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1 � ' D� ?�iL TO CITY�:]tK / ' -+.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ����� ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS� The City of Saint Paul ha.s received a Grant Agreement from the State of Minnesota, acting through its State Planning Agency, approved by City Council Resolution, C. F. 253469, approved April 7, 1971; and WHEREAS, Said Grant Agreement contemplated a third party contract between the City of Saint Paul and the Community Health and Welfare Planning Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Agreement between the City and Community Health and Welfare Planning Council, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the Mayor, City Clerk and City � Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul. FORM PRO J� t. orp at' Cou el JUN 31971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �,., Jt!N 31971 �� A 19— Levine Favor � Sprafka n qor �Against Tedeaco � �t, M� a JU N 5 1971 Mr. Vice President ,.��:: �_' t'� PUBLISHED �� r►, ����(f DYr{:ICAT6 TO lRt1�R CITY OF ST. PAUL cour,c�� � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENF.RAL FORM ���r COMMISSION� DK�'R W�xSAS, Tlu City o� Saint Paul lasrt r,�caiv�rd a Grant Ag�t fs�o�a t,ha Stats o� Mim�sota, uti� thx�av,gh its SCa� Z53469�a��q �PP� City Cova�ci� �s�lt�ti�ra, C. �'. , ppro� April 3, 1�71� axsd W��AS� S►�id Grant Agra�t c'�al�pla�sc! a third P�Y c�ontiract betw��n t�e Cit.y o� Sain� Panl and fi.bt Ca�,azity �tal�h a�ad Wal�a�ca Pl+am�i�ng Co�ua��cil; nu�o, th�s�fcrs, be it �SOLV�D� That t�s Cv�rncil of th� City of Sai�t Faul �+c�s hars�r approw tht� Agr�sement bat� ttut C��e a�d C�ty �lth �aad Wal!'ar� Pla�ing Caunc�il, a copy of r�hl.ch i� attact�d be�nt�.o and i�orportt.�d t�t�ntin bry rst�ran�i and b� �.t Ftl�THBR RES�LVSD, Tba� t�he Mayor, Ci�y Ci�rk and City Ca��ra►ll�r arn �uaaby autlw�i�sd wnd dir�fi.�d to +�arauts said aa 'bs�s]�` of tht City o!' �al,n� Paul. � T ,, ,�N 31971 � COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Cotmcil 19_. Yeas Nays � J U N 31971 �� Approve� 18— �°�e Tn Favor , � � �� Sprafka Ag�at Tedeaco Mr. Vice President M�re���. � �� � � E r-- � ,�, �C 9��,��(.`,�;� � � A G R L'- L Ai L l�T T � TIiIS f�G12EE�IF�1�T, P�iade and entered i7ito tliis day of , Z971 , by and bet�aeen �che CI'I'�' OF S/tIN"i Pf\ULf a mu;�:�.ci��al corporation of t�e Sta�.� o�: T•iinncsota, herca.iiafter r.e�c����•ed �co as "City" , and the Community �ieali�'� and ��7e7.�are P�_�nl.i'i�_'-S7 Council, • _�......_ hercinaf�:�� re�e��red to as "Contracto�;" 191'1'�E�S�`I'H: � 1`dIiLI:L':�S, The Sta1:e o.f T�4inneso�a� act�.n�; thxou�;h its Governor' s Co;n:111SS7-OIl on Crime �'revention an.d Con'crol , herc� . a.naf�.:cx referre:i 'cc as "Grantor" p is au 4}io�•:tzed to g:a,�t. ���:ci exUc,,:3 ���7Zey pursua��i. t;o Title I y Sectian 304 , Omz.ibi�s ('��i.r;r Corc�a-o:< <�l:l S���e Si:reci.s I�ct �of 1�685 Pt�blic La1�T 90••:i5� y l�e,-eF �.na.�'i.e�� r�£ex��ed i,o �s "E1ct" , �l�ci Execu�i.�re Ordex T<o � 23 S Dece�rber 13s 1968s State of Alznneso�:a; and � � 14NEI:r1�5, Cozi'cz�aG�or }ias made applica�io,i i:o Gran�.oz� �or fun.ds i�1 i.Jze �rnount oi 6 7 �.p 0� for t:lie purpose of coyiduct:����; S� . Pat�1° s n?eighborhoo� Se�v�ce a _ i:c�s�i,or?a1 Youtlz Se�-�T_ice Burgau in / —and, sa:id a.p��"�:i�:«�cion S,ys��er>>s )?i7.ot� Nei�lztiorh.00�3 ftiri:��er j�TO�r:Ld111�; L3iai: CoJi�.rac�:�r �vould ��zovide as a f;r. ani.c:�. r.o�?t.�'J_tiU'�1011 to t:}�e pro��osed Gr.a�nt !�g-reemezit casli az�c1 310I1•°c�;.sli CG;1'LTIUIi;:ion in tlzc; sw�l of $�, ?SO. QO ; a.nd • ;t�I�I;I:I;l�,S q Th.r, a}�,�J.a.cable riiJ_e� a��ci r. ef;tzla�xans promtz' �,rl�ed. b;T ai�c? on 'uehalf of G���nL-or pro�t:�de thai: I�ederaJ_ funds expe�7ci.ed ���.i;�st�a;�t- to Ll?e abovc-descril�e:1 I;eder. al. llci: mus� t�e isstied i:c � � • • a public gov�rn;acnt-al uniL, as �i•an�ec9 and t�iat Contractor - could iiot qua�.if}• as Grantee linder tlie said State re�ulations ; and _ 1'd1-tERLl�S, The City, �as eapressed by its City Council Resoluti�ii 1�'o e , approved , agreed to act as sponsor £or Cozi�ractor a.nd to administer ti)ie �u�1ds �ranted by the Grantor purstiant to L)�c applica�ion of Contractor and iti is the inL-en�xon of che Ci�y and Can�rac�ox tco set �oxtl� ��utually-agreed upon terms and co��di�ions tti�i�ich � shall govez•n the relations znd actions of �he Ci�.y an.d Con�rac�or . _.�, , . resi�ec�cively . NOI�, THEREPOP.l:y In consideratian e� ancl. in reliance - upon the riu�ual covenants and agree�nen�s contained herein.s �he Ca.ty and Con�rac�ar a�ree as follo�as . 1 . Tlie te�m of tli�_s �`igreerle7�� shaJ�l coincide i:i_tli i.he term of tihe granL ��er. iod sel for�h in the Stat-ement af Grant At�a�•d made by the •Sta�e of i��ii�iriesota Goti=ernor' s Coilunissi�n oi. Cri��e Prevention and Control , a cc���}y of SY�hicli Sta.temc�i� of Gr«nt �1���ar. d is attached hexeto and niarked rxhibi� A, tl�e f.erm �o commence an March 19 f 1971 , and continue tlzrough Au�ust 31s s 19 71, iznless other�sise, provide3 Uy tlie Grantor. 2. The City o:C Sai�it Paul f in actinF; as tihe sponsor fo: the C011�1-actor, ��rill revie�� repor�s to be suUr�itted vy Contracter ' to Gra�i�or and ���ill Lr. aiismit all �iccessary reports to tlie GraTttor on behal� of the Contractor. _ �. _ 3. Contxacro�.• e;�pressly a�rees L-o carry ouL and . complete the �rograrn in stric�: com�liance with tlle E�:hibi� A attached }iereto , and ca��ressly agrees to � comply with a.11 applicabl.e rederal , State and local laws pertai�iin� there�os aiids furtlier in stric�c accord�nce �,rith - the rules , res;ulations and direcLion of the Grantor and tihe � City. /111 such ���orl: shall be perforr�ed and carri.ed outi by Contr.actior in a satisf.actory and proper manner as deLermined . by �)ie Ci�y and Grantox. _ 4 . Co�r,pensation to be paid Contr«ct-or by the City sha11 not exceed the a�i�ount of �h� Pederal supporf received by the Ci�y fxom Grantox � pursuant; to �i1e attached I:xhibit A, and it is further a€;reed t}ia� �llc local sllare �o be contri- buted as part ot tlz� Graa� At��ard set fortl� in E�l�.zbi� A shall be paid sol_ely out of funds sul�pl:ied by ConL-ractar: . City sliall Pay Coiltractor on a monL;:ly Uasis for t�.or?� - and ser��ic_es perf.oxmed, Contracf.or s}iall submi� all report� and reauisit-ions for �unds to the Comp�r.oller of the City. Contraczor shall in every case providc the City with a�1 _ �temi.zed reo,uisi�ion �or. ��ay;nent in form satisfactory and subjec'c to the appro�Tal of �he City Comptroller. The renuest for pay:nent shall specily the i�*orl: perfor�jied by thc ConLracLor, that the ���oxk t�Tas performed in compliancc wit:h the Gxan� I�is�a�ci . . set forth ial l�xhibit n, and, fur. ther, that it is ent.itZed to � receivc thc ar�ount rcquisitioi�ed ui�dex the terms o� this cont:ract a�id Ll�e terms of �x}iib�.L ��. Z� is expressly a�ree;d by anc� between �he City and Con�ractor tllat Contractor shall no� be entitled to receive any otlier additional compensation in addition to that pro��ided abo;Te 9 and in no event laill the � cor�pensation to be paid heret�nder� to Contractor exceed the sum oi $6, 720.00 ; pxovided, )io��rever, Lhat Lhis 1im7_tai.ion lna�* be a:nend_ed b�r addendu;n to Agr. eement executed in �ariti�lf; � by and on behalf o� Ci��� and Contractor. � S. To the extent reasoiiaUly possible , Collcractor shal.l be bound to all �he terrns , condiLians and covenants set :Carth in tne attaclied �xhiUit A and that all references to Grantee in the attached Eahibit A shalJ. also be intencle�l to xefer to Contractor. 6 . Tex�:�s aiid C.onc�iYicns � This Agreementi �_s stib j eci. to �.nc� i�icorparates the provisions a�tacJied ]�.ereto as Parti II - Terms and Condi'cions . • 7 . PrelTai].ii�6 Salaries . Not less than the respective salaxies pxevailin� in the Iocalit-�� as de�ermined pursuanL to the attached "DeLerr�ina�ion of Prevaili�l�; Salaries of TeCIlI11Cd� Positions" sha11 be �aid to persons l.ri 1eS1�EC�:J_1rC occupations listed therein employed in tihe perforr,lance of t��oik under. this contract. � 3. Indea�endenr Contract.or� lior �the purpose of �his Agxee�nent , Contxactor shall be deemed to 1.>e an inde��cnde�i� . contractor s and not an e�nplo��ee of thc City. /�ny a»d all emi�lo}�ees o� Co�iL-ractox or o��iex ��exsol;s , ��;liiJ.e en�;a�ed in �lle performance o£ �i11y �,}oxl�: or se�•vices requixed t�y Co�ltxacL'or. uncler i.liis �l�reer,lelit , shal.l �iot br. c:o�isi�dered enlployces of � • • � . - the City; and any ancl all claims thaL ma�� or mi�;ht- arise � undex� the 19orl;�Tien' s Co;npensa�ion Act of ?•iiiinesata on behalf o�£ said employees or. other persons tiY�iile sa enga�ed, hospi- �aliz�tion insurance covexagesq social securit�r and pension payments and venefits , other employee obligations and Uenefits , and any and all clai�:�s made by any third par�y as . a consequence of any act or omission on L-he par'c of Con�ractox, tl�e emplcyee or other persons Salii7_e so �iiga�ed on any of �tlie 1JOr1; or services to Ue rendered, shall in no �aay be �he obligation or responsibility of the Ci�y. Con�ractor shal7. pa�� as they become due all just clair,is fox worky �ools y inach�_nery, sk�.11 , materials , insurance pxemiums , ee�uipment and supplies furnislied , rendexeci or perfor�nel ir, L-lie execution � of Liizs �lgree�:�ent;. � • 9 . I�'o Discriminatio�.. Contractor sha11 Ue c�ee�ned . , a con�cract-ol for tilie ap�lication of all. provisions }lereaf and laws agai.nst tinlati�-fu1 discri.�;ii�iation on accotin� of race , creed or color hereunder. ConL-rac�or• agrees in accoxdancc wa.Lh Chapi:er 238f La�vs of t;he State of A•Iinnesota for 1941 , that a.n �the hiring of common ox sl:izled labox for the per�or.m�n.ce o� any wox�: unc�er tliis contract or any subcontxac� hexetindcr, no contr��ctors material st�����l.ier, or vendor shall b�= reason of race , creed or. colors discri�:�inate a�;ains� any J�erson ��Tho i.s a citizen of thc Unif:ed Stat-es ���ho is c�ualif�ed ancl available to perform tiie tti�orl: to �a)iicli sucli e�n��7.o>��nen� relates ; �lia� no . . co».txactox, materia7_ supplier o� �rcndoi� under thi.s contract . sha1l in any man�lex discriminate a�ainsts or intimidate , ox prevenL, ax conspi_rc to pre>>er�� , any person fr. om thc perforj�ance of worr: under this contract on account- or race , crecd or colar; and,_ tl�at this coi�tract may be cancelled or � ter��inated by �;he City , and a�l �noney due or te Ueco;7e due Ilereunder s17a11 be forfeited �or a secoild or n�1y ��uUsec{iienL violation of tlle �er.�ns or condii.ions of this conf:xact. This con�rac� i.s subject to Ti�le VZ of the Civil Ri�h�s Act o� 1�6A (P . L. 88-352s approved July 2 , 1964} and the rules a�id re�ulai:ions (24 CI'R, SuUtitle A. Part 1) g issued b�� the I?ousing and I-�orje ]=inailce Agency pursu�.nt �;hereto o � � Z0 . Ilidemnificati.ono It is �ur. �her aoreed t.liat tlie . Co�ztractor sh�?11 defend and sa>>e tlie Ci_ty of Sai��t Pau1 haxm].ess fro��i an}* clai�,�s , der.ianc�s , actions or causcs of aci:i_o��. arisit��� out of a���T nenligent ac� or aut of an�= �ieg7_i.gen� otitisszon o71 t'iie part of the Contractor , its age:�t� , servants , or em��Ioyces in tlie ��erforr,tailce of ar Z�i�li re.lation � to . any of tlie �aork of services pravid�d to be perf�rMed o:� furnished by �Che Contractor under �he Ler�ns of tl�i_s �l�;reer:c,��. e. • . - � , � TiJ 1VTTI�']�S� t�Ii�:REOI�y The 1�arL�es hereto have executed this A�reemen� the day and year firs� above written. CIT1' Or SAII�'i P�';UL Countersigned: By � . ,ayoz• �zLy o���p o el�r+ , � CiLy (, eri: /�Ppxovec�� as to Fo rrr�: . �'� . .�� _ � � � � � ,G,,,,�°-°° � ���;.,;�� •�' ° � � � �Uec�a•:l�:��� �,� 5 � ���s:i.�;n t�sa. . Corpor�:��.on �C.``c,`�anscl. � �a �� ` Approveci as Lo Form and Execution . . pec�.a � s�isi:.aa�� � Corporation Couilse7 CONTI�TUI�?TTY �EALT�i ��D j�7ELF/.=�kE Pi.Aivl'�,:tNG � COUNCIL: ; � � � � l � (�Y =--.__. � . �5 � �,,- �ts - Tn Lhe Preseiice of: , ' . . � ST.�T� 01; I�iIi�?�I:SOT��j � � SSO . COU,�iT1' �OF R/l;�iSL'Y ) � - On �his day of: , 1971 , be�ore me9 a Notary Public titrit3iin a�2d for said Cc��zni.yy persollally appeared an� � , �o �ne peisonally knoi��n $ wh� , Ueing each by me duly s�+�orn, did say tliat they are respectively the and the o� tl�e � _� , �the corpo��a�ion named ir� �he foxeFoing i1YS'crui:�e�it , and �liat ti�e seal affixed to said :instrument is �he cox��oraf�e scal o.f said corpor_ a�ion , and ° tihat said insf:rumer�t 1tiTas signed and. sealecl in Uehal.� nf_ - � . said coxporatian by authori�y of iLs Boarcl of Directors , anu said ' and " acl:notti�ledged said iiis�rur;�ent to be the free ac� and • deed of said. corporai:ian. . Notary ].'ubl7_cr Ramsey Couiitys ;�Iinne hi�� COP11111SS�0]� expires , �' . . � �A� • . . . �•y_ ,. , . i . , . - . • ,.. � . , U�l'I�:tI'��il;,i'i 0:� ilO:iS�i,c_� l�i:l) 11:;;'1`.'.� l)�;1'f;)�U;';:�;il'I' NU1)-G2?:.' ' ' UiZ'r3;;1� );:•:t;I�;:l;,l� 1';��;�i�1J�I ' , .. (�-G�j , .• . �•. . • •. . • • j • ,• • • � ; ••�• • .. . . ... . . . � .: ' • . . . . .. .'. . • . ... . . . . . , : . . CO;ITit/�C`1' 1'0:7 ?';;0`_�'i;�SiC:',I�I., Ol�{ `.'i''r_'Cl�_`;'1:C;tT� S}}-iV7C�5 ' : . • , . .. . • � _ . • . ' . ` � . . _ : e . - • . . ... � � .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . _ .. .. .. .. . . . . : • . - . ' , ' �����];�' �Z-��`�i;;:�',; !;??� CO:sl�IT7Ui:S . , ' ' . . . .' ' �. Tex-�_i.�,r.i,i.on oi' Con�r. �:c� x or. C�.�:se . Z�, f.h�-ou;;li r:?�j' CF:11SC� the Conf._-:.='�:� " �h�l�. S'r~�1 to i'�:?{':i�l �_n i.z�::��1" ci�1 �»•o,�er r�<�:,�i�e� his ob�.�.�:�.t.i.ons ii.�de�• t}lis _ COII{:)'�'.C:i,� U?" i.i �.11C Cf�r!�;�'£:C i•!�I' [,�l°�)_ 1')A�t;i;C i;l)�' Q� t.�)� �CU\":l�c^,?"Ii:S� f'.��'�Ci:�:;it�j • o� r•;.�}�u��.i:ic�t;s o1 't.},a.::• Coi�t�•,:c'., t,1i� 7,oce). 3'u?�).�c /�Se��cy sh�_].? :.her�eu}>c:� 1�:=;•� . - {;lie x•i.�;��� to ����-::_:.i�_ate th.is Co:��r�c�. Ll' �i.v>>:�; �r�,-i_fi.t.e,; nal.zce to the Co.ii,�•�c.:��,- . ' . � O� �512C�2 t::'.`•,':_:1'•1f l•�O:.J ��2�C� ci�7^C1�\'11)v �'.}lti: C:I:t�CC'l'•3.\`C CZc^.i:C �.�1�14'OJ� £lj.: 1CI�Sj: )��\'� ,. CiL!1':; ���'i�U::C '�-??C C:�'�[CCt).\'� C�^.i;C pi SUC}1 f G]'i^�ll�:'i.1p2� . Xl� SllC�l CYC;��� F:�1 i').1:�1:���� 0).' U111'l).21�'tilc:tl C�.G:lU�.i^i�i.�i� C��'.i.c^.� £i•l:,^�.?C�� L'.IIC� ).'i'.�O:C"L;, }�X'('_l�:;l'C:1 U�' O. 1'I:^.iC'' , �� tli� C *l� . wi�.�x �.?».s Co:a-c�z-�:c� ��;;t�t.l, n.-;, �li� o����i.o� oS. i.he J,�ci.l_ Pl�bli.c �;;enc>�, Ucco::�e ��s - . ��ao��:�r.���= �c:��:� t3�:� Cor,�'cz•�_c�•o�• �i�..l.l b� e:r�:i�•�_cd ta �.�cc�:i�°e �12SL r��� cc;itit�Ulc ' CO:il�::71r:L'.i;i0'_2 J��O:C L'11�' S£:'G:���.�1£:Ct:01',' 1?�l'�: CO`!i1��C't.CC� Ci?i vUCt'1 CIOC�1':�c)��:i , - ! � . Iio��:��.i;�;�ir����i��:;; f,?�� �l�o��e, t2l� (;o���z•�ci.ot• �?���)_]_ no� Ue zel:ie��eci oc )_5.�.b��:. : ' �:o•f;1zc T�<>:_t::l Pi:Ulic l:�••er,c�� �o�.• dr;;-:��c.r ��1��-•�,r����c1 l�v •1:1,r• T.r,�;1 r„t,'� -;� r�,. � , _ .�. „ .. .... _ .. ---- . `�,,,�.: -. , . �-- • - ' - - '' t. �. r. .�. ' : ��� ", ' . . . ' • ' • " cv ' .' ""' _.. ._... ..__. .. ..,..�i, �r ...... ..J1:..1.c::.�v '� -..., ..,.. .�v.......� i .......�.:. - , � I's�C)1�:�)� 1���,t �l.11��J1 (.Q �:1 � l ' '<• l yo r�. �. n � , . , U. �) �_<�.,rLJ:'ltl... ��� 1����. C�%i1 l.l'(:.�=l,�»� .L ? lt r� ` r , . Ol.' t•�� �)l_.."j)O.�c. O:i >Ci;G1�Y - Uili::t.� 51::.i1 i;:i]:;� £�.� �.1_1C C';;£'.Cj; £"_;�llIl� O:i (�C_?::���, Gli° 'l.�lc? LOCf.:�_ )�1Iti11C �i�.',�;"!C�' _ • • i:'xo;� i;?�c: Co7t.���:ci;�r �s cIc�e,-:,-��>>cd. - : - ' • - • 2. �J'CJCii::l;�c':i.i 0?1 S07' �:0;1'��:I1�Ci-iL'G' C>f' T O^.i:l }.�12�>1.j.0 f1Cr.l)C�'. �'f1C Y,O:'11�. I�U?J.�IC _ Il�C))Cj' 1�;:=.1' i:E:J',-;�.?1'c.i;i::-'G111f� �:O.�i.<<;Cj: E.:»' �,Zi��° U;' �: np'(.i.ce�z�� 112':�'i,�l]�; )�)'C'�; f•}7° -' . Lac�?. l`'i,?,)_a.c h;;�;�c�� to �L�e Cc:�'cl��ctor. Z, the C�ntz�:ci, :i� tez•r�a.»�,�.ed b�l �.i�� �� T..oe4.:t 1'ltt��.fc /��j�'J�C�� ��s ��ti�o��S.d��cl Lea�c�.�l, �,1;e Cont,•�:c:�oz• �,:i1.1 b� p;id �>> r?,o�,,� � ' � , ��n:ic:l� be.�:-s �.}_e ::F��;:. c� �;a t��� �. tE; e ; ' A . ' - • rz�.ta � � o � cc�:�:�� n. �,�i.o:� �:s �.l�c, r £_,.i,t. , _ _ ,�. � u i , cer.� ace� .. ,�.).'.� .: _ � pe��:.o ,�:� �:-°f{r �;o i,��e -�ot::t sea�t��ces oi �:)ic Cv:':i.��ac�:oi� co��ez•ed U�< <� ` �,-� �• � � �.h5.,, Con�i;�•. ..v - lc r ��*:��r.�:n�,s oa co�:p��s.::f,lo:� ��z�evaotis�.�� �:�::ac: )'z•o:�ic)•�cl, ho:,���-e��, �.?7:t�; �f 1���-. .. � •'i,ht.0 �i.��,:1• p��� ce»�; ox i,l:c ��rvzces c �e � , .��-_---_ --.._� � -- ' i)'r ).'CC� ti� l 17.5 GOill.i'CCt. ��`?\'l.' UCCII �)�_').'AC%:i.:=':: • t2��pl) f:�:� Cn):CC'i,:il'C Uc LC O.i Sl:Cil t:C'.2'L).l�f;'L:IOn, .t.1�e Co2�'i,I't:C'1;01' S�;i:�.1 1):. 7'i-alG�..t:.C': _ � �lll fl(1(i).i:?.0;1 LO f:�?� £?���V� ))�.�'i:.:')li,� ��Uf �;)'£l�, .1�0)'t;:�U1) O:l �:�1C 't�.C{;ll.i�_ 011'i,--OJ'.-�}�OC;:i`:: . C>:)::'?�.�::5 �13Ut, .U�;�7C:Cl;a�:'. 7'i::i?:UL;.1'::C<� 1?i)Ci.C:I' t•11?S CO:?i•iF:,^.t.� 1l)Clll't'i:C� t�l' �,})C� : . Co�x�t•�,�:c�o�• cit�-ri.�;� •c.}�e Co:�i;�•�;c�, p�•r5c:i ��;:�_ch r;�•�� d�.recfi.).y c:t.tz•il�,u�e.?�).e to f.l�c . �zn.co.-�:�>1_etccl p��•��.:i�n o�: i;`r�4 t�::rvaccs co�,�cr�cl b�� t,?i�.s Cot�tr�^c�t. - �;� thS.:> .Co��fi.i•z:c'v :�s i.��;:,a>>e,i;ec1 �t�e 'c.o ..i�e S.'r;iil� oS' f.hc Con�.�•��cf.or; SCCi;lU)1 3 lie�.�eo7: z�t�lui:°t�-e .-o ' • t;er.;:�a»r:i;avn r.��zll. i:,�}��_y. • � - - - � ;� 1�!T J. ��?n n 3. C �t� .fi � ��ocr.]. ).'tiU).i_c l,;cnc:�' �7^y; i'ro:,� t;[r.�.. i:o �t:�.r��•�, >�equc�;t; C}1G:)"i:f. ;�.11. 'i.�1C ::CQ�):: Ui "(:(�:'. ;�C)'\�).CC� C)J l`.)]C �%U:)'i,).'�;C'�•O�'� �:O l�C �?C1'J 0.�:�):'C� )?::)'Citi? i`:`_'. ul1C�) G�?i'.:)��:,'£:� �I�.C:.�U(�:ll`.� E�J1\' :�17C7'C:::;C: O).' CZ::C)'C:l:�C: 11] j•)lC t::i1011i�"i. C>A �•�;:' �;011'i.?'(_Ci.-;,:' �: co,�,,,;_�:::;:�i:tcr., �:;�Sc:l> > > >. : 1 � ? 7 0 �1 )'��1.�.�_.. i � (:AC )tllt•12i �..}.�' t �,i'Ci'.(1 ll�)O?.] �) � L:?'1:1 �).','�:llf•C l j; l:: � Ci �l �` . �:,re;�c:,l' i>>>c� t�.1xc Con�c•x•i:ct:o��� r.:l�rJ.�. Uc ;tr�cor;�ot�t;:.c�cl :in vxi�l.�L�>» t�::,^�ici�:::n�i;;; �i.a -i;�:is , �:C>)�i:J'.:.C:''i.. _ .� . . . � • , : � . ` . • . . , . :;' • � • ' �. ' , � ` • - , - � � tt . )'c��r,o�>>�_,l. a. .�'hc Cc::i,�-i_c�t,o� �-c}�rescn�:; L),�L li�• l�c�s, or �r��.]� �ec�:rc . . Afi•�l�i�� c�vn cxF,�nsc, cLl). ����-�o�,n^� rcc�tiS.rccl �n p�rfori�iu�. thc scrv�ccs t,ndcr � • tih�:s Cont.z•c:ct. �t:cli per. �o:;:�c.l sl:c�l). »oL Uc cr.:��tc�yccc a�' oa• hc�rc nny ccntr�ci.t,::: . xc:Lr�'c��»::�lii.p �r�t2i tlic Locn). 1'util�.c l��cr�cy. . • ' ' , . � : � . , U, hl� Ll�e scr.vicc� a�cc;uired )�e�eund.�•r. �r�].1 bc pc�•aoz-n:cd by the Go,�t�':�-�•'.::� � o� �u�cicx his ;ti}��r��i_si.o�� nr,c? r�1� r_ei-so>>:�c�, cnuii�cci S.n tiic ��o��:t cf�ell be ��u'l_;,� -# . o,ua1�.S�ed ��s�d sl��z:l� b� autho�•i.J.ecl �r per,�atfi:ed lu��cx SLtite f�.��cl �.oc�l �_t��r to � :. . �er�or:a such scz•v�ces. . , . . � • '. - . . r . . , . � C• ��O ))°�'SO:� �.'�?O �.£3 �('l'Y�)�� SCi�i;C))CC �I�'i.t �"7�•J":� Ol C07'1'CC`i..'lOrltla. �i1St.1.`i.U't••_; : . slialX be c�ploycc� cn uor� uncicl- th is Ca>>�trr�ct. • , . . . _ . . � .>. ' lsnt:i_�Ki.cl:2��c?; };u�es . � S�l�:l•�_e� o�° t��•c;����.ct,, dx�.i�;�:ac�n, �:echn�_ci:l � � C'l:i�].72f'C).'£;� I�"lti i:L•C�.'t]jC.'lL:i2S �7i:1'J C�I'i�lI"i� �:71'}i 111�C3.C1' ��?1S COi?::'!'£:Ci• S�l:c.1l_ l�e }���CI ' tu�ecn:cl_i�:ao:�;).l�' t�?.ci �zot �c;;s oai.c�n �.}.;:�.i o?l;.e t� �.^.c�1�t1� v:�.�:ho�.:t.c,�c�u.etfo;� c�� �-eL,:': _ - ot� c��»' t�.c:ca�t.��� e>:e���t o;1�y :;L?ch �;�.vi•o.l�_ cle�?,ic�L�c3ns, c�s �z�e �:��.�.�:lt:to���' 1�;,� �-�.�.� o:• ��C;?'17:t 4t•CCl U�' 'l:�)' Ll:i�'��_ CE'.U�.0 ��" '� ' ?� S: � '- � -> c c }� :'�'S:: __ . �. c -��1�t..Lo� , �. �i�d by �?i Scca•�.t,.��•�• of ���.bo_ r ._ t0 •'t::)C ���in�t•�--};i.c}:U�C1: /iCi:'� U�� ��l?:1:: 13� a-�J�� �t+� ���:�{:,. ��i�� G�� �ii,�:1:. r�l�� �i,-�'j �:,:.'. . . - � �0�; i.a�t.tc .18�U.S.C< , �^c���.c�� t37�;; �a�ci t.i.�l.e l�C� U,S.C, , s�c�1o�� ?_"j6c) . `.l�c . � -, ;- ;-1�^l.l co_�;,1�� �ri•i.�� t:ll �:��l��li�c�:.b3.e ".1n�r.f-Y, ' � , ,� � i �. .,,� V;;=.-; . Go»i•:c•t.���or. � ,�_ �c,���.c,. x��.���z_��t�o:�,� r�.<< _ �uticz•� ��,)?^o,�,.•a.t:-l.� a�a�o-���.��ons �n ul�. ;�<t�cc�_:�r�c�t�.s co�tc�•�n�; �tor.;: w�dcx� �h:is Co..-..� : � �.o .�nst�i�c ca.;:p.l.i_�»cc L�y J1:Ucc�.�l,r.�_c�•o.l•� r 1�?� such re�S1z�.�:�,zonJ, ��d sha11 L� . . � xespans:iU.le �or t�e st�b::�i�s:io>> o�' ai:i:ic�z�-.�i�.� ��eet��xec� o�' s��Zeontr.�-e�o�-:, �':�re- tin:�.e�� e>:ee��t �:s il:e Sec��`f.^��y o� LnUa:� r,::;� s�;eci��.c::l1y p�•o�,�icic �'o�, �����•:i��:i.ic:>_� �, o�' ax c>:r»��io��s axo:� �h_c xc�u:ir�-r;:�n�:s thez�eoi. . - . _ , . . . . . . G. . �1.'i•�.hhnl c1�n� �i fi�:7 r�r�e�. 7i'. i» i�.he• »eri�r;:��nce �i -Lhis Co:��,rt_c�. �'•�_�.':. ; . -���� . -- --_—.___. � - �____.__ . ._____�,_.__ __._. . . . _ . .. .. . . . _. • .. -- •.• - - .�p c.•.:s� �un�c��i:_.7i��Jt�• G.� bi,1�4� .lL2J v��` i.S1Ci i.Oi7 t.�'t:C i.Ul' Ot U�' b!3�' ui1J�:��,i i.l.'i:i;vv�' .,.::'. �:-- '� �u�c3c5�, '�.l�e l�x�.� l?uY�.l:ic �:�;c:�c�� s;�::ll ti�it),?�old �'��o.� :.?,e . ' ,•t�ct.o�• oufi, o:" �;_�>��<:::.: _ CO:i�: , lttue i;o }i��� nz� ��_o�::;-l. su��'�.c:�c�»� -Lo p�:y �.o cr:p.la�•ces unu�z����.�.�i �i�� e�.;i�•r�.,:c� . U::�i��een �i.},c �;F:.1�r�.es ��eq�!�rec� l�e���by to be p:.id ,cn:1 t�ti� s^Zt.ra.cs �c-t.�;:�.1�.;, p�__�� . s�zch c;:�>).O,l�ees ;'or. ts� toi.�;�_ r�.;::�b��x- o� h�ui•., ��o�.•;:c.u. T'ne r,,�::?��� �:at.l:�b:��: s;�;�--- • UC C��."�Z)li.l'�Ci� UJ� .'1:�2C ��OC2.� T��2Zl�_1C �:��i;i1C\' x O:' £tDCI Oil L'.CCU�.`111, OJ�. �I]2 C.U?1'1.7'��:,'i•C;i C:' = suUc�.�.it.a•�;ct,ox� to the z•cc���cti.�-� e:.i;��l.oy::cs to 1�ho;.� t??ey �•e cl.t�e . : - . . . . . - � ' 1 . 'j. C1�.5.�:�s t;,,c� )�isnvi•cs J'e���.�t�ni>>� fi,o SF•.1<^.i-�� ;'U�l.es . Ctt.�t:�s ts��ct u.i�.�>:<..��s •. �_ __.__. _--- --- ------ ' ��er.t�a.���i�;� �;v �::l�:z��� �•t���4s -- ��-;,---�,---- .;;—_i .�� , � � ra. � ��� t� C�l:✓JZ11L l�ln�)S U.1. F". ��.�Z�-.l• �.l�J �3��F:.l 1.����..r.'i) : , '�ec1;l�aci�.]_� c�;��neerc, c�n;i t.�:.�c?:�Zsc�.r>>� p�a�'o�,:i:in;; ��a;�'.� un:le�� i.h.f; Co���.�:��c�. s?�-�.�_; -: b° ��rc�:�;���.)_�� �•����:>:�f.:.�cZ in 1T,:�.i•1z�� b,y -f:?�e Co;�ta��:ci.o�� �o t.he 7�ocn1. l'ut;�.�.c J{:;c:�c;. ; io�. f-l�e ).��.tf�.er's cleci.:::tc�n �«�i.ch �h��_l �U�. z in�1 �r9.t.l� z��°s��cci. �:lic;c4fi.o. . ; . $. Loti�:]. )�;��lo��:���nfi. C���;?o��.u.»i�.�� Au�raT�;; -L1i:. ������orr?ance o� �•b1� �C�i;�r�.;.; i • i:he Cc»>f,�.;�ct.cz� �:��•e�� t.s a o:��.o»s: , • , -� . . , . . • : '� ' . t�. `.Chc Conf.z•�.c:.oz• •,�i.11 ��oi. di�crir����:.i1.c n,�ans�. 'ztr,y e;��p:lo�'c�c or il���,.1_:�c<:�_,:� ; + �'or. c�:�p1o;,^.���r�� l�ec�,l�se �ua r�c:e, c��ced, c:o).o�, o�� i�nt.i.�,�:1 ol�:i�;i». `.���•� � L:C���O.l' \::l.t.� �•£ti'.0 £i1.[�.17.".�.{::11'C f3Cl•10i1 ��.C1 G)S�1:CL t�)ii't: £!}7��1J.C::?�'t•f� F:1'G • ' �.ni�'t'..!' . . • C)il�'>.�.C)�'l":(1� i?;:(� 't,�i.;'t', C7:��)�,U)':-C:; £:?"i' �.;1'i'.^_i•:.'Ci (lll�'.'�:)�� C:l���.lU�'::::1)'i•� 1.'j't�:O.it. , )'i'.(�cl.l'(1 'G{) 'G�?:'.�.1.' ).'I:CC� C�'i:i:(�� CO�OI'� O).' ))i.'t•�.U17:!.1 Oa':���il�. i�11C1) 1?.Ci.�Oi? • - :31�:t1_:1, i�ic:.lt?cl:�, bitt, no� U� .1��:�i.�•cd t,o, i.ltc a'ol.l.r��,r:i;�;;: c�:::p).c>>';:_:�3t., � - ' UU��i'c�(1%1l„? CtCi:'J�j.O:]� Oi" �.1'��):;i�C)'� )'CCA'l:).�.f:�r:Jli: O?' )'C:C1'11�.1:'::.'ii'C. t:(i\"i':'i..i:,: , , _ �i:�'O i f� .C�1.' �;Cl:i�l))]i:'i•:i.Q?'t� �'It��.C'� O� )�f.l�' U� Ui.)�C)' �U�'���J:; O.i CG'.,1�:'l)�t:��•.'tC>:l� £.•.:: •�. � . . � • � • . � , • , . . �� . • • . � . .. . . . e • ... .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. :. .. . ._ . � . . ... ....... . . . :... .. . . . .. . . . . ., . �c�e�t�e:� S'ar �,��t�it:i.,�;;, i.nc.luc?ir,�; cj,prcnL�.ccc1�1,�. 7')��s Cc>>>trr�cLoz• r.;;rcc:;, i �:o ��o.�t in conspicuot�� •��lrccr, ia��z�zl<<L].c to c;�plc�yc:cs u»a :l,)>l.�ct:��ts fo�.• �• ' . 'cm}�lo,•r.tcni., not•i.cc� t.o t�c �,x•�,i�dccl t�y t)�e l�ocLl �'uLl�.c /t�:nc�� sctt.an;; � . '. � �vx•tti, �?tc pro���s�.o:�� a�' L1iS.s n�rid.�sc�•i,�1n:�ti.o:� c�.���.:>e. � • . i � . 1 . . � . � . � . . ! � • � b. `.Chc Co.�L�•itc�.c�r �rS.l_�, in �l.l soli.ci�t�:�,i��s o� rdvci-�ta^e;,,cnLs 1'or cril�l.oycc: i . . p].£tCCC� ti�- or on v�.��>>.f� or �.;�� co»tr�ctc�z-, �tc:tc t.�,i:L �1� c�u����zc�a � . ' ' ft�P�.�C::�its �.�il�. ��ccc5��e can::�cicr�.tian �'or c,�;��.O�jl:'iCC1lt. uithout xc�r,rd • � �.i;o ���:ce, c�•4cc3, co).or, or nntion�:). oxi.�in. . � � • - . � . L`� �I1C �iC>!1'(:2'c Cj;C�1' 171�� C��t2�^ �:�1!'. A07'C�?O:i11� l�?'O\'15�0:�:; �:.0 bC i.nscrted. i_n ts�.� : . . , Gt1�3C0.�i.I•i_Ci;S �U1' L:11�' 1?Ol'i: CU',�i'�C:CZ U}' ��)iS CU�li:7'�C�: SU {,1)£1�: Fl1C�) �17'U\':l.r,�0: , ' . . trx�l `u� tianu�n; upo,� c�:cn �:�:Lco��:.rrc�ox�, }�r.o��zdc1 th�t the �orc�;oin; ' . . . , • �pXOV.LJ�CIIJ s)3u11 not t�;�,l.y t;o con�.��cts or suUcenL�•rtc:�s �'oz st�•nd�u�d . • Co�;��c_,•cial sap}�lies o� x�v a.���.c?-�r_ls. . • � . �. ))��er. i r,i�.��^.f.�o:� F,;:�:uce o� C:�•'cf:�.n 7,��1>or. .�:^f,f,!'.1•�. )'o pexsan e�r:1�1o>�ec� e:: . ��_- ------ --- - --- ----____—.. .� ' • � '(:�)C ��OAi: CU:'i'��:Q Uj' �.�'!�.S �:0=1i:Z'::Ct', S}}:��1. til' cliscn�?'(;::C� OT' j.l) L'J�j` 1:'iu)' G1SG'17J�;�F_'t;::C: Z1��A.'U):�V t�°::L:?��.^. }):.' �1:`:L' ���)_C'u �1�j' CC:ij).�.F�11)i; 02• �n,�i�Lu�:eci 02' CuU::('-CZ i3O tiC ).)"�:'l'.].i:l:::, ' � �.n.l' �',�•a:�cc�cii»�; cz� r,a.s tcs{;��S.c�I or as �:L:�,�� to �.cst,:ify �.�1 F:py }��'ocec�cizn� u�;u,z� or • �'e:l.���.z1.3 �.o �;b� ��.`�o'r. st�.nclz:;°�� r�p�>>_:ie�.U1e L�retrnciez� �.0 1�is er.�pla��::x. - � X0. Co��:T�>l.�.r�>>c� 1;i�th Lx��l .L��;�. �.'he Centz��:ctor sL��]_1 cc..���ly �;:i-th �1.1. . �---____.__—__�__:.___------ - - . t;�}?).ict�.blc ?.F::;�, c�_•v.�n�..xc�c, r�.,d cc:te� o� �he Stut:e �.nd �ocF�1 �o��ern;����i�i;�., �.7d . � �Elit�l.l. ce���,�it. no f._�e.;p�--ss o:i ��;>' pu;�l'ic o�� }?x�.�,�t:te ���o;����t.y a.n ��e�,:�o,-,:».»� r�;�;;� oi �. ' t?Ie �To�•:i r.r�`�:�acr:cl by t?�is Co:�tr.,c�;. . . - � . • . . . •' . 11 C.J� -{-• ..� r�.�.-. .P � i r2 }iic ��i r�,•�,�i- �ti��11 _ � . -� ��- _ •--• --- -- -- -- ., ,., .. . i:�,^ ^cr��ice� co�ez•e., b.,' t•.._ G .i _ . _ _. . � Y . �. �-..s� �.a ...i :K-�.�...� a-�f-.�. '����'! .�.�:: 'nr�i- v�i i�r� �� _`..'-.'_".. i:: . r 4i. Ult�•i.veaa..v.�-v�u r.i�.�v:a�r v.... jil .ava ... ......_ � ...,.. ., �...�.� ��.:�.'_ 'v�� .% � `3_'1�e Ca:�'c�-�::t.or sr^?.). be �s �u].ly �.�esp�nslU?e �,o fi,}:e 7,0:�1 P�?blzc /�:��e�1c;� f'or 'c,�e ; - t • L3C'l:S £'_2�C1 U:�ti�10_).:, Oi_ h�� SL2:�CG:)�,�'L.'Ci.U?':.�� £'.r;C� O� ��:'-J.':OiiS C).�•1)i'.�` C1J11^i.i._L�f p2' . _ . . � � •jl))C�:�.:.'CCi.��' C'-T:j?�.O,l'CC Z��" �1�:'.:�1� £:S })C l.`_% SOZ' i:�?:.' I'_C�:� ii?)C� Cl::l:;i).O:l� C�i T)iui':�'Oi1S . � di�ec�tJ.�• c��v�o��cd li�� hi.T•�, Tile Cont•xr:cto;• cn�1�. ins���i: •>>� e�:c:h �u�con��•�c� ' • ' aj���x•o��:�at:�-e pz�o'��:��ae:1� x•eetiii-in� co;i��li���ce �t�.�)� tl�e �r.box� s�,�,�c1«x��s ��z�ovzclo_�� . + . . �' o� t1�S_s Cani.?_�.ct. ' ' _ , ; - • . . , . , . . . ' ` �_2, hssi.r;n^l�il�i.>�. �'l1e Cantz���ci.or sh��l_ not• �:s�i�;i t.n�� :;ii�t.e,��st. �n t11is .i ' �o��t���c'�., �:ncl s1��.11 not tr.a>>�"e��. �.�1�• z�itcrc�� �.n '�hc s�::ne (��i1��)7c:x by Fs:.:i��i�::°�zi. ; - ox ��o�����a:i) ��3�,.1�.0.��. i.h� p��i�ox• �rrz�.�en �}�f��ov�:l oz" �th:: Loc�J_ PuU��c t.;;ez�::y: ;• . . 1'r.a��i.c?eci, ho;�e•�•�x•, thai. c�r�:i�r,s �o�� �:one�' Citl;'. �r. �Lc� Uece::�� due fi.}ie Co:��.i��;c'r.or � . �'r.a:�� t.l:e Loc<^1 Ptib?ic l:���ncy ��_�der t}�is Co:z�i•a�£:ct ��^y U� �ss�.���d to � L:,��,t;, . � � • tztt�;�: co:n,��t�y, o� o�.h��r fin^.;�cir.:� i��.>�:.t•u,,ion, o�� �:o � `a�'�•�istc� �n r�.n`c�.-u`ntc��, `` • �)J��.�i0i2i. :i1.C)2 f'.))�).1'v\���.. 1�Ut".).Ci: OA li7l�' :;UC�1 f;:;:1SIL�!:C:J� Ut' j.2'�JI���Ct' ;��'cl�.l UC �' ! , . �ttx>>��eh�•c� p:•o:����'c,ly to 1;?�c ��oc�:l }'til��ic I�,�e�lc:��. , • , , • � . . • '� • , l3. 7�1t•ere:��, c�: l:�r�1�;rs o� Lc�e�.l )?t�b].:ie l.c;�ncy. 1;o r_?erabe�• c��' i.}�:� (;o�'c��nin; ' bac3�� o.� �;1�° �.oc��1. }'>>b1�i-c^i`:,c»c�•, ��nd »o oi.l�4z� aa'a'acc��, . cn;�>>a�'c<�, or t�.;;�»�, o� �hc • ' 7�O::FI.L �1:�)i).0 I1'.��J.C,' 171:0 C'::C)'C:i.`:L':'i £:1)�' �11i1C�:]C)'.1S Ui' �'C,`.:j�0:1>1�;1..t1L�.CS �.11 C:Q))?)CC't.=tC;: tit:ii:)� th� c�.l•r;�il�� o��t o.f �:1�;: )'z•o3ect t.o �:'��c)i f:h��; C�»�.x��.c� �,c�.�Y.t�:it:s, si�!�l1 1�4.��� ; tua>� }�c�z•c:o»�ct �n�eres�., c��rcci.• ox a7c]:iz�c�et., i�1 t.1�:i�; Co_l�l,z�.ct. . : � J.�� . �»�l.c��c:;�� c�;' G��?�:.�• 7_,�c.:). �'uL�.:i r. 0�'fii.c:i;il.r.. 1�c� a;c,ri`�:��• o�' t.hc j;ovcl�ni�i�; • ba�l�� o� i.l�c 7.c�:��;li.i:�y �_in ��,�:;.c)� t):c l'�•ojcci, /:r. cr:--]_� :::it.l����ccl, i�nc1 r,o c�il��c;• }��u1,i.;r. :� o�'�'�clr�l. o:C )1 i . �-�.�• t,» 1:'t:nc�,.:ion� n�� �'c�; .�n�;:tbi:l.i.i:�.,�r, �n . t,tic �oct: �:t.�•;, �:?�o c'fc�'c:�.�...> . �� � . }% . • 'f:hc �•c��,� : ' •� ` ,• ,� ' )>>•� c �,rh�.c}3 'ih�.. (:c,n�[,,•��c�. a r.j: o;. t���;�a•o��r:.�.� ai' t1�c� cr.����,1 �.1�,, o;�t o1' t.hc .�:ct. •'�. � `� . .. pc:�•i.z�:in:;, ;h!:).1 lit���c��.�t�.uy, ��cz':;o:�tL7. ll]�.G)�esf., cif.��ccfi, oz• i.��cli;�•c<r.t•, i» �t.t��.:� Cc>i�..��<:ct. , t • t • - . . *` � �� . , . � • � • � . . - . . . • • - f •� o � <� � • , j' • . � - • .. _ . . x j. ;[��i;crcr,i, or Cc�•tr:i.�i �'cc�c�-i_�. 0�i�c i c:lr., �io �:��:r�t�cz• c�S.' ax ))c�.c�;c:tc {,o _ .i;hc Gv��rc��s ��' i.li� U:��t�.:i ��L.�.tc�, c�lcl nc� }:^:,�cl;,�r,�, Cc:::r:iiJJSonci•, c:�cJ..l b�• . • uclr,�ti,ed to r•.�y s)�r;rc or ��:���t a1' �;his Co:zt�•act�. or Lc� c.ny 1�•�nc�'�i. t� it�-�.sc: h�z-c�'�•o��. . - . . . : , . . . . ��. 7nt��•cst. c�i C0:1Z;1'£�.C1;01'. •7'hc C��;��z•��.c�o.r co�;c»t:���.s t,h.it hc pxe��nt�.y �i�t; ��c �_�2tc�'est; t:�ic� s3�:,?1 »ot �:cc�ui�.•c r��• �ntcresi:, dircct o�• t»dzrcc.�, �n �;he . • t;bc���e-de.�c�•aU�c� 1'�•o,��ct !s•c-r� or. t.ny p:�?-cel� fi.�ici`ein or r»y o�l�e�• i.Lterert ��)�icn . _ u�»l�d co;>>'�ic� �n' zL�y r.,:,�i�cr. �,. dc�ree �ri.�.?= �he pcxaoz•�:.i>>c4 0�' hi.s scrvaccs , hcz•ct�.-�dc�. Tlie Co:�c���,c�o-� ftir�h�r. covc�i:_��;,_> tl�r_t i,� t'�e �c�.�ao�;�:�:�ce of th�s Cot�Y:r.�zc�. no ��er:�on hr<���n�; uny su.ch :ini.cz�c:;t �h��t)_ U� e�.�;�a_aycd. • , . _ . . . . �'j. ' l'3i�dSr_��,s Cc�nl�cleiztfrl.. l�11 oi' t.}��� re��o?��s, i.nio�-r.��-ci.on, dnt�z, etc. � . p�'cp�+��ed o�� n.�er_�b:�.ed L�� t?�c Co:�tr.£�c�cor v.i�;c� t�lis Co�����t:c., �r.� ccnS'�c?en�.it:�_ . uz�:I t}�c Ca.1�.z�e:c��.o-_ 4.`;��c`s L��ut .�b<:ti� �h�ll. nc��. Ue r�_tcie F:��ni1�U:Lc to �.n�. '3.��ui.z-i.c�u�1 ox o;���n���i,�c:> >:i�;2lo,it th:: ��•�.or �:�zt�.�»� i:ppxo�l�^? o�' �:l�e �ocF.� , . . I'itUli.c l:,-;c�1c��. _ , . . � � • � _ - . � : � • � - . � . _ . - • . � . < - . . ' �.' . . � . . . ' � � . . . • .. , 4 . . . - . . ;• . . _ . . " . ' . . . . - . . -c . : • , . . . . . • � ' . • • � � � . . �• - . ' . . ' . . . � • : • ' . • _ . . , . . �_ , • ' .� . , • . � '. . � . , ' , •' , . • . '.� . .cro �ti�•<�:. . ' •� • ' -