D001121White - City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canazy - Dept. Accounting Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor • No. D� I I Z I Date I � �� ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 • C� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Skyway System Painting (1966) Various Downtown Locations knownas�Contcact� ��a 1• WASCHE INTERIORS, INC. Contracta, is composed of the following: REPLACEMENT ICICLE MELTING CABLE Provide all tools, equipment, labor, coordination and incidentals necessary to remove non-working icicle melting cables from the underside of contract bridge�i39 (refer to specification location drawing); remove rust and prepare/prime underside of trusses at cable locations; and reinstall/secure approximately 315 linear feet of new icicle melting cable in its place using original retainer systems. All work to be performed and completed in a first class, professional manner in accordance with the specifications, all applicable codes, safety requirements, and the attached exhibits, etc; and further subject to: A. Satisfactory completion of all contract stipulations and covenants as a result of the aforementioned change and all work affected thereby; B. The rights of the City are not prejudiced; and C. All claims against the City related to or as a consequence of the afore- mentioned change are satisfied. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, tluough its Mayor approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the speei[ications in the sum of $3,741.24 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- P ��� 9�015456 sidetation named in the contract, known asfcontract L- , and which amount is to be financed from: Local (1966) Revolving Improvement Funds, 11116-26420-0271 APPROVED AS TO FORM �f-��,/ �. Y�.�, �� /- /�3 19 `11r A�sistant City Attorney 19 � � TddRCHR TNTRRT/1RC TN!' Administrative Assistant Lo the Mayor � J�i � I Z� P �Ianning�andEconomicDevelopment DATE �g��6 GREEN SH T 3 6 8 C� CONTACTPERSON&PHONE INITIA A INITIAVDAtE ��� M^* ��, ( ) �� �,,.Iti ��DEPARfMENT DIflECTOR � C17Y COUNdL u��.mY L ` �• RSSIGN CITYATTOFNEY /-/3 GITYCLEflK NUYBERFOR TBEONCAUNCILACaENDABY(DAT� p0U'fING BUDGETDIRECfO N.���E S NA OFDEA � MAYOR (OF ASSISTANn ' � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED: City sigoatm'es on the attached Contract Change Agreeme.nt No. 1 for Skyway System Painting (199� m CD Dislxid 17. RECAMMENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Rel� (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVIL SEqVICE COMMISSION �. Has tpis persoNfirm ever worked untler a coM2ct for Mis departmen[? _CIBCAMMffTEE �_RP_CMAN�VO YES NO �_ S7AFF _�]$ nwnePC 2. Has this pe�son/firm ever 6een a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _.Q' thPif m�t 3. Does this personNirm possess a skill not normally po55essetl by any curreM ciry empl0yee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Neighborhoods and Housiag Explafn all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiV (VJho, What, Whan, Where, Why)� Installakion of new icicle melting cables below the St. J�Pti's Skyway (over St. Peter Street between St Joseph's Hospital and the Scieuce Museum of Minnesota) as requested by and coordinated with acuoining buildiug owners/management. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: Previously bmken and inoperaUle icide melting cables wiR be replaced with uew worldng cables. ��" ���� 8a � JA� 1 �3 199� y � YJ ��J V� �..v L a's .�c.. G'4 r' � r [_ ° H DISADVANTACaESIFAPPpO�ED: �A������� RECEI�/ None Imown. �` � � ���'����197 �EC��v�o �z '��'rY c�ERK JAN 2 31997 �;f� �t�R� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Would likely result iu 6ighly unfavorabk publicity to the City/HRA and furtLer ezp�sure to potential lawsuits. � �� $ 3741.24 TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO VO � V tlL #k�1- —r/J FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER � l�L G R F� -! ItD Q FINANCIALMFORFnATION (EXPLAIN) � � ��� � �3