252961 QRIGINAL�TO.CITY CLERK �.. 8�y�;"�J� , ° CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `-° ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " F��E NO. -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSION kTF' � In the Matter of hazardous buildings being that three story frame apartment building and garage known and descrtbed as 476 Dayton Avenue in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those premises legally described as Lot 10, Block 2, Selby NkCtung and Van Meter4s Additton to Saint Paui, accordtng to the plat on ftle and of record tn the office of the Regtster of Deeds i`n and for the Count,y o.f • Ramsey, State af Minnesota. 4!HEREAS, Pursuant to resolui;ion, C. F. PIo. 25 �0� , anproved february 10. �9�, a nublic hearin� �as duly ,�e cTon �a , Februdry, 23. �97�___r__> before the Council of the Cit� of Saint Pau , sa��hearing rertaining to the condition of tne structures locatPd at _476 O�.vton Avenu� , Sain� Paul , ;Sinnesota; and 4��HEREAS, Upon the facts nresented at the said hearina consistinn of photo�ranhs, i nsnectic�n renc�rts and the reconr:i�nc�ati ons of th� Ci tv Architect, it is fieund and determired 5y thP Citv Council that accoruinq to the reco�°ds and files in the office of the Register of Dee:�s, t�e last record ov:ner/q�,�y�k� o� the aE�ove-describe� proner�y is/�'�°¢� Mldwest Federal Savings and Loan Assoc�iaticn of Mtnneapolia; and John and Mary Hanten have an unknown interest; . !�tlaERE�iS, It i s further determi ned that the abov�-descri 5ed i7dina arid_,garaae consti tut�s hazard�us bui l di nq� ���i thi n tf�e def i- nition o �9innesota�St�atutes Secfion 463.15 for the follor;ing r�asons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeag Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19� Levine � Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainst qp VED Mr. President McCart � � � Y Asst. CorPorat n Counsel �� , , _ � �1�,�`� . �; �j,;�� .a Page 2. a. The building and qarage are standing vacant, abandoned and are sub�ect to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior condition of the building is as follows: the simulated stone composition siding and stucco front porch are damaged, the trim is deteriorating, the front concrete steps are deteriorating, the foundation needs repainting, the roof is in need of repair; c. The building in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; d. The building is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Buildin� Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; e�. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; f. 7here is a 12 x 18 foot garage which is rotted, dilapidated and about to collapse; .�ORIGINA`TO CITY CL6RK _ � , � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. � ,���-�'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF . . no:�., therefor�, be i t P.ESOLVED, Tnat in accordance t•�ith Minnesota Stati�tes Snctions 4G3.15 throuyh �63.26, and based u�on the fcrec�oinc� f�nciinn,s of the Citv Council , the Council of the Gity of Saint ��ul does hereby r�ake the follat��in� ()rd�r: ORDE't 1 . T{�e o�:mnr/q�,;It�J�► of the a�ave-descri bed buildinq and g�rage shall mal;e the same safe and not detri�nental tc� tr� nut�lic ;�eace, health, saf�t�� and 4�elfare by havin� t'�e said buitding and garage • razed and the naterial s therefrom rer.�oved fror� t�`�Tie nrer.�i ses wit iTi n�� � thirty (30) da�,�s frorh the date of the service of this �rder; 2. Unl c�ss such carrecti ve acti on i s taE;en to co;��l,�r !�ri t�� thi s �Jrder or an ans��fer serv�d unon thA Citv of Saint Pau1 and filed in the �)ffice or the Cl er�: of the Di stri ct Coui,t o-f ';amsey C�unt��, '^i nrpsota, ti��i thi ri tt�;enty (20) da,�s �Frpm the date of the service of this Order, a Flotion for Su��unarv Enforce;,�ent` of thi s �lyder to raze and remove the said buildin9 and garage _ t�ri 11 be made to tlie Ra����y Count�� �Ji stri ct Court; 3. In ti�e event tf»t the buildlna and ara e are to be razed hv the Ci�J u�t' Saint F'aul E,:�rsuant to ,juoc�i=��nt o t'�E� [listrict Court, all �,t�rsoral rrc���er��� or i'ixtures 4!{1'I CPl �nay unr�as�nai�l�� i nterf�re ���i th tl�e raz i na and ren.oval of t,�i s building and garage shal l Ge rer:ioved ���i ti�i n ten (10) davs �rom ttle entr�� of ,iud�r:;ent; an� i ` not so rer�nved, thP Cit� of Saint !'aui shall re�ove and disnose of such nc�i�,onal nr�n�r�y and fixtuti^es as provicied by la,��; 4. If the Cit�� of Sai nt Paul i s coi�pel�ed to take an�� correcti v� actian herein, all nec�ssary costs ex�?ended b�� th? �ity 4r�i�11 be assessed against the a'�c�ve-describ�d real esLate an� colleci:ed as ot'�er taxes; an� be i t FU�:TNER f?ESOLUEU, That a c�rti�'ied cop�� of thi; resolution and incornorate� Order herein be served u�on the last record otvner/p�frf��/5 of the aaove-described propert,v in the i�anner r�rovided b,v la�-r. �AR 10 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays But�er MAR 10197� Caxlson Approved 19— Levine �5 Tn Favor 3V�e�ee�iti� Sprafka � �1Ctlt1 Mayor A gainst r. ice residen ere ith PUBLISHEB MAR ���� fF � �� L , Avea C�de 612 t,?ST i�;.,� ���� , " 223�5121 ti��' �{� °.y, � p ...5 � '', f�s'�L �r9'�.." _,it U C la -i R � _ fHOMAS.I.Sl EAFSNS - ' ARTHUR M.NELSON - 3 /`�r• � THOMAS M.MOONEV PAUL F.McCLOSKEV,JR. � . � F.SCOTT DAVIC:S KENNETH J.FITZPATRICK ��� �� ������ ���� DAN EL L F CKERR First Assistant � KENNETH A,SKHIEN JEROME J.SEGAL LE6AL DE���CTE�E�iT JOHN C.McLAUGHLIN Special Assistant ROBERT C.HOENE 316 City Heali, S#. Pa�l, P:41en�sota 55102 Assistants TERRY F.SULLIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS �nv�usator Corpontion Counsel March 8, 1971 ' t-1r. A1 bert R. 01 san Council Recorder Citv Clerk's Office Buildinc� Re: Fi1e No. 2118 476 Dayton Avenue � Dear t�1r. Olson: Attached hereto is resolution/or.der �ertaininct to the above hazardous building. Upon nassage of the same by the City Councit , please for�tard six ,�6) certified capies to me. Yours very trulv, � PI�UL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. Assistant Carnoration ounsel PFP4/klm • � Enc. J F���� ' � � . I Y' � /•�'� � F� _� ��n� �, �.�� .. DY�`CATt���RlNitlt � . � � . - . � - �� . N�Pd�.'�r� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� ND '- ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM '�g�D� Victor J. Tedeeco �Feb. 9� 1971 COMMISSIONEt �A*�' WHEREAS the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings, said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: Address Legal Description TY e of Structure 476 Dayton Ave. Lot 10, Block 2, Selby McClurg 3-story frsme apt. dg. and Dan �Vetlex's Addn. snd garage WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings 'are as follows: ! , Midwest Federal Savings � Losn,A.ssn. . j • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a publ�ic hearing be held by and before,the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the .Court � House in said city at 10:00 a. m. on Tuesdsy. February 23� 1971 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record , of the date and time of the hearing. � F EB 1019� COUNCILbiEN . Adopted by the Co+�nci� 19_ Yeae Nays . Bu�� � F E8 10197{1 Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka D �r . A gA�II6t � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �9 ITY OF SAtNT PAl1 � ' ��� �':� �-�� �� . � � ,� � ,� .,r Capital of Mir�rr�ss�t� . �;°�;� ' : ��,. _ �a �.�.� � �, ,j----- -0 ���t�� — °=��:; �n _ � .r �, — � � � , � �.: _ v�_� , � � _ � . ; � - _ �_. . ...� ,;. a * � ,r 4 ;� . . ., ,.. - ;��' � -- ,. , ' : _ ._ ,� .�„ �� , � j�,,,,-- - , , � � •,-� �.�-�—,�,., p�; . � � .,. T-�-� , ��� ; - _ . � � �` t��.� �� _ . ,-�, � � �.m. �� �,;,,;.... � _ , {� F '���� a K '�:- : Y BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 February 23, 1971 Hon. Charles P. McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: 476 Dayton Avenue--File #2118 Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record is Midwest Federal 5avings & Loan Association and the legal description of the property is Lot 10, Block 2, Selby McClung and Van Meter's Addition, A recent inspection indicates the following: Building Classification: 3-story frame apartment building. Exterior: Very shabby appearance, simulated stone composition siding,and stucco front porch has been damaged. Trim shows signs of deterioration. Front concrete steps are deteriorated. Foundation needs repointing. Roof is patched with roll roofing. Although this building is s ecure, it is a blighting influence to the immediate environs and defeats the purpose of an organized rehabilitation program. Interior: Stone basement. Unable to enter first and second floors; building secure. Boarded. up by owner on December 11, 1970. Accessory Buildings: A 12x18' frame garage is very dilapidated and about to collapse. All materials are rotted. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be referred to the Ci ty Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. � � j�-,, ft er tr , V ����� ti� � , � „ � i ; �- � `y 1 J , �,: o rt L, me RLA/mfs City Architect Feb. 23, 1971 rlr. Daniel A. Klas Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council to d�y requ,�sted °�hat you pre�ss�e a sesalutio�; arder3ng the correetion or wrecking anc3 removal of the eond�nan,ed buildin� at �+76 T3�,yton Ave. Very tru]�y yours, City Clerk �