252962 . �
- •' . . • - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���6�
In the Matter of hazardous buildfngs befing
that tovo story frame duplex dwelting and
garage known and described as 238-240 Arundel
in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon
those premtses tegally descrtbed as the North
49 ft. of the West 22 ft. of Lot 8 and a North
49 ft. of Lots 9 and 10� Block 1. tGerns Addition
to Saint Paul, accordtng to the plat on fite
and of record in the office of the Regi`ster of �
. Deeds in and For the County of Ramsey, State of
!!NERE�tS, �ursuant ta resal;�tion, C. �. �!o. 251927 , an�ro��ed
Januarv�2�1 , a r.u�l i c hear^i na v�as dul;� eTcf on Tuesd ,
Januat�v 26, 1971 , befare the C��.�nci 1 of �I�e Ci tv of �ai nt Pau ,
said i�Larirg nc�rtainin� ta the conditian nf i:�e structure; located at
238-240 Arundel , Saint �au1 , '�tinnesc�ta; and
_. !�,`:?�'!?ExS:. tl�on the facts rresen�ed a� f.h� saic, hearinc� consistin�
o� pl�ot;aryrar;f;s, �insr�ect;i�r� r�nurts anci the reco��`ndations o�' tne Citv
�rchi tec±, i t i s �ounci and de�ermi neci b�r the Ci�t�.� Caunci 1 �;�at accordi r���
to tl�e rer.�rds an:' files in the affice of the Re�ister of Jeads, the
lasic record a�,ner/q�,�rj►� o` th� above-described nroner�v is/;��'�
Arden Realty and Investment Company; Twin. Ctty Federat Savings and Loan
is the mortgagee and St. Pau1 Ptumbing and Heating is a mechantc tien
!�!laER�'FiS, Tt i s further �e iermi n�d t}iat the dk)OVe-descri�ed
�ll��h� raa a4e cons�itutes hzzardous builclinct� 4�aithin tl�� �efi-
nit�an of �1�nrieso�a Stat�i�:es e�Ct7Gt1 �'t�3.15 for the follot���inq reasors: .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeaa Nays �
Butler .
Carlson __ Approved 19�
Levine �n Favor
Meredith Mayor
Tedesco ��� �U
Mr. President, McCarty
Asst. Corporation Coufj'
. ��
, ,,. ' ��
Page 2.
a. The dwelling is standing vacant, abandoned and sub3ect to entry
by unauthorized persons since before July, 1970, and is presentty boarded
b. The exterior condition of the dwellinc� �s as follows: the wood
siding has become deteriorated and shabby due to lack of maintenance, the
porch floor and railings are missing or deteriorat9ng, the chimney has
mortar missing in the lower section;
c. The interior condit�on of the dwelling is as follows: the entire
inside has been gutted by fire and the hot water system is damaged from
weather exposure;
d. The dwelling in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair;
e. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its present condition
and the above corrections must be made in compl9ance with the Building Code
and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same
f. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the publ�c
health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and
inadequate maintenance;
g. There is a 12 x 18 foot �arage which is in a very dilapidated
condition with doors missinq and walYs sagged and swayed;
_, i . • .
- r
- � . . � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����'"N :�
1 � ` � �
1�� —
. natAr, L!terefore, be i t
RESOL�JE(7, Tnat in accardance �i�ith �linnesota Statutes S�ctians
463�15 throuyh ��G3.26, an�! b��sed upon the foreqo;n-� �'indinc!s of the
City Counci 1 , the Counci 1 of the Ci t�r af S�i nt �dul u'oes h�rehv ma4:e
the folla;,�in� Order:
. OF�DE�
1 . T{ie otirnc�r/p��� of the a5ove-L-lescribed d�ell;ng and garaqe
sha11 ma!;e the san�e sa,�e ar,d rot detri;�;�nt��l to t"e n�:b ic peacc,
healt'�, safc�tv anc± �;relfarc b�i h�vin� the said �it�����r�
� raze� and the riaterials tfierefro� rer:zoved fr�r� t,�nre�iises ��1�t�»n
thi►~ty (30) days fro� the date of thp sei^vice of t:�is Order;
2. Unl ess such correcti ve acti on i s tal:en to co��nl v �•ri t;i t!ii s Or�er
or an ans+.���r serveci �.i��on �h� C1�;V of Saint Paul ��nd filed in th� Office
of th� C1 erk cf th� �)i stri ct Court of ';an;�ev C�untv, '"i nrPsota, ti�ai thi n
'�NIE't1tV �i�Q; C�dVS �Y`Qt1 ��lE? C�ut'',(? Of tEIE S�?t'�r1C� Oi� ti115 nl"C{L'1^� c^i t�'�O�lOi� f0}^
Su;�imar�� Enforcement o�= this �rdei^ to raze �nd re�ov� the s�id dwellin4
and aaraae vri1l b� r�ade to t!ie 1,an�se�� County;! nistrict Court;
_ ._ .- 3. In ±:'�e P\/P.tl�; t�?1� tIl° di�lt�.ng_..s�q�g.araa�..._�, are to b� razed b�l
the Citv of Saint f'aul nurs:san�t to ,iudnr?�nt of the t�istrict C�ur�, 111
nersnnal nron�rt�,� or fixture� ��rfiicil mav unreasona!�1;� intc�rf�re ;��it�i tlie
razinc� and �e;��oval of t;�is dweltina and aaraae� �hall be re,:�t�ved ��!;t;�;n
ten (i0) davs fr�n t!�e entr�� a� ,�u�nr.��nt; an, �f r�at so rer�ave�, the �i��✓
of Sai nt �'au1 shal] rer�ove and di snose of such n�rsoral nronc�r�v an�
fixtures as pro��ided f��� la,�a;
4. If th� Cit�� of Sain� Paul is cor�pelled to tlke an�r correctiv�
action herein, a11 necessar,y costs �x^ende� b�� th� Cit�! ;�ill b� assesse;�
against t�h� ai�ove-�:escribed real es�ate an� collec;;ed as at'�er taxes; ?n:!
�e i t
FU2THE:f; fZESOL4��J, That a c`rtified cap�� of thi, resolution and
incor;3orited Order hryrnin 5e �e��ved �apon ti�e last record o���;n�r/yby7��r�t °f
the ab�ve-descri�ed pro�,erty in the r1�C1�1�i nrovidec! hv la�r;�. �
,COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit ' MAR 1 O �97}9_
Yeaa Nays
Butler _,� �AR 1 0 197`�
Caxlson Approve� 1 �
Levine r �
�L—In Favor
Sprafka a BCtln� yor
��_ A gainst
Mr. Vice Presic�ent Mere ith PUBLISHED �►R �'���
, Area Gode G12 a.ci�r c.`,�,
' 2235121 �� f;� ,
' � r � �.
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� ��J`�� ARTF�I��� �.
THOMAS b. b.NE��
� KENNETH J,fITZPATRiCK �� �� ���+��' �� ���� DANIFEL L.F CKERp
First Azsistant �
Special Assistant ROBERT C.HOENE
316 City Ha!!� S�. �8I8�� ��61i9!'$Q+� 55�Q2 Assistants
DANIEL A. KLAS �n�estisator
Corporetion Counsel
March 8, 1971
' P-1r. A1 bert 6. Ol son
CounG�tl Recorder
City Clerk's Office
Re: File No. 2005
238-240 Arundel
Dear f�1r. dl son:
Attached hereto is resolution/o�er �ertaininq
fio the above haza►•do«s building.
Upon nassa�e of the sam� by the City Council ,
please forward six (6) certified copies to me.
Yours very truly,
Assistant Cornoration unsel }
PFt�I/klm �
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212
January 26, 1971
Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
'!�e: File No. 2005--238-40 Arundel
The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on
the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record is
Arden Realty & Investment Co. , and the legal description is the North 49 ft.
of the West 22 ft, of Lot 8 and a North 49 ft. of Lots 9 and 10, Block 1,
Kerns Addition. A recent inspection indicates the following:
Building Classification: 2-story frame duplex.
Exterior: Wood. siding is becoming deteriorated and shabby
due to lack of maintenance, windows and trim. The porch floor and railings
are missing or deteriorating. The chimney top has been pointed up but
the lower section has mortar missing. The building has been vacant since
before July, 1970 and no attempt has been made by the owner to repair. The
general appearance is shabby and the building is a blight to the area.
Basement: Full, of concrete block and/or stone.
First Floor: 6 rooms. Entire area gutted. or affected by fire.
Second Floor: 6 rooms gutted by fire.
The hot water heating system is very likely damaged from weather
exposure. A 12x18' garage is in a very dilapidated cond.ition with doors
missing, walls sagged and swayed,
The building was boarded up by the city in late December, 1970.
r � j" �-,,—�--, 3 �
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Hon. Charles McCarty, Mayor
and Members of the City Council -2- January 26, 1971
Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public
hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage
despite our warnings, it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter
be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District
Court proceedings.
Very truly yours,
Robert L. Ames
City Architect
cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal
D. Norrgran
F. Staffens on
. 2519
DU*LIC71T6 TO IMtIN'RR- � � � -
P��� nA�, Jtnuary 8� 1971
WHEREAS the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a
public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or
wrecking and removal of the following described buildings, said structures having
been reported to constitute a public hazard:
Address Legal Description Type of Structure
238-�40 Arundel No. 49 ft. of West 22 oE Lot 8 and a Frame Duplex and garsge.
North 49 of Lots 9 a.nd 10, Block 1,
Kerne Addn.
WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings
are as follows:
Arden Reslty � Investmeat Co.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and
before the Council of the City of 5aint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court
House in said city at 10:00 a. m. ori
to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering t e correction or wrecking
and removal of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as
, said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and
' welfare; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City
Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last
known address, as well as other interested persons of record , of the date and
time of the hearing.
� 1 $ 197�ti
COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counc3l 19._..
Y� xa�s JAH 1219T1
L�iTson'-- . APP�o� 18�
Levine Tn Favor
ere i �
Sprafka Mayor
A gginst
. Tedeaco
Mr. Vlce President Meredith .
J'an. 26, 19'71
l''T.Y'w �O�'.}�T#i L• �Ti1�.i
City r�schi�ect
a}ear aa.i�:
r,Ck�e City Councll today laid over to Februaxy 26th �he
matter of tY.� candemn.at�,on of th� frame cluplex �.n�
ga:a�� €�t 238»2�+0 .Arundel St.
V�r-,� txaly yours,
City C1erk
Februaxy 2b, 1971
Mr. Dan Klas,
Corporation Counsel.
Dear Sir:
The C3ty Council requests that yau prepaxe a
resolution orderin� the correction or wrecking and removal
of the structuxes at 238-�CO Ax�undel Stxeet,
Vexy truly yours,
City Clerk