY TO EMPL�YMENT W17H �HE }�Qi_.iCE �EF�ARTMF.N7 AS H COMMERCIHL PfiO'fOGRAt HER WHICFI EXPERIENCE INCLUC)ED tNDUSYRIAL SI.YDE FILM PRODUCTION, COMPLETE BI..ACK AND WHI'7"E AND GOLOR LAB EXPERIEYJGE, AUOIO VtSUAL EXPERIENCE AND SOUNU MOTION PICTiIRE PRODUCTiOhi, �HlS OFF'iCER A'�SO NAS TWO VEAR OF COLLEGE EOUCATiGN AT THt �OLL�Gc OF ST, THOMAS, THE OVc_RALL SUPF_RViSOR OF THF_ `J' ERViCES Q�IVISiGN OF THG �UREAU iS A rORMcR IDENTIFICATION OFFtCER WHO TAKES QUITE AN AG7fVE iNTEREST [N PHOTOGftArHY AND WILL MAKE AN EXCELLENT OVtF1AL� SUPEi2ViSOR OF TH[S UNIT AFTER WE ATTAIt�i COLOR CAPABILITY, MUCH O� OUR [NVESTiGAi iQN RrtD COUr'2T EVIDEPVCF_ iS IIUIL7 AR4JND "�NE SOUND llSE � OF PiiOTOGR.'li'HS. OUR Vi�.RiOUS D1ViSPON HEADS HAIII'c e3E�.N COtJ"iACYE6 WiYH REGARDS TO THElR i-E�LINGS ABOUT T3ilS COLOR LAB PROGRAt�A .4fVD HAVE BGEN GREETED WITH MUGH EN'rHUSiASM 70WAF2D 7FiE PROG:Rstit�. ---- __ ...y.._ ______ _._ ._ ... ... ...._.___..�.�_ .___.__.__.___..�_ ..�__w_.__._��._._.__., . . PA�C 5-L7 THERE IS A TREMENDQUS NEED FOR A SURVEILL.ANCE VEHICLE OF SOME TYPG BY T�iE POLICE DEPARTMENT� AND AN tMPORTANT BUT SOMEWFIAT LESSER NEER IN THC ST, PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT. SURVEILLANCE (S AN IMPORTANT TOOL IN LAW ENFURCEMENT. IT MUST BE DONE AT ONE TIME OR � ANOTHER IN MOST TYPES OF CRIMINAL OFFENSE, SUCfi CRIMES AS R06E3ERY, 6URGLARY, ARSON AND FRAUDS ARE VERY AMENABLL- TO SUF2VEfLLANCG, AN [qUALLY IMPOR7ANT ASPECT OF GOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IS THE CONCEALED SURVEILLANCE OF SUSPECTED OR KNOWN OFFENDERS, IT IS� THEM, AN ESTA�LISHED rACT THAT ONE OF THE INVESTIGATlONAL TOOI_�'s NEEDED TO DO AN EFFECTIVE JOB IS SURVEILLANCE CAPABtLITY. � AT THE PRESENT TIME TFiE ST. PAUL �T�OLtCE AND �(Rt I.T}EPARTMENTS HAVE Nd SURVE�iLLANCE � UNIT, THE FIRE DEPARTMchfi' HAS 60NE Wi7HPiJT AND THE POLICE iiAVE HAD TO BORRpW WHA'Y' EpUtPMENT IT HAS F3EFN ABI..t TO GEi, �ORROWtNG OR DOPNG WIT'tiOUT ARE NOT ADEQUATF_ RESPONSES TO OUR VERY REAL CRIME NEEDS, ��E RECENT VdEEKS WE 7iAD i0 BORROW THt CRlME BUREAUtS SURVEfLLANCE TRUCK IN OUR INVr.STiGAT[ON OF' OUR TERROR15TiC BON9BING5, iV,ANY HOURS OF SURVEILLANGE WGRE REQUIRED IN THE SACKETT IVyUR�ER VASE, IN ADDITION, OUR RO[3BERY UNIT HAS AtJ A�MOST DAILV NELD FOFt SUCH A VEHICLE, AS DOES - OUR NARCOTICS AND INTELLIGENCE UNITS, THE ARSON INVESTiGAT(7RS FEEL THEY COULD GREA7i..Y RtDCJCE r=RLSE ALARMS A(�'D FIRES WiTH APi ARSON 6F_GSNNING 6Y EFFE"TiVELY UTILIZIN�z A SURVEfLLANCE YtHiCL't, . MANY TYPES OF SURVEILLANGE VEHICLES HAVE HISI'ORIGALLY BEEN tJSED, BASIC CRITERIA ARE � . SIZE, COMFORT, AND UNOBTRUSiVE, NOI�lDESCRIPT APPEARANCE. I' ROM YEARS OF EXPERtENCE AND FROM 'YHE EXPERiGNCE OF OTtiER AGENCIES, OUFi INVES7iGATORS F'F_EL A CAMPER TRUCK IS FAR SUPERIOR, A CAMPER {S F'IRST OF ALL COMMONPLAGE, 1 HEY DRAW VERY L(TTLE ATTENT70N AND ARE SEEN EVERY\NiiERE. SECOt�ULY, THEY ARe. i.ARGE ENOUGH FOR FOUR OFl FIVE iJEN ON A DANGEROUS PLHN"i, �Hc MEN Il�'SiDE CAN GO FOR LONG PERIODS WtTiiOUT , LEAViNG, DUE TO '1'HE LATR[NE, 6EDDING APID EAT[NG FHCIL['ficS. THE NEE6 FOR THIS f'fEEE OF EqUIP�ENT CANPIOi B� OV[r^.SiN'P'Ld. THE DIFFYG:IiL�'Y iN OBTAINING CONVfiCT[Ot�'S Iht COUR'Y' ftEC2UIRE EVSDEPiCE OF A NAZ'IJRE NOT REGUif4cl7 YEARS AGO, FILMS OF CR[MES IN PROGRE�S, DETAILED REPORTS OF THE ACTIVITIF_S OF SUSPECTED PERSON AND APPREHCNSION WHIG6 A GRIME IS IN PROGrZESS ALL RF_CUfRE GFFEC7IVE . SURVEILLANCE, �HE TOTAL tMPAC'1' OF THIS PROGRAM WILL BE" THE REOUCTION ON CFtIME Y'HR6UGN INCREASEE7 ARRESTS HND CONViCTtONS, � � j� ! � �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERR /�i h"� � r 1 h ' . ���� �se' ��E. i'�r�.�� CouNCIL '1 �Q i ��� • C���I��a'. C�t" ��`� C�m�Y G��P��� FILE P�a'. _..._._._.___ , COI�tN�B` f��$�l,.�TiC?Pl---C.�����'.��. ��.[�! / r PRESEN7ED BY �� ��; G (��I�� GOMMtSSIONER- �' �qTE __ ,_ WHEREAS , It appears necessary and d�sirable for the City of Saint Paul to improve the arsnn investigation program to serve the needs and requirem�n�ts of the City with respect to its Cr�.m�nal Justice Progr�m; an� WHEREAS , The City of Saint Paul has provided , through its usual budgetary prc�cedure� , for the financing vf� its arson investigation program associa�ted wi�:h this app�.ication ; and WHEREAS , The Con�ress of the Uni�ed States , pux�suant � to the provisions of the Omnibus Ct�ime Control and S�fe Streets Act of 1968 , has established a pro��.�am for providing , among ather th�_ngs , fin�.�cial assistance ta loeal gc�vernment bodies thraugh application for funds to b� �iled with the agpropriate state agenci�s ; and WHEREAS , The State of Minne�o�a has designated the Governor `s Crim� Cor��.missian , und�r �the chai�manship of the Attorney G�nera�. , as the appropr�.�-�,e sta�� agency �o receive applicatiaYZS for financ�.al assis��nce fram lo�al go�ernment�l units ; anc� WHEREAS , The Ci�y of Saint Paul has de.te.rmined th��.t the cost to imp�ave its ar�c�ri in�rc�yi:zg��ion �QUi��mc�nt and procedures �;�; �n will be in the amotznt �� Eighte�r� T�O12°3`c�T1C� and Three Hundred �-�-s� -� and Pifteen Dolla.rs f$1� , 315 ? ; n.o�a, therE�a�� , be it ���c� `; �� ;; RESOLVED, By the C��cncil a� �l�e City af Saint P�ul , that t� � � applicatio� b� and is he�eby macie �o the Gouernor ':: C�ime ii � �. Commis�ion of th� Sta�t� af Minn��c��� far a grant in �he amount u-�" cJ of Ten Thousand and ?�ine Hundred and Eighty-Nine Dal�ars (�10 ,989 ) � �" for major improverr�ents i.n the C:ity of Sainfi Paul �r�on Tnves�i- �� ':, ,= gation Prog�am. v � �. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19.� Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Ap ec�..`__. �.9�_. - Levine ..�..�.:,� � T�t Favor ;r..�``��- Mereclith �; �r--, —.. Spraflca ���h � ~� against Tedesco 1I�•. Pi•esic:ent, i1ZcCai•t�* �„;v����'a��> .' � OhiGIN/1L TO CI7Y CLFRK . 'tJ�l�7 y j R.` ���.�� �(T�' �F ST. �'f-�E1�. cour.ci� � '` ���"• `�t � , . � ' ' �E�Fl�'f� Csi T�-��= �B�`"�° ��.�t�.�C F1Le �C?._._________,_ . COU�°��l� i�ES�L��'l4i�--GEi`��r'�'�L FORE�Ri PRESEPJTED GY C0�,IMISSIONER----_--._._. ` �`_ _DAT� �-- —�_,_� FURTHF�t RESOLVED, That th� Honorable Charles P. McCarty , Mayor oz tk�e City of S�.int Pau1 , is hereb�r authorized to execute , on behalf of said City , the rec�uisite forms for the City '� aforesaid appli.cation �or funds to the Governor 's Crime Commission , copies of such forms being hcre�to attached , mar}ced "Exhibit A" , and incorporated herein by r�ference as fully and as complet�ly as if set for•th herein verbatirn. .�c.'��d e v �.�.f�€}, COUNCILA�iEI�t Adapted by the Councit Zg.____ Yeas Nays Butler �" `� � ' ���`:`�'''� Cat•lson roved_— 19___._ T�evir�e 1 :�, `�'� - . _:�In Favor '�".�� �,�� "14Ter•ed�th �.�,..,�r�.,�;�---�����__.__._. Sprafica �,.) '���.� 2d[uyor A gainst �I'C'(�E'.S(;O M�•. Presicli;nt, McCarty . "yk:i�:w*a�(�1) . s�r���r�, or ti�li�vr�i�;�o�r�� � GOVi:RNO;t�S CO?,:ITISSiO!� (�:�� CRI�2E S`Pl�'i'I�MI,Nl' O��' GRANT AWARll ���Ll�vr��rro.� ��:�v co��riior� � Grant Nu:uber Pursuant tu autl�orit����f the Oiunibu�Crimc CouYrol �-�-i-�j-11�-�2-��-t�l�7n� ruid S�i[c Stiects _�ct o1' 1�i6S, the Com�nission l�as DatcGrantApi�ruved � appiot�ed thc._;«ni inclica;cl. 12-L-?� T1ilC uI}'1'�>jeCl: ?�t�:�1C �£'.�C+�'✓ �GyOI'F�Cl '-'�'lOt;G l:a.0 �°!_ `i121 UE:l�_12T1C�' �.�2:11C1e Grantee/�f;enc�'or Institution I'ruject T�irector (Narl�e,addrrss an�l lcleplione) (\Ta�ne,title,address and telephone) Cit;; of v� . i'a�zl ;_;r�.. ,_i. ��u��7:,�� l`1 Qmport�r�T) Cit,-,� ?'_all an�� �ou_�t !iouse ?larr.ir.� t�r:if:-St. Paul :�ur. of Police �t. Pau�, '_�Fi::r.e�ot�:i 1Jl _,. 1'Jti� :.��;,reet Jt. :�"�'��_ ".'Tli�i7. Grant Pcriud: Financial Oflicer 1? ,.,i7n�}�: � TVanic,titic, ua�iress and tcle��hone) TOtal LCl)tit�l _� �� ��{c�, ._ ',�,0:;. .:�.: _.���.� liG::i.'JtT'O��.E'.T' 1_l_7)_ -� , , F�•ot�� — --- -- 109 C� �,y _aa.�J_ and Co'.;.�t iiOU.S e Th�ough �2-21-?� _ �t. t'au1, .'�irr. 223-�;118 Pa�rnent Proced�.ire: Dcl�il Bud�et foi-:-����..�rd Amount �,,,.a,, ,,,�t, -- --- - ��---,, Pcrsoilncl -- — Cou�uli�ini Se����ices � Ftiture Sui�l�or�.: Trt���el , C�rie `�:::' L<rtupinent �il�j��2.00 --- -- :�o�,�_.�uc1,;on 3,OOO.Or' � Special Limitaiior.s: 'r�,t��] ,1��.�:-d _ ;r,2?_,�=t`32 .00 C;rant�•c C;ontril>tition " 3�7.�iJ _ �3�' — -- - - Specir�!Cu��ciitioiis �„ � n,.�� ,.'.; 7 n� 1'1�.2'SE' 'i,7:�' ��I'�s.?��:��° 'OI' 'c].?1V 2�)P,�"iS�S� OT' 17'i �r: 71t•OT' : .__._ T=C)�. 1',, _:7:�. _. , i7'�1C':�OI�:S 1.,''iC'T'°rti'y -ii�;li2'_:'EiC1 �OiiO:vl'.�L ..SSU.LI`.:C2 O� �!7C.' J'L�3i:E�?l;(?T1'C. Of C'rY'2iY1'G P A ;� ':1�- r_� : � j.�;.. �'r':�lit, :;�'_?�c'" :��?:;.. �nL?ra�t��l�"L t0 �l�.l_j;1_G� T� �P.C. ��ct _i:d i(� Ui i.�.'.�'S <.._:i). li.i...__ �_. _ , C7�nik:us Cr_i_rz��� '��?�L}•o1 a�,ci ._..,�e .�treej_ ��ct oT �_y!3, ?'ub.lic T,���•r 90-3>1) has bee:: dul4.� <�pprove ' �>>:d si �r��c� �y or for -l<�ae �nr�?•oxar:iate re��reseiZ�atives of t::e Sta't� of :�i.:�:�:esot��., -�� �c,1.-; ,,.:c� :o:,�ri��ic?�er of_ �c!�nir.�stratio?:, the !tttorney �n:l(,'�c��� ��lE.' :>t�itP., l:�l :1T'iil;_Tl�, i�'E.'C:C'yT ��r;� -f.}':c? �:�:��:.��E; :�UC.1tOI'. Statemont�Date ancl\uml:cr Si�uatu�>G��F t�uthc��rizcd Cflicial �� �''G�_�' f �7c�,_rf�����.�`'. � Y `. --L. Cf� .t__ .. .. ' . I' ..) r . . �-- `S �. � ;< �i . l � '�� � � � S'I'A`ll�� Ol' iVIIN�V'I�:SU'I�l GOVI�I�NnR'S CONI�l1ISSZON C)�' CRIM1: STn'i'1:�ZENT QI' UF�.ANT AWARD PREVF,NTIaN ANI� CON'i'HOL . _ Gr�int Nu�uber Pw�suant tc�authorii�� of tl�e On��nil�us Crimc Contt'ol lll—�3—�dQ—�2—��€�'�7n� a�ud S�afe Streets ��ct uf 19G8, tl;c Co:uu�ission l�as �� Date Grant Approved appro��ea thc grant.indicated. 12-2—�� Ttti��,I P,�o���t: �blic ��Pet,v Lol�r�a '?hoto I,rzb c_ Surveillance Vehicle Grantre A�;enc�'ur Instilutiun Yroject Director (Name,addre�s.lnd trl��phoue) (i\�anic�,ti11c,address and telephone) City c�' S� . �'�.u? 5�7t. J. Sturn�r (,`I'e�^�orary} Cit� IIall and Court Ho?ise Plar�?ir��r iJr�i�t.-S�. P�-tu1 Bur. of Police �t. Pau.l, ''�1inn�sota 10i _,. Z�Lh Strect St , pa�zl, '���inn. _ Grant Pcriod: Fii�ancial Of3icei• !2 T'�;'�I7�h5 (i�iaAne,title,aciclress nnd telepllone) Tutal Len��t1� ` �� r, b I,ou :��ic,���.r.:a, Co �ipf,r�l�E.�r I'ro�n �-_�_7l_ 109 Cit;� 1lall .�nd Court House Th�•oUgh 1C°n�-���- _ °t. ?'aul, I�i�r.r:. 22�-�,llf3 ,. Payrncn.t Procedurc.: lletail Bud.�et for Av,�ard An�ount � �uarter��' Pcrs�iincl � ---- — C��nsultant Serv�ces � F uturc Sup��ort: , 'i'ra��c: Ch��e '�e��• r<�u�l�,��e��t �19,q82.QO ----- - —� Cc��:�tiact,ion 3,000.00 Spccial Liu�itaiions: � T�,t<�l �,«-.t�•d �2? Q�32.(�0 . �'c?_�.31_ c,,�����t<��•c�„�t,�:>>�:t��»� �39 337.00 t�;--- Special Conditious i�it'. C7'�iTll,or �•r:�ll riOt 7'ry7..?7:��:.:_'Sc', �;::, GI'B.T:t!'.E' �OY' �l.Tl� CY��G.1SESa bT' fr�actions th�?r;�cf, i_�;cu:rreci folla-:ir•:g issua.�ce of tl�e :�t�ttcment of Granc 1'�z•�arc': uiz�_ese ar�d ur?til i�!;e Gra.nt _'��Y•?e�.ent (pu�s1A;�,r>t �� T:itl? T, Sec. 30�� (1,inibus C,��;,,;c; Cortrv�. ��?:d S:,fe St,rc,�ts ^.c� of 1y!`s, i'ublic L��r j0-:�J_) has been du1_�r a_���roved. ar.d :.��_,�°:��c? c�;y or �.'or t?�e :�?n_�c��ri:��;e rc��rese��atives of the St�te a�' ;'�2a_n:��sota, n�,r,iel_;, the "onL��:iss�;c�ner af' �^,d:riii��;s�tratS_on, the Attorney i�enera?, t7�e >ta+�e P1ar,.1ii1� ��ei�cy a�7�' tl��e S±ate; �l;�ditor. St..itement Date and Niunber Siz�aaty�>C�:af Authoriled Oflicial /�(�`.;l.:,�%,{ �..�:,���,�f''�-.- -t-c______.