252959 Ori�ins!to City Clerk � ,
� �` ORDINANCE ������
;,. , ,
l�n i ance amending t � uonir�g Code,
Chapter O to 64, inclusive, of the 3sint
Psul Leqislative Code, pertaining to Use
Distriets, H�ight Di:tricts and Rezoninq
of cert�in properties in the City of �aint
Paul, as amended.
Section l. That the Zonin� Cod�, Chapters 60 to 64,
inelusive, of the Sa�int Paul Legislative Cvde, pertaining to
Use Districts�, Height �istricts and Rezoning of certain prop-
erti�s in the City of 3aint Paul, as amended, be a�nd the same
is hereby further amended �o as to reaon� tlze following des-
crib�d property trom ��B" Residenee District to "C" R�sidenee
Distriet, to-wits
Lots 14 and 15, B1ock 6, Winter's
- Addition to St. Pau1;
� � situate on property lacated or� the northea�t corner of Lnglewood
' ���' Avenue and DTorth Victoria Street in the City of 3sint P�ul.
` ?_
c ' ' `�� Section 2. This. ordinance shall tske etfect and b� in
r` � ` fOtCe thirty (30) day� from and after its passa�c�e, approv�l and
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etc.. be so as t��wne�prop' �, b� daed � �a v dM Zo�,
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MAR 2 5 197�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii
Levine J� �� n Favor
���— C � %1 Against
" Tedesco
Apr R � 5� 19�
.�Vice r:�s' o .
ity C er ayor
Form approved Corpor�,tion Counsel By
Harry E. Marshall • ��TY o�, Alberi� B. Olsoo
. City`Clerk and ���'�; Couneil Recorder
Commissioner of Reqistration ., �
o ,
. ' r �� ���M1�
J86 City Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 5510.°L
OCt. 22� 1970
L11f � !� �- ,. U � �l±
Zoning Board
Commerce Bldg. �C�' ;,; ; i�� �
st. �.ui CtTY N1.�Ni�i�;�; t�;,��0
Gentlemen• Saint Paut, Minneso �
The City Council referred to you f� recommendation the
attached petition for rezoning Lots 14 axxi 15, Block 6, Winter's
Addition to St. Paul, at the northeast corner of En�lewood Ave.
and N. Victoria St., to Class "C" Residence District.
Very truly yours,
�--:_ �Q
(k�:=4,�- �--- _ ��� Q`'`-'' w \.
City C rk �
�t��l f NG ��6.E ��._.?�.
. . � , . . ,
I13 Court House,ss102
ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner
Phone: 223�46�46
October 22, 1970
To the Council
Citq of St. Paul
I have checked the attached petition ot La�rel A. Nora�an and
Z�iolin Concrete Products Co., filed in the natter of rezoning,
Lots 14 aad 15, Block 6, Winter's Addition to St. Paul.
The propertq is located on the Aortheast corner of
Englewood Avenue and NorCh Victoria Street,
fro�a a Class "BN Besidence District to a Class "C" Besidence
District and find that said petition is s�fficient.
Yours verq truly,
� '� ���.-���.;
x salie L. Butler
Co�mais �r o ��n
�m ;r����-�l�'��-�
Re: X-97
2 C��
c.c. Mr. A�aes
N. R. Heiden
ZSrs. Butler
Froatage: 52�
Parcels eligible - 16
Parcesl signed - 11 or 68.75�
Needed - 11 or 66-2/3�
:�'���P�� ���.� :_ 1� .u� .�
?3bARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION November 19, 1970 r>lat Ma� �p26
' Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22; 19?2, as amended to April 6, 1970. 7075
: - ��.�':'? 1..;:":;I'�'',r, P�A";f� ; Molin Concrete Products Company
. . . t�t I
,- ;:-;,r;�,;�'T� ,ATZ�N ; l`-1 Amendment 0 Appeal ❑ Permit � Other %_9�2 I
Rezone from "B" to "C" Residence for the ur ose
� . ,'�i�C;=, )._;L' , P P
of constructing an apartment building
4 � ;�'��=-`+ ��.�'� . Northeast corner of Englewood Avenue
and North Victoria Street
� . �.,i,GA'� �)F�a;.RIPTI��J % Lots 14 and 15, Block 6, Winter 's Addition
��. 1:':;LS!;'J'I' ;',�TdIN(�: "B" Residence
� � �J�S'JAN� 1'�J 7,onin� Code Chapter: 64 Section: •06 Parat;raph:
3 , STr'1!'F INV�,STIGATION � REPORT: Date; 11/12/70 i3y; ATB
A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated 10/22/70 the Commissioner of Finance declared the
petition sufficient with 11 of a possible 16 (68.75%) owners of tracts within the
required 100 feet having signed the petition.
C. PROPOSED USE: Develop the aite with an apartment building.
D. FRONTAGE AND AR�A: The aite hes a frontage o£ 76.2 feet along Englewood Avenue
and 134.3 feet along North Victoria Street, resulting in an area of 10,233 square
feet which would permit 6 units. 7 units would require 10,506 square feet in area.
E. AREA ZONING: The property adjoining to the north is zoned "C" Residence; to the
east is zoned "B" Residence; the south�est corner of Victoria and Englewood was
recently rezoned to "C" Residence. The larhe area to the west is zoned Light Industry
F. COT4PREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan recommended R-6 (25 dwelling units per
acre) for the blocks east of Victoria Street and north of Minnehaha Avenue, and
R-7 east and west of the Home of the Good Shepard. The rest of the area remains
in its existing classification.
G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and approximately at street grade at the
intersection of Victoria Street and Englewood Avenue. The site slopes up to the
east and north.
H. AREA CONDITIONS ; West across Victoria Street is the Molin Concrete Products Compan��.
To the north is an apartment building; to tlle east and south is mixed one and two-
fami.ly uses. The southeast corner of Victoria Street and Englewood Avenue has two
new apartment structures. This area is part of the Thomas-Dale Neighborhood
Development Program area of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
9., BOARD ACTION: To Reco�end �X Approval � Denial Council Letter
Moved by . Mansur Yeas Nays 12/15/70
Seconded b x C.adler Date of Ilearin;;
y: Doody x Gauger
Maietra 12/17/70
Sc�cretar_y 's remarks: x Mansur
Subject to the condition that this land be
Ames - Ch. Council Action
used solely for a 6-unit apt. devel�pment, McPartlin (Alt.)
and woul�l meet a11 standards for density Adkins (Alt.) Datc
and off-street parking, x Rutzick (Alt. )
__ .._ _ , _ ,. , . .
MOLIN CONCRETE PR�DUCTS G�iPRN'Y (11/19/7d) (Continued):
Tn conclusion, Mr, Rosetter nated �hat e�?��- �hough �he Comprehensive and
NDP Plans bath call for lower deasi�ies, th�y do recommend mult�-family
development for this siteo �e s�id a precede�t has been set in the very
immediate vfcinity which �as allaw�d a higher density than these Plans
reco�exad, nam�ay the "C" Restdence zoni�g adjacent to the nor�h and
across the str.eet �o the south. �his pr�ced�nt makes it very difficult
to rec�end denial of rhe present praposal, H� noted that 4 units could
be built under a "C-1" Residenc� C�88S1:E�4:2L�GCla and 6 units under a "C"
Residence zo�.in�g� k'oll�wi�g a �{ues"fon from t�� �oard, �fessrso Rosetter
and Sarensan explaAned when pro�,er�i�s in �he aesr vicini�y were r�xoned,
P1r� Rosette� noted that Yce had spoF:en ta M�. I�on Cosgx�ove o£ Che Housing
s�d Redeuelopment Autha;ci�y earli.er thfs Yaee�t �n th� matter, bue that ehe
staff had not receiv�d ar.y wr:ft�cen eomments or recam�nendations from the
Housing Auehoritya
Attorney for the petition was Mr. �er�ld Ruxmx►el, who presented both aerial
photographs �nd color�d pictures c�f t�re �res�e He �aid th.�t tt�e proposal �s
�o cons truct low-cos t hous ing in ttiP area, sahf ch th�y fee l �ri l l f i t into
the development of the axea.. They are pl.anning to move their manufacturi�tg
plant from the vicinity., Mr. Rummel noted that on�.y one z�i the three
telegrams received �y �tae W���f �.r� in the iamm�df.a�te area of the �roposed
rezoning, aad th�t ane of ��ae p�rscaras se�.ding a t�1.e�ram hsd signed �he
petitiono He stated thaC th�re f.s �t ques�ia�n still perading abuut an �lley
dedfcatfan €o� �noeher aparfiment buildin�, �nd p��haps �hat is the matter
the neigltbors are c4�nGersxed w�.th.
Upon a que�tion by Mro Doody rei�tireg to �arkfng s�sr�dards, Mr, Rosetter
�eplied th,at they have not submitted a plan for the parking as qet�. NF.r� Rummel
stated they are aware r�f the new p�r�vision Fcsr 7.�;-I psrkittg sgaces for
apart�ents, and this wc�uld m��n the de�reldjam��nt ca�osld need ab�u� elevec�
parking spac�s,
Mr, Mansur queationed �atsether th�y are wiiYi�ag �o compl3 with den�ity standards,
Mr. Remmn�el t;aid iti �� yet t� be dec�ded �.£' �h�y will build a 6 or a 7-unft
buildi�t�o He a�id �;�at perha�s the Zoai�n� Bcsard wi11 have an �appeal b+e�or�
them if they decide to berild a 7�un�t �huild�ng;a ThAy �.nderstaod td�at th� �
proper procednr� cw�oul�d be to get t1�� land r��oned, and then warry gbout
plasas for its d�vel.opm�nte
M�. G�uger �sked if they are w�f�lir_� go stipezlate wh�t wi�ll be don�<
Mr� Ftemanel sa�.d th�y �don`t know exa3:.tly w�at they �.ntend to build as far as
number oF uai�s goesr aad would r_�ther not ��e ��xy �r�misesa
Mrm Mansur stated �t�s�. i_f tY:.�� a.v ra?or_ed to '��°1 Ftesi�ence, it wou�dea'C
t��cessarily h$ve to be userl for th� �sz°og�sed �p�r�ment deerelapn;ento
Mx. Rutt�mel zep�ied thax �hei�: on�.y i�at�nt �.s �� �u�l� �n �partmen� h�esseo
He re�.terated tt�at th�y s�il.i. ntLgh� a�t��x►�t ta rec�i�r�► � veriancea
Mro Ra�tzi�k stated �t��t tl�� p�t�iti�rs.ez ranr,ald save � t�°ig to L-he 7.an�ing I��rd
�nd Git� Ca��ncil i,f �hey compLy vaith all st�ndasdso
, . " ' •
. .
MOLIN GONCRETE PRQDUC2'S COMPAAtY �lI/],9/?0� (Continv.ed�:
Mr, Rcumnel painted out that there is more than enough sg�ce for 6 unit�,
but moe quite enau�h for 7 u�itso
Mre Gadler questioned if there were any other letter� in opposition thaC
ha� been received by the staff, Mr. Rosettex re�Iied that the three
telegrams noted were the vnly p�eces of correspondence in opposition.
Mr, Rw�e1 stated �hat �v�ryone had signed tiie petition exc�pt the �djacent
apartment owner.
Mr. Mansur moved fos apprcav�l ef th� petition, sub3ect to ghe conditio�a. that
this lsnd be used �oYely for a 6-u�xi.t ��sartm�at developmeant, end would meet
all standards for density and off-atre��: psrl,tingm 7't�e mo�io� was second�d
by Mro Doody, and carried unanimo►asly.
Submitt�ed by; Paul 7�a Ros�t�ez Robert L� Ames, Chairman
TELEPHO NE: 489-�3�2 �
November 18 , 1970
St . Paul Board of Zoning �
1010 Commerce Building
St . Paul, Minnesota 5510�
We have reviewed matter of the Moline Concrete
Products Company petition to rezone from "B" to "C" resi-
dential property located on the northeast corner of Engle-
wood and North Victoria Street. This property is further
described as : Lots 14 and 15 , Block 6 , Winters Addition.
Mr. Moline has discussed with us his plans for the con-
struction of an apartment building on the property, and we
find that this proposed development does not conflict with
"our land use plan or our planning objectives in the community.
We therefore recommend that the petition:�be granted.
� �
, / .
Adalf Tobler, President
Thomas-Dale Development Council
�-,,.,��_�_,•-......->.... _..e..�...._�------_.,,.,�,...,.... . . .�. .R-,.-...._.�...._.._.,,__...._,..�..�.,,,,,,Wr,e.n„r-...�.._.....,.....�.._.e_...,.... . ,_....-�.—�.._..�.,,�.,� .�...,....�......,.—._ ._.. .._.._
. �
City Clerk �
113 Court Flouse 55102
December 4, 1970
File X972, Page
You are hereby aoCified that a public heariag will be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. paul at 10:00 a.m, on December 1�, 1970 on the petition of
Laurel A. Norman and Molin Concrete Products Co. to rezone fran
8 "$" Residence District to a "C" Residence District the propeYty
described as follows: Lots 14 and 15, Bl.ock 6, Wipter's Additiot�
to St. paul. The property is located oa the Northeast corner of
Englewood Avenue and North Victoria SCreet.
For furthes inform�tion, contact the Planaing Board, Roo� 1010
Commerce Building, or telephone 223-4151.
This notice of a public hearing has., beea sent out from the Depart-
ment of Finance in compliaace with the City Charter.
Caumisaioner of Finance
Cit� Cle�k � ,
, . � _
. , ,
113 Courf House 55102
February 5, 1971
File X972, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing wtll be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on February 16, 1971 on the petition of
Laurel A. Norman and Molfn Concrete Products Co. to rezone from
a "B" Residence District to a "C" Residence District the property
described as follows: Lots Z4 and 15, Block 6, Winter's Addition
to St. paul. The property is located on the Northeast corner of
Englewood Avenue and North Victoria Street.
For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010
Com�aerce Building, or telephone 223-4151.
This notice of a public hearing has been sent out fram the Depart-
ment of Finance in compliance with the City Charter.
Commissioaer of Fiaance
_ � ^ �
,',, 5; ; ;, � , .
; .. ..
� ;�
. . � �-nlft J rl�� '�'iL .
�,r.1��.i\ '
1j'� i'�,,�`��� ��,�:.��.
February 10 , 1971
St. Paul City Council
City Hall and Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
We have reviewed the matter of the Molin Concrete
Products Company petition to rezone from "B" to "C" resi-
dential property located on the northeast corner of Engle-
wood and North Victoria Street. This property is further
described as : Lots 14 and 15 , Block 6 , Winters Addition.
Mr. Molin has discussed with us his plans for the con-
struction of an apartment building on the property, and we
find that this proposed development does not conflict with
our land use plan or our planning objectives in the community.
We therefore recommend that the petition be granted.
Sincerely ,
� `
Adolf T 1 r, President
_ Thomas Development Council
���� �
ORIGINAL 7�'O CITY CL6RK . '!'�¢ +���, , �j�
�_ .
In the Matter of hazardous buildings betng
tt�t one story frame offt�� buitd�tng �own
and descrf bed as SQ6 ac�i 8t3� E. Third Street
in the City of Saint l+��1 and situated apon
tP�ose premtses tegat��y des�ribed as Lot 2�
Aud. Sub. #14's Add��io� � 5���� Paut, aacord-
ing to tf�e plat a� ffte a�d of rt�srd ��t �►e .
offtce of t�e Reg�trt�r af d�eds �a and fa�r �h�
• County of Rarpse�„ S'�r� of Mf nrtesot�t,
f:HEREIaS, Pursuant to resolutlon, C. F. Plo. 2 ;��g� , ant�roved ��
� �ecem6er 24. ���_� a �±u�lic hearin� was duly"�e('�n ,
��nuarx, 6. 19�fi1 , before the Gounci 1 �f the Ci tv of Sa7 nt Pau ,
� sai3 fiearing pertaininq to the condition af �ne structures located at
806 and 808 Es T'htr� St�� Saint Paul , `-tinnesota; and
I�INERE�S, Uhon the facts nresented at the s�id hearina consistinG �
of ph�to�rapns, ins�iec�Cior� repc�r-ts and tn� reco�rr��ncia��ons o�' th� CiYy '
Archi tect, i� i s foun�! and deterr�i ned 5y ti�� Ci t;� Counci 1 that acco�°di nq
to the records and files in the orfice of tf�e Re�ist�r �f Dee;is, t��e
last record o�:ner�jb�ft�t� of the above-�escribed nro?aerty i/�//arc
Ordwin and Olive Horrisberger; and Midarest Federat SaYtngs and Loan
Assoctation of Minneapolfs ts mortgagee;
!�k{ER�'fl�, It i s further de�er�i ned tt�at the allovc-descri 5ed
'�� constitutes hazardous buiidin�S 1'Jlthln the deTi-
ni� °�an--o�linnesot� Statutes Section 453.15 for the r"ollot•ting r�a��r,s:
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeas Nays
Caxlson Approved 19�
Levine � Tn FAYOr
Meredith Mayor
Sprafk� �/
Tedesco Against � PP �
Mr. President, McCarty �
Asst. Corporation Cou sel
Page 2.
a. The building is standing vacant, abandoned and is subject to
being entered by unauthoriaed persons;
b. The exterior condition of the building is as follows: the
butlding has been damaged by fire; an 8 x 8 foot timber sill on top of the
foundation has rotted through; the window casings are rotten; the rear
porch is about to collapse, due to fire;
c. The interior condition of the building is as follows: �laster is
falltng from the walls; the studs, rafters and wall sheeting are charred
to the point of being structuraliy unsound;
d. The building fin the above condition is beyond reasonable repair;
e. The building is unf4t for human hab�tat�on in its present
condition and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the
Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to
make the same habitable;
f. The buildfng constitutes a nuisar�ce and a hazard to the public
health, safety and welfare because of �ts physical damage, dilapidation
and inadequate maintenance;
nnu..�.e.rei.e.e ' '
� � C� RDI1�' ANCE ����5�
An ordinance a�ndinq the Zc�aimq Cod�e,
Chapt�rs 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saiat
Baul Leqislatfve Code, psrtaini�q to Ose
Districts, Seiqht Districta aad Bozoninq
of certain properti•a in t�e City of Saint
Piul� a� aaended.
9�ction 1. �'hat thc Zoninq Cads, Chapters 60 to 64.
inclwivo. of the Saiat pa�l Lagislative Cw�, p�rtaiui�q to
t7sa Districts, Hsiqht Districts and Re�oninq of asrta3.n grop-
•rtias in the ,City of S=iat Paul, as atN►�tdsd. b� and tt� sa�
is hosaby fur�h�r anended so as to resoa� tl�� tollvviaq d�s- �
arib�d prop�rty fraa "B" R�esidsnce,�istrict to "C" A�esi�a�
District, to-wit:
Lc�ta 14 aad 15. Block 6, M4��sr's
7lddition to St. Paul=
ait�ate on propertT located on the aortheast aor�er_of �gla�ood
�i�an� and �sth Victosia Streeek fu th� �i� of saint 1►an�].,
�etion 2. This ordia�an�ce ahall tako efteat and b� ia
fore� thirty �30) days �rom snd aftsr ita pusa�g�, 'ipprc�val aed
MAR 3 51911
Y�as Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Con -�n 's�
ButlPx /
Carleon p Tn Favor
sp� -� -A��
T�� �> A��v�: MAR 2 5197i
Atteet:Mr. Vice President Meredith
City Clerk Ya,yor
I �� '.`'..
�omn a�proved Corpor�tion Couneel BY. , ...
on Thursdaye N�vembe� 19, 1970, at �:00 YoMo
PRESENT: Messrs. Doo�y, �adler, Gauger, Manaur, and Ruta.ick of the Board,
and Messrs. Brown, Rosetter, Ryan, �ad Sorenson, and Mrs. Frantzen
and Miss Spexr of the �t�ff.
P1ra Gadler moved for approvai of the m:t.nu.tes from th� Idoveueber 5, i97�,
Board of Zaning meeting. The moti.on w�s secon.ded by r4ra Doody, and
cerried unanimoasly.
MOLIN CONCAETE PRODUCTS CtJ�iPA�1Y: �i petition to rezone from "B" ta "C"
Rssidence far the purpose of constru�ti.ng an apartment building pxoperty
located on the northesst corrner of Englewomd Avenue and Noreh Victorfa
Mr. Rosetter au�rized the st�ff repc�-t, m p�rt of �he file, s�ating �t�at
the proposed vse is to develvp the sit�: wil-h a�1 apartn��nt bu�ldinge The
site has a frontage of 76.2 feet a�.ong Englewood Ave�►ue and 134n3 fee�
�long Nozth Victor3�a Street, resua.tin�; in �n area of 10,233 sqnare feet,
which would permit 6 unitsc ? units wou'd reqcsire 10,506 squsre feet in
areae The praperty adjoinin.�; �o t�!� north is zoned "C" Residence; to the
east is zo�ed "B" Res�dence; the souttiFast eorner �f Vic�cari� and �aglewood
was recenCly rezaned tcr "C11 �esidet�ce. Th� large area to tha west is zoned
Light Industry. T'he Compr�h�nsive Pl�n recommended R-b ar ?_5 dwelliag units
per acre for the blocks eas� of Vfcto?-is S�reet a�ad nQrth of M�nnehaha
Avenue, and R-7 east ar�d west of the 1Hc�aie o� the Good Shepard. The rest
of the area reuua�,ns in its �xis�ing c�.�asification. W�st acxoss Victoria
Street is the Molin Cancrete �YOGt1Ct5 �omp�ny. To the north is a� apaxt-
m�nt building; to the east and 3atat� is mi�ced o�,e snd two-family usesa
The southeast corner of VicCc�ria mnd Englewood has two new apar.�ment
structaresd This area is p�rt of the T€s�m,as-Dale �Ieighborhood Development
Program �rea of the Housirag �nd Redevel.opment Au�hority.
Mra Roset.ter alsa s�id that the i�'�P rec�mraer�ds R-II for this site9 whi�h is
a var�ety o£ housing with dzffetent e�ensity lima.ts far different houain�
types but which �tates that �he c�verall net residential. d�z�sity �h�ll aot
exceed 24 dwelling �aaits per �cre. It liutifis v�rd�n or walk-eap apsrt�►ents
to ?_4 dw�lling units per �cxe. Circum�t�nces whi�h warrent variances fr.am
theae Iim,its wxll be dete�n�.n.ec; �y the Housing and itedeveimpment A�xthor��y
accordin�g to the I+�DP regart� This �4 dta�Iling eani�s per ac�ce lim3.t is
exactly that of the '°C-1" Resic3ence district ra*�ze� �han ti�e 43 dwelling
uni�s per acre limit cender the 10C" Re�.:a.�lr��c� distr�c�. The Tta���as-Dale
Deve'lopment Couacil has rev�Ew�n..r� �t,a.s �.n.�t.t�r �x�d a���oves it, n4ting that
�he development doeR not c�nflfc�: �U�t�s r.heir. 1.and-us� plan or their ��.anning
objectives in the comm¢�nityo Mr> �asetter ne�`�d that shox°tly �efore noon
to�lay the staff receiv�d th��� �ei�gr�r�s in otsje�tian �o the xe�oningo He
proc�eded to read the teZ�grgmso
, ^ , '. , ov
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. �
(Please type or print) ��
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property: (legal description and street address)
� � � f5 / `� � /s' i3��.. G �U�� G°:�L�?—�.,
� S S'r..�Q �5 7 GkQy�u�oa� .
from � .���,�-`�- District to �° �5�, District, for the `
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: �_ ��8`�,
(describe briefly the proposed facility)
Subject Property;
o�nn J. Hongitsah &
l. Laura B. Eon 1t�4h 11 6 Winter'� Add�.
Harry J. 1'b rr�a�sa d� �° � <_:�__.__ti
2. �
Leurel A. Norman # j 6 Winter'e Adda',�
3 .
4. State of Minneeota� 1 6 Winter�e Addri.
W211lem H. Ed�ards thru Z� 6 Winterts Addn,
5. Maroia 0 Ed
Eug�ns P. Rro mka dc ,��
6. Shirle C Kroaka � 6 Winter's Addn.
Molin Conareta �
7� Produate Co. See ttaoh d
� �Ti�tcria Company �,-�
-- See tta h
7. � Molin Concrete Products 'Company is the owner of That part of the STW�
j of the SE� of Sec 26, Town 29, Range 23, described as follows:
.� commenci ng at the NE corner of Victoria and Minnehaha Streets; thenc
N along said Victoria St 2� • e E 150 ft; thence S 250 ft ', to
► said Minnehaha St. , thence the place of commencement, ;
I except No 153•5 ft thereof. �
� , ,
8. � The Victoria Company is the ts 16, 17, 18 and the No 36.0�
feet of Lot 12, B1ock' 7, Win tion and the North 153•5 ft
of th e West 183 ft of the so 283 ft of the SE� of Sec 26, Town 2q� N,
Ra�ge 23 W, sub�ect to Victori• St '�" '-'-~----�----
���.�� ��� � � c,�,;
:� ���_ �, �.�_ . .
� Subject to Pierce liutter; �xcept evenues a �t��C�;___„__�
_ .. __
9• part, North of Englewood Ave. , of SE4 of SE4 of SW4 �- `-
of Sec. 26-29-23,and
10. Except Avenue and Streets; part, south of Englewood Ave.
of SE4 of SE4 of SW4 of Sec 26,29,23.
and correcz signa�u��� .,� _�_.. _.__
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of July 1970 885 W . Minnehaha Ave.
_ ��Q�� Telephone No. �'�'88-2��'1
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
FGI 1/5/65 r ` �'?`� '` �' � �-• Office of the Corporation Counsel
.er, rv.. �; :�,,,.y ._ , f,�,��,..
' h;y Cornrzissfon Ex�ires November 5th,1973.
.��m .�.y, � � . � . � .
ac+�m ��'�y��, .
' ��
{ �
.. ,.,, �. ���. ; . . ..... .. . �
c.a' tii..,���� 1.r if '� . . . . � � .
D��. 17s �974
Hon. �oaalie L. But]»er
Gomsr, of Finanae
Building �
Dear Madam:
The Gity Cauncil toda,y� after a public hearing! laid ov�r
�o Febru�ry i6' I.971 the petition of Molin Concrete Produc�s
Ca. to rezane to "C" Reaidence Distr3ct Lot$ 1� ana i5,
B].ock 6! Wlnter'�s Additioaa, at �he narthe�st carner of
Englewood Awe. and N. Victr�r!L� St.
W311 you plea�te aend na�ices to property ownexs?
Yery tru:l,y �raar�,
C3ty Glerk
Dec. 17: 197�
zoning soard
Commerae Bldg.
St. Paul
The City Counc il tod�,y� after a public hearing� laid aver
to February� 16�.ki, 1977, th� petition of itilolin Conerete
Product� Co. to re�on� to "C" Residence Lote 14 and 15�
B1ock 6� W3.nter's Add3tion� at th� northes�t corner of
En�].ewoad Ave. and N. Vietoria St.
Very truJ.y yaurs,,
City C1erk
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Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Butler �`Butler
Carlson '�Carlson
Levine ``'�. � Levine
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Meredith �=_`�-��� `' �'' rhAeP�d��'
Sprafka �Sprafka �
Tedesco �edesco
Mr. Presiden+ McCarty � �', �
. Vice President Meredith