254296 . ����9s ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK CO CI TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul, by ordinance number 232974, has established the procedure to be used in conducting a Dutch elm disease control program for the City of St. Paul, and under such control program has listed those things determined to be a public nuisance when found within the. City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, The City Forester has indicated that conditions exist on the following properties that he believes to be a public nuisance: Property located at: Miscellaneous condition & Locatbn: 904 James Elm log - in back yard 77 Litchfield Elm stump - in front yard, still , must be stripped of all bark 540 So. Mississippi River Blvd. Elm logs - in back yard South side of Short Line tracks Elm brush and logs between Toronto & Osceola (Owned by Chicago-Milwaukee R.R.) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the conditions described by the City Forester on the above noted properties be @eclared a public nuisance and the City Forester is hereby authorized and directed to send out the proper notices and cause the nuisances to be �abated in accordance with procedures established in Section 5 of Ordinance No. 232974. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council VSY 2� �97�j,g_ Yeas Nays _ Butler MAY 2 8 197� Caxlson Appr ved 9` Levine ``"'" n Favor ]��e�ith Mayor Sprafka J Tedesco AB��St JUN 5 1971 PUBLISHED - Mr. Vice President Meredith � ! .DUPLICAT[TO lRIN7�It . �, CITY OF ST. PAUL RCOE NCIL ND �54�296 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED/r COMMISSIONER DATF W�SAS, Th� Coimcil of ths Citp o! st. Panl, b� oidin�nce a�■bsr 23�97�►, ha� atablish�d ths proc�dnra to ba ns�d in aandncting a Dut� als di��a�s �antrol psogra� !or tiu City of 8t. Fanl, ae�d tmd�r auab etantrol prograe has listad those thinaa d�tss�iaad to bs a pnblia n�dsancra whs�a lomd witbia th� Cit� of St. Yaul; aad iiBB�tBAB, The City �orabr has indietat�d that e:onditions �sist oa d�� foliaring propsrt3v tbat tie belisves to ba a publi� nuisances PsaaastY locat�d ats �e:ellantons condition � Loaadoas 904 Jaw S1� log - ia bact �ard �y Litchiiald Bls atnrp - ia front yard, still �nst be stripp�d o! all bark S40 So. Misaisaippi �tivar B1vd. Bla le>Ss - in back �ard South �ids of Sbort Lia� tracics s3a bzwh and logs b�t�esa Toranto � Os�eola (Onnad b� Chic.a�o--Mtlwa�ksi a.R.� NOfT, T�OBH, BS I? RESO�LVSD, That d�s conditions d�acribed by th� City Fvrest�r on ths above not�d propastia b� d�clar�d a public auiaanca a�d the Cit� ?orutes is hssybp authorissd astid dirsatad to �a�cl out ths p�apss notia�s and cause ths nuisanau to bs abatsd in acaordanct �rl.th proa�dns�s �atabliah�d tu Saction 5 of Ordinaace No. 232974. MAY 2 ? 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye Butier MAY 2 S 197i� Carlson ApprnvecL 18_. Levine Favor 11�e�e�itk-- Sprafka `� ��r Ag&fri8t Tedeaco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��