252994 OR16iNAL TO CITY CLBRK ��2�9� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE W I � � � . Ca r 1 ATF APPROVAL OF PLAIVS In the matt�r of grading and surfacing with bituminous mat�rial and construct concr�te curb and gutter on W. Jessamine Ave. from N. Albert St. to Hamline Ave. and construct water servic� connections. Also, grade and surface with bituminous material anci construct concrete curb and gutter on Brewster St. from N. Snelling Ave. to N. Albert St. and construct a sewer for storm water drainage purposes and construct water service connections. Also, grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on N. Albert St. from Jessamine Ave. to Brewster St. and construct a sewer for storm water drainage purposes and construct water service connections (G-1821) , under Preliminary Order 241842, approved January 22, 1g69, 241843, approved January 22, 1g69, 241845, approved January 22, 196g, and � Final Order 250510, approved September 22, 1970• ' �� � N A Also, in the matter of constructing a public sanitary sewer in BREWSTER f � ST. from �Sneiling Ave. to Albert St. ; in ALBERT ST. from Jessamine Ave. to � � Brewster St. ; and in the following described 20 foot permanent sewer easement, o ;� the center line of which is as follows: Commencing at the intersection of � the center lines of Brewster St. and Albert �t. ; thence East�rly along the rn cent�r line of Brewster St. extended a distance of 30 feet to the point of � beginning; thence Easterly along the previous described line� a distance of ° 221 feet; thence deflecting left an angle of 89 degrees 20 minutes for a distance � of 2�D`.8 fieef mbre or less to the south �line of Wynne Ave. and there terminating. -- Also, construct a sewer pump station in the above described easement. Also construct sewer service connections. Said sewer construction to be undertaken within a 40-foot temporary easement centered upon the above described 20-foot permanent easement (5-1299) under Preliminary Order 248g43, approved May 21 , 1970, and Final Order 250512, approved September 22, 1970. RESOIVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvement be and the same are hereby approved and be it FURTNER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvements as per plans and specifications. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the improvements. �;pR 1 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � � 1 �97+� Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine �� Favor ere i ACting Mayor Sprafka � A gainst � PUBLISHED �II�►R"����� Mr. Yice President Meredith � ' 252994 ou��.��r�ro nn�ns�e � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNqL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `���J COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM ��,�D�,o� Wi 11 iam E. Carlson „�,� APPROVAL Of PLANS In th� iaatter of grading and surfscing wfth bituatnous mat�riai and construct concrete curb and gutter on W. Jess�+fne Av�. fraa N. Albsrt St. to NaAaii�e Av�. and construct water senrice connactions. Also� gr�t •nd surfece with bituminous materiat and construct concr�te curb and 9uttar on 8raast�r St. fran N. Sn�tling Av�. to N. Aibsrt St. and oonstruct a s�� for sto�n Mwt�r drainaga purposes and construct wst�r serviae conn�ctioas. Also, yrade and surface Mtth bftu�taou: wtsriai and constrdct aonc�ets curb a�d guttar on N. Albart St. froa� J�ssa�aine Aw. to B�a�rstsr St. and constra�t a sewer fo� stornivwtsr drAfnag� purposas aad construct wat�r s�rvice connactions (G-1821). u�der �tiliminar�r�O�d�r 2418�Z. apProved Janasry 2Z� 1969. 241�;, aPPrav�d Janwry 22. 1969, 2418�y. aPProv�d Janwry 22, 1l6►9, and Ftnal Ordar ZSOS10, aP'rar�d S�ptwbs� 42� 1970. Also, in the rastter of constructi�g a public sanitary s�er in BREMSTER ST. frd� Snet l ing Aw. to Aibert St.; in '�►IS�RT ST. fraa� J�ssaiuir� Ave. to erswstsr St.; and 1n the followtn� d�scribad ZO foot psrw�asnt sswar �as�nt. the canter lins of whi¢h is aa foilc�+ss Ca�asncinq at tM intsrs�ctton of the c�At�r iln�s of Br�s�vst�r St. and Aib�rt St.; th�nos East�riY slonq th� center line of B�ewster St. extsnd�d a.dtstsnc� of 30 fNt to th� potnt of bagtnnirg; theece Easteriy aton9 the pr�vtous describ�d lt�s a dtstanc� of 221 f�at; thenc� dsflsctt�g tett a� seigle of 8g d�gras 20 winut�s for a distae�ca of Z80.8 feet mor� o� teas to ths :outh i t�+e of W�rnns Av�. and thsr� t�r+�iewtinq. Al so, eonstre�t a sar+ar pu�p stat ton i n EI� abow d�sari b�d �as�nt. At so ca+st�uct sswar servtc� conn�ctions. Satd sawrr construction to bsa�nd�rtdcM wi thi n a 40-foot ta■�porarp easaM�t �snt�r�d upon th� abar� d�seri b�i ZO-foot pe�nsn�nt easem�nt (S-1299) under Prsl tminary Ord�r 2�89k;, appr�o�wd Na�r 21� 1970, and Fin�i Order 250512, approv�d S�pt�bsr 22, 1970. REiOLVED, That ths pi�ns sn�i sp�cificstions as subnitt�d for ths abov� improva�ent be and the saiae are hsnby approwd and b� i t FURTHER RESO4YED. That the Pu rchas i n� /1��nt b� and i s hsnb�r d 1 netsd to obtatn bids for ths ta�rovNnsnts as p�r plans and sp�cifiesttons. RURTNER RESOLYED, That ths Purchasfn9 Aq�nt b� and is IM�eby dir�ct�d to adwrtise for bids for th� twpravaMnts. � 11 19�1 COUNCILB�IEN Adopted by the Coun�� 19_ Yeaa Nays -- sutl� �Ii�AR �111871 Caxlson Appro� 19— �°�e � Favor Sprafka Ysyor t -��e�ea-- . : , r. Vice resident Meredi�h �� ,