253001 ORI�'INAL TO CITY CLBRK ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �'���` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. LICENSE COI�IITTEE COUNCI ESOLUTI —G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �Ch lO� �-97�- COMMISSIONE ATF W�ERE9St Proper notice ha,s been reeeived a,� to c;hange i� atackholders i� Gene I�Tardin:i LiqUOr, Inc. holders of On Sale Liquor I,icense No. 7918, expiring January 31, 1972, at 828 East Seventh Street, therefore, be it R�SOLVID: That the r�sord� �howing Eug�ne J. and Rheta ATas<3ini a� �oint stoekholder�� be and the sam� are hexeby amended to read Eugene J. Nardin3. a,s sole ste�kholder. ON SALE LIQIIOR ESTABLZSHI�NT (Change i.n Stoekholders� Informally approved by Council March 9• 1971 Ori�. gppn. 7859 :. MAR 1 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays �R 1 � ���� Butler Carlson Approve� 19` . Levine � / Tn FSVOx' iVl�redit�r' Sprafka � Mayor � Againat �,cting Mr. Vice President Meredith PUB �ISHED MAR Y��� � - C �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capit�i of Mir,nesota / Q / *�z �3�� �e aHt�evct o ub�c'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION POLICE DEAN MEREDITIi, Commissioner HEALTH ItALPH G.MERAILL,Deputy Commisaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Licenae Inspector March 9� 1971 Honorable Mayor a,nd City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Currently Gene Nardini Liquor, Inc. are holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7918 and mi.scellaneous licenses at 828 East Seventh Street� all expiring January 31, 1972. They have held such licenses for a number of years and the reeords indicate Eugen� J. Nardini� Presid�nt and Treasurer; and Rheta Naxdini! Seeretary. The records �.7.so indieate that both Eugene and Rheta Nardini are stockholders. At the time of making application £ar renew�l of th�� licenses, it was advised that Eugene J. Nardi�i is the �ol�-. stockholder and not both parties �a shown on r ecord, At�aehed is a copy of their notification of this correetion Which has been sig�ed and notarized. V�ry trtaly yours� . ��t � License Inspector � � � � � ` �. � � r , G . s �� � , - � , ' • ' �"f. . . . . . . . . t.� january 15, 1971 . . � To Whom It May Concern: - � We, the undersigned Eugene J. Nardini and Rheta M. Nardini, � President-Treasurer and Secretary respectively, of Gene Nardini Liquors, Inc. certify the following: That Eugene j. Nardini is the President and Treasurer of Gene Nardini Liquors, Inc. and that he ts sole stockholder. �J `r�µ� _ �� _ �,�i . Euge,�ie j. Adardini � . 7y , , � � �, , ,� -.!�_ R eta M. Nard�ini State of Minnes�ta � County of Ramsey On this 1Sth day of january, 1971, before me personally appeared Eugene j. Nardini and Rheta M. Nardini, husband and wife, to me known to be the persons described in, and who executed the fore- qoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and d�?ed. L- ' � -�G- =�-�---... . J _� � �t;� :�;�� a��\[ ��'�-� + utUnui_ J. BOLDT, �7�' ��'c��� Notary Public, P,amse} County, L',n. �'�� v � c; �'Y Cammissi�r. Exp;-.�s Dec, 8, 15�:. " �.. '�y y' 4 � N � QP �� �'^ i,, C..T� � .,� cF,<' • N � rn � � �A C� � �� . ti . Q� 4��.�,�• � �v . � . �}/ . �fP' �.�<b �. Ci, ��5�� � ���i'C� . r �� 1�eacah 9, 19?l Son. Dan �srdi,tb, Cta�r. s�d' R�blio t�a!'�ty, 1Q1 $. lOtih. St.� St. Potl� M3nn. Attns 1br. Dsoi�l P. 1bt+ay�lin D�u� Sira TLe City Cc�mail t.odt�' gi�n�sd ini"+oa�'�al �pa�aral o? t►lM �►lieatiaez c+? ans 8ardini 33qu�oz� Ina.� bo�l+dsss a!' 0o saLs Liq� Lie�e No. 7918 and ad.aa�3l,�tdos liaa�rir� �L � Eart S�snth Strse�t, al]. loRpisi� Ja�ar� 31, 19FTa� �' � Q�Q �A /trOCkl�Ol�lA� iA �Qlldll�i �e .T. Ait'alal ii tib! saL��tex:la►!: �d ao�t St�me J. �asdini aad 81�1► ��rdi�i aa �bo�r► m tLe r�and. W� i►'� � P�"�D� t.1M autiae�s�' riliol�ti.on! Va7 t�� �s C1ta► A:�rl� �