254368 ����s� co�a� � xo.............. .. PROPOSAI. FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eunderaignedhereby propoeee�hemewicingof thefolYowingpublloimpmvement by the City of aaint Psul�vis.: �Changin� the_grade..of_,the..al ley...in._BLK:._ 1�.WINTER'S.ADDITION..from..Avon_.Street to Grotto .Street, to conform.to..the..,�rade..as._shown_.on..the _profile._on_.file in the . Department of Pubiic Works (G-1979) - Dated thie......3 rd.......�.daq of...........J une............... ............ ........_...... 1 ..��. ............... ....... .. .....�!1...... ....... ....... � ....... ..... ... ..,, �Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the maletng of the following improvement, vis.: Ch �ging the grade of the alley in BLK. 1 , WINTER'S ADDITION f�om Avon Street .... .. .................................................................................__.............................---•--..............................,................................_ to Grotto Street, to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the ...............................................................................__.........................._....................-•----...........-•---........................................_..... ...._Department of.Publ i c Works ���1979)f---•..........................................•-•--......_........_............._..._.......---............. ..............................•-•------•--••----...----................._..----•---............_............---.._..._..........._._....................._._............._............_.....:..._.. 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul�--••---...-•:--•............................................................._.... t6erefore, be it . BESOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Public Works be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the necessity for, or desirability of� the making of eaid improvemenB. 2: To inveetigdte the nature� extent and aatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total oost theceof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. . 4. To etate whether or no+�eaid improvement ie aekecY 1For on �,he petitio� of threa ar mord �owaerB. b. To report upoa e►iD of �he 4'oregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Finanoe. Adopted by the �:ounail................��.....�.�Q 7�...----...._....._............ _ Y�se ' Counc i lman ��- JUN 31971 CartsartAPProve�......................... ........... ......._............._......_ Levine Me�ed�tfi— Sprafka Tedes co � ......... .------.. ... ... � Ma or. Y � �,�ylr. V'tce President Meredith � � � � JUN 519T1 PUBLISHED