254318 ORIqINI�L TO CITY CLHRK ` 1 ' " � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. � OFFICE• OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF i - ,- :• RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (as amended By Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusfiing of sewer service charges, and upon the recorr�nendation of the Cort�nissioner of Pubiic Works and approval of the Board �� of Water Commissioners, that St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press, 55 E. Fourth Street because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Sewer System, has justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their 1971 sewer service charges; the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that St. Paui Dispatch and Pioneer Press is entitled to an adjustment of their 1971 sewer service charges as levied in accordance with Resolution, Council File No. 251415, approved December 4, 1970, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That a partial refund of January thru March 1971 paid sewer service charges based upon this adjustment of the Sewer Service Charges for St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press shall be $427.g1 and this amount to be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund". � E �; s�� ,!U N 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays Butler �U N 1 �97� Caxlson A prov� 19— Levine / Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty JV N 5 ��7� PUBLISHED - ^e�� � � 9��.,w�,��,� . . �4��8 y Ci� OF �. PAUL �Nql NQ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� COMIdISSION� DA� RESOLYED, That punua�t to Section 231 .05 of the Safnt Paul I.sgislativ� Coda (as aa�d�d Qy Ordtnancs No. ��4662, approved Decsa�ber 1, 1970) psrtainiag to rogutattons for tM adJusttng of s�� sarvice chargss, and upon th� roao�endatto� of �he Caemtsstonar of Publlc Works snd approval of the doard of M�ter Cv�ission�rs, that St. Paul Dispatch and Pfo�r Prrss, SS E. Fourth Strost becau:e of psrtiai diverslon af thei� total waEer oonsupption froa� th� llty of Saint Paui 's Sanitar�r 5e�s� Syste�n, has justtfiabl� nason fo� applfcation of an ad�ustn+ent to their 1971 sew�r service charges; ths Council of th� tity of Saint Paul do�s hareby certify that St. Pau1 Dispatch and Pion�ar P�ess is antitied to an ad�ustment of thetr 1971 saw�r s�rvfcs chargss as lsvled in accordanc� with Resolutlon, Council Fil• No. 251415. approved Dece�nbar 4, 1970, a�d ba It, FURTHER RESOLVEO, That a partisl refund of January thru March lg�i pald sawer servtea charges based upon thts adJuste+ent of the Ss++�� Service Chary�s for St. P,ui Dispatch and Ptonear P�esa shall bs $4l7.91 and this amo�unt to bs nfaa�sd from th� "Sewer Servic� Fund". COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot�nc;� '�U N 1 19n 19_ Yeas Naya ^ Butler ! ' ,w�1 1 �19r . Carlson Appro� 19_ Levine ', Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka (1 �►Y� lJ Avaninat Tedeaco Mr. Pre�ident, McCarty �9 � ' " ,�F-:-����4;" ;�� Ra`cM'Y o�s', ��'>.,u a,y F _ � , � `o ,' !'� �. =.�.._ ,� ����� . JUN 1 1971 +o '...+' AD l.) �.• !Y �� Dept. of Pul;lic Uti(ities RICHARD A. SCHNARR CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROGER M. CONWAY Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 WILLIAM E. CARLSON Commissioner May 12, 1971 Board of Water Commissioners Room 216, City Hall BUILDING Dear Madam and Gentlemen: Attached is a proposed Council Resolution with corresponding applications for refunds of paid 1971 monthly sewer service charges for St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press at 55 E. Fourth Street and signed by Mr. Thomas Carlin, General Manager. Our Department investigated Mr. Carlin's previous request to review the monthly sewer service charges at this location and determined that the quantity of water as noted in the applications is in fact discharged into the storm sewer on Fourth Avenue rather than the sanitary sewer and therefore should not be subjected to sewer service charges. It is our recommendation based upon Section 231 .05 of Ordinance No. 14662 that an adjustment of St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press 1971 sewer service charges is justified and a refund of paid 1g71 monthly sewer service charges as noted in the attached apptication is appropriate. We therefore request that the Board of Water Commissioners approve our recommendation for refunds of sewer service charges and transmit the attached proposed Council Resolution and your approval to the City Council for final action. Yours very truly, � C j', Wi 1 a�so C issioner of Public Works WEC/RP/kw Attachments �^-o