254364 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ������
PRESENTED BY k�'�� `-"+�' �'8� 19�T1'
RESOLVED: That application for the �ransfer of On Sale Liquor License issued to
Samec Liquors, Inc. as "Inactive", to Richard N. Henninger at 242••4 South
Hamline Avenue, and his application f or Restaurant, On and Off Sale Ma,lt
Beverage and Cigarette I,icenses for the same location, be and the same
are hereby granted on the condition that within rL�4! days of this
date said Richard N. Henninger shall comply with all requiremen�s of the
Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Pol�ce and the License Inspector pursuant
to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances
and laws.
�UN 31971
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
� �uN 3 »�t
� Approv 19_
Levine�"' Favor
��2eredith -
'15prafka r yor
A gainst
�fr. President, McCarty .
PUBLISHED J I i N � t4 7�
Capital of Minnesota t't�� ^����
eLJe art�rce�t o u��C'c �a et
p �
ro�.[c$ DEAN MEREDITH,Commisaioner HEALTH
BALPH G.MERSILL,Dspaty Commissioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lian�s In�pector
M�,y 20! 1971
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
Rich�,rd N. Henninger is joined by Sa�ec Liquors, Inc. in making
application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7985, expiring
January 31, 1972, from Samec Liquors, Inc. as "Inactive" to Richard N.
Henninger at 242-4 South Hamline Avenue.
Mr. Her�inger also makes applic�,tion for Restaurant, On and Off
Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette lic�nses for the same location.
This is �new location for this type of business. The building at
"242" South Hamline Avenue had be2n licensed as a Confectinnery business
from 1931 to 1965. For about two years after as a. T. V. Repair Shop �nd
since November 1968, as a Second Hand Dealer, General business. The building
at "244" South Hamline, is not licensed at the present time. It was licensed
as a grocery from 1925 to 1944, and then as a Laundry and Dry Cleaning Plant
until 1966.
There axe no 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The closest On
Sale Liquor place is about a mile and a half and the closest Off Sale Liquor
plaee is about eight blocks. The nearest church is three blocks and the
nearest school is about four blocks away.
From Decenber 1962 to July 19E8, Mr. Hennin�er worked for the Fenn
Bros. at Sioux Falls, South Dakota who are candy manufacturers. Since that
time he has been employed by the Viking Sales, Inc. Candy Brokers.
Very truly yours�
R� �`�
� / '
License Inspector
`'v,.5-� �
f �.n �
0 �
�te � /�. 19 ��
1, Applioation for � Jfi��G �/U�� Lice��e
2. Name of app7.iQa�.t �' � � E,ti,c�/,t/6„�
3, Busines� addresa�l�L�.- 2�f( �p. ��j��j,�Residence � /�'€�����`•
4, Trade name, if any �' -'i,dF �� � ��
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�l2etail Liquor �ederal Tax Stamp��ivi.11 be ueed.
6. CQi what floor 1oc3ated s 7'C Number o#' rooms used �,�/�
' G�✓�'.�,F/L>.. T SOdTH 5lI�E O.� S� �'/�/.c
7. Between what aroas s��eta�f.�/,q�,r. K��¢/��u� Which aide oY street sr S%� dF �j,g-�ru��
8. Are p l�.S�b ��-t,TSsi.�� c��.�� <� ���c 5-.,,-,.
prem�.ses now oQOU ied�'What busineas�.,�,�����,�.z_ Flaw long � �.KS.
9. Are premises x�o�r unoacupied�iiaw long vacant — Previous Uae �
10. Are y�u s new o�n.er��Have you been in a aimilar`busi.ness before �Vo
�7hera ----_ �ihen _
11. Are you goi.ng �o operste this business personally L�,ES
�,. . � ',...
If not, �o will operata i�
12. Are you in any other business a� the present tima �s .— ���/,:,p�p-�
13. Have there bsen any aomplaints sgainst your operation of this type of place �U
4Yhen �here -
14. Iiave you ever had an;� lioense revoked�llPhat reas on and date '—
15. Are you a citizan of the United States ,�� Native �S Natu�^ali�qd_����"`�".�..�_
16. 1Nhere �rere you borx�. �.�f �i4��"/ Date of birth �.c�� /� , �Y3�,
17, I am_�me,rried. My (wife 's) (husband's� name and address is
.� .�%v,.vcE� . — � .C�E%o,�� S� S��.s�� �sii9.
18. (If married female) my �i.den name is —
19. �c�w long have you lived i,n SE. Paul �cL,�,q�� /�//7Q,�i��
... ,� ,.... .,...�-
20. Have yoa e�voer been arrested /�l�9 Niolaticm of wh.at orimir�al lawr or ordinanoe ��--
21. bre you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul � Yes No.
(Answ�er full� and oompletel�. Thsae a licabions are thorou hl cheoked arui e►x,t
�alsification virii�l be cause for denia . ���,��
22. Number of 3.2 pl.aces within t�o blocks . . __J/'vv''l/�
23. Closest intoxiaating liquor placse. �Jn. Sale �� /y/�/�.s pff Sale � fi�ic-,rt.j'
24. Nearest Church���l�Afl.cf�(��— 3B�KS Nearest School 1�,�C�'��/7�i�H�3 - ��'✓.�s
25. Number of booths � Tables � C�i�s �� Stools � _
26. What occupation have you followed for the pe�st five years, (Give namea of employexs
and dates so employed.)
�D l7�'/U�(J� - �"� � /s' /�6��` 9�f3rrsr
��i6�1�D /1/�f/f �AL�"S � � �D ,
vh/ ��s � / � l _e. %�/9�z � ti%v/y /sr��c�'
�,�iz%v ��s is .� C1 �� ��� - �, � �.� k'� ��i� e,�►rE�s
27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St. paul, IIQi.nn,, v�ho cian giv+a
information concerning you.
�1ame_�� `��/�6��'�-,- Address�`J'�� �'/O/�%7�°,C�1 V7�' �i�r//
I�tams ��,%/i4/1.� i'//��s'�j .A,ddre s s /``J�,� / C�7�it/ �` 7�h-'G�
� � c
/i �v- v t.1
i nature of App iean
S`ta te of �Iinne s ota�
Count of Ramsey )
�C'�/A/� /(/• � ,r/�,dGE� being first duly sv�orn, deposes and �sys
upon o�th that he has rea the foregoing statement bearing his signatu� and l�.ows
the eontents thereo�', and tha� the same is true of hia o�m knowledge except as to
those matters �herein stated upon information and belief and as to those mattere
he bel�aves them to b� trt�3.
/� .
ignature of App icsant
Sra.�a�cribed and sworn t� bsfore me
�his � day of `— 19�
c �
Notary Public, ounty, �finnesota
M� C t7,n7¢n,i 3 s i ori exp32�6 S NoRary P-ublic, Dakota County,MhM
pires Jan.31, 19%�
(Note s These statement forms are in duplicate, Both copies must be fully filled ou�,
notarized, and returned to the License Diviszcra.�'r
St. Paul, Minnesot�
r�ay 20, 1971 .
Richaxd N, Henninger
242-4 S. Hamline Ave.
To the AppliQants
Your applicatian for licenses has been informally approved by �he Liaense
Cvmmittse and the City CounciZ, This favorable action meana that you xr�xy
naw ccxiaplete negotiations for tranaFer of title to property and procaed
with improvementa you may have in mind.
You sthould now go to the Ci�y Clerk's Officse, 386 Court House, and paY the
fesa required fQr lioenses listed below, You will reeeive a blue receipt,
which yau must br�.ng to the License In�pectorta t}ffiae, 202 Publio Safety
The licensea will be gran.ted by the City Council x12en all requirements of
the P�lice, Fire ancl Hea1�Gh Inspectors have been met.
2nd Half Liq, due �efore trfr. $ 875.00 (Samec Liquors,Inc, Inact�.ve�
Trfr. On Sale Liquor 437.50 (from Samec Liquors,Inc. �
Restaurant � 45.00
(�. Sale Malt 150.00
e�f sale �a�t � 15.00
C iga re tte 12.00
Tptal $ (Fendin� on k=hat items in Misc'1 Lic. �
N.B, If you are applying �or B�alt Bev�era�e licenses, please read earefully
�hs nR�gul.a�ions Governing the Sale of i7n and Off Sala 3.2 B��a,lt Beverage"
which have baen handed to yotz, Vio}.ations of any of the regulations �rill
be cause f or revocsa�ion �of a11 of your licen,ses.
�r �.�.�.f$'�P'i�+ y;:' l +�*�.d ""� ����r �t 'c } Y`" J.; } �r� y �{ �.F .. 4 �{r a,,. t� �t y�Y , � 4.,:: P.r ��s :y F a.; �ii
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�q a1 " �.
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Re: �Sale �/mUD/Z-- License
Name of applicant /�`�/�/�� �� �,E'��L�/.U��-�'
B us ine s s addre s s '�' '� — � "- �� /� L/.(,e�' -- �� ,Q��
.Are you the sole owner of this business?��� If not, a.s it a par'�nership?
corporation? , other?
�thers interested in busineas, include those by laan of money, property or otherw:iset
Name Addreas How
If a corporation, give its name,
Are you interested in any way in any oth�r retail beer or liquor business?__� .
As sole ov�raer? Partner? S�vckholder?
C>therwiaeZ (�h.rough loan of money, etc. Explain)
Address of such business and nature of interest in same
! ..//yC ' �p. .'�°�y_�-. :�--�
ignature of app ican
Sta�e of Minne s ota�
C ounty of Ramsey )
/�. /—✓�,U,!//.�/��,� being first duly sw�rn, deposea and says upon oath
tha he has read the foregoin�; a fi avit bearin� his signature and Im.aws the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his ovJn }�n.ovrled�e, except as to those ma�ters thersin
stated upon inf�rmation and belief and as �to thoss,.�t�ters he believes them to be true.
/ ''�
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gnature of applicant
Subsoribed arzd sworn to before me
this �-�day of 19�+
otary ublic, unty, innesota
My co�n.ission expires 19
Notary P•ublic, Dakota County, MM�
My Commission Expires Jan.31, 197a
1e N"��1-A Iv ���-� ���I�� bein firat dul a dot d
g Y worn, h epose
and say that he makes thia affida4it in csonnection w ith applioation Pox
" (JI� Sale" l,iquor licenae ("� �le" mslt beverage lioense� in the City
of Sa3,nt Paul, Mi.nnesota3 that your affi.ant is a resident of the State of
Minriesota and has resided therein for �� years, // mo�.�ha,
and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona Pide resident of
said St;ate and that he no�r residea at �Q ����So�� ��
� �Addrsa s T
S7�- - �/�v� , �Q3,nneao�a.
C it y or ov�:
�i�� . rt,��3✓
Subsaribed and s�orn to before me
thi��/�_day of �19�
�2-l0 '
otary blic, ���y tY, �nneaota
My coaunission expires
Nota+�Y Public, Dakota Cpunty, M.Inn
MY Commission Expires Jan.3I�19?�
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1330 St . Clair Ave . -Apt. #9 ,
St . Paul , Minn . -55105 .
� � � � � �� � �
May 28 , 1971 .
, . �
, A i'�a�i
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Hon . Charles h1cCarty ,
Mayor of the City of Saint Paul ,
City Hall ,
St. Paul , Minn . -55102 .
i�y dear Mayor "�1cCarty ,
On �un� 3rd at 10 :00 A. M. , the City Council
will hear a request for transfer of a liquor
license from Samec , Inc. , to Richard N . Henninger;
location - the SE corner of Hamline and St. Clair
Avenues .
I have strong objections to an on-sale liquor and
proposed night club at that location due to the
following ;
1 ) - This is a .quiet residential area.
2) - Be ,a poor influence on the younq people .
3) - His planned patron ' s parking directly
behind our apartment building , and next to
several homes will make noisy nights and
little sleep possible .
4) - There is a church and school less than two
blocks away .
It is urged that you vote against the granting of
this transfer.
Sincerely yours ,
. �
Mrs . . Petter
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1330 St. Clair Ave. Apt. #9 ,
St. Paul ,��inn . -55105 .
May 28, 1971 .
Hon . Mr. Dean Meredith , Councilman
City of St. Paul ,
The City Council ,
City Hall ,
St. Paul ,Minn . -55102 .
My dear Mr. f�1eredi th ,
On June 3 at 10 :00 A. M. , the City Council will hear a request
for transfer of a liquor license from Samec , Inc. , to Richard N .
Henninger; - location - the SE corner of Hamline and St. Clair
Avenues .
I have strong objections to an on-sale liquor and proposed night
club at that location due to the following ;
1 ) - This is a quiet residential area.
2 ) - It will be a poor influence on the young people .
3 ) - Mr. Henninger ' s planned patron ' s parking directly behind
our apartment buildinh and next to several homes , will
make noisy nights and little sleeu possible .
4) - There is a church and school less than two blocks away.
It is urged that you vote against the granting of this transfer.
�S�cerely your ,
��� r --�
� �_��-�- -�-
Mrs . M. Petter �
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13?6 Stanf'ord
St. Faul, Mn. 551G5
June 2, 1971
Dear Councilman Meredith:
The Edgcumbe Playground Nei�hborhood Association opposes
the tr�nsfer of an on-sale liquor license to the south-
east corner of Hamline and St. Clair in St. Paul as pro-
posed by a Mr. Heininger before the City Council last week.
�Ve would appreciate your �ote against the transfer and in
supF�ort of our position when it comes before the Citv
Council on Thursday, June 3, 1971. The Association will
make a presentation of its ar�;uments because of its threat
to the peace of a quiet resi�ential area.
There are other reasons, too. The parking situation is
already a proble� with an apartment adjacent to the build-
ing in question, with no clearance save a narrow alley
between them. No parkin�; is already establishec�-' on the
west side of Hamline Avenue. School children pass this
already busy corner three times a day. The neighboring area
is residential, mainly bungalow construction which has offered
a very good neighborhood for people now retired. It would
be a shame to threaten their peace and property at t��is point.
The businesses now in the buildinp are accepted and seem
to be thriving. The Edgcumbe Playground Nei�hborhood Assoc-
iation would appreciate your supporting the environmental
qu�.�lity of our neighborhood.
ohn Christensen, Chairman
EdgcL!mbe Playground Nei�hbor-
hood Association
i .
1 -
June 3, 1971
, � Commissioner Dean Meredith
City Hall
` St. Paul, Minn. 55102
Dear Commissioner Meredith:
� I wish to go on record as voicing my objection to
, to an on-sale liquor establishment at the southeast
corner of Hamline and St. Clair in the building now
occupied by Norma's Encore Shop and two upholstery
I have l:tved in the neighborhood since 1923 and this
has always b�en a quiet residential neighborhood. The
value of the property would be reduced while our taxes
go up. F`urthermore, Hamline Avenue is a narrow street
with no parking on one side which makes for slow move-
ment of traffic. In the winter months, with the snow
plowed to the sides of the street, it is even more
difficult for an easy flow of traffic.
Due to the work load on my job, I doubt that I will
be able to attend the meeting; therefore, I am using
this means to express my objections.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Conrad J. Quale
1411 Osceola Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
�Y �g, ��°T�
�Icm. ��n 1!�red�..th,
Comrar. o�' :E'�.ibl�.c Sa,��ety:
1C?l �. 1t�h. St.,,
St. Paa�., Mixin.
Attn: Mr. Da�niQl P. 1+2cLaugk�lin
D��r Sir:
The City Cauncil tc►c3�y l�.id apve� to Jtu�e 3xd., th�
hear3n$ cm the pr�o�ed �tr�nat"ex ot Cn Sale Liquor Lice�na�e
frc�mn Sr�c Liquor�, Inc., a� "Ina�tiv+�" to Rtch�,xd �Mniz�er
�t 2�2-� S. H�l�.�a� l�ven�.
�1'Gx'Y t�-�,Y 3+�'�,
City Gl�xk
May 24, 1971
Hon. Deart Meredith
Comsr. of 1'ublic Safety
Public :;afety Buildin.�
Dear Six°�: Attent�.on: Mr. Daniel McLau�hlin
The City Council today laid aver one we�k to Ma�y 27th
for public hearirt.g the appllcatiun for the tra,c��fer of
On Sale Liquor License No. 7985� expiring Jarluary 31�
1972� from Samec Liqudrs, Inc. as "Inactive" to Richard N.
Iienninger at 2�+2-4 S. }iamline Ave.; ALSO applieation of
M.r, Henninger for Resta,urant� On and Off 5ale Malt Bevere�ge
and Ci.�arette licenses fwr the same location.
VerY �'�Y Yours�
City C1erk
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