252982 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK (l� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa uti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, he Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby deems it necessary and desir ble to provide adequate time for study and negotiation with respect to appro riate wage rates for the classes of positions listed in Ordinance No. 644 , Section II, Groups A through G, inclusive; and - WHEREAS, this Council recognizes because of the difficulty of establishi.ng wage rates for such classes of positions that some delay will no doubt result before ordinances will be prepared and passed which will be reflective of this Councilts determination as to what constitutes appropriate wage rates for said classes of positions; and WHEREAS, this Council recognizes that normally establishment of appropriate wage rates for the aforementioned classes of positions which customarily involve study and consideration of those classes of positions whose rates are to some extent determined by this Council from exi.stent labor contracts in private industry, cannot be determined u.ntil wage rates have been determined i.n private industry labor contracts; and WHEREA.S, it is the intent of this Council that increases in wage rates granted to the aforementioned classes of positions during the current year, if any, arising out of study a.nd negoti.ations regarding such wage rates, shall be effective as, s'oon as said wage rates shall be determined in private industry; now, th�refore, be it RESOLVED, that sia.ch wage increases herea.fter granted during 1971 by this Council with respect to the aforementioned classes of positions arisi.n.g out of salary study and negotiations pertaining to such classes of "' � positions shall be effective from the effective date of this resolution or the �; effective date of the new wage rates in private industry, whichever is later; ' and be it ,� . -; � FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing provided herein shall preclude � `' the Council from setting by subsequent ordinance an effecti.ve date later �� p� ;� than either of the hereinbefore mentioned dates. .r �=, �� � MAR 1 019�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Naye � � � ,g 7i Butler Caxlson - Approvp� 19� Levine `5 �n Favor �fer�dirt�-- Sprafka J ', � Mayor A gainst .. �d�sc6� Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBUSHED MAR ���7� , � � o��,�,�,�.�,� 252982 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GHVERAL FORM PRESEMTED�Y COMMISSIONER oA'�'F WH�REAS� the Council of the City ot Saiat Panl her�by deems it ascessary and desirabl� to provide sdequate time for stndy and aegotistioa with re�pect to appropriate wsge rates for the'tlsssei of �ositions listed _ in Ordinsnce No. b4�48�;"'3ectian II, Grottps A through G, iaclttsive; sad WH�REAS, thi� Coun�il r�cognis�s becs�s• of the difficulty of e�tsblishia� aag� rates for euch clss�ea ot positioas tbat some d�1sy arill no doubt rr�ult before ordiaane�s will b� prapared and pa�sed whtch arill be refl�ctive of tbis Covnncil'• d�t�smination ss to what eoa�titttt�s - spprapriste wags sst�s tor said claases of positiaea�f and WH�R�AB, this Conacil r�cogaiser that normally sstablisbaa�ut o� appxopriats ars�e rstes for the aforemanlionsd elsssea ot posftioa�� ahich cwtomarilp iavolve �dy snd con�ideration oi those eLsses o� positiona whose rater sro to so�nn� e�ctent daMr�ainsd by tbts Conneil fsom esisteat labor co�trscts ia prt�rate iadustry. csnnot ba d�tsrmda�d until vv�tgs rates hav� b�een d�t�rmiaed ia privat� iadu�try lsbor cautract�; sad WH�R�AS. it is the iat�nt of this Coaacil th�t iacreases ia w►a�e rstes ,�ranl�d to tha sforrm�atioaed clssses of pmsition� das�ia� th� cnrrait year. if sny, arisiaQ out of atn�y and n�gotiations re�srd�n� 4uch wa�e rats�, sball b� �f�ctive ss sooa ss-ssid wsge rat�s �hsli be d�brnaia�d � fn priv►at� fadastry; aow. th�rs�ors, ba it ���, RESOL'Y�D� thst such wsge iacreases her�sfter �rsn�ed duria� 197 i by this Council a#tih resp�ct.to the�,;_ _ . ._____, . . ;�wa�f�as�a�r� �risis� o�t of aslarq stady �iad ae�atiati�s psrtaiafa� to s�teh classs� of ppsitfoa� shsli b� �fsctiw from the etfective date ot tMs r�soluti� os the sti�ctiws date of th� new w►age rstea in ptivate indnslry, w►hich�wr is later; aad be it FURTH�R RESOLV�D, tbst notbin� provided htseia �b�a11 pr�clude th�.Council from �� by subsequent ordiaance sn e#tscti`re dste lster tbsa �ither of the her�iab�►for� :a�tioned dal�s. , MAR 1019�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_. Yeas Nayg ' But�e� MAR 101971 Carlson � Apprnv�l 19� �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka v �� A as►inat � Mr. �ce Presidenf Meredith ��