252932 ' 3�OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK `��'J� : CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N0, ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION-GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY William E. �AY'I.80Y1 pTF COMMISSIONE WI�REAS, T'he final costs for the constraction of alleys for the year 1969, Ccxnptroller's Contract L-7197, have been determ3ned and, WI�REAS, Upon fina,l, allocation of fl�nds from which the above improve- ment was to be paid, it was found that the a�ouat origina,lly set .up for its fin�a,ncin�g is insu�ficieut to meet the f3na1 costs and that an additiona,l amc�unt of $2,118.02 will be required, therefore be�it, RESO�,VED, That the amount of $2,11$.�2 be applied fra� the 19?1 City's 3hare of Zocal Improvement Fund., Cod.e 0920.461 to finance the additional cost of the above i�rprov�naent. G-1923 FORT�t "►='F'«�VE• !�s orr�orati� �u��. �� � MAR 9 1971 , .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sut�er MAR 919+�� Caxlson Ap 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka or gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED MAR 1��� O � o�K,�,n��R,� 52932 - CITY OF ST. PAUL � ��� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�.OM�M�15�SIONER x�iy =• �=+L� DA� �j � _�� OQ/tis �' � ��9� � ��/ �' '�� �T Z969� �L�'�• ��s�et L-77.97, har� 1��a dA�sasit� at�t� 111�Af �at !!�1 �l1o�t od' l�e�� flro� rr�l.�a1 1�s �1o�r� t�arvr�• aral� r� to � �l�Q, it t�as lo�wd �ir! t� ��roM■d� +oari�insa,� s�0 q� i+oar its tiwe3a� L� 3sral�!"LsiroR tA �E �► fitr�i �sEr ar� tlp� �s �isi+oM,t �o�tt a! #t�,l3�.f�3 rilt w l�lir�rd, t�a�'a�aer� 1�i�, mt�i'�,� S� t� a�ro�at v� #�,13r8.0�Q�t� s�ll,rd � th� 1971 Cit�►•� �urt o� I+�ooat 11�rer�rl�a� l+iud, !!o� Q9�0-�16�1 �o tia�ss� taN additl�emwl eo�� a! �la► a1o�v�t i��+r�st. Ow19�3 MpR g ��71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Con*��1 19— Y� xa� IAAR � 1911 sutaer Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine Favor Meredith C� May°r Sp28'fka' A oni�nat Tedesco ' Mr. Preaidea.t, McCarty a��