252963 � ORICNiA�.rTQ CITY CLBRK �����■1J - .� CITY OF ST. PAUL COE NCIL N0. � �� ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY � COMMISSI�NE � � � ATF J In the Matter of hazardaus buildings being that three story frame stngle famtly dwelt9'ng and garage known and descY�fbed as 612 Iglehart in the Cfty of Saint Paal and situated upon those premises iegatty descrtbed as Lot 14, BTock 26, Mackubin and Marshait�s Addfitton to Satnt Paul, according to the plat on ffle and of record tn the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Rnmsey, State of Mtnnesota. l!HEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. Pto. ��2��g� , annroved �g r r ,�j,L____, a �uhl i c heari nq v�as dui,y� , eTt o���d , �e uar 6 197t , be ore the Council of the Citv of Saini: P�u , sa�� f�earjn� nertaining to tf�e condition of the structures located at 612 Iq1e a t , Saint Paul , '�?innesota; and ��°f•;`;� t;fiCREaS, Upon the facts nresented at the said hearinq consistinq ' , of p;�otortranhs, insnection rei�orts a�1c! t�te reco���>>�nciations of t�� Citv Arc"ti�e�t, it i; f���nd and c�termine:� b�t th^ Cit�: Council that accordinq to the reco►^ds and f i l es i n t'�e offi ce of tfle Reni st�r of Deeas, t�ie last recard oe:ner•/c�l�tj►� of the above-described nronertV is/�C,�� Nobuo Murakami !JlaE�:�'/'iS, It i s further deterr7i ned that the abov�-descri bed dwellinct and q�rage constitutes hazardous buildinqs ti�aithin the defi- nition o i�•linnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the follo�•ring reasons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approvp� 19— � Levine �jn Favor Meredith • Sprafka � *� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst a� � Mr. President, McCarty ° AS—st.Corpora io—n Counse� ��� . . � . . . . . e.. � �����'�� Page 2. a. The exterior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the cornice is rotting and badly deteriorated, the walls covered with composition siding are badly damaged and shabby, windows are broken out, bay w�ndow areas on each stde of the dwelling have been ramned in and structurally 6roken, the chimney mortar is deterforated; b, The dwelling in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; c. The dwelling 9s unffit for human habitation in its present condition and the above correctians must be made tn compliance with the Building Cade and the Nousing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; d. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; e. There is a 22 x 22 foot frame garage accessory to the above dwelling and it is very dilapidated; �ORIaIN/\.�TO CITY CL6RK � �;.y����d��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL N�UNCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER P�n,� �- DATF no1•r, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That in accordance t•�ith '�linnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through �63.26, and bas�d upon the foreqo;n7 findin�s �f the Citv Council , the Council of tl�e City of S�int �aul does hereby r�aE;e the follo;��ing Order: O�DER 1 . The ovrner/p�ryrye�r� of tl�e above-descri bed dwellinq and qarage shall ma�:e the sam� safe and not detrimental to t�;e nu517c neace, health, safetv and ��elfare by havinq the said ��� � aara razed an� the materials tl�erefro� re�oved fror�rt�,ie��em�i'�se�s v—it�i�r thirty (30) dav, fro� the date of the service of t��is Order; 2. Unless suci� correctiv� action is taken to co�nly rrit�i this Orc,er- . or an ans+��er served unon the City of Saint Paul and �iled in the O�Ffice of the Cl erk of the Di stri ct Court of ?,an�sev CountY, ?�1i nnesata, v��i thi n twent�� (2G) da�Y�s from the dat� of the service of this Orc{er, a ��1otion for Su;ir?arv Cnforce,:�ent o� this Order �o raze �nd remove th€� said dwetjj,�g, and garnge vrill b� r�ade to the Ramsey Count�✓ District Court; 3. In t}�e event that th� are to t�e razed h�! ' the Citv of Sairit Paul ,r,:�rsuan�� �� o - the ;?�strict Court, all personal oronert�,� �r fixtures �=rhi cn mav unreasonabl�� i nter`�re r�i th tl�e razinq and re;�ioval of this dwe11tn4 an_d__ga_r__a_ge sh�ll be re+,.�o��:�d ���ithin ten (10) davs from t'�e entry of iuc �;�ent; ancl i�' siot s� rer�oved, th� Citv of Saint ►'aul shall re�ove and dispose or sucn r.�rsoral nranertv �nd fixtu,^es as provided ��� la:�r; 4. If the Cit�� af Saint i'aul is com�elled to take anv correctiv� action herein, all necessary costs exnendcd b�� thA City ;�rill be assessed against the a�ove-described real � estate and collected as other taxes; an�! be it FU�TfiER RE.S�LVEJ, That a certi�'i ed coa�� of thi s resol uti on and incorpor�ted Order her�in be served upon the last reco►�d oti�rner/p�lr�hj2�^�6 of tne aaov�-descrit�ed �ronerty in the ^�ann�r nrovided h<<� lati�a. �AR 1 0 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nayg Butler �R 101971 Carlson Apprnve� 19— � ` Levine �,� ,%�y��s- "v Tn Favor �I'�'�I'�'I Sprafka 0 �t�ng Mayor �es�o-� ASainst � � 7� � PUBLISHED MAR �� Mr. Vice President Meredith �� � ., . Area Code 612 . c�`'� c,�`'',� 6 y�k��i�ad,� 223-512t ti`�� � � .� `' i ' �1 ti/�� is��J�d�`y. . ��� ,�.1 �„` .,_:�:: ��/_ fHOMASJ.SIEAFNS ARTHUR M.NEI_SON wy�/`� THOMAS M.MOONE'/ PAUL F,McCLOSKGY,JR. �R.SCOTT DAVIES KENNETH J.FITZPATRICK �I�� � i ��' ��� ���� DANI�:LrL.F CK[R� f irst Assista�t KENNETH A.$KRIEN JEROMF J.SEGAL L`6�� ��F3��'t'�f��q' JOHN C.McLAUGHI IN Special Assistant ROBERT C.F;OENE 316 Clty tialt, Sf. Panl, t3iinne:otc b510� Assislants TERRY F,SULLIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS �n�astieator Corporotion Counsel March 8, 1971 ' t1r. ATbert Q, O1 son Cauncil Recorder City Clerk's Office Building Re: File No. 2012 612 Iglehart Qear t�1r. Olson: Attached hereto is resolutian/c�der �?er�aining to the above hazardous building. Upan t�assage of the same by the City Council , please for�rard two (2� certifi�d copies to me. ours very trulv � C , PAUI. F. McCGOS EY, JR. Assistant C�rnoratic�n Co sel P�r�/klm � . �' Enc. ,y ,�" �'� 'J � �J � ��'' � , , . %��� �," �� � '`� � � � � 3� , , , . .. i , . .,.- �;: �� � ITY OF SAINT P�►UL ,,Y � � � � � q � � ,��._ .� , � . , � � �� ,. .� � � " ., Capitel of Minneso#a a . y � � � �;�� ,� � �, � 4 � � �= �x � �� � � � �.�_ �`r ��� �. ,��� �� � . ../�..�._ � T��� ._�•• ��� � _ , ,�i '� �� ,�.;, � . � i �ff , ii�nii�,Uir��r� _ �',; � � �, � . : '` . -..._.. � �. ,. . • m�, - .. � � � �� ��; . .� , � :�;� ���� i . F *, j�, -• ' `�,�',: . _ w ; _ �,� �� ;� �� I � � ��_�. �, , .� � � ; �_ ,, � -,Y-,�• '' `;•`�` � M���� z BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 Ci1y Hall, 55102 223-4212 February 12, 1971 Honorable Charles P. McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2012--612 Iglehart Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record is Nobuo Murakami and. the legal description of the property is Lot 14, Block 26, Mackubin and. Marshall's Ad.dition. A recent inspection indicates the following: Building Classification: 3 -story frame single family dwelling. Exterior: Walls covered with composition siding, quite badly damaged and shabby. Cornice very d.eteriorated, windows broken out. A bay window area on each side of the building has been rammed in and broken structurally. The chimney mortar is deteriorated. Bas ement: Old. limestone. First Floor: unable to enter, Accessory Building: A 22' x 22' frame garage is very dilapidated. There has been no attempt by the owner to make any repairs to d.ate. Both the dwelling and. the garage are too far d.ilapidated to be reasonable to rehabilitate. These buildings are an eyesore and a blight to the area. It is therefore the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be referred. to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal�` through District Court proceedings. ry uly ours s-` � �` � �� RLA/mfs Robert Lo Am s, City Architect o�,�,���.� . � 2523+�8 ,� f CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO ' °� '" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 �- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMM�u�IONER viCt02' T. Tedesco �ATG February 4. 1971 WHEREA5 the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a p�ablic hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings, said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: � Address Legal Description Ty�e of Structure , 612 Iglahart Lot 14, Block Z6, Mukubin Singl� fsmily darolling snd Marahall'• Addition sud gsrage. WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: � Nobuo. Murakami THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a. m. on Tu�aday. I�'ebzuaa�+ 16. 1971 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described praperty inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. FE8 41�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� -19_ Y� xa�� �g 41971 Butler Carlson ApprovecL 19_ Levine S_T„ Favor � � � �ayor Tedesco A gainst �� Mr. Vice President Meredith �� �� ���T� ���a �s.zno� I�'n z� �.zaA '��d ��t�'f`�I �T9 �� �TPT'rn4 pa�zapuoa B �o -{�.nvo�ax pus �u^�x��zra. aa uor��a.xxo� a��. �?cr�.zap.zo uo��.nZoeaa � a.zroda,zd no� ���. �a��anba.z �Bpo� Yx�tzna� .���� au,y :x�� a�aaQ � �u�p'�'�n�r Zastmo� tta��.�.zod,zoa sg� 'K ta��Q '��i tL6t �gT 'qa�