254334 ORIGINAI.TO CITY CL6RK 254334 CITY OF ST. PAUL C�LE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREA , Minnesota Statutes 1969, Section 426. 14, provides for the appointment of a Deputy Comptroller, who shall perform such duties as the Comptroller may prescribe ; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Chief Accountant - Comptroller to a�point a classified employee to perform sueh duties as he may prescribe at no additional compensa- tion� now� therefore , be it RESOLVED� that Mr. Robert W. Trudeau, Assistant Chief Aecountant, is hereby appointed Deputy Comptroller, for such duties as the Chief Accountant - Comptroller may prescribe� except those duties indigenous to Charter Section '76; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such appointee shall serve at the salary rate preseribed for the elassified position of Assistant Chief Accountant and shall retain all existing rights, privileges and benefits presently in such classi- fied position and shall be entitled to all �urther ri�hts, privileges and benefits whieh may accrue to such position of Assistant Ghief Accountant in the classifie d service. FOR�n APPROVED � �::,�,�. � n�._wn � : Asst Corporatipn C�6�I1 �j � J U N 2 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya -�ttt e�-r--� JUN ? 1971 Caxlson 19_ Levine n �`avor Meredith Sprafka Mayor �Against Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty �U a 1 2 �97� PUBLISHED __,.,,,,,,�,� ��