02-965Council File # �s a— q65 MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Resolution Accepting Gift of Minnesota Wild Tickets Green Sheet # aaC1 q3 � Committee Date 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby gratefully accept the gift of Minnesota Wild 3 tickets for the 2002 season opening game on October 11, 2002 vs. the Boston Bruins; and 4 FURTHER BE IT 12ESOLVED, that the Council offers its best wishes to the players and fans of the Mimiesota 5 Wild for another successful NI-IL season. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved Adopted by Council: Date �� �\Ce �p �` � H1_ Qf G vp ��r DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CpUNCIL DATE INIMTED c�t coun��i Oct. 16 Zooz GREEN SHEET No 200731 COPfrACT PERSON & HiONE InmWmfs IMWVUaIs Councilmember Coleman 266-8620 �„���� �,� enusr ee ori couroci� nr�on sr ton�l ❑ ❑ •sswx Oct. 16, 2002 (Suspension) ���� a,v.now�r arcmu ROUi1NG �� A1I1Ne1aLaExVKFSa1R. AIOlIGULaE0.Vtl1KT6 ❑ WvoRloRwsmsr4+11 ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAOES (CL.IP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SlGNATURE) CTION REQl1ESTm Accepting gift of Minnesota Wild tickets. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) of Rejeet (R) VERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWiNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persorJfirtn ever wnrketl urWer a confract torthis departmerM1? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES No CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Hasthis pereoMfirtn everbeen a city employee? CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Daes fhis person/fiim posaess a slull r� rwimallypossessed Dy any curreM dry employee? YES NO 4. Is Mis persorVfirm a tarpetetl vendoY7 YES NO F�yWin all yes answeB an separete sheet aM aCach to preen sheet INiT1ATING PROBLEM 1SSUE, OPPORSUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why} ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES !F NO7 APPROYEO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPWN)