02-956Return copy to: (bn) Real Fstate Division 140 CSty Hall Council FSIe # O� _ 9$(e Green Sheet # �5.� 4 i\ RESOLUTION CITY,pF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �l Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting th?rntgli its Valuauon & Assessment Eng3neer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of one parcel of real property, described as follows: 332 I.exington Pazkway North BUEL & MACKUBIN OUTLOTS IN TOWN 29 RANGE 23 N 50 FT OF W 113 FT OF PART S OF RONDO AVE AND E OF LEXINGTON PKWY OF LOTS 9AND LOT 10 9 WHEREAS, said property described is necessary for Jimmy Lze Acquisition and Re-development io Project, said property was Finai Ordered for acquisition on August 12, 1998 with Council File #9&752. ii 1'he value of the property for 332 Lexington Parkway North is Four Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand iz Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($467,250) plus closing costs, this being a fair and reasonable value as �s determined by an independent appraiser; and ia is WHEREAS, the Valuation & Assessment Engineer has recommended the purchase of said property at is the recommended value; i� is NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and �s directed to pay Larry Hopenspirger and Michael Kiteck $467,250 plus closing costsforthe purchase of zo said property. Said sum to be charged to Acuvity Code: CO2-3H032-0881-34141. Requested by Department of: Technolo�v & Manaaement Services � By: — Director Fo pproved by City Atto�ney Adopted by Council: Date ��� . 1� � a�By: Adopfion Ce " ied by Council Secretary By: � _ nz � _ b T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Sept.19, 2002 Green eet Numb 204011 A�n�� 4 ��. �actPeison and Phone Nmiber: ' x.��.« 1 ermanzz assa Peter VGhite 266-8850 � � �ecros Z eMCr-svcnm. 3 xoacoan�-ren�r) ust be on Conncil A enda b: Oct 2, 2002 OTAL R OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfIONRF,QUES1'ID: ign Conncil Resolution anthoriz►ng t}ie pnrchase of land (1 parcel) for the 3immy Lee Rec. Center cquisition and Redevelopment Project Council E51e # 98-752 (Attached) . ana�s:nnaoveu�oasxaacr�� ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM[7STANSWERTHEFOLLOWING: m�'� �_ sT"�" . Has t6e person✓Srm ever worked �der a coMract for t6it depar��t? YES NO rnm.�ncecoamuffiox . Hasthisperson/fumeverbeenaCityemployee? YES NO �� . Does this persovll'irni possess a skill not nonnally possessed by a� ]ain a➢ YES answers on a se arate sheet a� attach. ORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? elp Stabilize and strengthen the ommunities. COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R IATING PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPORI'UNl'rY (4VLo, What, When, Where, Why?): he Jimmy Lee Rec. Center facility needs improvements to help stabilize and strengthen the community. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City wilt be able to develop site with neighborhoods park amenities including landsca �elds, and ay k '..�.'..t.-° ' dditional parlang and wi(1 make future building expansion possible. ����� �n�n ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: • � one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: e City wilt be unable to expanded the site for neighborhood programs. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �46^��2J COSTlREVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO m1c so�cE: CIB A�TIV�TY N°MB�t° CO2-3A032-0881-34141 ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMDIATION PROCEEDINGS o�._�st� 4 4� COUNCIL FILE �1, BY F E N 18 80 VOTIN p�D 1 2n the Matter of condemning and taking of property rights as required for the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center Acquisition and Redevelopment (C98-3H021) , such property rights described as follows: Lots 3 thru 14 and I.ots 17 chm 28 Block 2 A. B. Wilgus Addition to The City of St. Paul, Nonh 50 feet of West 113 feet of part south of Rondo Ave. and East of L,exington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out ]ots in Township 29 Range 23; South 50 feet of North ] 30 feet of West 113 feet of part East of Lesington Pkwy and South of Rondo Ave. of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in Townsliip 29 Ranae 23; F.xcept South 97 32/100 feet par[ of ]ots 10 [hru ]4 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent following and in said Bue] and Mxkubin Out Lots except North 110 feet of West I 13 fcet part South ot Rondo Ave. and East of Lexin�ton Pkwy of Lots 9 and 1 Q Buel & Mackubin Out ]ots in Township 29 Range 23; � G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Eacept Lexington Pkwy North 47 32/100 feet of South 97 32/]00 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 2; G. V. Bacon's Subdivision South 50 feet of Lots ] 2 and 13, South 50 feet of East 33 feet of Lot 14, Btock 2. under Preliminary Order � � " A public hearing having been had upon the above improvc�,ent upon due nocice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therc'fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTAER, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute ancl easements as described above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take al1 actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. - - - - - - .- ' - COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays BEridri3V_ �83G'/!T �' Blakey ,� Bostrom .i Coleman ,i Harris �,�n Favor r Lantry ,/ Reiter � Against Adopted by Council Certifie Passed By Date�� "r 1 Secretary Mayor