02-967Council File � f7�— ��o`� RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 203079(E) CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By 2eferred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED,1`hat in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code and Minnesota Statute Chapter 2 429, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby fig the 6th day of November 2002 at 5:30 pm as the 3 date on which the Couneil will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to 4 consider the level of right of way maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2003 and the 5 costs to be chazged against the benefited property, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notiee of 6 this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute chapter 429 and the Department of Technology is hereby directed to 7 mail notices to affected properties in accordanee with said Chapter 429. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PU'BltSHED PUBCiSHED ( � id �r Yeas � ✓ ✓ ,—�_ —� Requested by Department of:' ub c orks By: Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director= Adopted by Council: Date (*'��. 1 ap7��'� _ t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form By: Approved By ��r: Date � � by City By: � Date: Green Sheet Number: 203079 Z �ea�e�rDm�cro 6 crrr�ov�v�b - 9�e ontact Person and Rhune Namber: � 4 arroxr cr.Eiuc ARYL.ERICHSON ppGElDIHECfOR 3 � .&MGT.SVGDTR. 5 YOR(ORASSLSTANT) i DEPT-ACCOUNTANT ust be oa Council Consent Agenda by: OCTOBER 16, 2002 � OTAL # OF SIGNATLTRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: et date of Public Hearing for proposal of 2003 Right-of-Way Maintenance Assessment to be assessed against ene�itted properties. ttachments: (D) Notice of Public Hearin and (E) Councii Resolution C0.�41ENDAITONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Aas [he peison/£rm ever worked mder a contract For this department? YES NO PTANNINGCOMMISSION A STAFE . Has this persodfirm ¢ver been a City employee? YES NO C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSWN . Dou tRis person/firm possess a sfdll notnormally posseased by any YES NO current City employee? Cffi CONM111'EE E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. COUNCiL WARD(S� D7STRICT PLANNING COUNCIL YITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why?): This is the proposal for the 2003 Program. VANTAGFS IF APPROVED: See Above ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVAi�`TAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOLJNT OF TRANSACTIO�T: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE OvE) YES NO iNCSOUxcE: �e�ment Aids, General Funds, AcTlvrr�N�n`�Ex: 42310 and 42350 �nd Batance INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� CIN OF SAINT PAUL — ROW MTCE 15 KELLOGG BLVD W ROOM 140 SAINT PAUL MN 55102-1613 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NOTICE 6 a.-�14't PRESORTED �tRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. PAUL MN PERMIT NO. 1015 2003 Right-Of-Way Maintenance Program Public Hearing Notice PURPOSE OF To notify Saint Paul properry owners that the Ciry Council will be holding a public hearing on the proposed 2003 THIS NOTICE Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessmenl Rates for 2003 Service Leveis as recommended in ihe proposed 2003 Budget for the City of Saint Paul. After considering property owners' input at the public hearing, the proposed budget may be amended. NEARING TIME: 5:30 p. m., Wednesday, November 6, 2002 PLACE: Council Chambers, 3�d Floor, City Hall, 15 Kellogg TIME Blvd. W. The City Council will hear oral testimony at the public hearing, and will also consider written statements and e-mail communications. All communication becomes pad of the public record. Written statements can be mailed to: President Dan Bostrom, Saint Paul City Council,l5 Kellogg Blvd. W, Room 140, Saint Paul MN 55102-1613. E-mail communications can be sent to 2003row@ci.st�aul.mn.us. ASSESSMENT Here is an example of how a Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment is calculated for a typical residential home on CALCULATIDN a residential street using the proposed 2003 Assessment Rate Per Foot. A house with a 48 foot residential lot EXPLANAT/ON (Class III) and an alley (Class IV) would be charged 48 x$1.80 (street) plus 48 x$0.57 (alley), or $114.00 for 2003 Right-Of-Way Maintenance. We round off all amounts to the nearest dollar to simplify processing. Corner residential lots with two street frontages or residential lots with two alley frontages, are not charged for the longside. Commercial property includes all apartment buildings of four or more units. Townhomes and condominiums will be charged for at least 18 feel of street frontage. If you do not have an alley, your notice will list your street frontage and NO ALLEY. If vou do not have an alley,you are not charged for one. THE CITY DOES NOT SNOW PLOW ALLEYS. Proposed 2003 Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment Charges THIS IS NOT A BILL —THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Properry ID# Frontage Property address Class Proposed amount See other side for the proposed amount for your property. ASSESSMENT RATE PER FOOT Class Description 2003 Rate Class Description (ProposedJ) Class l-A Downtuwn Streets $7,95 Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Class 1-B Downtown Streets (Brick) Class 11 Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Gommercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) Class III All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) 59.95 $4,35 $2.10 $3.30 $1.80 Class V Class VI Commercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) Unimproved Street Right-Of-Way Commercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) Unimproved Alley Right-Of-Way Gommercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) 0�.- 2003 Rate (Propased)) 50.86 $0.57 $1.92 $1.14 $0.34 $0.23 The City has not increased its summer street maintenance assessment for over ten years. In order to continue to provide services within the City right-of-way without raising properry taxes, the Mayor has recommended a Right-Of-Way maintenance assessment which will help finance part of the cost of maintenance within the City right-of-way. This Right- Of-Way assessment will include the old summer street maintenance assessment in addition to an assessment for winter street maintenance, boulevard tree maintenance and trimming, and sidewalk maintenance. RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE QUESTIONS? Right-Of-Way Maintenance includes sweeping, flushing, patching, and chip sealing streets and alleys, patching, blading, and placing crushed rock on unimproved rights-of-way, street overlays, litter pick up, ordinance enforcement, and emergency service, snow plowing including sanding and salting, snow removal, snow emergency including tagging and towing, sidewalk maintenance and repair, and boulevard tree maintenance and trimming. In previous years the City's winter street maintenance and tree maintenance programs were paid by the City's General Fund (property tax money). This proposed Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment will ensure each property which benefits from public right-of-way maintenance pays its fair share of the cost of the maintenance. Properry owners will continue to be responsible for sidewalk shoveling and boulevard grass mowing. Remember... The City does not snow plow alleys. The cost of right-of-way maintenance in Saint Paul is about $21.3 million for 2003. Of this amount, the Mayor proposes to collect approximately $14.3 million in assessments. The remaindes comes (rom Municipal State Aid, Trunk Highway Aid, County Aid, miscellaneous receipts, and General Fund contributions. If you have questions about your right-of-way maintenance or frontage, call (651) 266-8857. City staff will be available to answer last-minute questions in Council Chambers from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm on Wednesday, November 6, the same day as the hearing. NEED REPA{R? Ii your street or alley needs maintenance or repair, please ca41(651) 292-6600.