02-943� � ` O Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Committee: Ddte as WxExEns , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are avaffable for appropriation $724,145 in funds in excess ot those esrimated in the 2002 budget; and Wi�xEns , Council FIle 277510, dated October 1,1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS , CouncIl File 281141, dated November 10,1953, did establish that Sewer Avaffability Chazge (SAC) revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer conshuction projects; and WxEREns , SAC revenues in excess of SAC expenses were received in 2001; and Wxexeas , Addi6onal spending authority is required to transfer Yhis amount to the Capital Projects Funds where construction payments will be properly disbursed; and WxExEas , This net 2001 SAC revenue over expense was closed to Sewer Utility retained eamings on December 31, 2001; and WHexEns , The Department of Public Works has Sewer Availability Charge funds to finance sewer rehabilitation projects in the Capital Improvement Program Budget; and WxexEns , Confracts have been awaxded to do this rehabilitation woxk in various areas of the Gty; and WxEREAS, This resolurion is intended to iransfer the SAC funding to the 1999, 2000 and 2002 Sewer Rehabffitation projects in the CIP budget; and WxExEns , The Mayor remmmends that the following additions be made to the 2002 budget; and Sewer Utilitv Enterprise Fund Financing Plan 260 Sewer Urility Enterprise Fund 9925 Use of IZetained Eamings All other Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget $4,571,207 $724,148 $5,295,355 1 S37 73 �0 $41.537.573 $46,408,750 $724,145 $47,132,928 Spendinq Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 260 Sewer L3tility Enterprise Fund 22217-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund $1,642,118 $724,148 $2,366,266 All other Spending the Same $44,766,662 � $44,766.662 Total Spending Plan $46,40S,7S0 $724,145 $47,132,928 Now, therefore, be it RESOCVEn , That the City Council adopts the above addirions to the 2002 budget. Page 1 of 3 Council File # 0'�+ 9 �"{ � RESOLUTION Green sheet # �o2a9s OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ` = ORIGI�IAL D�-9'-43 47 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVen , by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and 4S advice ot the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $724,145 is available for appropriaflon in the 1999- 49 2062 Capital Impxovement Budgets, as heietofoxe adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the 50 Improvement Budgets, in the following particulazs: 51 52 53 Cavital Imvmvement Budeeks 54 55 Financine Plan 56 2000 Major Sewer Repairs 57 C00-2T634 58 59 SSF 60 SAC 61 Tota] Financing Plan 62 63 Spendin Plan 64 2000 Major Sewer Repairs 65 C00-2T634 66 67 Consfruction 68 Total Spending Plan 69 70 71 Financin¢ Plan 72 1999 Major Sewer Repairs 73 C99-2T633 74 75 SSF 76 SAC 77 Total Financing Plan 7S 79 Spendin Plan SO 1999 Major Sewer Repairs 81 C99-2T633 S2 83 Construction 84 Total Spending Plan 85 86 Financina Plan 87 Highwood Sewers 88 C99-2A010 89 90 SSF 91 SAC 92 Total Financing Plan 93 94 Svending Plan 95 Highwood Sewers 96 C99-2A010 97 98 Consiruction 99 Total Spending Plan 100 101 102 Current Budget Change Amended Budget $556,343.40 $0.00 $556,343.40 �0 00 57 000.00 7 000.00 $556,343.40 $57,000.00 $613,343.40 Current Budget Change Amended Budget $556,343.40 $556,343.40 CurrentBudget 57 000.00 $613.343.40 $57,000.00 $613,343.40 Change Amended Budget $3,654,715.13 $0.00 $5,624,000.00 0.00 $294,000.00 294 000.00 $3,684,718.13 $294,000.00 $6,048,758.00 Current Budget Change Amended Budget $3.684,718.13 $294,000.00 $3,975,718.13 $3,684,718.13 $294,000.00 $3,978,718.13 Curient Budget Change Amended Budget $1,69S,68S.50 $0.00 $1,695,688.50 0.00 125 000.00 $125,000.00 $1,698,6SS.50 $125,000.00 $1,823,658.50 Curient Budget Change Amended Budget $1,698.658.50 $1,693,688.5Q Page 2 of 3 125 000.00 $1,823.688.50 $125,�OO.OQ $1,&23,6SS.5� � �R�IGI�(AL 103 104 10.5 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Financine Plan Local St. Alley & Sewer Impxov CO2-2T301 PIA Assessmenks SAC Total Financuig Plan �ending,Plan Local St. Alley & Sewer Improv CO2-2T301 Construction Total Spending Plan Financing Plan 2002 Sewer Rehabilitarion Program CO2-2T686 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Soendine Plan 2002 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO2-2T686 Constmction Total Spending Plan oa-9�3 Current Budget Change �130,000.00 $0.00 �410,000.00 �0.00 �0_00 �170,000.00 $540,000.00 $170,000.00 Current Budget Change $540.000.00 $540,000.00 $170.000.00 $170,000.00 Current Budget Amended Budget ^�130,000.00 $410,000.00 $170 000.00 $710,000.00 Amended Budget 710 000.00 $710,000.00 Change Amended Budget $5,737,000.00 $0.00 $5,737,000.00 � 7S 148.00 78 14$.00 $5,737,000.00 $78,145.00 $5,815,148.00 Cunent Budget Change Amended Budget $5,737.000.00 78148.00 $5,815,148.00 $5,737,000.00 $78,148.00 $5,815,145.00 dF.a3 �t. Pe[11 S.oz�4 4a�itsl I.a�ze;wsB:G-� �xdaet �o�lttee iecaiwen'Lz;s ra��ue:.E c,�. b Gl 1 2,1G Z. 9��d.A) . .,_ �x.c. �rra.-: ,inYc:�,r; Page 3 of 3 � ��P���a / . ��_. .._.__ - - - ��: d��� � � ..- --. Benanav B a e� Bostrom C'OI eman Harris Lantry Reiter Yeas ✓ ✓ ✓ � ✓ ✓ ✓ Absent ,� o � Adopted by Council: Date ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: Appi By: Requested by Department o : , Pu i �rks g�, be Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director: BY: ---���� 9i3�� Form Approved by City Attorney: ti � �=�o�� Jce Mueller, 266-6149, Paul Kurtz 266-6142 MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (GAiE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACiION REQUESTED �nbriooa I GREEN SHEET DEPARTMENiDIRECTOR � No. 102893� COUNCIL ASSIGN � � ❑ CITY ATTORNEV qry CLERK NIIMBFR PoR p ROIRING �FINANGIALSERVlGE501Fif�❑FINANGAISERV/ACCTG onnve Eric Willems ❑ 7 ❑ Acli✓�1y Manager MAYOR(ORASSISTANn ❑ 2 JJY J I SevrerlMliNMariaoer� DeoaArrentACCOUrRairt !' p � 7 �� 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Resolution transferring excess Se�aer Availability Chazae (SAC) revenues from unreserved retained eamings to Capital Projects Punds (C99, C00 and CO2) for sewer conshuc6on. RECOMMENDATIONS.Apprwe(A)orReject(R) �p=RSOAAiS[RJIC=_:O`trRACTSMUSTMISWE6TBeFpLLOWIt�Gt1UEST10NS: PLANNING COMMISSION QB COMMITTEE � CIVILSERVICEGOMMISSION A SewerUtilrtyStatf i. 4ao';�i:ne5crv'FirtneverworkMunde�amn!:actfo�this�!eparlmsnY+ ��,p�,��� (I YES NO [ ' \ / 2. Has th"s persoNfmm ever been a cM1y employee? Ld dP YES NO 3. OoesihisYES �� Np essaskillnanormallypossessedbyanycurremcrtyemployee'+ !^��C1 "1 O��1oa F7 r i<� uL A. Is Mis peSOrJiirtn a ta�9etetl ventlpR YES NO /Zj�� �' e Explain ail yes answers on uparate sheet anE anazh to green sheet Q!> INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPrJRTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`�: Since the 2001 Budget was adopted, additional spe�ling needs have arisen. This proposed amendment is in accordance with Council File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC expenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues exceeded SAC related spending by $724,148.00 during 2001. Funding is needed for addiuonal costs related to existing sewer projects to be completed in 2002 as follows: Additional 2000 Major Sewer Repair funding is required for work on projects at PascaWniversity and on Minnesota Street. Additiona] 1999 Major Sewer Repair funding is reguired for work on the Drake Stree[ Sewer Repair project for additional rip rap and sheet piling required at the outlet and because construction took place under flow condi6ons. . Addifiona] funding is required for the Highwood Sewer project because the original project scope did not provide funding for an additional lifr station. Additional funding is required in the I.ocal Street, Alley and Sewer Improvements project to provide financing for local improvements in the Wyoming/Concord Sanitary Sewer. The balance of SAC funds being transferred to Capital Projects on this resolution ($78,148.00) will be held in the Sewer Rehabilitation Projects activity for similaz situa6ons that may arise during the sucnmer conshuction season. Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be able to be used for sewer construction in accordance with City Council direc6on. The transfer of remauring SAC cash can be accomplished within the 2002 City Council adopted budget. g� nY^.��`!:a( i'l�vS��.E:`�:40', . None. )ISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. INFORMATION (EXPLP.IN) IOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ ��,148.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) yES No SOURGE 260-22269-991� pCTIVITY NUMBER 26�-22217, C99-2TS33 C99-2AO1Q C00-2T634, CO2-2T301 and CO2-2T686 1;� �