254371 Orlsinal to City Clerk r , ORDINANCE 2����'�� COUNCIL FILE NO. ��"' PRESENTED BY .^� � ORDINANCE NO. � /�Qa 7 � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 14541, C. F. 249638, GRANTING PERMISSION TO HAMLINE UNIVERSITY TO RECONSTRUCT HEWTTT AVENUE BETWEEN VACATED SIMPSON STREET AND SNELLING AVENUE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That �rdinanc� No. 14541, C. F. 249638 pertaining to the granting of permission to Hamline �niversity to reconstruct Hewitt Avenue between vacated Simpson Street and Snelling Avenue, is hereby amended by deleting from Section 2 thereof subsectivn d and substituting the follow3ng in lieu thereof: d. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute said work continu- ously, with diligence and fully complete said work to the sat- isfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works � on or before September l, 1971. Section 2. That all the remaining terms and conditions of said �rdinance 14541, C. F. 249638, ��+eept as modified above shall continue in fu11 force and effect. � Section 3. This amending ordisance shall be condi- tioned upon the permitte��s filing with the City Clerk its writ�en acceptance hereKith within fifteen (15) days after publication of this amending ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. JUN 2 3 ��� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler ��n � In Favor Levine � A�e�,- Sprafka � Against � �,�� J U N 2 5 197J A teat: . Vice Pr ' dith Approved• Clerk r �� Form a��roved C�or�tioniC�sel By pUBLISHED �v� J y y,�,�.a.,�,:_::a�. D�p�b t�FrLhe .. ..;, � � ORDINATIT �CE � �543'�1 � � ���� �� �- �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �� I�� Ar1 �RDINAAICE AMENDING ORUINANCB NE3. 14541, C. F. 249638, GRAN?IN6 PERI�lISSi#3N TO HAI�tLI#tE UNiYERSII'� TO RBCANSTRUCT HEMi17 AVfiNUE Bfi?MEEN YACATBD SIMPSON STRBET AI�D SNSLLIWG A�ENUB. SHE CQUNCIL 4F THB CITY OF SAIMT PAUL D4fiS ORDAIN: Section I. Thst ordi�an�e �io, 14541, C. F. Z4963E peTtaining to the granting cf persission to Ha�lise Hni��rsit� to r�conatrnct He�itL AYegnm betwe�n racatsd Siipsoa Street aad � Saelliag A�reane, is hereh�r u�eaded br deletiag fros Ssctios 2 thereof snbsection d �nd sabstituting the folloriag in lieu thsreof: d. Said permittee, sfter the � incsptioa of said xork, sha11 prosscute said Mork continu- ousl�, �+ith diligence and full�► , co�plete aaid rurk to the sat- isfactioa and approral of the Co�nissioner of Publi� �forks on or before Sept�aber 1, 1971. ' Section 2. That all the re�aiaing teras and conditfon� of said ordinancm I4541, C. F. Z�9b38, ace�pt as sodified abot►e shall continue in full force �ad effect. Section 3. This aw�ndiag ordinance shail be condi- - tiosed upo� the pers�ittee's filiag Nith the Citp Cl�rk its written scceptance hererith xithia fifteen (15) da7rs after publicatian o€ this ame�nding ordinance. � Section 4, This ordinance shail tske effeEt snd be in forco thirty (30) dars from and afteY its passage, approral and publication. JUN 2 3 1'�1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Coun�>> Butler '�Oa � Tn Favor Levine � � '� A_ma�inset T�� JUN 2 5 �871 Attest: Mr. Vice President Meredith Apprnved: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a$�roved Co�a�ion Coun�el By = �,L�� �,, .," `. r . . ;:� � ` "� �: ' ,�� UNIVERSITY ��°.1 ���� ,�r`"y J.i l.y�J r.�J �`�1. � � " � '�;11/ICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 551 O1 �'C�� C `,` ����� r;:> > ° ,��� ' _ tJ� � � ���� � .� July l3, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: Pursuant to your letter of July 9, 1971 pertaining to Ordinance No. 14827, amending Ordinance No. 14541, Ha.mline University accepts the terms of the ordinance. Very truly yours, ��7�`�/-y�� =-� H. �V. Neece Vice President for Finance HVN:hk MINNESOTA'S FIRST COLLEGE/FOLINDED 1 B54 C �:�� �� � � J�Y' 9, 1971 Haml3ne Univer�ity Hewitt Ave. & Snexlin,g Ave. N. �t. Paul.� :�Iinnesota t;entlem�r�; Enclosed is � copy of (h�dinance No. 1�F827� adop�ed by the Council June 23, ig71, amending Ord. No. ].�+5�1� granting permis�ion for re�construction of H�witt Ave., w3th reference to �he date of campletion o�' the work on or before September l, 1971. ' We ca,L1. yovr special attention to Seetion 3 of this amendator,�r ordinas�ce which require� that you file your wr3tten accepta�c� with3n �.5 d�y� after publication af this amending ordiriance, which date wae Jul.y' 3�, 19T1. Very truly yours,, City Qerk � I st �--� � ` • ` 2nd �' �� Laid over to 3rd and app —Adop+ed Yeas �` ays Yeas Nays Butler �Butler Carlson �C�SS�r Levine �� `�evine ��-`��'71 Meredith `�'� !" M�eree�i+lr �} Sprafka L� �Sprafka v Tedesco �edesco Mr. President McCarFy � � Mr. Vice President Meredith