254388 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENC�� N4• "�'��"��8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE p� RESaLYED, that pursuant �a Chapter �66, Minnesota Statutes 1963, and upot� detivery ta the Corpc�ratfon Connset af a reiease approved by him, Ri'chard W. Bronson be patd �7.40 ocrt cf the Tort Ltabitit�r Fund OQ35-421, tn fc�11 settt�nent of cTata� for dama�ges and tn�uries susta.ined as a resul� of an accident on Apri:t 15, t9Tl involving a pallce�nan whtle in the perfo�nce of his offtcial d�ties. Qf�M AP V VI ' Ass� rporation Counsel , JUI� 41971� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 9— Yeas Nays ��' JUN ? 1911 Caxlson Ap 19— Levine �"�"�:�,�.,, n Favor � Meredith ,., . Y`�� ���' r Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty JUa 12 1971 PUBLISHED �� . � I;L[aL/�,`;I: c,�.= L�1�f.. C:f_/..�f;�4 � � . : -� . � � � ..`'��-'���� f:1�0�'J /�LL t.�EN PY THESE Pi.CSENTS: Thai ihe Ur,�ersig�ed, being o� lawful �yc, {or ;he solc consic�eraiion o�_ �d._�p.��►��� -- ---- • _._�Doll�rs (�;_'���1�1 _� io ifie unders:gnec� in hand ��aid, re�eipi vrhe;eo� is hereby acLno���;ecfc�ecf, cio/does hereby tinc� fo, my/our/iis heirs, execulq;s, ac�minisiraio�s, successors an:l ass�gns releaso, ��c<;uit �nc� forc��er di;chargr._� _ t-�no' his, her, il�eir, or iis ageni�, ter��ar,is, successors, fieirs, e>:e�utors, ac�mir,is{ro{ors and all cif�er persons, firrns, cor��oraiior��, BSSOCI::FIOi15 O[ ��:�rirersl�ii�:5 O1 fstlC� 1f0f71 i3f1'� i]f1C� il�� C�di(�1C� if:�l0l1S, Cc7L1bCS O� �iC:�i0f1� C�('.fl"t£>'l:)S, f1C341��5, Cf�i'.IllZ7C;C5, CO;�;, �OSS L'1 SL'fi'I�G, CY,��CRSCS i�(1C� CO�1�JC'fl$:S�iO!1 \';�1cliS:J:;\'('.(, Yl�l1C-�? �f1C unce.'S;CifiCO Il0`'J �1c�5/f7c�VC U( \Y�IIC�I I�Il�1�� �l^fC�f11-CC C7CCfl1C: CJ;l BCC.GU'l�. oS o; i� �c�? �•::sj- yr��:��ny e.��i of or��� �nd aii I:no��rn �nc� unla;o:�n, fo;esec:n an� u;�joreseen I?oc�ily <:n:� ��erson-�l inj�.,r�es ��nc! �;rc��- crly ��amage zsnd 1he cor�seyu::nces ihereof re>ul{iny er io resuli {rom il�e accid�ni, casu:,liy er eveni �•rhicl� occurred on c: �:haui ihe 1S ____ ���, �{__Aprt2 __, IQ �Z . at or ne��r�arkfn�Iat--- ----------- �f- 15 11i1C�C:(Si00.; CCt^ 'r.��fee:� ii;:1? ��?.$ S��i';:fiiCif;{ IS if1C; CO(Il�>COfI!IS.; C{ �5 :.�OJI�1rU1 Uflp Gic�UiC::.� C�8lI?l� �nd ihai ff�e 1�:1��i1:;� (Ttc3:iC; !S {iUi lU ��;: �<>f15itUCO� d_ C!1 is�.^,iI551011 O� �i���!�;��' O;1 ��lG E�:lf� p{�fiC '�:)fi� p( f:�ol'�I(.'S ��CfC�>�' fC'.�CtsSCC�, i;f:C� i�ld� SBi� IC�Cd5.f:2S �G'��� �td�lll{�� :�ili;tL-�C;� �f� I�}C'.R:3 mere'y to @\'OI� �i{IC:.9�:'O:l dll:i �7(1�� iheir pe�cc. . 7hL' 4f1GjC_sS.O�BC� �1CfCJ�' OCC�tifC�S� df1C� !'@�)CCSC'��`S� 1{lut {f}L If1�U1'1^S SUSt-Clifi(;� c'7fC Of fil;ly� �G' '�Crmanetti- tin;� E>ro.3res<.;ve ana� ih;;i reco.Fery il��re{ron� is uncer�ain ar„� inclefiniie an� in ma�:inq this Releza�e ii is uncersioo:� anci ��grce�l, ihaf ifie i;n;,`cr- $IC3f1C:C� fC�}'itL•�� \Y;;;;���� l)��0.`1 ��ln unc?ersiqll�C��S �UC�C�!1"�Gl;i, {�@�IC� c'.f10 �:I10\ViC'::.�E: O� ��1G na':u�e, r.r.+r:nt. CiiE'.C{ 8;1:i riUfU�I:J1 Oi S81•f {�1(U(IGi d(1C3 �:3✓:�:i�' '���?L'fGiOf i3i1C) IS tll'-3^B \;'I�110U� �Ciit�n•�e U�>;i!1 i):1�' S�iS�.Cfllt:tl{ Of �(Glireseni�aiion O1. {f1C ��df���' UC '>c3�i�tCS �?CfCJ,j (Ci::iiS:::] n: ��:C:1I" ICDiG'tEiliF:Ti\'::S Of h�� dfl� ��I��SICI�f(} O( -SJ(OCO(i }��� ��1�fR C{i?�I��,C,C� 7he unaess�.;;��:d {uriher civ�clare(s) an,� re;�;esen;(;) il;ai ro ��roniisc�,�in,vuc..:n�^n; or ��:�rc<:n�eni noi herein e>:presseci has U;::� ma;�e io il:e unci:�s:,.^.t:�, c:nd iii�1 ihis Re!eose co;�{e:ir,s iLe eniire acreen�:�ni beir;een il�e E_>��iiics herefo, ur�o ihat ih�• ic�rns , � G� �f115 �:B�Cf75C cifC CO:iifBCiUcI� �;lp f10� c� Il1CfC (LClia�. ' THC U��DL-i'.Sl�t�f=D H/rS t'.r/',D THE (=0f:f_CGII�G RELf_/�SE /�I�D f-ULLY U;�vE(:STAi�.DS 17. � Signed, sealec� ar�:� �IC:I!\'CfG'C� �I1tS L�d�� of _ , �g i 10_��: RE�;D GEfOI:L SLGIv(I�G B�:!U\°�� �- _ . . • . �Y� � � , — �. --- 1���� � � _LS \1�iiness C #1'� Y"OtlfOtl • . . —�-- — _l.S \���ilncss � � V�/iiness • -- LS ST11TE Of- , __� . • . � : : • � . - � SS. , __. . ._ � COUt���l' Oi_: _ : � �. On 1lie� ._ c�ay c,f , 19__�, I�efore mc: perso��t+fly e+}.���earcd.._�__�_ — fo me l:no�:�n io be iiie �>cr:.�n(s� n<�mecl herein ��nd r;ho e�:eculecl il�c foreqoinc� I:elc�asi�'and----.�.�_,__�_z�cl:nowlcclyec� ica t��:: il�t,i ---_�_ __.volunir,ril�� a>:cculccl ihe samc, . l.i�� icirn c�:��i►c:s_----..___------------�____ I� � •-•---. _—_------�_�_.___.__..._---__---•�-----�---------._____--__� t��tiir�ri.t s�f,r::�r.s•n i„�,�, t;�,. t.•�es� I�e�1;,r�� ('ul,lic � :: .. . .,,. . .. ..._...... o��+��.,T�,e��� CITY OF ST. PAUL w�uNa� NO. �5��88 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEMERAL FORM �g�� COMMISSIONEIt DAT� RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 466, t�irmesota Statutes 1963, and upon delivery to the Corporatlon Counsel of a release approved by him, Richard W. Bronson be paid �7.40 out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, in full settlement of claim for damages ' and in�uries sustained as a result of an acc�ident on A�il 15, 1971 involving a policeman while in the perfonAance of his o#ficlal duties. COUNCILMEN Adopted bp the Counc� �U N 4 1 g7�18T Yeas Nays � �ua 7 �971 Carlson Approve� 19____ �� �°�e �3n Favor Meredith � Mayor � A�inst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �a�