254305 r � OR161NAL TO CITY CL[RK ('���('1�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL N�;'�� -�.�`y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL O 10�1 NE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE $ ,�,TF �TfiEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Im�provement described as Grading and Paving MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD from DByton Aver�ue to Pelham Boulevard and Bridge 62518, MARSHALL AVENUE at Missis�ippi River Boulevard� Co�troller's Contract L-7086, City project Nos. 68-p-0194A & 68-M- 0290, Ashbach Construction Companq, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications� and t�1FIEREAS� It has been found necessary to make the following Additions � 1 �DITION Remove excess rock, over and above the oontract quant3ty, ` between Daqton Avernxe and Pelhsm Boulevard on Mississippi River Boulevard 10,380 cu. yds. @ $4.75 = $49,305.OU Total Addition � $49,305.00 and WHEREAS, The total additfon is $49,305.00, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $49,305.00 is the correct sum to be added to said c�ontract, therefore be it � �t - � � RESOLVED, That the City of St. paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accardance with the Specifications in the sum of o � $49,3U5.00, said amount to be added to the luimp sum consideration named in the � 'o contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7086, and which amount is to be '� financed from 1970 Munieipal State Aid Funds. o' � � rn c� o • � c� MAY 2 81:8� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya But�er Mpy 2 8197� �_ vecL 19— Levine ��`°``°v �n Favor ""°`� 1V�ereciit�r- _ _ __. -._. Sprafka v yor Tedesco ABainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED `�V N 51971 � C ITY'UF 'SA iNT P.�L'L - DEPARTMENI' OF PUBLIC WORK5 j-,,;- -�r-�. � ��'�::�.����� ,� , CONTRACT C�iAI1GE AGREE�?�T N0. 6 �� �.G PROJECT N0, 68-F-194A � CONTRACT N0. L-��38E� CON'IRACTOR Ashbach Const. Co,p PROJECT DESCRIPTION Gra�in� & Paving MISSISSTPPI RIVER BOULEVARD - Dayton to Pelham In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Fublic Works has agreed w3.th the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed i.n the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIONS Remove excess rock, over and above the contract quantity, between Dayton Avenue and Pelham Blvd. on rlississippi River Boulevard 10,380 cu. yds. @ $4.75 = $49,305.00 The total above addition of $49,305.00 will be financed from 1970 Municipal State Aid Funds. ,, , 1 � j � - /;%-�.,,� lJ;�i' '�i����r. � �� / ^� '` �19 ( . �gil?t7efald & Associates, Inc. � /� -'r---' . ,r,�i... ` t_., ��:fc'.;/j �✓-%�.. / .�-�-.'��,f S' 19 1 � Ashb�ch Construction Co• 19 i C�.7str�.action Eng�.neer � ( Cor�racto �+.,�� , t � � �`�, ' �.,�� 9� � ,�,� y/ 9/��� `r \+ � i �'r:teei.,��.—�� �:� �:�.�1 By ___��-Q_� l—�—" � � Chiei E�ngir.eer , t � r�,� r - r .{' ��1 ��,� �� ��, � � � , ,�%'1 Z' �i, :�,',(.:� �:_.;' 19 ;t,��:(� � Y ;.� �`\ 19 Con.missioner Corr.ptroller;,'i� L��1� _ Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Qu�druplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Construetion En�ineer . y 25�3(.15 ou►uun ro�RUntn , , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"�"� NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�IERAL FORM c.oM��iueDio�t 1�lillfar E. Carls�n �e�,� 1 i i�EAB, A�dditi,vor M►i�sb �i�h� pxw►� to b�t ne� � tlu� Lps�o�tat aNmribrd as csadin� and Ba.su� MisB28sZP'rI RIVEft a�D fra. naycon aw►an• to p�l� Doulava�d �wd BY3d� 6?,518, MARSRAtt AVB1�1B at Nissiasippi Biwr Do�tlward. Corpts+�ilfr*• ContYSCt L-7066. Citj► Praj lbs. 6�-B•Ot9�A 6 68•M- 0�90, Asbb�ah Cmnstruatic� CaP�aeq►s Cont�rtatos� l�aw psoorid�d faa !u � ��i!'ia+�tt��. �qAd i �REA�, It Lss 'b�a tound n��aaas�► �o malw tYw followi�g Addit�ona i ADOTPLOIt i troar� �ataoas x�k, owY ia�d +�ba�r� tta aopn at quu�atita►s bs�.w�n Hs,yt4n Av�u� �ud P�1�a ]�tlrn►�ar+d N�ssissippi Aiwyr Eon�r�ra�rd 10,3�0 aa. �ndr. Q $4.73 • $49,30�5.00 Total liddtti�on = $49,30�.00 a�,d i�lle, T1we tc►tal addi�ion is $44M30S.00, +�nd � t"�a�its#+oant c! �nbli� Works hst s�ed �i�h t'� ContractoY t.�at t� �aant a� �+4l.3t1S.O0 is t� dssa�at sum W bit �ddrd to �aid aa�ntraa�, tAm�vrf bt it u80L1Rn, T�t W� CiE� o! St. lanl tYq��h its City �t�� pips�vhrN th� i� �ddi�eas tr�ei�r in a�aosd��� �ith tl� �ailiaat�t #� t1�t � ot �4�„303.�f0. said a�o�ak ta b� ad�lid !o � 2�p wdt c�sl�sa�i�n aard !aa t8r can�taet, � u Cwip�toll�s's t�tttaat t.-�'�d� a�d �iah �at is !�o bi tin�ao�d f� 1470 Mwr�iaipal Stats A!a! l�n�rds. t��� L 8 �9�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co ' 9_ Yeas Naya ����°� Butler �— Apprnv� 18_ ���e �� Favor 11�e�it�t-- �,� Mayor sp�' A�t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� CIT`� OF SAIIVT P�i��, - DEP�RTP�NT OF PUBLIC WORK5 ^' €p- ,i�� !Y r��,�`-'i':� !'j�` t°" CONTRACT CH:?NGE AGREIIviEPJT 1V'0. 6 ''-'���� ���-s,G- PROJECT N0. 68-P-194A ,_,�, CdNTRACT N0. L-�-�86= CONTRACTOR Ashbach Const. C� PROJECT DESCRIPTION Gradin` & aavin�,�1ISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD - Daytion to Pelham In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the ba�is of payment and prices for items listed in th� changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additiona to,or deductions from, the ccntract. ADDITIONS Rer�ove excess rock, over and above the contract quantity, between Dayton Avenue and Pelham Blvd. on rYississippi River Eculevard 10,380 cu. yds. @ $4.75 = $49,305.00 The total above addition of $49,305.00 will be f inanced from 1970 Municipal State Aid Funds. � � ���? %� c,/ / -�'%'�r'����� / / �`� �9 �( -r---- Egii i�leiald & Associates, Tnc. � r---- s / , � _ �/-�--� � / ���'-1� !'.�.'���- '��""�-`� � 19 Ashbach Const�ction Co,,,� 19 ' /'� » _-._.-_._ / �ICA�JL�.�C�ZOka �:ngineer v % / Cor.tracto s.s`'� � p ' , � � � ' ,.- 7 � ��� ```�' ' ��..�� �-�" ���.-�•+ r'�'•l� 19� sy � ,-.--��-19�_ ..: , Chief Fsigineer �� .� ,��., � ',. ���.�...� �.r�,�r� .� �..:;� 19 �.�..� �..1 �� ' F� r'i,��'`�` 19 _ �- ..1��'�'��.:�.�.---�--- Co�missioner Co�rptrollery'►,�,,� �- ,. �l�-��-•�_._ Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To P.ccounti.r�g Div. To Comptroller To Construction Engineer