252934 OR�INAI TO CITY CL6RK ��2�3� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL OLUTI ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATE WBBRBAS� Additions which sight prcive to be aecessas-�► i� th� Lprova�ent deacribael a� Construction of the SEVB1yT�-G1t�EPiBRIi�R STORM RLLISF SSfiEx, Cosp- troller's Contract L-7253, City �roject No. 69-S-1036, HcDo�ald � As�ociate�, Inc., Contractor, have b�en provide� for in th� Specificationa, and WHERBAS, It �a� been fo�nd nec�ssary to ,ake the following Addition: ADDITION Bit�sminons srarfaeing on oiled streets ovmr s�d abc�ve the q�antity as called for in the Special Provisions 1135 Sq. �ds. � $2.65 � $3007.75 Totml Additimn and tifHBRSAS, The total addition is $30�7.75, and the Cosissi�aer of pttiblic Works has agreed �ith the CoAtractor that the a�ount of $3407.75 is the correct s�e to be add�d to said coatract, therafore be it R&S�LVSD, That th� Citq of St. �aal throt�gh its Citq Cc�ncil approves tbe for�going additio�. aade in accordance aith the Specifications in the sus of $3007.75, said t��eu�t to b� added to the luap sus coASideration �a�td in t}ae contract, knc►�n as Co,ptroller's Contraet L-7253, a�nd whicb arownt is to b� C����finaaced fros 1971 I�ocal Lprove�e�nt Fund �920-461. � I � 4'.��J.1 a{VI _Pf�O E 1 l-� , r�o. i o�; MAR 919�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays sut�er I�IAR 91971 Carlson � ove� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty MAR 1 pUgL1SHED - �� �������� CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�� w,� No.252934 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION-6ENERAL FORM CAMIiA�IS.�S10N� Yi 1 liV-�i�—C�lts011 "A*� ti6ilti�, Additloes �kicb �isi�t �ro�n to b� n�c�tssar� in tL� Lpro��►t ducribtd �a Cou�tsnction of tiu S=Yi1rt8•qtEEllaltIl� a'i�p�! RT,t,I�T �sNElt, Cm■'. troll�r'• Coutract L-7lS�, City FY+e��ct llo. 6!-S•1036. M�Donald i As�ociat�s. Ina., Contnatos, lia�� be�n�ps��id�d tos ir th� Sp�aiti�atioas, aAd WYtRSA8. It has D�a� lound n�a�aaasyr te �sk� t1N lolloMins �dditioa: ADDl?ION nitw�i�s wr�acies on oil�d strMt� or�r a� abow tlw q�aeti�r u call�d tos i�a tla Sp�cial Pro�iaiona 1135 8q. Yds. � $Z.6S = =3007.75 Total Additior •n� MNERE�B. T1N total additi�e i� �3807.73� ard the Ca�iasion�r ot l�tblic ilorb tissa�r Nd vitti tl� Centr�ctor tiiat tlN a�o�rt o� �3007.75 is tiwi oorrrct sna to b� a�d to said aontsact� thrr�tort b� it RE�OLVSD, ?i�at th� City of St. B�ai ths+oujh its City Council ypro��a tM tor��oin� additioa �sd� ie aecor�nc� xith tb� Sp�citications iA tla a� o! ;9007.75, ssid s�At to b� a►d��d to tlu� lwp au consi�satioA �d is tht ooatract, kroNn aa Co�ptsoll�r�a Contract L•�453� and Mitiah a�atat is to ba financ�d fra� 1971 L�cal L��+or�rt l�'and 0l30•4i61. �I,�� � �'��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m� 19— Yesa Naya Butler Apprno� �►R � ����19— Carlson !� �� � Tn Favor � Meredith � �r Sprafka A��t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �e