252933 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � •)����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r ''�" . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H�E NO. COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI85�IONE i]liam . �'�.SOI1 ATF WI�REAS, The final cost� for the construction of alleys for the year 1968, Co�ptroller's Contract L-7d11, have been determined and, WI�REAS� Upon final allocatioa of fl.ind� fraan whiah the above im�prove- ment was to be paid, it was foun�d that the amount originaL'ly set up for it� fina,ncing is insuffici�nt to meet the final. costs and that an, ad.ditiona7. amount of $3,407.92 will be required, th�refore be it, RESOLVED, That the amount of $3,�F07.92 be applied froon the 1971 City's Share of Lxal �prov�ment Fuud, Code Og20-b61 to fin,a,nce �he additional cost of the above impravement. G-1863 ,�ORM A �OVED Asst. C r�ti�n Cou ! �.. MAR 91��1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler I�AR 9197 9 Caxlson Appro 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith � Sprafka a or Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISH'ED MAR�.� `� 7 � cuK�cwn ro�niHme i�����n� . cmr oF sr. PAUL � �uNa� NO.� :�:�s� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OM�WiER N��� S• Ne�T�.L�I� DA*� �� � t�l�� � � ���� � �4S �� t� y+Mr 19681 �III�v�.1Q�• Caa� L+�'�11� Li�r 1N� �R�a�f� �11d� 11� �Sa !l�M1 a3�ti+N rt t1�� li�t �ti�elt W�i � �- rat � t�o � �Itlad, it rss !�d �t t1N � 1�i�is�1� � q !�e itis li�s�Ll� i� l�.sL� t�s a�t f� tit�l epr#►s atii tl� ar�► Miit��l a�o� o�' �3,�'7•'9B wi11 � r�isid, �� 1� it, ���I '�liat tiM � «!' �3s�4?•9� 11� a�13,�d !'rr t6� 19T1 0lt�•t� /� oct �oaa� ��� !'��iy C�el� 8�MR0■�1 !►a► !i� �la M�d3,lci�s,1 e�ost at t� �re la��. A-1�l63 MAR � 1��'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot�r�� 19— Y� xa� �tAR 9197� sutaer Carlson Ar�+:�*^o� 19— �°� ' Favor ffieredith Sprafka � � Tedeaco A Ss�t Mr. Preaident, McCarty �9