254397 ` Oriainsl to City Clerk � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 2��39'7 PRESENTED BY ORRINANCE NO An ordinance amending drdinance No. 6446, entitled: �'An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions a,nd employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is further amended by striking out of Section II, where it appears under the heading "Group D", the line Supervisor of School Heating 5. ?4 Section�2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � - 1 ;S O � � J �J �` � Q � ,U N 2 3 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �C�� � In Favor Levine 0 ' 1�"�..� O A Sprafka - gainst Tedesco � � � Approved• J U N 2 5 1971 ttest• r. Vice si redith ity r M�.yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED _ .� D.�iste a rd.ae � . ORDINANCE �. COUNCIL FILE NO PRESE�VTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO � A� ordi�tsac� a�as Qsdivasef No. b446, +at��d: '��► s�ai�irtsa#�r�t ordiaaace fis�as t1[� com- p�uat3� ra�ts4.o�"+cssts�u cit� positir�s aad �uq�L�►m��rRs," a�s�s�r�d Jaasss� 23, !915. as s�s�i�d. THL�' C4III+TCIL O� �HE C�TY OF SA�TT PAIIL D�]� 9ltI�,�I: 3e�tie�a 1. Tl�at Ordiaaac� No. 64r16, s�ranrwt Jaa�ax�► 3�i, 1925, ss �ucra�d�8, be �ad t� s.anaa is i�s�d � s�ts3ida� a�tt of Seetio� II, wiYess it sppests agd�s ti�� Irq�ti� "Gs�ap D". th� li� . �per�isor ef �cjwol Hestias �.�4 �.�'.-= Soc�tlee �'. T�s orel�aa�s sLsl1 t�i�ire �ie# a�d � iz#orc� t�rh da�a aft�r fts pua�aae, spps�rai. aad psb�t#eatie�. ' Yeas Coun.cilmen Nays Paaeed by the Council JU N 2 3 1971 Buti� � �- In Favor Levine �' (� 4��� Spiaflca . T��° JU N 2 5 197� �� ' Approv�l: A t t�x 3 t: Mr. Vice Presi den t Mere dit h City Clerk Mayor �� Form a�►�roved Corporation Counael B� ! t - � Ist 2nd .� � Laid over to 3rd and app N —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Vdufiler Carlson ������GacJsop Levine evine Meredith ---- ._ Meredit�rt t � Sprafka �-% �°Sprafka Tedesco �edesco t�..J Mr. President McCariy O Mr. Vice President Meredith