02-948Council File # _Q� � 9 � � Green Sheet # a'V ��� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To () Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individual to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. APPOINTMENTS Alberta Jackson The term of this individual shall expire November 30, 2003. da _ q�sG oeaazrMErrrro�ic�courica OATEINIMTEO — � • •� r� Office �0-9-02 GREEN SHEET No 202311 COPIrACT PERSpN 8, %iONE y�mylDm ' y�X1ylDaa Kurt Schultz 6-8512 3 mnm�rwFCra. ancaw. MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA7� OCtober 16, 2002 � 2❑ d ,,.� n ,�. ❑�,.� w��em cart RWi1NG � RIYICI�LiER0.1I1C.FSOR filillLLLfEMWACCfC �wvortlaeumsrxrt� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N RE�UESTED Approving the appointment of Alberta Jackson to the Mayor`s Advisory Committee on Aging. RECO MENDA ION Approve (A) or Reject (R) GERSONAL SERViCE CANiRACTS MUSTANSWEN THE FOLLOWING QUE57ION5: 1. Hasthis pe�nNfirm ever vrorketl under a contrad for thic department? PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. HasthispeisorJfrmeverbeenacilyemployee9 CIVILSERV{CECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this peisorufirm possess a sltill not nortnallypossessed by any curreM city employee� YES NO 4. I8 this pe'soNfirtn e taryHed vendoR YES NO E�lain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet antl aCach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Whyj ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCULL INFORMATION (p�WN) oa -q�t� (�`TTY �F' S`AIN'I' PA�. 390 Cin Hall TeZephone: 651-266-8510 RandyC.Ke[ly,Mayor ISWestKelloggBoulevard Facsimile:651-266-8513 Saint Pau7. MN 55102 To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor Date: October 9, 2002 RE: Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging Mayar Kelly has recommended the appointment of Alberta 7ackson to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging. The term of this appointment will expire on November 30, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual as well as the application for her appointment. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any quesrions regarding the appoinhnent. Attachments cc: Cathy Hare, Mayor's Advisory Committee on Aging Staff Person � , � ,OC' OJ10.iJU106 "� �^ y 10=i11 5f PrIUL, f4rlY0R'S OFF2CE Tht M(onesoeo Go.vtnmea[ Dass Practit-cr Act IMionr>oiu 6tuc�ac Chapcer U) aorcrn� cM1e CiiY'suse u( �6. ��.`o�nanon wncainad in this aypliia�ian. Sume af i6� tDEO(ID4010R 604Q11CI� fAI9 BpPII�9LIp0 f3 ptiYat< dau unJer �he ac[. Tn_ :cqu<ot<d inro�macioi willb� �ssd br ih. aypaiatinraul�ority �o carry ouc crc Clty'i c(Reiii apypin�mont ac.ponaiCil;iics. You are no� raquirtd [o pr��•ide an� ia[¢rcar,oc. Y.ow:.cr, fallure co in.+�u cnc a�pticaa�on Q�et�ions meye.une irc ¢ppoinnng �uvhociry ro ctjeci yuat Oyp�icution. The e�Jorny ol itema evnca:ned in jhi� ay�jiCnNOL �Ii publie, inclnding nemc. sdd�a�x, employmtn[, Swills, aein�ng oed exparicenr, yud cro zp:'a(ore syailal7e [o anyone reque.riny ii. TAe remslning It�ma un e!t apyticsiinv Cura ara clnuf fled •s yvvac<. Tne p*SV�ie e�:n ts iemlaDlt only :o yo� �na to o�Dtt pcegon9 Eo c6� City who, bacause u(work ex.isnmrnca, renaenaSty raqu�[c s:e<s3 ro�h; :nfe.m�hun. 1�ame ( P��,en�., ,Y3'1 nn..0 .__.. HJmeaddr�» Applicstion for Committee, Board, or Commission Please zewrn to biuk Engebreuon Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall � 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paut, MN 55 ] 02 Phonc:SSi-266-8533 Fax:b51-266-8513 oa-g�� Telephonrs(�e�_���_��,�� /oS/-/�i9-r��Da (o5'/-GS9'-o/!e� Pleu.<inelud.�iuCoCei iWq< da.< y E•msil nddress Planning District Council Preferred mailiQg address Occupation Plttce of emplo Employment nddreyx Commit�ee(s) applied for r.,�c u< 612 2£6 851� P.02�03 Ciry Coun`til Ward o2 W hat skillalcraining or experiezce do yuu po:sess foz tbe c�mmitcze(s) for which �ou seek 8pppiritmcas? Fage ] of2 --"��� �. i��.tr.v��t—f� . Q1l2002 01:35 6516590168 OC'-01-2002 10�02 Perso '�fame Addre Tcicg Pl.as� �ac�ua. A n.a. TY7IIC___ _'}�� S �address —��� Tzlephouzs ��/- Pleaiein<IUda.Atea Cedo. :`1 8 :IIG Addrt 1eSep Pieas� ....�.,... .., �o �..,.. NICOA ST PAUL MA"OR'S �ICE w ozk PAGE 03 612 266 �5!3 P.83iO3 O�.-9� o�F�� Have you had prcvious contact with the committce for which you aze making application? Ii so, whess, and undcr N Gac c;scumstaaoes? a tn an attempc to ensure thac commlicee represancation reflecfs tht makeup of our communi�y, pi.^nce check the box applieable to you. This information is atrie�ly e•ol�atsry. � Vlhitc (Caucasiaa) C, Hispanic ��Black (Africsn-Amariean) �.�sian or Paclfic Islaode� � Ame[icen Indian o[ Ala�tkan Eskino � Mele Female (��' �ate of birch �-/3- 35 � Disabled: �{ Yes No � !f >pecia; uccommodations arc needtd, please specify �j� Ho�v did you heat aboat this opcning? pa�e 2 of 2 Te'F�L P.23 Ceaca aome sore � ���_, Reasons for your incerest in tbis parcicular aommit[ae � �/��/ Q��,