252935 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � [1��zg35 . � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL N0. N % Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION- NERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y W� � � i am E. C a r 1 so COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the pians and specifications as submitted for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 15, E. R. BRYANTS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 15 AND 16, STINSON'S FRANCES ST. ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO. , MINN. from the east service road of Johnson Pkwy. to the East „ line of Lot 7 in said Blk. 15, including the proposed cul-de-sac. Also � ,-; construct a sewer for storm water purposes (G-1939, under Preliminary Order "' =' 247083, approved January 20, 1970 and Final Order 249754, approved July 21 , o !_� 1970; -� _,:, ,, �� :�� ALSO grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 23, . -� � Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenue (G-1967) :� '� under� Preliminary Order 251421 , approved December 4, 1970, and Final Order � 252393, approved February 10, 1971 ; .' ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 5, Hazel Park Plat B from Van Dyke St. to Hazel St. Also construct a sewer for storm water purposes in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the East 4 feet in said Block 5, (G-tg48) under Preliminary Order 248155, approved April 1 , 1g70 and Final Order 250174, epproved August 25, 1970; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material BENA ST. from Algonquin Ave. to Jordan Ave. and JORDAN AVE. from Bena St. to Stillwater Ave. to a width of twenty feet (20' alley section) (G-1936) , under Pretiminary Order 246683, �pproved Decembe� 16, 1969, and Final Order 247554, approved February 24, 1970; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 23, Merriam's Amendment to Blocks 12 and 23, Merriam Park and Block 7, Lovering Park from Dewey Street to Fairview Avenue (G-1g57) under Preliminary Order 251423, approved December 4, 1970, and final Order 252322, approved February 9, 1971; ALSO, grading a�d surfacing wi.th bituminous material the alley in Block 2, McKenty's Outlots to Saint Paul from Atwater Street to Milford Street (G-1958) , under Preliminary Order 251618, approved December 22, 1q70, and Final Order 252438, approved December 22, 1970. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19- Levine Tn FAVOP Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � OR14itNAL TO CITY CLQRK -' � . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 6 `���'� - � ,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 2 ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 28, St. Anthony Park North from Doswell Avenue to Chilcombe Avenue (G-197$) , under Preliminary Order 251694, approved December 24, 1970 and Final Order 252440, approved February 16, 1971 ; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Lake Park Addition to Saint Paul , Second Division from Snelling Avenue to Arona Street (G-ig64) , under Preliminary Order 251831 , approved January 6, 1971 , and Final Order 252753, approved March 2, 1971 , be and the same are hereby approved and the Corr�nissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to order said work done under Public Works Contract No. 71-G-1985; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engineering and inspection expenses to be included with the assessment against benefited property. MpR g �97t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler M�R 9197'� Carlson A 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty pUBLISHED �►R �� �� �� o��.�,�,�.�,� 252935 � . . ,,, CITY OF ST. PAUL CHA�UNqL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C.�OMMI�SSIONErt Ml l l i aA Q• Car 1 son o�,s RESOLYED, That the p l a►ns and apeci f i cat tons as suba+i tted for grai i t�g and surfactng with bitwainous wate�ial the alley in BLK. 15, E. R. BRYANTS SUBDIYISION OF BLOCKS 15 ANO 16, STINSON'S FRIWCES ST. ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, � RIWSEY CO., MINN. f�an the east service road of Johnson Pkwy. to the East line of Lot 7 in said Blk. 15, includtng tha p�oposad cut-de-sac. Also canstruct a s�wer for storm water purposa: (G-1939, ��� P�slin�inary Ord•r 247083� approved January 20, 1970 and Final �rde� 249754. approv�d Juty 21, 1970; AI.SO grading s�d surfscing with bitwln�ws mat�rtal the allay in Block 23, Ausrbach snd Nand's Addition frc�n Cook Awnw to J�ssa�►ina Avenw �6-1967j undar Preli�inary O�der 251�Z1, approwd D�caaber �►, t97o. and fipai Orde� �SZ393, appra+rad F•bruary 10, 1971; AI.SO, gradtng and surfacing with bTtuainous mata�Tal tiw a11sy In �l�ic S� H�s�rl Park Plat B fraa Van Dyka St. to Hassl St. Also construtt a sa+sr for stonN water purposes 1n an easanent to be obtained o�, under and across tIK East 4 feat in said Btock 5� (G-1948) under Preliminary O�der 2481SS. approvad Ap�il 1� 1970 and Final Order 25017b� approved August 25. 1970; ALSO, g�ading and surfacing with bitwatnous material BENA ST. fro�a Algonquin Ave. to Jordan Ave. and JORDAN AVE. froan Bena St. to StiliNate� Ave. to a width of twenty feet (20' alley sectlon) (G-1936�, under Proltminary Orda� 246683, approved Dec�ber 16, 1969, s�d Fina) O�der 2q755�. aPprc�red R�bruary 2�� 1970; AI.SO. g�ading and surfactA9 Mith bTtua�inous mate�ial th� ails�t tn die,�k 23r Msrriaia's Ameea�snt to Blocks 1Z and 23, Merriain Park and Blo�ic 7, I.owrTng Pa�k f�oa Daw�sy Stre�t to Fai rvt�r Avenue (6-1957� under �r�l iwinsry O�el�r 2514z3, approved D�c,eaibsr 4, 1970� and final O�der 252322, approwd F�b�uary 9, 1971: ALSO, gradtng and su�fscing wtth bituaiirwus matsrial th� allsy In Block 2, Mc14�ty's Outlots to Saint Paul from At++ater Stn�t to Milford Str�t (0-19S8j under Preliminary Order 251618, approwd D�c.embsr 22� 1970. and Finii Ordsr 25Z438, spproved D�caaAb�r 22, i970. COUNCIIrMEN Adopted by the Co»�ciL 19— Yeas Nays Butler • Caxlaon Approv�l 18— Levine T� Favor Meredith Ysyor Sp�a A os►inat . Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� o��,�,T�,��,� 252935 - . y CITY OF ST. PAUL �,NC�� ND � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL fORM ���r COAIMISSIONFR , �A� PA6E 2 ALSO, g�adin� ind surfaciny wtth bituainons aatsrial ihs siley i� �lock 28, St. Mtiwn�r Park North froo Dosw�l l Avenua to Chi)conbe Awnu� (G-1978), undsr �rsiimtnary Order 25169�, approv�d D�cember 24. 1970 and Final Orcl�r Zgt�O, aPPro�►�d F�brua ry 16� 1971; AL30, g�adi�� and surfaci�g with bituwleaus �t�rlal ths alih► tn elaek 3, Lak� Park Additlon to Saint Paul, S�cond Divl:lon fro� 3nsllln9 Aw�w to Arona Strast (6-1964), under Prelimtnary Ordsr 251831, �rovad J+mwry 6, 1971, and Ftnal O�ds� 252753. aPProvsd llarch 2, 1971 . bs ae+d tha sa�s aPs hsnby app�oved and thM CaNni ss t oasr of Pub t i c Yorics i s hsnby d i r�¢trel to ord�r sald work done und�r Public Yorks Contract No. 71-�-198�; i+� it FURTHER RESOLYED, That ths cost of the above ta�prov�nt inclvdlnq � �nyinaaring and ina�pectlon exp�nses to be tnclwled with ths ass�ss�t a�ainst baneftted prope�ty. �R g tQ�` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��� 19—. Yeas Nays Butler O�AAR 919� Caxlson � ADpro°�'� 18.— �o�e Tn Favor Meredith � Spra,fka ��r Tedesco A g�t Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��