02-958Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 CSty Hall Presented By 12eferred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2�t 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Committee: Date WfIEREAS, the City charges a$500 adminisuative fee for the vacation of city street and alley rights- of-way as established by resolution of the Saint Paul City Council (CF #93-1587); and WHEREAS, said resolution calis for periodic review of the costs of vacaung street and alley rights-of- way and, when appropriate, an adjustment in the admuustrauve fee; and WHEREAS, the Real Estate Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services has studied the cost of processing vacation petitions (see Attachment "A") and recommends an increase in the administrative fee to more adequately cover processing costs while at the same time remaining affardable to homeowners and residenual or commercial developers working to expand the City's housing and business opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Real Fstate Division proposes the following three-tiered fee structure to distinguish between petitions of differing levels of complexity and processing time: Tier I - Non-develo�ment Petiuons from residenual property owners for street1a11ey vacaUons council F51e # O 1- 58' Green Sheet # 203956 $ 600 Tier II- Development (Less than 50,000 sq. ft. of area to be vacated) $1,200 Petitions from commerciaUindustrial property owners or owners of residential developments. Tier III - Development (50,000 or more sq. ft. of area to be vacated) Petitions from commerciaUindustrial property owners or owners of residenual developments. Easement Release Fee (50% of non-development fee) Requests for the release of e�sting easements on previously-vacated property $2,000 $ 300 NOW, THEREFORE SE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council adopts said proposed vacation fee structure and easement release fee; and be it further RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� G�VSHA2ID�REAL W Pdata\VACATE�RevisedVacalionFees.Res.wpd oa-qs� Page 2 Council F�le # Green Sheet # 203956 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RESOLVED, that said fee structure be applied to all new vacation peutions and easement release zequests received by the City after the date of adopuon of this resolution. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: o 'i �irector U Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �•�� ��-a� p� � : O a- °l� 3' Attachment "A" TMS-Real Estate Division Vacation Processing Cost Review / Vacation Fee Proposal The TMS-Real Fstate Division proposes to increase revenues derived from processing vacations of streets, alleys and other city-owned properties by establishing a three-tiered fee struclure and initiating a new fee for the release of utality easement rights in vacated rights of way. These fee changes would allow the City to recover a lazger portion of the cost of processing vacations and easement releases. The current $500 fee, which was approved by the city council in 1993, at the Uune represented a significant reducuon from what had previously been coliected by the City for vacations. Prior to 1993, owners of properties abutting vacated azeas paid the fair market value for those areas. This payment was eliminated to encourage the expansion of the city's commerciaUindustrial base and enhance residenual neighborhoods. The $500 fee was established in its place to recover the administrative cost of processing a vacation. The actual cost, however, generally has exceeded this amount. Current vacation grocessin c�ost Estimated annual staff time devoted to vacation processing Average number of vacations processed annually Staff processing time per vacation Staff cost devoted to vacation processing Note: this amount is derived by calculating salaries plus fringes (@ 30%) and overhead (@25%) for 2,500 hours of fime distributed among five staff persons. Average cost per vacation Pronosed vacation fee structure and fees generated 2,500 hours 20 vacations 92 hourslvacation $80 $4,010 The revenues generated by the new fee structure wouid cover approximately 35% of the vacation processing costs. While this does not represent full cost recovery, it reflects a fair and reasonable charge to property owners who petition the City for vacation services. Raising the fee to recover all administrative costs likely would discourage some property owners from engaging in development activiries and would run counter to the City's long-standing development goals. The specific proposal includes: 1) Increasing the current fee to $600 to account for inflarion since 1993. G:VSAARID\REAL WPdata\VACA1E�Rev�sedVacationFees.Rptwpd oa•gsa� 2) Establishing a 3-tiered fee structure to recognize the variation in administrative processing time: — Tier I- Non-develo�ment. Petitions from residential property owners for the vacation of alleys or streets. Typically, such vacations are requested to allow for expanded use and/or construction on what is now platted ciry right of way. — Tier II- Development (Less than 50.000 square feet of vacated areal. Petitions from commerciaVindustrial property owners or owners of residential developments. — Tier II- Development f50.000 sc�uare feet or more of vacated area). Peuuons from commerciaVindustrial property owners or owners of residential developments. Typically, as the square footage of the vacated area increases the complexity of the vacation and the time required to process it also increases. 3) Establish a new fee for easement releases (@ 50% of the proposed Non-Development fee) 4) Fee structure and amounts to be generated: a) Non-Development ($600 ea. X 5 vacations) _ $ 3,000 b) Development: <SOk sf ($1,200 ea. X 8 vacauons) _ $ 9,600 c) Development: SOk+ sf ($2,000 ea. X 7 vacations) _ $14,000 d) Easement releases ($300 ea. X 5 releases) _ $ 1,500 e) TOTAL ALL FEES = $28,100 Budget impact (001-01300-2833): 2002 Adopted Increase over 2002 adopted $21,680 $ 6,420 G:�SI3ARID�REAI.WPdata\VACATE�ReviseAVacatlonAees.Rptwpd Page 2 � - �S8' � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION D�� August 26, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 203956 ntact Pe:wn and PLone N�Uer: 2 EPARTMENI' DII2ECT0�,, 4 CI1'P COL7NCII, Bruce EngeIbrekt 266-8854 '�'"` 1 x�ATro� �,trL c�,�g UDCETDII2FCfOR FEiCEOFFL�ANC7ALSVCS ° �'� ODC° � ° �� ep �� : A '` S � 3 YOR(ORASS7STANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQi3ESTED: To approve a revised fee structare for petitions to vacate city sh and alley rights-of way. COMMENDAITONS: APPROVE {A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CON'TRACTS MUST ANSWF,R THE FOLLOWING: Pf.ANNAG CObIMISSION gr,� •� the person/tirm ever worked mder a conttactfor this deparhnent? YES NO .^•��� ` IIasfttisperson/firmeverbeenaCYtpemplopee? YFS NO QVII,SERVICECOMMISSION ., n .�,�.._. - , ^`,^ . .. ���� 4 A ��, ki � . Does this person/Srmpossess a sltill notnormally possessed by aoy YES NO �, p„t;6 current CBCOMMIITN,E � �, ��- employee? E lain all YES aasweis on a se te sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICHCOLTNCII,OBTECTiVE? otmtciL Ap ' nis�ucT All ARD(S) PLANNING COUNCIL 1VIT7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY(Who, �W�at, When, Where, Why?): °�£^ ���+�Q�� e City currently charges a$500 admixristrative fee for the vacation of ci���t,�i`� �� e� ' �f-way as tablished by resolution of the Saint Paui City Council (CF #93-1587). The resolution also calls for periodic eview of the processing costs and, when appropriate, an adjustment in theadministra6ve fee. The Real Fstat ivision recently completed such a review and recommends an increase in the administrative fee through a ew three-tiered fee structure. Real Estate also recommends establishing a fee to process the release of asements on reviousl -vacated ri hts-of-wa . VANTAGES 1F APPROVED: The City will be more adequately compensated for its cost of processing street and alley vacations while continuin to hold fees at affordable levels. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The cost of street and alley vacations for resideniiai property owners and housing/commercial developers will increase. ISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPROVLD: The CSty will not be adequately compensated for its cost of processing street and alley vacations. 07'AL AMOLJNI' OF TRANSACTION: N�A COST/RtiVE�*UE BUDGEIZE D(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsornzcE: N/A AcTn��rnrmB�: N/A ANCLAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII3) evenues derived from processing vacations are estimated to increase by more than $6,000 annually under the ew fee structure. G:�SHARED�REAL WPdatx\VACATE�RevisW Vaca[ionFees.ResGS.fi'm